Loving Wives Bomb Magnet

Back in the naughties, the General Board was a sort of safe place where you could behave like an asshole without anyone taking real offence. The authors hangout was like it is now, more or less, with perhaps more posts that now would be in the playground or even personals.

But story-bombing was rarer than now. I guess its more prevalent because Lit is now even more significant in the social media world, and there's more to be gained and lost from have popular stories on here.
When I came here the GB was in full snakepit mode, probably 20 actual people with 20 alts each. Its tame since all the jack asses went into the politics forum. But as for bombs, I don't think many ever came from there. Most of that crowd really thought the site was built around them and never ventured into the stories. Hell, they still complain about all the porn pic/link threads because they somehow refuse to believe this is an erotica site.

The bombing here has gone on since I've been here. But back in my early days everything was blamed on Scouries and Freddie to super trolls. Over time I have come to believe that yes, they were part of it, but the site and its staunch defenders used those two as a distraction and excuse for everything. Seeing neither has been here for years and it still goes just shows its consistent bad behavior by a certain type and they will always be here

I mentioned "The cabin" earlier. The bombing was peak then. You had about 12 people running amok and bombing anyone who pissed them off, and really wreaked havoc on the contests.

I agree that this 'era' of the forum is more like the playground 2.0 including guys who seem like they've never spoken to a woman on the net before. But...that may be changing.
A doctor is a doctor, and the ones I've dealt with are head of a hospital ER , and another heading a private practice of multiple doctors,... licensed medical doctors!

You're one of the fucking TROLLS I'm here to call out, you know-it-all shithead! You posted your same trolling rant on my story, all based on your gynecologist treating your itchy pussy! So, just scratch your crotch, and anonymously 1-bomb my story again, Gamblinluck!

EDIT: It's ignorant, insecure shit like you who keep your wife from learning there are things she could be doing to better her quality of life and energy levels as she gets older, because you know you won't be able to keep up with her if she does.
Agreed the guy you're replying to leaves a lot to be desired. Full blown LW troll

But you may want to chill in your replies or the thread will be closed.

Think that's inevitable anyway, most LW threads do get locked down. Its an extension of the worst of the category itself.
True, my point is that we know they are just as fake, but again, we'll take fake good stuff.
They might be fake, or they might be a sign of encouragement from other authors, or of thanks from readers who appreciate the effort that went into the writing.

People rate stories for all kinds of reasons, both positive and negative, and I for one appreciate the positive more than the negative. I'd rather receive an encouraging 5, perhaps coupled with some feedback on where I might improve, than a bunch of 1s and 2s because my latest story appears in the "Popular in the last 24 hours" list.
They might be fake, or they might be a sign of encouragement from other authors, or of thanks from readers who appreciate the effort that went into the writing.

People rate stories for all kinds of reasons, both positive and negative, and I for one appreciate the positive more than the negative. I'd rather receive an encouraging 5, perhaps coupled with some feedback on where I might improve, than a bunch of 1s and 2s because my latest story appears in the "Popular in the last 24 hours" list.
In this case I'm responding to a comment mentioning bombs on long stories that have been up for a few minutes and no one could have read it. They're just personal trolls or category trolls going up and down the list.

I once published a story that was 29 lit pages and within a half hour of it going live I had 3 five votes and a one. No one read that story at that point.

So, what I'm saying is, I don't think any vote placed on a story without the person reading it has any merit other than, like you said, the five can be encouraging.

Bad or good, I prefer the person read the story. This is a worse phenomenon in comments where someone leaves this scathing remark and you can tell they didn't read at all, or maybe just a little, made assumptions and went on a rant.

Even with that, I've always said "Best story ever" is no more helpful feedback wise than "Worst story ever."
Back in the naughties, the General Board was a sort of safe place where you could behave like an asshole without anyone taking real offence. The authors hangout was like it is now, more or less, with perhaps more posts that now would be in the playground or even personals.

But story-bombing was rarer than now. I guess its more prevalent because Lit is now even more significant in the social media world, and there's more to be gained and lost from have popular stories on here.
It was the cesspool people think the politics board is, when I first joined.
It was the cesspool people think the politics board is, when I first joined.
The PB is a cess pool because all the worst of the GB trolls migrated there. Now the GB is mostly porn threads and some more light hearted threads and goofiness. Couple trolls, but not like it was.

The irony is Laurel created that culture. For people who think she does no wrong, its too bad they didn't see her in action there and what and who she encouraged. But when she decided that the politics arguments were ruining the forum she announced the PB was coming and all the assholes she encouraged and created turned on her. Instead of banning them like they all deserved long before that, she left and never posted there again, an only very rarely anywhere else. Victim of the monster they created.
The PB is a cess pool because all the worst of the GB trolls migrated there. Now the GB is mostly porn threads and some more light hearted threads and goofiness. Couple trolls, but not like it was.

The irony is Laurel created that culture. For people who think she does no wrong, its too bad they didn't see her in action there and what and who she encouraged. But when she decided that the politics arguments were ruining the forum she announced the PB was coming and all the assholes she encouraged and created turned on her. Instead of banning them like they all deserved long before that, she left and never posted there again, an only very rarely anywhere else. Victim of the monster they created.
As bad as PB can be, I don't think it's as bad as GB was. I wasn't too active the first few years I joined because I didn't think I had too much to add, and I was spending most of my time on other boards like city-data.
Agreed the guy you're replying to leaves a lot to be desired. Full blown LW troll

But you may want to chill in your replies or the thread will be closed.

Think that's inevitable anyway, most LW threads do get locked down. Its an extension of the worst of the category itself.
Good point.

I just lashed out at the troll due to reading the same lengthy comment in my story. It's almost useless to try replying in the comments. That same user doesn't necessarily go back to read it again. But here in the forun thread, everyone else should see the counterpoint, or the ignorance remains uncontested. Then reading that personal attack that I cluelessly take medical advice from unqualified charlatans? I felt a need to reply to that.

I find it offensive when someone tries to suppress knowledge to advance their own agenda.
A doctor is a doctor, and the ones I've dealt with are head of a hospital ER , and another heading a private practice of multiple doctors,... licensed medical doctors!

You're one of the fucking TROLLS I'm here to call out, you know-it-all shithead! You posted your same trolling rant on my story, all based on your gynecologist treating your itchy pussy! So, just scratch your crotch, and anonymously 1-bomb my story again, Gamblinluck!

EDIT: It's ignorant, insecure shit like you who keep your wife from learning there are things she could be doing to better her quality of life and energy levels as she gets older, because you know you won't be able to keep up with her if she does.
Got news for you. I don't have an itchy pussy. I am a man. I am older but in decent shape. I am 71 and the wife is 65. My wife and I both get those HRT pellets for the exact same reason you described and have for the last couple years. In fact I got my last treatment a little over a week ago. Yes, they improve quality of life. Mainly they help with mood but do give you some energy. I am well aware of what they do. We go to a gynecologist so we don't get what you described in your other comment: massive dose and boosting to double normal. Properly dosed those pellets out you on a very even keel.

As far as license goes, you know what they call the last guy in his class at med school? Doctor.

I did not 1 bomb your story and I do not comment anonymously. If I happen to use a phone and cannot sign into my account, I sign my comments with my name.
Think that's inevitable anyway, most LW threads do get locked down. It’s an extension of the worst of the category itself.
Do they? I can only think of one that got locked down, although the mods did come in and delete/modify posts that had insults or kinkshaming.
Got news for you. I don't have an itchy pussy. I am a man. I am older but in decent shape. I am 71 and the wife is 65. My wife and I both get those HRT pellets for the exact same reason you described and have for the last couple years. In fact I got my last treatment a little over a week ago. Yes, they improve quality of life. Mainly they help with mood but do give you some energy. I am well aware of what they do. We go to a gynecologist so we don't get what you described in your other comment: massive dose and boosting to double normal. Properly dosed those pellets out you on a very even keel.

As far as license goes, you know what they call the last guy in his class at med school? Doctor.

I did not 1 bomb your story and I do not comment anonymously. If I happen to use a phone and cannot sign into my account, I sign my comments with my name.
The news to you is that once again, you are an attacking troll as usual, making your ASSumptions about doctors, having zero knowledge of who we see.

You can trust that your own gynecologist is giving you the best advice with your minimal HRT to raise you to functionally, age-appropriate "normal". But some people may prefer to make their own life choices to live a better life. You may enjoy sitting in your rocking chairs, holding hands, and awaiting the end peacefully together. It's your choice.

But others might prefer to go out with a little more excitement, having the energy bursts to go out sky diving, scuba diving, mountain climbing, fantastic sex, and all of those other things which were too high risk when they had kids and family to worry about.

It's a choice. And it's only the self-righteous trolls who insist their choice is the ONLY right choice.

EDIT: If you read my story with an open mind, you might have seen that the wife knows what her husband of 30-years WANTS but is incapable of getting there on his own. She's trying to give him what she really knows he wants: more sex. But he's too insecure to see the way ahead.
Good point.

I just lashed out at the troll due to reading the same lengthy comment in my story. It's almost useless to try replying in the comments. That same user doesn't necessarily go back to read it again. But here in the forun thread, everyone else should see the counterpoint, or the ignorance remains uncontested. Then reading that personal attack that I cluelessly take medical advice from unqualified charlatans? I felt a need to reply to that.

I find it offensive when someone tries to suppress knowledge to advance their own agenda.
Yeah, I don't think people come back.

I miss when if you wanted to respond to a comment you could title it and say "@ so and so" and if they did come back they'd see it. Don't think that's an option anymore.

As for opinions on medical advice, or pretty much anything else, look at the source. :rolleyes:
As bad as PB can be, I don't think it's as bad as GB was. I wasn't too active the first few years I joined because I didn't think I had too much to add, and I was spending most of my time on other boards like city-data.
Notably missing from the PB is Lancecaster one of the most despicable human beings to ever grace the internet, and one of her all time favs with his rape threads, abusing female posters and somewho always coming up with the personal information of posters....all of whom she had issue with. Hmmm....but he was one of the worst of all time.

KC Cummings the man pretending to be a woman that only a moron would have ever believed and the rancid stunt they pulled on another member, and had to leave because it blew up in real life. Laurel posted she missed them because they were and I quote "an excellent troll"

There were a couple of others that were awful. Nipples McGee was one of them, 'Pointless" another. The dipshit who always had Luke in his name. Great crowd.
This thread and other interactions about the LW readers have spurred yet another story idea.

When I wrote and posted "Unique Rewards of Yoga" last month, I received the expected emotional reactions from the LW crowd and commenters. It ended up with now having over 25k views and over 300 votes, for a rating of 3.14. Believe it or not, I don't consider that bad.

But I prefer to write in first person and try putting my mind into the one character to shape a story. So, I followed that story with the same events, but from the wife's POV in "Unique Rewards of Yoga - Her Story". It now has over 21k views and rated at 3.56 with almost as many votes at 284.

I think it will be challenging to get into the mind of the husband in "Raging Hormones", who angrily accepts his wife's extra-marital fun, and try explaining one way a husband might react. It would also give me a platform to address some of the points of the know-it-alls, particularly that no one doctor is perfect and knows-it-all.

I'm sure it will be another bomb magnet.
I suppose it matters to those obsessed with their scores. I don't look at my scores often and don't worry about them much, other than the ones constantly in and out of the 4.5 range on a few stories. It isn't that scores don't matter to me; I want good ratings, but I can't do anything about them, so why worry?
Whether they get swept away or not depends on who they are. There have been contests where the winner was swept repeatedly, and the people who placed behind them saw one, and minimal. The claim here is no one really knows what the sweep targets, but they can be played so easily it shows the opposite.

Contests are a lousy indicator of what goes on for the rest of the time and sitewide.
The best advice anybody can give writers about Literotica:
'Loving Wives' is a flaming turd storm. Avoid it at all costs.
The best advice anybody can give writers about Literotica:
'Loving Wives' is a flaming turd storm. Avoid it at all costs.
Nah. It’s a great place if you’re tough enough to weather the criticism and/or write things that the majority there enjoy. Tons of followers, comments, favorites, etc.; balanced against lower ratings, I’ll happily take those.
people never complain about the 5's they'll get ten minutes after a long story drops
Are those 5's given in bad faith?

I don't know, I'm asking. What's the connection to a bad-faith campaign of 1-bombing?
Mary is slaving away the past two weeks on one long novella about a newly minted loving wife. Freshly married to a man twice her age, the trophy wife is pushed to cuckolding him by himself. Me thinks her mental tracks are but one.
When you say "not an author", ... you don't know that either, when 26thNC admits to posting violent BTB stories with a different account.

So, when we deal with any account here or in PMs or comments, just because that other has no published stories does not equate to them being a non-author. Anyone can create multiple accounts.
I didn't know that 26thNC was doing that. Anyway, they seem to be picking up momentum over there. Most of the comments are pretty nasty and at least one of them is advocating murder. When I was on LW twice a few years ago, my scores we're better than what you just got. There is plenty of negative energy there.
I didn't know that 26thNC was doing that. Anyway, they seem to be picking up momentum over there. Most of the comments are pretty nasty and at least one of them is advocating murder. When I was on LW twice a few years ago, my scores we're better than what you just got. There is plenty of negative energy there.
And just think, comments are screened now, and that went right on through.

Says volumes about the place.
I didn't know that 26thNC was doing that. Anyway, they seem to be picking up momentum over there. Most of the comments are pretty nasty and at least one of them is advocating murder. When I was on LW twice a few years ago, my scores we're better than what you just got. There is plenty of negative energy there.
But the VIEWS! I just topped one million today!

They'll read and hate ANYBODY's crap!
They are not a discerning crowd :LOL:
As opposed to the incest crowd? Come on. “Yet another mom/son lap story? Perfection! 5 stars!” Readers will like what they like; it’s just that LW is the only place on the site where what one group likes , another detests.
As opposed to the incest crowd? Come on. “Yet another mom/son lap story? Perfection! 5 stars!” Readers will like what they like; it’s just that LW is the only place on the site where what one group likes , another detests.
FWIW I roll my eyes at the mom son lap thing as much, if not more, than you do. Like, come on, make an effort.

But yeah, every category has sub groups, example taboo readers don't like all taboo, some maybe just siblings, or mom/son etc...but they generally don't abuse stories they have no interest in reading.

I think at the core, the main thing that drives the warring factions in LW is the bizarre morality stance many have. People in I/T and NC know those acts are best left to fantasy and only read it as such, but the Anti-cheat crowd over in LW can't seem to realize that on an erotic platform the cheating, for many, is the actual fetish. I abhor cheats in real life, but have no issue reading it as an erotic story.