Loving Wives Bomb Magnet

Back around 2014 or so we had what I'll refer to as the "Cabin Debacle" few here are left who remember it. Long story short there was a cabal formed here and they were gaming contests, bombing stories of people they didn't like and making concerted efforts to upvote each others.

I exposed it and the shit hit the fan. There were a dozen or so of them that would openly attack me-there was no mod then-and deny everything, then eventually just admitted it, but kept going. Most people stayed out of it. Only two people here had my back, one was KeithD (hard to believe as we don't really get along, especially back then, but he saw bullshit and called it) and TX Rad who just passed.

The site not only pretended they didn't know, but threatened the three of us with punishment if we didn't stop. I recall one thread where one of the main asshats came out and said, yes, we're a group, yes we...and two posts later Laurel says "There is no group, keep going and there will be action"

Just fits your post to a T.

FWIW, only one member of that group is still around and they were never part of the problem, and ultimately was kicked out by not kowtowing to the morons in charge. All the "literary masters" who were going to take over lit, and the publishing market. All gone.

But myself, Keith and TX Rad all remained.
Hey, I am just trying to wrap my head around the concept of Laurel actually replying to anything :p
Hey, I am just trying to wrap my head around the concept of Laurel actually replying to anything :p
It was 10 years ago.

When I first came here, she posted all the time on the General Board and sometimes here. The GB was karma personified, she turned it into a snakepit, then all the trolls she created turned on her, and she put herself pretty much in posting exile. There's another reason you don't see her post much here, but that's another story.
Okay, I have tried to stay away from the forum and do a little writing in between my travels. (Spent 9 week so far this year on cruise ships.) But when home I read over posts here on occasion. I happened onto this thread and waited for the story. I think it fully deserves its low ratings.
The author spent an hour or two writing it, probably during commercials watching television. His characters are inconsistent. The husband is depicted as particularly stupid, at least in his wife's eyes.
Not to mention the biological errors, which I will concede is up to the author to define. Futas exist in some stories after all. BUT hormone replacement does not cause rapid increases in libido etc. The whole idea is to mellow things out and flatten the rollercoaster ride. It is available for both men and women. i happen to be an HRT patient as is my wife.
I had my last dose done a week ago. I go to my wife's gynochologist for testosterone pellets every six months. She does it for about a dozen of her patient's husbands. We talked about the business part a bit. She asked me how I felt with the dosage. I told her honestly I did not feel that different. I might have a little more energy. (same as my wife stated at one time).I said I 'just felt normal but not like I was forty'. The doc laughed and who does? That is not the purpose.

Next the author thumbs his nose at anybody who believes in firearms. He portrayed them as 'cowboys' with revolvers. The husband in his story sat, and played with his gun all the time, constantly cleaning it. The wife did not allow him bullets which to me is a reference to him paying with his cock but no chance to use it except on her terms. I'm sure the author feels that clever and reason to put down anybody who does not like his story. The husband refuses to let her screw around but she does it anyway and then it seems the husband goes into some kind of loop where he hates her cheating or says he does, and then 'reclaims' her. A bit of a switch around from the beginning.
Most stories on LW, get piles of comments even if the readers hate the plot. This one got a handful. It was simply a sloppy effort. I've read other stories from the same author that were far better written. Even if I did not like the plot, I would say that. This one was a simple effort to thumb his nose at LW readers so he could bitch about trolls here on the forum.
I'm familiar with 26thNC with comments, both positive and negative, on my stories. I get my fair share of one bomb, but I choose to believe they are random INCELS. I find it hard to believe any of friends or frienamies here would do that. Maybe they do, but I don't know who it would be and won't speculate about such things that are out of my control.

I've gotten into the habit lately each day when looking at this site to click the download button of my profile page to get the list of stats on my stories.
Where is this download button that gives daily stats?
... BUT hormone replacement does not cause rapid increases in libido etc. The whole idea is to mellow things out and flatten the rollercoaster ride. It is available for both men and women. i happen to be an HRT patient as is my wife.
I had my last dose done a week ago. I go to my wife's gynochologist for testosterone pellets every six months. She does it for about a dozen of her patient's husbands. We talked about the business part a bit. She asked me how I felt with the dosage. I told her honestly I did not feel that different. I might have a little more energy. (same as my wife stated at one time).I said I 'just felt normal but not like I was forty'. The doc laughed and who does? That is not the purpose.

Next the author thumbs his nose at anybody who believes in firearms. He portrayed them as 'cowboys' with revolvers. The husband in his story sat, and played with his gun all the time, constantly cleaning it. The wife did not allow him bullets which to me is a reference to him paying with his cock but no chance to use it except on her terms. I'm sure the author feels that clever and reason to put down anybody who does not like his story. The husband refuses to let her screw around but she does it anyway and then it seems the husband goes into some kind of loop where he hates her cheating or says he does, and then 'reclaims' her. A bit of a switch around from the beginning.
Most stories on LW, get piles of comments even if the readers hate the plot. This one got a handful. It was simply a sloppy effort. I've read other stories from the same author that were far better written. Even if I did not like the plot, I would say that. This one was a simple effort to thumb his nose at LW readers so he could bitch about trolls here on the forum.
I don't go to a gynecologist nor does my wife for hormone pellets, but rather to a health spa. And she's been doing it for three years, which is what I modeled the behavior of those first three session.

This is NOT HRT for treatment after a hysterectomy!!!! This hormone therapy is for sexual enhancement and quality of life. I tried it three years ago just because my wife came up with the idea via talking to other women, and going in for her pellets. At my age, I thought "why not?"

I've described in other posts the effects of excessive hormones in men causing excessive aggression, and it's from personal experience. The blood test show a serum testosterone of 610NG/DL for a range of 300-900 as normal. But with my "why not" attitude, I tried those pellets anyway.

Six weeks later, my blood test showed 1,200 NG/DL. And my wife and I had more fights during a three-to-four-month period than ever before! I don't do that anymore, since they wore off.

Her experience was/is much better, with that increased libido!!! We're in her three-week down time right now, but she's put it on the calendar when we'll have sex and a promised BJ, because of her pellet replacement schedule. SHE KNOWS! It doesn't have the same drastic effect on every woman. I know one of two others who has somewhat increased libido. But the other says her's skyrockets in the same way as my wife.

So, your gynecologist is playing it safe with minimal dose.

As for the guns, get a clue! It's a story. The gun play was to augment their emotional fight, and to allow her to see that it was unloaded. You can't see an unloaded magazine in a mag-fed pistol! I'm not anti-gun and have fire far more ordinance downrange that you'll ever try.

As for the trolls, this whole thread was to draw them out and take the 1-bombs as a distraction for those turds who have recently done it to others.
When there's a disagreement in a thread in the AH, and within an hour after that five of my top-rated stories (some of which were over a year old) suddenly all get 1's within ten minutes ...

And THAT happened at least twice, months apart.

If you check my AH thread "The Loving Wives Trolls", you'll see where I point out 26thNC as an unpublished alt for an author, who uses that ID to troll others. And 26thNC leaves flaming negative comments on other author's stories.

It might never happen to you or the other apologists here. But at least one author who had never seen that before had it happen to them recently, and PMed me about it, merely because he posted a comment in the AH and found several Red-H stories 1-bombed shortly after.

Those turds can use the author account, and alt, or even anonymous access to our stories and rate it a 1. I don't care which way they're doing it. But it's being done to people after calling notice to themselves here in the AH. And 26thNC admits to being an alt for an author.

This is why I posted this thread. I don't care if they 1-bomb my stories. Many of the rating are a fraud.
I’m sure some people who follow AH do one-bomb authors whose comments offend them. I had this happen to me ~ 3years ago. All my red-H ‘stories’ were about a decade old, and moribund. One day I noticed that all the red-Hs had disappeared and I’d been left a common referring to my comment on AH that ‘You are what you write’, an idea that horrifies some writers. I shrugged my shoulders.

About 12/18 months later, overnight, they all returned, I believe because very old stories also are swept from time to time.

Regarding 26thNC, I’ve only ever had one brief engagement with him, but he seemed to be a guy with a sense of humour so I’m glad that he publishes under an Alt. I wouldn’t want to think he had nothing positive in his life beyond trolling on Lit.
I’m sure some people who follow AH do one-bomb authors whose comments offend them. I had this happen to me ~ 3years ago. All my red-H ‘stories’ were about a decade old, and moribund. One day I noticed that all the red-Hs had disappeared and I’d been left a common referring to my comment on AH that ‘You are what you write’, an idea that horrifies some writers. I shrugged my shoulders.

About 12/18 months later, overnight, they all returned, I believe because very old stories also are swept from time to time.

Regarding 26thNC, I’ve only ever had one brief engagement with him, but he seemed to be a guy with a sense of humour so I’m glad that he publishes under an Alt. I wouldn’t want to think he had nothing positive in his life beyond trolling on Lit.
Thanks for confirming the experience happening to others.

I have some dedicated trolls, probably because I post so often to LW. Over a period of weeks even, every time a story would get a 4 or 5 vote, it would be followed within a few hours by another 1. Which is why it doesn't really matter when some shithead claims I put minimal effort into a story. I KNOW my stories will never rise above about a 3.6 at best, due to the turd following me notices a 5 and posts another 1.

Just beware, there are turds in this swimming pool.
I don't go to a gynecologist nor does my wife for hormone pellets, but rather to a health spa. And she's been doing it for three years, which is what I modeled the behavior of those first three session.

This is NOT HRT for treatment after a hysterectomy!!!! This hormone therapy is for sexual enhancement and quality of life. I tried it three years ago just because my wife came up with the idea via talking to other women, and going in for her pellets. At my age, I thought "why not?"

I've described in other posts the effects of excessive hormones in men causing excessive aggression, and it's from personal experience. The blood test show a serum testosterone of 610NG/DL for a range of 300-900 as normal. But with my "why not" attitude, I tried those pellets anyway.

Six weeks later, my blood test showed 1,200 NG/DL. And my wife and I had more fights during a three-to-four-month period than ever before! I don't do that anymore, since they wore off.

Her experience was/is much better, with that increased libido!!! We're in her three-week down time right now, but she's put it on the calendar when we'll have sex and a promised BJ, because of her pellet replacement schedule. SHE KNOWS! It doesn't have the same drastic effect on every woman. I know one of two others who has somewhat increased libido. But the other says her's skyrockets in the same way as my wife.

So, your gynecologist is playing it safe with minimal dose.

As for the guns, get a clue! It's a story. The gun play was to augment their emotional fight, and to allow her to see that it was unloaded. You can't see an unloaded magazine in a mag-fed pistol! I'm not anti-gun and have fire far more ordinance downrange that you'll ever try.

As for the trolls, this whole thread was to draw them out and take the 1-bombs as a distraction for those turds who have recently done it to others.
If you go to a health spa for a medical treatment, then you are a special kind of stupid. Yeah let some health spa idiot screw with your hormones. No wonder you got messed up. That's like going to your garage for legal advice and going to court letting him represent you.
If you go to a health spa for a medical treatment, then you are a special kind of stupid. Yeah let some health spa idiot screw with your hormones. No wonder you got messed up. That's like going to your garage for legal advice and going to court letting him represent you.
A doctor is a doctor, and the ones I've dealt with are head of a hospital ER , and another heading a private practice of multiple doctors,... licensed medical doctors!

You're one of the fucking TROLLS I'm here to call out, you know-it-all shithead! You posted your same trolling rant on my story, all based on your gynecologist treating your itchy pussy! So, just scratch your crotch, and anonymously 1-bomb my story again, Gamblinluck!

EDIT: It's ignorant, insecure shit like you who keep your wife from learning there are things she could be doing to better her quality of life and energy levels as she gets older, because you know you won't be able to keep up with her if she does.
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I love that the story did its job. We all get to see the effects in pseudo-real-time.
I already tried that "daring them to 1-bomb it" when I wrote "A Gathering of Trolls". I assumed it would remain below 2.0, because it poked fun at basement-dwelling incels 1-bombing writers. It's rating rose to 3.08!
My most recent story, "In The Box," is a similar situation. I wrote the lead character as a caricature of the kind of person who routinely clicks on cuckolding stories just to bomb them, right down to lifting much of his dialogue straight from the comments they leave. The same violent rhetoric, the same misogynistic sense of marital ownership, and ultimately the same self-justifying moral cowardice.

I wouldn't reckon any of them understood it, but it's my last word to them.
When there's a disagreement in a thread in the AH, and within an hour after that five of my top-rated stories (some of which were over a year old) suddenly all get 1's within ten minutes ...

And THAT happened at least twice, months apart.

If you check my AH thread "The Loving Wives Trolls", you'll see where I point out 26thNC as an unpublished alt for an author, who uses that ID to troll others. And 26thNC leaves flaming negative comments on other author's stories.

It might never happen to you or the other apologists here. But at least one author who had never seen that before had it happen to them recently, and PMed me about it, merely because he posted a comment in the AH and found several Red-H stories 1-bombed shortly after.

Those turds can use the author account, and alt, or even anonymous access to our stories and rate it a 1. I don't care which way they're doing it. But it's being done to people after calling notice to themselves here in the AH. And 26thNC admits to being an alt for an author.

This is why I posted this thread. I don't care if they 1-bomb my stories. Many of the rating are a fraud.
But Mr Lifestyle, I can assure you that I have never given you a *1 on any story, and even gave you a *4 once.
When there's a disagreement in a thread in the AH, and within an hour after that five of my top-rated stories (some of which were over a year old) suddenly all get 1's within ten minutes ...

And THAT happened at least twice, months apart.

If you check my AH thread "The Loving Wives Trolls", you'll see where I point out 26thNC as an unpublished alt for an author, who uses that ID to troll others. And 26thNC leaves flaming negative comments on other author's stories.

It might never happen to you or the other apologists here. But at least one author who had never seen that before had it happen to them recently, and PMed me about it, merely because he posted a comment in the AH and found several Red-H stories 1-bombed shortly after.

Those turds can use the author account, and alt, or even anonymous access to our stories and rate it a 1. I don't care which way they're doing it. But it's being done to people after calling notice to themselves here in the AH. And 26thNC admits to being an alt for an author.

This is why I posted this thread. I don't care if they 1-bomb my stories. Many of the rating are a fraud.
There could also be a slight chance that lurkers are retaliating against you fueding with a writer they like. We don't know who all actually visits the forum. If indeed it is another reg doing it, that's petty and they should have better decorum than that. Even if I did have such a dissagreement with another, it would be on that subject, in that thread, and nowhere else we may interract.
Sweep will wipe those. Funny people never complain about the 5's they'll get ten minutes after a long story drops. Human nature I suppose
That'll be like complaining about being given 20 grand. Even if being 5bombed is disengeneous, it's a desired positive outcome. One bombs aren't.
Are you suggesting an LW reader was triggered by my latest story, and is now attacking my story list?

As I said, the Red-H story is SciFi and it got 1'd.

I'm guessing it's a personal attack targeting my stories to test my tolerance for 1-bombing, as my thread title in AH says. And that would go to prove my point it's someone here in the AH.
Yeah, it's known that they do that.
Hey, I am just trying to wrap my head around the concept of Laurel actually replying to anything :p
Oh... he and her would have their rounds back then. She doesn't as nuch as she used to. I think the last time I saw her post was in feburary and it was in one of the ai threads.
This thread is pure gold 😁

Oh... he and her would have their rounds back then. She doesn't as nuch as she used to. I think the last time I saw her post was in feburary and it was in one of the ai threads.
That's surprising as I was active in those threads and I never saw her post anything. In the nearly two years since I joined the forum, I never saw her post anything anywhere, except in the contest threads that she created.
It would be nice if you could link her post though. I'd say that Laurel's posts are like unicorns - we all know they exist, but no one ever saw one (in more recent years) :p
It would be nice if you could link her post though. I'd say that Laurel's posts are like unicorns - we all know they exist, but no one ever saw one (in more recent years) :p
This is her most recent non-contest post: https://forum.literotica.com/threads/stats-on-stories.1605212/post-98409682

If you place your cursor over a member's name, you'll see a number showing how many times they've posted on the forums. Click on that number, and it will show you the links to their actual posts.
I went back through her posts and it turns out I was right. Other than the announcements for contests and such, she only posted a handful of times in the last several years, and even those were just about linking FAQs and information pages.
I love this idea. Im personally do not enjoy cuck stories, but Im tempted to write one just to see how many negative comments I can stir up.

Im thinking a cliche story where a couple goes camping and argue the whole time, and then the wife meets and fucks some guy with an enormous cock.
Hmmm, I was thinking the same. But you go first. Besides you've got a storyline. Don't know I could write one without dropping in a whole lotta smartass one-liners. Yeah, maybe a bad idea. Good Luck though. What happens if you end up really popular?
Back in the naughties, the General Board was a sort of safe place where you could behave like an asshole without anyone taking real offence. The authors hangout was like it is now, more or less, with perhaps more posts that now would be in the playground or even personals.

But story-bombing was rarer than now. I guess its more prevalent because Lit is now even more significant in the social media world, and there's more to be gained and lost from have popular stories on here.
That'll be like complaining about being given 20 grand. Even if being 5bombed is disengeneous, it's a desired positive outcome. One bombs aren't.
True, my point is that we know they are just as fake, but again, we'll take fake good stuff.