
OK 250,000+ on my ignore list. Hey where did everyone go?

Can someone tell me how to shut off this feature? Anyone? I can't see what you said. I guess I willl need to wait for a newbie to come along to talk with. :(

Other than what WH said, I think it is a useless item. How ignorant can you be? I don't like you so I will ignore what you say.

Of course no one can read this, so who cares?

A7inchPhildo said:
OK 250,000+ on my ignore list. Hey where did everyone go?

Can someone tell me how to shut off this feature? Anyone? I can't see what you said. I guess I willl need to wait for a newbie to come along to talk with. :(

Other than what WH said, I think it is a useless item. How ignorant can you be? I don't like you so I will ignore what you say.

Of course no one can read this, so who cares?


FSTMN Phil. Tea on the monitor screen, coughing and gagging. Funniest post of the night. Svenska's okay, but I can't see the point of the ignore button.

I'm not even going to comment on Sher's homage to penises, because I just know she'd want a beard on it.
Don't be silly, G C. One beard per man is enough.

What ever happened to Phildo? Did he leave the forum? I always enjoyed his AVs. Beardless though they were.
oggbashan said:
Doesn't Svenskaflicka have *other* associations in Sweden. It is not just a nickname for a Swedish girl, is it?


It's what the beach-Casanovas in foreign countries call out to Swedish girls on holiday.

The association is that of the sexually free (read: wanton) Swedish woman.
whispering_surrender said:
Okay, you just completely skewed my whole mental image of you now.......All I can see is the scene from the movie......*laughs*

Whisp :rose:
Not too far off the mark at the moment. I'm acting in a play later this winter, and is supposed to be this hippie with full beard and long hair. So I'm saving up. :)
I have Han Schmitt. he was an inveterate flamer asshole, and I don't even know if he's still around.

I've put people on my ignore list when they just piss me off and conversation is pointless. I find it very hard to ignore printed material when it's in front ot me. I think it's easier on everyone if I just put them on ignore.

I have some people on ignore because I can't stand the look of the Av's. I spend a lot of time online with other people in the house. I don't want them seeing these Av's and I don't really want to look at them myself.

Re: Re: giggle

lewdandlicentious said:
Now who's being lewd Lorri dear?

That's MY domain, but you can have some if you like!
Dude, do you know who you are talking to? :rolleyes:
Ha Lorri

Ha Lorri, anyone seen her tonight, I could do with a mind fucking:devil: :D
Re: Ha Lorri

pop_54 said:
Ha Lorri, anyone seen her tonight, I could do with a mind fucking:devil: :D

hello you old bandit:devil: :D i'll give you mind fucking:D well i would but i'm off now, i have to get home to my hubby:devil:
Just have to resurrect this old thread because I just put someone on ignore. I should have done it a looongggg time ago but the person in question buggered off for a while and has only just ocme back to haunt one of my regular threads....I just decided today that I had had enough.

It's very liberating actually :)

That's intriguing!

Who was it?

Was it me? I seem to be on a few peoples ignore lists.

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lewdandlicentious said:

That's intriguing!

Who was it?

Was it me? I seem to be on a few peoples ignore lists.


Yes, I can see why.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Lewd no it wasn't you.....*L* and i don't think it's nice to say really....though I will say I don't like large sausages...and you might know who i mean*L*
Dirt Man said:
Yes, I can see why.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

Oh really!!!!!!!:D

Explain yourself young man!!!!!:D

English Lady said:
Lewd no it wasn't you.....*L* and i don't think it's nice to say really....though I will say I don't like large sausages...and you might know who i mean*L*

Yes, I can see why! Very tender isn't he!

Is your website still broke....being upgraded?? I can't get in.

Would you like a prior look at part 2, or would you like to wait until it's accepted, which probably means it'll have to be scaled down a bit?

Or both!
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As of yet no one has earned their way onto my ignore list. Even people I radically disagree with provide me with an opposing view point and it's probably worth reading what they have to say just to be exposed to that view. On the other hand I haven't really dealt with anyone thus far who was just trying to be a jerk, in which case I probably would ignore them.

English Lady said:
Just have to resurrect this old thread because I just put someone on ignore. I should have done it a looongggg time ago but the person in question buggered off for a while and has only just ocme back to haunt one of my regular threads....I just decided today that I had had enough.

It's very liberating actually :)

Now I'm so curious. I'm trying to think of persons who have buggered off for a while.

English Lady, you rarely post and when you do it's always interesting. Say some more stuff.

I'm putting you on my Say More Stuff list which is the opposite of Ignore. It's a new feature. I hope you don't mind. I think those of you with charming accents should post early and often (the way we vote, here in Florida).

I've made use of the other new feature (subscription required) which in place of an avatar gives a live webcam view of the author of the message you're reading. I've populated it almost entirely with female posters, the exceptions being: Rhino's shirt collar (including back of head) and Dirtman's fingernails.

Ok before I possibly offend anyone the person on my ignore list does not post here on the hangout :)

OK Shereads..I'll say more stuff? What kind of stuff exactly? I have alot of stuff to say but well I just don't like saying it too often incase people get bored of me!