Loving Wives Bomb Magnet

When you say "not an author", ... you don't know that either, when 26thNC admits to posting violent BTB stories with a different account.

So, when we deal with any account here or in PMs or comments, just because that other has no published stories does not equate to them being a non-author. Anyone can create multiple accounts.
It was a troll whose account got banned. If they had another identity here, I never associated it with them, and I never had any beef with anyone else.
I'm familiar with 26thNC with comments, both positive and negative, on my stories. I get my fair share of one bomb, but I choose to believe they are random INCELS. I find it hard to believe any of friends or frienamies here would do that. Maybe they do, but I don't know who it would be and won't speculate about such things that are out of my control.
When there's a disagreement in a thread in the AH, and within an hour after that five of my top-rated stories (some of which were over a year old) suddenly all get 1's within ten minutes ...

And THAT happened at least twice, months apart.

If you check my AH thread "The Loving Wives Trolls", you'll see where I point out 26thNC as an unpublished alt for an author, who uses that ID to troll others. And 26thNC leaves flaming negative comments on other author's stories.

It might never happen to you or the other apologists here. But at least one author who had never seen that before had it happen to them recently, and PMed me about it, merely because he posted a comment in the AH and found several Red-H stories 1-bombed shortly after.

Those turds can use the author account, and alt, or even anonymous access to our stories and rate it a 1. I don't care which way they're doing it. But it's being done to people after calling notice to themselves here in the AH. And 26thNC admits to being an alt for an author.

This is why I posted this thread. I don't care if they 1-bomb my stories. Many of the rating are a fraud.
I'm familiar with 26thNC with comments, both positive and negative, on my stories. I get my fair share of one bomb, but I choose to believe they are random INCELS. I find it hard to believe any of friends or frienamies here would do that. Maybe they do, but I don't know who it would be and won't speculate about such things that are out of my control.
I've gotten into the habit lately each day when looking at this site to click the download button of my profile page to get the list of stats on my stories.

When I looked at my list today compared to yesterday, I've received an additional 1 on about ten of my stories, including the only one still with a Red-H. (They'll need to add about five more 1s to that story to drop it below 4.5.)

Now I know I'm a shitty writer. But ten 1s?

I wonder what might have triggered that much hatred in so many different stories. (BTW the Red-H story is in SciFi, not LW.)
I steer clear of Loving Wives; it is just safer for me.
I've gotten into the habit lately each day when looking at this site to click the download button of my profile page to get the list of stats on my stories.

When I looked at my list today compared to yesterday, I've received an additional 1 on about ten of my stories, including the only one still with a Red-H. (They'll need to add about five more 1s to that story to drop it below 4.5.)

Now I know I'm a shitty writer. But ten 1s?

I wonder what might have triggered that much hatred in so many different stories. (BTW the Red-H story is in SciFi, not LW.)
I steer clear of Loving Wives; it is just safer for me.
Are you suggesting an LW reader was triggered by my latest story, and is now attacking my story list?

As I said, the Red-H story is SciFi and it got 1'd.

I'm guessing it's a personal attack targeting my stories to test my tolerance for 1-bombing, as my thread title in AH says. And that would go to prove my point it's someone here in the AH.
I've gotten into the habit lately each day when looking at this site to click the download button of my profile page to get the list of stats on my stories.

When I looked at my list today compared to yesterday, I've received an additional 1 on about ten of my stories, including the only one still with a Red-H. (They'll need to add about five more 1s to that story to drop it below 4.5.)

Now I know I'm a shitty writer. But ten 1s?

I wonder what might have triggered that much hatred in so many different stories. (BTW the Red-H story is in SciFi, not LW.)
You started this thread in a challenging, "yeah, come get me" tone, and seemed happy to be getting more bombs because of it, now you're starting to complain about the bombs.

I rag on LW all the time, mostly the BTB shitheads, but here's the think about them, and I warned a very popular poster about here about fucking with them, and they didn't listen, some of them are flat out batshit nuts and obsessive in their vindictiveness. I've received anon feedbacks that read like something out of a serial killer movie threatening all types of insane shit.

Point is, if you're going to tweak them, be prepared to get torched.

Wait until I publish the one I have in the chamber....a cheating, a hot wife, and...politics. (but centers around a local election and never goes deep into actual politics)

The blood will flow, the comments will be epic, and I'm going to relish the few good ones, and laugh at the hate.
You started this thread in a challenging, "yeah, come get me" tone, and seemed happy to be getting more bombs because of it, now you're starting to complain about the bombs.

I rag on LW all the time, mostly the BTB shitheads, but here's the think about them, and I warned a very popular poster about here about fucking with them, and they didn't listen, some of them are flat out batshit nuts and obsessive in their vindictiveness. I've received anon feedbacks that read like something out of a serial killer movie threatening all types of insane shit.

Point is, if you're going to tweak them, be prepared to get torched.

Wait until I publish the one I have in the chamber....a cheating, a hot wife, and...politics. (but centers around a local election and never goes deep into actual politics)

The blood will flow, the comments will be epic, and I'm going to relish the few good ones, and laugh at the hate.
I'm not complaining about the 1s.

This isn't the first time my story list has been serially 1-bombed. And those other times were not on a story posting day, just after disagreements with AH posters. So, I find it hard to believe that my story in LW triggered an LW reader to seek out and 1-bomb my others.

My wife's a reader (not author), and to her, reading a story is what it is. If she hates it, she doesn't bother looking at the author's other crap. She just moves on to another story. That's what reader do! It's author's who think it might be worth some sadistic revenge to go out of their way slapping at other authors via the ratings they themselves crave!

Millie likes to think the AH is friendly. But in my experience, there are a few "turds in the swimming pool." Today's serial 1-bombs just adds to the supporting evidence. And there's at least one other otherwise innocent author, who is a convert due to their own recent 1-bombing-after-a-post.
So many of these issues that plague authors, such as bombing, are relatively easy to solve if only Lit cared at all about the needs of authors. I believe that the beta test thread proved my point conclusively.

OP, don't hold your breath for the sweeps because they aren't used as much these days as far as | can tell. Also, admins couldn't care less about you being bombed. That's a sad but proven truth. I understand your frustration and I sympathize, but I also think that you aren't helping yourself by making these threads. Your bombers can see the bombing is getting to you so they will keep on doing it. As LC said, you shouldn't be taunting them if you actually care about your ratings, and to me, it seems that you do. Let it all go, and they will hopefully do the same, sooner or later.
In this taunting game, you can only lose. You have chips on the table and they don't.
I've gotten into the habit lately each day when looking at this site to click the download button of my profile page to get the list of stats on my stories.

When I looked at my list today compared to yesterday, I've received an additional 1 on about ten of my stories, including the only one still with a Red-H. (They'll need to add about five more 1s to that story to drop it below 4.5.)

Now I know I'm a shitty writer. But ten 1s?

I wonder what might have triggered that much hatred in so many different stories. (BTW the Red-H story is in SciFi, not LW.)
Where is this download button? Is it obvious? On the profile page?
So many of these issues that plague authors, such as bombing, are relatively easy to solve if only Lit cared at all about the needs of authors. I believe that the beta test thread proved my point conclusively.

OP, don't hold your breath for the sweeps because they aren't used as much these days as far as | can tell. Also, admins couldn't care less about you being bombed. That's a sad but proven truth. I understand your frustration and I sympathize, but I also think that you aren't helping yourself by making these threads. Your bombers can see the bombing is getting to you so they will keep on doing it. As LC said, you shouldn't be taunting them if you actually care about your ratings, and to me, it seems that you do. Let it all go, and they will hopefully do the same, sooner or later.
In this taunting game, you can only lose. You have chips on the table and they don't.
Have you looked at my story ratings?

I've been 1-bombed so many times in the past, it's irrelevant to me. it's the others here I tried to educate to the reality that there are authors here gaming the rating system, high-5ing their own stories and 1-bombing others. They are the ones who obsess over the ratings, and they think I care too.

EDIT: To me, it's like having nothing better to do than go to a local baseball game, and not giving a shit about the score or who wins because I don't care about either team.
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Where is this download button? Is it obvious? On the profile page?
On you author "My Stories" page, where it shows your published stories, there a sort-by bar of buttons to change the order from "A-Z" or by Date, etc. On the far right there's a down arrow to click and it will download your list with all of those stats.
On you author homepage, where it shows your published stories, there a sort-by bar of buttons to change the order from "A-Z" or by Date, etc. On the far right there's a down arrow to click and it will download your list with all of those stats.
Thank you!
Have you looked at my story ratings?

I've been 1-bombed so many times in the past, it's irrelevant to me. it's the others here I tried to educate to the reality that there are authors here gaming the rating system, high-5ing their own stories and 1-bombing others. They are the ones who obsess over the ratings, and they think I care too.
Well, okay, but this is like your second thread in a week I think? It does leave an impression that you are tilted by the bombing, which makes perfect sense to me; I would be tilted too. Ratings might not tell much about the story quality but they put the story on readers' radar, so by reducing your story rating, they are practically telling other readers that the story is shit and that they should skip it. 🫤

What you are saying about alts, yeah, I am pretty sure that's common knowledge among most AH regulars. Now if you have some specific info about alts, I am all ears :p
Well, okay, but this is like your second thread in a week I think? It does leave an impression that you are tilted by the bombing, which makes perfect sense to me; I would be tilted too. Ratings might not tell much about the story quality but they put the story on readers' radar, so by reducing your story rating, they are practically telling other readers that the story is shit and that they should skip it. 🫤

What you are saying about alts, yeah, I am pretty sure that's common knowledge among most AH regulars. Now if you have some specific info about alts, I am all ears :p
I've heard a few authors say how they only read stories rated above 4.

I'm a shitty writer, and anyone looking at my story list would see I don't rate well.

BUT ... I wrote a story "What Were You Thinking? last year that throws the whole ratings-draws-views theory into question. It currently (after 11 months) has RISEN to a rating of 3.35, which the theory would suggest means no one cares to click on it. But it has 101, 638 views (yes, over 100K) and 1,338 votes for that rating along with 88 comments!

It's the title and description (Husband discovers his wife’s deception) in Loving Wives which caught their attention.
I don't know one way or the other. And I didn't say how you should or shouldn't react, I said how I handle it.
Have you looked at my story ratings?

I've been 1-bombed so many times in the past, it's irrelevant to me. it's the others here I tried to educate to the reality that there are authors here gaming the rating system, high-5ing their own stories and 1-bombing others. They are the ones who obsess over the ratings, and they think I care too.

EDIT: To me, it's like having nothing better to do than go to a local baseball game, and not giving a shit about the score or who wins because I don't care about either team.
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I've heard a few authors say how they only read stories rated above 4.

I'm a shitty writer, and anyone looking at my story list would see I don't rate well.

BUT ... I wrote a story "What Were You Thinking? last year that throws the whole ratings-draws-views theory into question. It currently (after 11 months) has RISEN to a rating of 3.35, which the theory would suggest means no one cares to click on it. But it has 101, 638 views (yes, over 100K) and 1,338 votes for that rating along with 88 comments!

It's the title and description (Husband discovers his wife’s deception) in Loving Wives which caught their attention.
I guess thresholds are a bit different for LW. But even if you did get a good number of views on your story, it makes sense that it would have been even more had your story been rated higher. Still, good to know that even stories that get rated low or get bombed get attention as well, at least in LW
I've heard a few authors say how they only read stories rated above 4.

I'm a shitty writer, and anyone looking at my story list would see I don't rate well.

BUT ... I wrote a story "What Were You Thinking? last year that throws the whole ratings-draws-views theory into question. It currently (after 11 months) has RISEN to a rating of 3.35, which the theory would suggest means no one cares to click on it. But it has 101, 638 views (yes, over 100K) and 1,338 votes for that rating along with 88 comments!

It's the title and description (Husband discovers his wife’s deception) in Loving Wives which caught their attention.
Over a hundred thousand views! Quite an accomplishment I think.
I'm not complaining about the 1s.

This isn't the first time my story list has been serially 1-bombed. And those other times were not on a story posting day, just after disagreements with AH posters. So, I find it hard to believe that my story in LW triggered an LW reader to seek out and 1-bomb my others.

My wife's a reader (not author), and to her, reading a story is what it is. If she hates it, she doesn't bother looking at the author's other crap. She just moves on to another story. That's what reader do! It's author's who think it might be worth some sadistic revenge to go out of their way slapping at other authors via the ratings they themselves crave!

Millie likes to think the AH is friendly. But in my experience, there are a few "turds in the swimming pool." Today's serial 1-bombs just adds to the supporting evidence. And there's at least one other otherwise innocent author, who is a convert due to their own recent 1-bombing-after-a-post.
The AH is part of the internet, and as a whole, the internet has some great people, but is a haven for bandwidth courage and a place where people hiding behind anonymity can be the first class asshole they don't dare be in real life because they'd get their ass handed to them.

I'm between you and Millie, the AH for the most part has good people in it, but there's a few bad ones, and the people who ghost I tend to think lean more towards the latter.

The disagreements on forums has been going on long since I've been here and he bombs have always rained down afterward. Not going to change, and the real shame of it is people here who are so afraid their precious stories might get bombed that they abide horrible behavior and won't call anything out because of it. That's the really shitty thing to me.
If a story is in a competition, it makes more sense to 3 or 4 bombs than one bomb. They don't look suspicious, they pull you down enough (with a few of them) to keep a person out of the top spot, and they don't get swept away.
If a story is in a competition, it makes more sense to 3 or 4 bombs than one bomb. They don't look suspicious, they pull you down enough (with a few of them) to keep a person out of the top spot, and they don't get swept away.
Whether they get swept away or not depends on who they are. There have been contests where the winner was swept repeatedly, and the people who placed behind them saw one, and minimal. The claim here is no one really knows what the sweep targets, but they can be played so easily it shows the opposite.

Contests are a lousy indicator of what goes on for the rest of the time and sitewide.
and the real shame of it is people here who are so afraid their precious stories might get bombed that they abide horrible behavior and won't call anything out because of it. That's the really shitty thing to me.
I'd say this is a profound truth here on AH. On the one hand, I understand that people just want to post their stories in peace and talk about nice and interesting things. For many among us, Lit is an oasis of freedom to express our fantasies. It gives us the peace and safety of anonymity. On the other hand, there are some shitty things going on occasionally, whether from some newcomers, alts, from regular members, or even site admins. And every time we fail to react properly, AH becomes that much worse for it. Those who do react take some hits, sure, but if there were some solidarity here, things would be much better, and those "hits" wouldn't be so important. Some time ago, I openly said that this isn't a community at all for these exact reasons; it's just everyone looking out for themselves.

The bottom line is that this will never truly be our safe and peaceful space unless we keep it that way by reacting, whether that's supporting someone whos being wronged, or condemning some bullshit behavior, or whatever else.
I'd say this is a profound truth here on AH. On the one hand, I understand that people just want to post their stories in peace and talk about nice and interesting things. For many among us, Lit is an oasis of freedom to express our fantasies. It gives us the peace and safety of anonymity. On the other hand, there are some shitty things going on occasionally, whether from some newcomers, alts, from regular members, or even site admins. And every time we fail to react properly, AH becomes that much worse for it. Those who do react take some hits, sure, but if there were some solidarity here, things would be much better, and those "hits" wouldn't be so important. Some time ago, I openly said that this isn't a community at all for these exact reasons; it's just everyone looking out for themselves.

The bottom line is that this will never truly be our safe and peaceful space unless we keep it that way by reacting, whether that's supporting someone whos being wronged, or condemning some bullshit behavior, or whatever else.
Back around 2014 or so we had what I'll refer to as the "Cabin Debacle" few here are left who remember it. Long story short there was a cabal formed here and they were gaming contests, bombing stories of people they didn't like and making concerted efforts to upvote each others.

I exposed it and the shit hit the fan. There were a dozen or so of them that would openly attack me-there was no mod then-and deny everything, then eventually just admitted it, but kept going. Most people stayed out of it. Only two people here had my back, one was KeithD (hard to believe as we don't really get along, especially back then, but he saw bullshit and called it) and TX Rad who just passed.

The site not only pretended they didn't know, but threatened the three of us with punishment if we didn't stop. I recall one thread where one of the main asshats came out and said, yes, we're a group, yes we...and two posts later Laurel says "There is no group, keep going and there will be action"

Just fits your post to a T.

FWIW, only one member of that group is still around and they were never part of the problem, and ultimately was kicked out by not kowtowing to the morons in charge. All the "literary masters" who were going to take over lit, and the publishing market. All gone.

But myself, Keith and TX Rad all remained.