Is The US Ready For An Invasion Of Eastern Europe?

He should worry more about Chinese designs on Siberia.

What you say is true. If China invades Siberia Russia will benefit from Western assistance.

My main concern is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. I love the Chinese people and Chinese culture. Taiwan threatens the Communist dictatorship on the mainland because it shows what the Chinese can achieve with a democrat government.
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What you say is true. If China invades Siberia Russia will benefit from Western assistance.

My main concern is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. I love the Chinese people and Chinese culture. Taiwan threatens the Communist dictatorship on the mainland because it shows what the Chinese can achieve with a democrat government.

They will make China bleed blood and prestige if they invade.
Why don't you guys just fuck off to Burkina Faso?

We aren't the ones who have a problem with the USA and want to turn it into some "Up is down, peace is war and men are women!!" loony toonz land.

So why don't YOU...fuck off to BF??
Now ReichGuide is in denial about Russia celebrating, and ridiculing the United States for the ease in which they interfered in the 2016 election and convinced low education "Americans" to vote for Putin's puppet.

Anyone who voted for Putin's puppet will carry that shame with them for the rest of their lives.

P.T. Barnum would have loved Deplorables.


So is it true that Germany intentionally blocked US's/or NATO's weapons from being transported to Ukraine?

That's what I read on
They were v. critical of Merkel (traitor whatever),
but who could blame her?
The well-being of her people comes first, they need gas from Russia.
So is it true that Germany intentionally blocked US's/or NATO's weapons from being transported to Ukraine?

That's what I read on
They were v. critical of Merkel (traitor whatever),
but who could blame her?
The well-being of her people comes first, they need gas from Russia.

That's what I've heard. It wouldn't be unreasonable to suggest the new German leadership might find itself more aligned with the interests of Russia now that they are going to be dependent on Russia for their natural gas. The German military is a laughingstock in Europe.

"In 2014, a German battalion on a Nato exercise in Norway was forced to use a painted broomstick to simulate a gun because it didn’t have a real one. Nearly half the soldiers involved in the exercise could not be issued with pistols."

The truth of the status of Germany's armed forces is that they, for all practical purposes, are incapable of defending their nation. The Germans are a joke, and I suspect highly susceptible to political capitulation to the supremacy of Putin's influence.
Here are some cogent thoughts of Tim Willasey-Wilsey who served for over 27 years in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He is now Visiting Professor of War Studies at King's College, London:

Putin’s Risky Options in Ukraine

EXPERT PERSPECTIVE — It is still more probable than not that Russian President Vladimir Putin will employ military force in the coming weeks. He is not going to obtain sufficient diplomatic concessions from the United States and NATO. He cannot keep his large army mobilised in mid-winter indefinitely and he may wish to seize the moment when the West looks weak and divided after the Afghan fiasco. And with an energy crisis in Europe, Putin may calculate that the European appetite for harsh sanctions against Moscow will diminish when the implications for gas supplies becomes obvious.

The Russian President’s primary objective seems to be to return Ukraine to the Russian sphere of influence or, failing that, to reduce its viability as a threat to Russia.

Putin’s dream option would be a variation on recent Kazakh events. Local disturbances in Kiev would lead to a request from “patriotic forces” for Russia’s assistance. In the absence of a Tokayev figure, the Russians would have to persuade someone senior in Kiev to issue the request; a union leader, oligarch or even a cabinet minister. That should not be beyond the capabilities of the local GRU and SVR Residents to arrange. In his dreams, Putin’s troops would then enter peacefully badged as CSTO “peacekeepers”. In reality, he must know they would have to fight their way in.

The Northern Option

Thanks to “joint exercises” with Belarus, Russia now has forces just 240 miles due north of Kiev. This provides the option of a quick dash to the Ukrainian capital to remove the Zelensky government and install a pro-Kremlin candidate. Such an operation would be reminiscent of the successful invasion of Afghanistan at Christmas 1979, when Soviet troops took Kabul within 3 days and installed Babrak Kamal as president. The operation involved 25,000 troops and 280 transport aircraft and went like clockwork.

Such a dash to Kiev might be possible. Most of Ukraine’s hardened troops are deployed in the east of the country. The Russians would soon establish complete air dominance. However, Kiev is not Kabul. It is a large modern city and the Ukrainians might well fight for it street by street. The Zelensky government is less popular than it once was but it is unlikely to crumble. Even if a puppet regime could be installed, what then?

More here:
So is it true that Germany intentionally blocked US's/or NATO's weapons from being transported to Ukraine?

That's what I read on
They were v. critical of Merkel (traitor whatever),
but who could blame her?
The well-being of her people comes first, they need gas from Russia.

It's worse, or weirder. Germany blocked Estonia from transferring Russian guns to Ukraine. Guns of little more than junk value.

The talk is about ~120 or so towed 122mm artillery pieces along with some ammo. Those are Russian guns once upon a time laying around in East Germany, after unification given to Finland and then to Estonia, but Germany still hold authority ower those weapons as country of origin, and have suddenly swallowed a stick on principle that they don't provide weapons to active conflict zones. They gave Ukrainians a field hospital instead, and if I not mistaken, there was a shipment of body armor last year.

Then, frankly the utility of those particular guns on modern battlefield can be seen as rather dubious, as is quality of that long stored amo stock, and Ukrainians themselves have the caliber almost -- but not yet completely -- fazed out themselves. Those are towed guns. Estonians are now building robot tankettes and have no use of them, while Ukrainians might find a use, I guess, at least Ukrainian regional defense paramilitary could hide them somewhere around and get a few shots off before they're mopped up.
It's worse, or weirder. Germany blocked Estonia from transferring Russian guns to Ukraine. Guns of little more than junk value.

The talk is about ~120 or so towed 122mm artillery pieces along with some ammo. Those are Russian guns once upon a time laying around in East Germany, after unification given to Finland and then to Estonia, but Germany still hold authority ower those weapons as country of origin, and have suddenly swallowed a stick on principle that they don't provide weapons to active conflict zones. They gave Ukrainians a field hospital instead, and if I not mistaken, there was a shipment of body armor last year.

Then, frankly the utility of those particular guns on modern battlefield can be seen as rather dubious, as is quality of that long stored amo stock, and Ukrainians themselves have the caliber almost -- but not yet completely -- fazed out themselves. Those are towed guns. Estonians are now building robot tankettes and have no use of them, while Ukrainians might find a use, I guess, at least Ukrainian regional defense paramilitary could hide them somewhere around and get a few shots off before they're mopped up.

Weird indeed....

Could it be --besides vital interests: gas via Nordstrom 2-- that Germany doesn't want it's name put on yet another war?
They have a bad name to start with, Nazis and so on.

And Paul_Chance reminded us --- read his post, it has other interesting points too--
that during ww2, Nazi Germany invaded Russia, nevermind that Ukraine was an ally of Germany, and some Ukrainians acted as guards in Nazi holocaust concentration camps.

Is Germany's attitude towards the regional European conflict specific to this situation, or has Germany been generally reluctant to join US military aggression in Middle East.

Not that I'm with Russia, but an international war is the last thing Europe needs.
Russia would have the backup of China too.
No major countries are invading another major country ever again. It's fool's work to think otherwise.

You know why? Because your dumbass wouldn't be reading this.
Weird indeed....

Could it be --besides vital interests: gas via Nordstrom 2-- that Germany doesn't want it's name put on yet another war?
They have a bad name to start with, Nazis and so on.

And Paul_Chance reminded us --- read his post, it has other interesting points too--
that during ww2, Nazi Germany invaded Russia, nevermind that Ukraine was an ally of Germany, and some Ukrainians acted as guards in Nazi holocaust concentration camps.

Is Germany's attitude towards the regional European conflict specific to this situation, or has Germany been generally reluctant to join US military aggression in Middle East.

Not that I'm with Russia, but an international war is the last thing Europe needs.
Russia would have the backup of China too.
Cooler heads in Germany have apparently prevailed. They are now on board with the rest of Nato.
Well nobody wants a true war in Europe. This is a "and this to shall pass." sort of things. Its horrible but not worth the risk in many minds. Which really comes down to do we believe that Putin would nuke another country. Like under any non retalitory way?
Well nobody wants a true war in Europe. This is a "and this to shall pass." sort of things. Its horrible but not worth the risk in many minds. Which really comes down to do we believe that Putin would nuke another country. Like under any non retalitory way?
Nobody but Russia. But just the same, while all eyes are on Ukraine, we need to stick an armored brigade in the Suwalki Gap like right now.
And escalate the situation? For now staying steady seems wise. Sanctions aren't something that immediately change a situation. You need to give it at minimum another week or two. So many businesses are cutting ties and we would be wise to encourage them to ease back once Russia stops being agressive. It needs to be a serious deterrent. People love their sports.
We hung around until pearl harbor before smacking Hitler down.

If they step into NATO territory, we will go in as we should.