Joe Biden Embarrassing Our Country Abroad

And I’ve read enough of your crap to know you’re an idiot.
It’s skeptical you have read enough anything. You are soooooo “good” and getting down to the issue, when just being your core racist MAGA self is what comes out each time.

So funny watching you claim to be the knowledgeable one, when you are the furthest thing from it. Even when facts are presented you can’t work logically around them and you resort to elementary knee jerk reactions.

Always fun, but sad, watching you and your “security clearance” here on the boards.
It’s skeptical you have read enough anything. You are soooooo “good” and getting down to the issue, when just being your core racist MAGA self is what comes out each time.

So funny watching you claim to be the knowledgeable one, when you are the furthest thing from it. Even when facts are presented you can’t work logically around them and you resort to elementary knee jerk reactions.

Always fun, but sad, watching you and your “security clearance” here on the boards.
More irrelevant banter from a chicken shit keyboard warrior, I think it’s time for your million word checkup.

You’re so filled with self importance but lack self awareness. Narcissist.
More irrelevant banter from a chicken shit keyboard warrior, I think it’s time for your million word checkup.

You’re so filled with self importance but lack self awareness. Narcissist.
lol, ican't needs to take time and do some deep inner reflecting on what he perceives as reality .Maybe then he will see how he has been "brainwashed".
lol, ican't needs to take time and do some deep inner reflecting on what he perceives as reality .Maybe then he will see how he has been "brainwashed".
FUZZYNUTS once again scratching his nuts for something clever to share with someone who simply doesn’t give a rats ass. The epitome of stupidity. 👈 🤣 FUZZY is proving once again that he deserves top spot in the race for the galactically stupid.
FUZZYNUTS once again scratching his nuts for something clever to share with someone who simply doesn’t give a rats ass. The epitome of stupidity. 👈 🤣 FUZZY is proving once again that he deserves top spot in the race for the galactically stupid.
LOL, I love it when your stupid shows...
What's amusing to me is that while the upper echelon's of the democrat party are going nuts trying to figure out a way to dump ole Joe the local keyboard warriors are still in denial.
What's amusing to me is that while the upper echelon's of the democrat party are going nuts trying to figure out a way to dump ole Joe the local keyboard warriors are still in denial.
Well, yes, fiction can certainly be amusing.
What's amusing to me is that while the upper echelon's of the democrat party are going nuts trying to figure out a way to dump ole Joe the local keyboard warriors are still in denial.
When democrat policies are constructed based on hatred towards Trump nothing of substance can be achieved. Major democratically run sanctuary cities are now reaping the destructive results of policy by hatred over common sense.

DUDE IS LOST: Old Joe Biden Mumbles Through Speech in Vietnam, Leaves Podium Before Vietnam Leader Speaks, Then Freezes in Place (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft Sep. 10, 2023 9:20 am

As Steve Bannon says, “Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.”

Joe Biden mumbled through another speech in Vietnam on Sunday. Biden left the G20 in India and made a stop in Vietnam. Biden received 5 draft deferments during the Vietnam War.

Biden read the entire speech while looking down at his paper but still managed to confuse his words.

When Old Joe was finished his prepared remarks he walked away from the podium. He forgot where he was. Then he stopped and looked completely lost. He had no idea what he was doing.

More here:

Not a single word from Democrats or their media empire about the 25th Amendment or a mental test for this diaper-soiling cognitive basket case now in the White Hose.
you embarrass the u.s. on our own soil, vette.
And one again I ask the question, "Who's running the joint? Because it sure ain't him."
I find it ironic the right wings obsession with Bidens mental fitness at the same their senate minority leader freezes during press conferences and his aids have to calmly and casually (like it happens all the time) repeat the question again to kickstart his synapses again.

Dehydration my ass.
RG: The problem as always with Joe Biden is his lies. John Wayne never uttered that phrase in any movie. Like most of Joe's life, it's a fabrication.

You’re mad Biden misquoted John Wayne.
I’m mad trump lied about Covid. The Americans dead from Covid would say we’re both now equal.
Fauci lied to Trump about Covid.

The entirety of Joe's personal recollection of his life is full of well documented lies. I'm disgusted that you think Joe belongs anywhere except a structured care facility for people in final stage dementia. The fact that you don't tells me you have no compassion for your fellow man in general or the health and safety of the American people. The Speaker of The House just announced an impeachment inquiry against the President. It's long overdue.
I find it ironic the right wings obsession with Bidens mental fitness at the same their senate minority leader freezes during press conferences and his aids have to calmly and casually (like it happens all the time) repeat the question again to kickstart his synapses again.

Dehydration my ass.
Repace McConnell as well.
What's amusing to me is that while the upper echelon's of the democrat party are going nuts trying to figure out a way to dump ole Joe the local keyboard warriors are still in denial.
Do you mean the Democratic Party? Because it’s hard to take your opinions seriously if you don’t even know the name of the largest political party in the United States.
What's amusing to me is that while the upper echelon's of the democrat party are going nuts trying to figure out a way to dump ole Joe
1) this isn't happening
1a) and it won't happen
2) you didn't need the apostrophe in echelons

The Speaker of The House just announced an impeachment inquiry against the President. It's long overdue.
The inquiry is performative for sucker schnooks like you to clap for them thinking they're doing something. It won't go anywhere because there is no evidence of any wrongdoing and will run out the clock with media noise until the election.
Three cheers for your tax dollars going to waste on your party's stooges, Scat-man. :ROFLMAO:
MLK would definitely have voted for Biden are you insane?
Research his background, Alveda King has said this about MLK:

Alveda King, stated: "I just want to share with you a little bit about my family and my history. My uncle Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during his lifetime was a Republican, as was my father, his brother, Rev. A. D. King, and my grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King Sr."

Now the left has tried to debunk this but Alveda King has never disavowed her words. There is some logic here. It was Southern Democrats who were oppressing black Americans with Jim Crow laws and segregation. It stands to reason an educated man like MLK would not be supporting the very people who were subjugating his people. Recall it was the Republicans who ended the institution of slavery, It was the Republicans who passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments and elected the first black Americans to the House and Senate decades before the Democrats did.
Fauci lied to Trump about Covid.

The entirety of Joe's personal recollection of his life is full of well documented lies. I'm disgusted that you think Joe belongs anywhere except a structured care facility for people in final stage dementia. The fact that you don't tells me you have no compassion for your fellow man in general or the health and safety of the American people. The Speaker of The House just announced an impeachment inquiry against the President. It's long overdue.
Fauci laughed at trump when trump said that COVID weeks be over once it warmed up.

In the Spring.

Of 2019.

Your recollection of actual events is broken.