Joe Biden Embarrassing Our Country Abroad

Policies and political parties aside, he is becoming steadily an embarrassment not just overseas, but at home, IMO. Add in his re-writing history of what happened in his past, such as being at ground zero the day after or equating Maui fire to his kitchen fire is sad.

All dipshits like you will accomplish, is fracturing the Democratic Party even more, and creating the path for a second, and likely fatal to democracy, second Drumpf administration.

That ^ is why I suspect you are actually a Russian operative.

No American could be so willfully ignorant to the right wing authoritarian threat posed by the MAGAts, and the need for unity among all freedom loving Americans.


One thing is for sure that stupid dunce didn't watch one minute of the coverage of Joe Biden in Vietnam.
Research his background, Alveda King has said this about MLK:

Alveda King, stated: "I just want to share with you a little bit about my family and my history. My uncle Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during his lifetime was a Republican, as was my father, his brother, Rev. A. D. King, and my grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King Sr."

Now the left has tried to debunk this but Alveda King has never disavowed her words. There is some logic here. It was Southern Democrats who were oppressing black Americans with Jim Crow laws and segregation. It stands to reason an educated man like MLK would not be supporting the very people who were subjugating his people. Recall it was the Republicans who ended the institution of slavery, It was the Republicans who passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments and elected the first black Americans to the House and Senate decades before the Democrats did.

That makes sense during his time the republican party was still the party of Lincoln it wasn't until the Civil rights act passed that the parties switched positions and all the racist southern democrats became Republicans.
I certainly don't get the impression that most foreign governments find working with Biden is embarrassing--especially when compared with what they exhibited they viewed working with Trump. Thread is just built on a false premise.
That's because he's a pushover.
Fauci lied to Trump about Covid.

The entirety of Joe's personal recollection of his life is full of well documented lies. I'm disgusted that you think Joe belongs anywhere except a structured care facility for people in final stage dementia. The fact that you don't tells me you have no compassion for your fellow man in general or the health and safety of the American people. The Speaker of The House just announced an impeachment inquiry against the President. It's long overdue.

The problem for me in answering posts like these is that they are filled with sooooooo many speculative BS. A Gish Gallup of lies that take way too long to answer.
So, instead, it’s more productive for me to call you accurate derogatory names and to mock.

You’re here spitting out your mouth the diarrhea of compassion when you’re an unapologetic racist. You know nothing of American patriotism.

Good luck with that impeachment.
Me and my libtard friends can’t wait for the House repubs and their Q&A.
That makes sense during his time the republican party was still the party of Lincoln it wasn't until the Civil rights act passed that the parties switched positions and all the racist southern democrats became Republicans.
That is not true at all. The black vote started going Democrat in the 30s when FDR:

"The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which aided construction along the Tennessee River, was adored by southern Democrats, as was the New Deal provision that jobs typically performed by blacks be excluded from federal benefits. The National Industrial Recovery Act and the Civilian Conservation Corps were essentially segregated benefits for whites. FDR’s administration denied loans to black families seeking homes in white areas.

Some New Deal programs benefited black Americans, who were among the hardest hit during the Great Depression, and thus, caused them to switch parties. By 1936, 75 percent of blacks became Democrats, whereas pre-1936, 90 percent of blacks voted Republican. Democrats were dumbfounded: how had they gotten so lucky as to gain the trust of the people they were hoping to oppress? Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

This is the problem modern Republicans are facing. Democrats have been using and manipulating entire races for nearly a century. For them, lying about their history while simultaneously gaslighting the American public is a walk in the park.

The merits of the second President Roosevelt’s administration can be debated, but regardless of where you stand on his individual actions, the fact still remains: the darling of modern progressivism didn’t blink at giving Klansmen high positions in his administration. He systematically aided a platform party shift which has doomed minority communities since 1936, and given way to the culture of identity politics we’re subjected to today."

The whole article here:
Research his background, Alveda King has said this about MLK:

Alveda King, stated: "I just want to share with you a little bit about my family and my history. My uncle Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during his lifetime was a Republican, as was my father, his brother, Rev. A. D. King, and my grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King Sr."

Now the left has tried to debunk this but Alveda King has never disavowed her words. There is some logic here. It was Southern Democrats who were oppressing black Americans with Jim Crow laws and segregation. It stands to reason an educated man like MLK would not be supporting the very people who were subjugating his people. Recall it was the Republicans who ended the institution of slavery, It was the Republicans who passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments and elected the first black Americans to the House and Senate decades before the Democrats did.

What state do you live in?
What was your opinion on granting MLK a national holiday?
Policies and political parties aside, he is becoming steadily an embarrassment not just overseas, but at home, IMO. Add in his re-writing history of what happened in his past, such as being at ground zero the day after or equating Maui fire to his kitchen fire is sad.
He disgraced himself and his office with that load of crap.
That is not true at all. The black vote started going Democrat in the 30s when FDR:

"The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which aided construction along the Tennessee River, was adored by southern Democrats, as was the New Deal provision that jobs typically performed by blacks be excluded from federal benefits. The National Industrial Recovery Act and the Civilian Conservation Corps were essentially segregated benefits for whites. FDR’s administration denied loans to black families seeking homes in white areas.

Some New Deal programs benefited black Americans, who were among the hardest hit during the Great Depression, and thus, caused them to switch parties. By 1936, 75 percent of blacks became Democrats, whereas pre-1936, 90 percent of blacks voted Republican. Democrats were dumbfounded: how had they gotten so lucky as to gain the trust of the people they were hoping to oppress? Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

This is the problem modern Republicans are facing. Democrats have been using and manipulating entire races for nearly a century. For them, lying about their history while simultaneously gaslighting the American public is a walk in the park.

The merits of the second President Roosevelt’s administration can be debated, but regardless of where you stand on his individual actions, the fact still remains: the darling of modern progressivism didn’t blink at giving Klansmen high positions in his administration. He systematically aided a platform party shift which has doomed minority communities since 1936, and given way to the culture of identity politics we’re subjected to today."

The whole article here:

This is rich coming from a person who is AGAIN a racist.
1) this isn't happening
1a) and it won't happen
2) you didn't need the apostrophe in echelons

The inquiry is performative for sucker schnooks like you to clap for them thinking they're doing something.
I would replace the word performative with informative, unfortunately that won't help you. Physical blindness is excusable, willful blindness is an extension of ignorance.
It won't go anywhere because there is no evidence of any wrongdoing and will run out the clock with media noise until the election.
There is a ton of compelling circumstantial evidence, but when the DOJ, FBI and US prosecutors obstructs any kind of investigation, running a protection racket for the incompetent one you loons shouldn't take that as lack evidence, more like obstruction of justice.
Three cheers for your tax dollars going to waste on your party's stooges, Scat-man. :ROFLMAO:
Drop in the bucket compared to the tax dollars wasted on Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller investigation, two sham Pelosi impeachments, a kangaroo J/6 committee, 4 sham state and federal indictments, quite comical you should be soooo concerned about tax payer money. 🤣 The entire democratic party is a cesspool of corruption initiated by the Obama crime Syndicate. :eek:
That is not true at all. The black vote started going Democrat in the 30s when FDR:

"The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which aided construction along the Tennessee River, was adored by southern Democrats, as was the New Deal provision that jobs typically performed by blacks be excluded from federal benefits. The National Industrial Recovery Act and the Civilian Conservation Corps were essentially segregated benefits for whites. FDR’s administration denied loans to black families seeking homes in white areas.

Some New Deal programs benefited black Americans, who were among the hardest hit during the Great Depression, and thus, caused them to switch parties. By 1936, 75 percent of blacks became Democrats, whereas pre-1936, 90 percent of blacks voted Republican. Democrats were dumbfounded: how had they gotten so lucky as to gain the trust of the people they were hoping to oppress? Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

This is the problem modern Republicans are facing. Democrats have been using and manipulating entire races for nearly a century. For them, lying about their history while simultaneously gaslighting the American public is a walk in the park.

The merits of the second President Roosevelt’s administration can be debated, but regardless of where you stand on his individual actions, the fact still remains: the darling of modern progressivism didn’t blink at giving Klansmen high positions in his administration. He systematically aided a platform party shift which has doomed minority communities since 1936, and given way to the culture of identity politics we’re subjected to today."

The whole article here:

Honestly, and this is to my liberal friends on the Left, I don’t know why any of us wastes time debunking for the billionth time this tired talking point picked up and ran with by the likes of Prager U.

I wish that from the start of this historical view that glaringly omits key points that folks considered it for what it always has been - a racist interpretation that appeases only those who are racist.

Whenever I see this argument made. I accept it and the person making it for what they are and move on knowing exactly what I’m dealing with.
Research his background, Alveda King has said this about MLK:

Alveda King, stated: "I just want to share with you a little bit about my family and my history. My uncle Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during his lifetime was a Republican, as was my father, his brother, Rev. A. D. King, and my grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King Sr."

Now the left has tried to debunk this but Alveda King has never disavowed her words. There is some logic here. It was Southern Democrats who were oppressing black Americans with Jim Crow laws and segregation. It stands to reason an educated man like MLK would not be supporting the very people who were subjugating his people. Recall it was the Republicans who ended the institution of slavery, It was the Republicans who passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments and elected the first black Americans to the House and Senate decades before the Democrats did.

Yeah I've always wondered what was wrong with that woman. He died before the parties flipped souls. He was starting to lean left economically and the government was like "Wait , black rights was bad enough but proving our economics is bad? NOPE.

He would never in a million years vote Right.

I suppose it’s time to remind ineedhelp1 about how successful and productive ALL the Democrat promoted investigations were.

And also, that Robert Murller’s Russia investigation paid for itself.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Yeah I've always wondered what was wrong with that woman. He died before the parties flipped souls. He was starting to lean left economically and the government was like "Wait , black rights was bad enough but proving our economics is bad? NOPE.

He would never in a million years vote Right.
You don't know what your talking about. The parties flipped in the 30s-40s you dummy.
I would replace the word performative with informative, unfortunately that won't help you. Physical blindness is excusable, willful blindness is an extension of ignorance.

There is a ton of compelling circumstantial evidence, but when the DOJ, FBI and US prosecutors obstructs any kind of investigation, running a protection racket for the incompetent one you loons shouldn't take that as lack evidence, more like obstruction of justice.

Drop in the bucket compared to the tax dollars wasted on Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller investigation, two sham Pelosi impeachments, a kangaroo J/6 committee, 4 sham state and federal indictments, quite comical you should be soooo concerned about tax payer money. 🤣 The entire democratic party is a cesspool of corruption initiated by the Obama crime Syndicate. :eek:

So many lies in this that I only care to address 1.
The Mueller investigation didn’t cost taxpayers a dime. It brought in income to the United States through assets seized.
You don't know what your talking about. The parties flipped in the 30s-40s you dummy.

Don’t argue back.
He’s a racist. Accept it as he does.
Instead ask him if he supports the taking down of confederate monuments or supported/celebrates MLK day.
Don’t argue back.
He’s a racist. Accept it as he does.
Instead ask him if he supports the taking down of confederate monuments or supported/celebrates MLK day.

He can’t (none of them will) and won’t answer which of the 2 parties, post 1967 or 1930 or wtf revision he’s claiming, fought against the MLK holiday and opposes taking down monuments to traitors to this country.
There is a ton of compelling circumstantial evidence
Translation: "I got feelings on this."

No receipts, no payout. Hope you enjoy the empty show you paid for.

but when the DOJ, FBI and US prosecutors obstructs any kind of investigation, running a protection racket

Always the secret hidden boogeymen in the back. Always the Star Chambers, the Deep State players, the Obama and Clinton shadow governments, the Svengalis and the Amazing Kreskins just preventing things.

Always excuses.

I suppose it’s time to remind ineedhelp1 about how successful and productive ALL the Democrat promoted investigations were.

And also, that Robert Murller’s Russia investigation paid for itself.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

The justice system hijacked and used as an extension of the corrupt Democratic Party characterized as successful is the epitome of corruption. It will take a major cultural shift from progressive marxism back to constitutional norms where equal protection under the law, equal application of the law once again becomes the norm.
It will take a major cultural shift from progressive marxism back to constitutional norms where equal protection under the law, equal application of the law once again becomes the norm.
When was that?

Trying to educate ineedhelp1 is obviously an exercise in futility.

It does still serves to mock ineedhelp1’s ignorance, though.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

The justice system hijacked and used as an extension of the corrupt Democratic Party characterized as successful is the epitome of corruption. It will take a major cultural shift from progressive marxism back to constitutional norms where equal protection under the law, equal application of the law once again becomes the norm.

What part of the Constitution is against Marxism specifically. Cus you're mostly making a solid case for why we need more Marxism.
It will take a major cultural shift from progressive marxism
There it is! He used his latest catchphrase!


I knew it was coming sooner or later! :D