Hammered – an Ode to Mickey Spillane” - the 2022 Story Event Official Support Thread

LOL. Mickey Spillane the author is the one! All others are but chaff in the wind compared to his awe-inspiring noirness. Anyhow, it's the name everyone knows him as and it's on the covers of his books.....

Now, get writing!!!!
I might have something for the contest.
Finishing up a few that I have in the pipeline now.
I understand that.

It's still misleading information.

I KNOW it's not an intentional slight against the real Mickey Spillane though.

What are you talking about? There's nothing misleading about having a contest named after Mickey Spillane the author when that's the name he chose for himself.

It's like saying it's misleading to refer to Mark Twain as "Mark Twain" because his real name was Samuel Clemens. Uh, no. His pen name is Mark Twain. He chose it himself and that's how the vast majority of people knew him.

If you had a contest for "Frank Spillane" nobody would know what you were talking about. THAT would be misleading.

Almost nobody knows the Mickey Spillane you are talking about. I don't know anything about him. Like 99% of people, when I hear "Mickey Spillane" I think of the author.

There's nothing misleading at all about this.
Almost nobody knows the Mickey Spillane you are talking about. I don't know anything about him. Like 99% of people, when I hear "Mickey Spillane" I think of the author.

Absolutely. I'm sure there are others, but Micket Spillane the author is the only one I know. More than 225 million copies of his books have sold - that's a lot of readers who know who he is.
Absolutely. I'm sure there are others, but Micket Spillane the author is the only one I know. More than 225 million copies of his books have sold - that's a lot of readers who know who he is.
"Who the fuck is Micket Spillane, Chloe?"

"Dunno. I'll ask Frankie."
Did I butthurt some people
No. But you did make a bit of a fool of yourself.

Bonus though, I've now got a plot idea for another Mickey Spillane anthology story, The Case of the Mistaken Identity (thanks to Chloe).

Amusingly (I'm amused, anyway), my story last year had a character named Frankie, who did shitty deals with my protagonist's car. Maybe he ran Spillane Motors. I don't know, I didn't check the sign, it being dark when the tyres needed changing.

Also, I can write another cameo for Captain Simmons, from the (word) police - you know him, from further up.
No. But you did make a bit of a fool of yourself.

Bonus though, I've now got a plot idea for another Mickey Spillane anthology story, The Case of the Mistaken Identity (thanks to Chloe).

Amusingly (I'm amused, anyway), my story last year had a character named Frankie, who did shitty deals with my protagonist's car. Maybe he ran Spillane Motors. I don't know, I didn't check the sign, it being dark when the tyres needed changing.

Also, I can write another cameo for Captain Simmons, from the (word) police - you know him, from further up.
No, I simply pointed out that the name of the contest could be confusing to people who heard of the REAL ACTUAL PERSON, Mickey Spillane.

I truthfully don't give a flying figs fuck about the whole thing, just wanted to clear up the Subject Matter of the what the contest.

I'd never ever heard of the Author Frankie using the penname of Mickey Spillane.

Anyway, I look forward to submitting and reading the stories.
No, I simply pointed out that the name of the contest could be confusing to people who heard of the REAL ACTUAL PERSON, Mickey Spillane.
Well yes, but nobody's heard about your Mickey, we only know the writer guy. The quintessential nineteen forties and fifties noir writer guy :).
I did not finish my Geek Pride time travel story in time, but there is always next year. And the Lit Gods have fixed my scores, at least for now (Thank You).

However, I have finished a story that takes a cue from my favourite Noir Film.


The original "MacGuffin".

This is my second attempt at an erotic hard-boiled mystery. I wrote one a couple of years ago for the Summer Lovin' contest:

Just a Murder

(Kind of a parody)
I might not finish mine in time, but I'm having a blast making up the character names. "Bella Danger" could be my all-time favorite.
I did not finish my Geek Pride time travel story in time, but there is always next year. And the Lit Gods have fixed my scores, at least for now (Thank You).

However, I have finished a story that takes a cue from my favourite Noir Film.


The original "MacGuffin".

This is my second attempt at an erotic hard-boiled mystery. I wrote one a couple of years ago for the Summer Lovin' contest:

Just a Murder

(Kind of a parody)

I just read the book for the first time. For my money, it's the best noir detective novel I've read, although there are many good ones. It's got every noir theme you could possibly want. And yep, the falcon is one of the best MacGuffins. That gives me an idea: writing an erotic story with a MacGuffin. That would be an interesting challenge.

Probably my favorite noir film, too. It's a great adaptation of the book.

I'm trying to shoehorn a story for this event into my writing "schedule," which is, to say the least, fluid and always changing.
75% finished, maybe. Probably around 15,000 words, possibly in Novels and Novellas.

Thanks, Chloe, for your work on this.
Well, fellow writers, it's close to that July 1st date! My story is done, edited for grammar, just looking for a peer review if possible before then. How's your works going fer y'all?
Well, fellow writers, it's close to that July 1st date! My story is done, edited for grammar, just looking for a peer review if possible before then. How's your works going fer y'all?
Hmmm. Lengthy EB style opening scene written, the plot is mystery. Ruby has a sister, Dan knows sweet fa about art, but knows what he likes. What could go wrong in LA in the late forties? Lots, probably - but I got last year's entry in under pressure, so here's lookin' at ya, kid!
I started last year but couldn't finish, so I've been working on it again sporadically since Chloe announced the 2022 event. Now at 10K words and the halfway point, I have hope...and just over a month.

I just dropped by the library to pick up a few Spillane books for my two week vacation. I'll be busy writing once I knock those out. This will be fun.
Well, I'm working away on mine, but away for an extended weekend camping trip, so it'll have to wait until I get back to get finished.
I had an idea for this challenge, but with my soul-sucking-job schedule I probably won't finish it in time. Maybe I'll cut most of the plot and just write the naughty bits so I can submit something. It'll be a tragedy to waste a character name like "Knox Harder, Private Dick.":devilish:
Okay! July 1st I posted my tribute entitled 'Cum and Die with Me!' 28,800 words of Spillane-ish death, sex, death, and did I mention sex in three holes and by the way death and some humor? Nick Ramherhardt, the dick-tective, goes after bad guys, gets roughed up, goes after more bad guys, kills some, kissis one, and ... you get the picture.

Anyone else on board, yet? You have to July 17th to post!
I did not finish my Geek Pride time travel story in time, but there is always next year. And the Lit Gods have fixed my scores, at least for now (Thank You).

However, I have finished a story that takes a cue from my favourite Noir Film.


The original "MacGuffin".

This is my second attempt at an erotic hard-boiled mystery. I wrote one a couple of years ago for the Summer Lovin' contest:

Just a Murder

(Kind of a parody)
I submitted my story "The Trench Coat" a few minutes ago...
The first chapter of my story for the 2022 Spillane Challenge, "Vengeance Is Mine" Ch. 01, has been submitted and published. Enjoy.

By the way, I have a nice avatar that comes up on my dashboard, but does not show up here. How do I get it to show up here in the forum section? Thanks in advance.
Chloe, thanks again for sponsoring this. Though it's a lot different than originally planned, my story has been submitted at just under 15K words. With what I pared out of the current story, I already have about 8K words of a sequel set nearly 20 years later written for next year's event. (hint hint!)

EDIT: The story, Hammered: Big City, Dark Nights, has been accepted for publication in the Mature category on Friday, 7/8. It's a noir-type tale set in 1953 with a young police officer having to step outside the system to protect an older madam from a vengeful gangster.
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