Joe Biden Embarrassing Our Country Abroad

Translation: "I got feelings on this."

No receipts, no payout. Hope you enjoy the empty show you paid for.

Always the secret hidden boogeymen in the back. Always the Star Chambers, the Deep State players, the Obama and Clinton shadow governments, the Svengalis and the Amazing Kreskins just preventing things.

Always excuses.
Hatred for Trump is the delusional democratic platform for the rule of law. What's sad is how low the bar is set by Biden's administrative state. Merrick Garland holds the aces but not forever.
There it is! He used his latest catchphrase!


I knew it was coming sooner or later! :D
I stand corrected, progressive Marxist globalist. Way to keep your head buried in the sand.
Biden raises the bar, not to where it should be, but Congress is a huge problem that makes any judgement against a president good or bad completely unfair.
Hatred for Trump is the delusional democratic platform for the rule of law.
Yeah, it's deffo the sads when your team's big boy is facing consequences for his actions.

but that's what happens when you play stupid games.


I stand corrected, progressive Marxist globalist. Way to keep your head buried in the sand.
Progressive Marxist Globalist
Marxist Globalist Progressive
Globalist Progressive Marxist
Marxist Progressive Globalist
Progressive Globalist Marxist
Globalist Marxist Progressive

words are fun!

Translation: "I got feelings on this."

No receipts, no payout. Hope you enjoy the empty show you paid for.

Always the secret hidden boogeymen in the back. Always the Star Chambers, the Deep State players, the Obama and Clinton shadow governments, the Svengalis and the Amazing Kreskins just preventing things.

Always excuses.
Yeah, it's deffo the sads when your team's big boy is facing consequences for his actions.

but that's what happens when you play stupid games.


Progressive Marxist Globalist
Marxist Globalist Progressive
Globalist Progressive Marxist
Marxist Progressive Globalist
Progressive Globalist Marxist
Globalist Marxist Progressive

words are fun!

Biden’s DOJ equates to some bimbo let loose with a charge card screaming from the top of her lungs *CHARGE IT!* Sooner or later the available balance will go to zero.

I wonder how much longer before these blue democratically run shit holes demand Biden and his son be loaded on a garbage scow and shipped off to China.
Biden’s DOJ equates to some bimbo let loose with a charge card screaming from the top of her lungs *CHARGE IT!* Sooner or later the available balance will go to zero.

I wonder how much longer before these blue democratically run shit holes demand Biden and his son be loaded on a garbage scow and shipped off to China.

Your feelings are noted, my guy. very very strong feelings.

maybe get outside, touch some grass if it's not raining. elevate your mood cycle a notch before the negativity ruins your day. ;)

Here's the Vietnam Tweet Biden's Comms Team Had to Delete for Obvious Reasons​

Matt Vespa | September 12, 2023 7:30 AM

President Joe Biden has wrapped his tour of Asia. The president visited India and Vietnam to solidify trade ties, among other things. The five-day tour did run up against the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Biden would be unable to attend any of the memorial ceremonies stateside, opting to commemorate America’s deadliest terror attack on a military base in Alaska. Past presidents have usually visited one of the three sites of the attack. He also lied during that speech—Biden was never at ground zero.

Now, the president doesn’t control his social media accounts. Seldom does a politician operate their own account at this level. Obama did occasionally, marked by a “BO” after the post, but this tweet posted during Biden’s Vietnam visit was an all-around embarrassment for the White House communications team. It seems no one knew who Biden was shaking hands with after a productive meeting with Vietnamese officials.

More here;

The beat goes on.
So in short absolutely nothing.
No, in short, your question is so obtuse as to preclude the need for an answer. Marxists are trying to curtain speech rights, gun rights, religious rights, etc. insured by the Bill of Rights. They are also trying to undermine the entire Constitution because they are true enemies of America and the American system that precludes their complete control.
No, in short, your question is so obtuse as to preclude the need for an answer. Marxists are trying to curtain speech rights, gun rights, religious rights, etc. insured by the Bill of Rights. They are also trying to undermine the entire Constitution because they are true enemies of America and the American system that precludes their complete control.
Gods I hate your morons. You want to fight over semantics so everyday we have to give you a college level course on economics and history instead simply meeting you where you are and asking you to explain why you think americans should be kept poor.

Your feelings are noted, my guy. very very strong feelings.

maybe get outside, touch some grass if it's not raining. elevate your mood cycle a notch before the negativity ruins your day. ;)
Biden’s apparatchik Merrick Garland through his overt obstructive behavior has slovenly provided protection for a criminal enterprise. Garland and Wray have done more damage to our institutions than Trump could ever do in two terms. LA, SF and NYC are powder kegs.
Gods I hate your morons. You want to fight over semantics so everyday we have to give you a college level course on economics and history instead simply meeting you where you are and asking you to explain why you think americans should be kept poor.
Are you better off financially today than 4 years ago? Are our cities better off today than 4 years ago? Do citizens trust our institutions more today than 4 years ago? Do our citizens believe our immigration policy is more effective today than 4 years ago?
Are you better off financially today than 4 years ago? Are our cities better off today than 4 years ago? Do citizens trust our institutions more today than 4 years ago? Do our citizens believe our immigration policy is more effective today than 4 years ago?

I wonder why you would ask questions that each can be answered in the affirmative with data to back up as well when you could’ve Fox framed your questions into something harder to reply to by adding “Some people say,”
Are you better off financially today than 4 years ago? Are our cities better off today than 4 years ago? Do citizens trust our institutions more today than 4 years ago? Do our citizens believe our immigration policy is more effective today than 4 years ago?
MUCH better off. I don't have the kind of money to do a country wide drive so I have no clue. Citizens don't trust because of people like you NewsMax Oan but it goes so much so much farther. One party has torn down any faith in the media so much that it puts the nation in danger. No our citizens do not believe our immigration policy is more effective despite it being stronger to the point that I would support impeaching Biden as a war criminal.

Your argument that people are stupid as shit isn't the flex you think it is.
The endless insufferable questions and links with no sources or hack partisan takes…

It’s like we are in school and we’re both the teacher and the smart kid surrounded by dummies who we have to look up answers for, assign credible study material, or show em the correct answers off our papers only to have them still fail and be given a Dunce cap.

Nearly 3/4 Republicans want McConnell out of Senate leadership: poll​

"I’m going to finish my term as leader and I’m going to finish my Senate term," he said earlier this month.

More here:
I'm not a politician. I have no political ambitions. I don't think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses. And I'm not inextricably bound to either party. I'm not concerned about telling you what party to vote for.
--Martin Luther King Jr., 11 February 1958

Also, Georgia didn't have partisan voter registrations in those days, so even if he identified with either party, he wouldn't have been officially a member of it.
No they flipped after the Civil Right movement. Please stop proving you literally never read a history book
We've been down this road before. They don't understand the parties can switch sides on different issues at different times. (Remember when BoBo said if the Dems get credit for the civil rights laws because the parties flipped, then we have to give the Republicans credit for the New Deal? That is the level of intellectual ability you're dealing with here!)
More irrelevant banter from a chicken shit keyboard warrior, I think it’s time for your million word checkup.

You’re so filled with self importance but lack self awareness. Narcissist.
Awwwww… doesn’t match what you have been told over and over is “the truth” by a network sued over and over for lying and they have paid up.

You would like with your “security clearance” you would KNOW something. Clearly, you got nothing, as always.

Awareness is what most of us are trying to help you with, but only guessing your skull is just that much thicker… doesn’t allow proper learning.

At some point you will figure it out.
You don't know what your talking about. The parties flipped in the 30s-40s you dummy.
So you are the arbiter of who knows what hey are talking about… that’s comical.

Please do continue with the parties flipping but you doubling down on “it’s always been the Dems…”

We will wait. (As you slowly realize….)