Lauren.Hynde is *so* hot!

Defnitely not an eagle.....right Ange?

Hmmm. I think not cause last I saw, my eagle was putting up the Christmas lights. I think.

ee? where'd you go?


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Angeline said:
Hmmm. I think not cause last I saw, my eagle was putting up the Christmas lights. I think.

ee? where'd you go?

um help

im feeling less than poetic right now-

:p :heart:
<------------calling the fire department

and running out of
Angeline said:
<------------calling the fire department

and running out of
Y'know, there is an easy way. Shovel up some of that snow you've been whining about, and...


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Y'know, there is an easy way. Shovel up some of that snow you've been whining about, and...

oh ok. i lied. it wasn't him after all. he's having a glass of wine and playing his guitar. everything's cool really...well except for the snow... :)
I was worried and called 911.

The lights form the firetrucks will add to the holiday spirit.

They seemed to know the address already Ange, you troublemaker, you:p
They seemed to know the address already Ange, you troublemaker, you

lol. oh yeah? well i sent them to your house. seems you're harboring a keyboard vandal. :D :kiss:

And just who are you calling a keyboard vandal???? It worked after I "fixed" it didn't it?

Besides, I don't live at Cats house, its a pleasent thought though;)
And just why do I find it hilarious when Ange is in trouble?
<angledeagles......troublemakers.......bitchmuttersplutter....turkeys 'n flightless dinners......>.....a 'ole bleeding thread of <grinning> disrespectfullybadlybe'aved........ummm.......

...but Laurens thingie was, of course, just delumptious...
And just who are you calling a keyboard vandal???? It worked after I "fixed" it didn't it?

Oh my god. LOL!!!! You've escaped from the keyboard repair reeducation center! :rose:

my keyboard has never been the same since. i'm never asking you how to get a sesame seed out from under an "n" again

darkmaas, stop laughing at me
<angledeagles......troublemakers.......bitchmuttersplutter....turkeys 'n flightless dinners......>.....a 'ole bleeding thread of <grinning> disrespectfullybadlybe'aved........ummm.......

...but Laurens thingie was, of course, just delumptious...

this is all your fault. sommehow. :kiss:

look ee--our names got smooshed



there is a young writer named lauren
whose poems and stories aren't borin
i'm going to bed
because this crazy thread
makes my faith in poetry need restorin

night all. :rose:
there once wuz a goil from new joisy.....
whose dogg'rel was funny 'n noisy
she gave me the blame
(it's always the same)
although it's mainly from fr'm 'earsay.....
Angeline said:
you just go write a sestina. :D

Crap. Another form with an interesting name. Okay, what's a sestina?

- Judo

PS - Oh yes, just confirming... Lauren is very hot. hehehe...

PSS - Dodo, Dido, Dildo... Hey's it has to do with birds, okay!?
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JUDO said:
Crap. Another form with an interesting name. Okay, what's a sestina?

- Judo

PS - Oh yes, just confirming... Lauren is very hot. hehehe...

PSS - Dodo, Dido, Dildo... Hey's it has to do with birds, okay!?

One of those formal poetry forms that Angeline came up with to absolutely piss me off...:p :D

Here is one web site
One of those formal poetry forms that Angeline came up with to absolutely piss me off...

Moi? Lol. I'm sweet as sorghum compared to the Empress of form poetry. I know you're mesmerized by that AV (not that mine's a slouch, mind you), but JUDO uses em to grab your attention--then she issues a challenge and writes a poem about 80 times better than anyone else's (and she does it in about 6 seconds). Ohhhh yes. I've been burned, I have, by that sweet surfer girl. And you watch--she'll have me writing another, lol. She knows exactly what to say, haha. :D

:)kiss: JUDO).