Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

This hypothetical Bear vs Man scenario resonates, IMO, because of the attack on Roe. (A reminder: everyone get out and vote this November and encourage others as well!). And this will continue to be posed as a question because of news stories such a P Diddy’s appalling domestic abuse and Harrison Butker’s comments. The assault on women is real and takes many forms. They feel it. Daily. I’m not choosing a side here. I vote for women to feel safe and empowered navigating nature, their workspaces, and homes.
You seem to be confused about what whining is. I am not complaining at all. I am very happy that women who choose bears would avoid me with their stanky attitude. Less discord in my life. You are the most triggered celibate man in this whole virtual room, the way you came out flailing like this.

I am, though, very ashamed of the men who tried to convince women that they're not "that guy." What a waste of time. They should have said "See ya!" and gone on with their lives. Woulda sent the signal/noise ratio to infinity.

inb4 you say "whining is when someone says they'd be happy if you went away. newspeak mode activated."


The only thing more pathetic than an impotent woman hating incel, like you, is an impotent woman hating incel alt, like you.


The only thing more pathetic than an impotent woman hating incel, like you, is an impotent woman hating incel alt, like you.

Wow you're desperate for female validation. That's the hallmark of an incel right there. I'm willing to offend some women because I get plenty of voluntary action from better classes of women. Over 30 years old no less.
There is only one halmark of an incel. A person who would enjoy sex but has no gifts of seduction. Has zero to do with hate or anger though it can manifest as such. Holy fuck.
There is only one halmark of an incel. A person who would enjoy sex but has no gifts of seduction. Has zero to do with hate or anger though it can manifest as such. Holy fuck.
My seduction game sucked but I still have no problem with getting enthusiastic consent based sex from a woman that's not young and naive. I missed out on hookups but not LTR sex. But 90% of hookups are the result of lots of alcohol. So if you missed out on hookups GREAT!!! I'm proud to be "sex with drunk women"-free.


(Thank you so much for the opportunity to threadjack lol)
Why didn't the men just say "See ya!"

Wave goodbye and ignore the rest of the BS. No debate, no "but not all men"... you can't reason with women who chose "bears" in that scenario. Just let them go on their way and take their anger and bitterness with them.
Whose alt are you?

It’s clear you don’t get the point. No worries. Keep striving.
IF you are pulling that then you aren't lacking in the seduction game friend. Bush was president the last time I got past coffee. I have many gifts. That however is not one of them and obviously not everybody is
Wow you're desperate for female validation. That's the hallmark of an incel right there. I'm willing to offend some women because I get plenty of voluntary action from better classes of women. Over 30 years old no less.


Tell us more…incel.

My seduction game sucked but I still have no problem with getting enthusiastic consent based sex from a woman that's not young and naive. I missed out on hookups but not LTR sex. But 90% of hookups are the result of lots of alcohol. So if you missed out on hookups GREAT!!! I'm proud to be "sex with drunk women"-free.


(Thank you so much for the opportunity to threadjack lol)
Your mom is a saint.
Whose alt are you?

It’s clear you don’t get the point. No worries. Keep striving.
I don't care about their point. I don't have to care. I just have to never encounter a woman like that in real life. And considering I've been in the street more than I've been online and never have run into stupidity similar to "I choose bearz!", one or more things must be true:

1) Women who are this stupid, keep it to themselves; or

2) There really aren't that many women who believe in this horseshit.

Which is it?

IF you are pulling that then you aren't lacking in the seduction game friend. Bush was president the last time I got past coffee. I have many gifts. That however is not one of them and obviously not everybody is
You're clearly more intelligent than RoryN and his gang of tryhard sockies. Maybe you hang around the wrong crowd of women. I can get you past that barrier without the Andrew Tate bullshit. First of all, know your niche. I would go for older women when I was young. That got me past all the superficiality off the bat. Dunno if it's still viable but I'd hit Adultfriendfinder back in the late 90s. They're already in the mood so if you toss out a good erotica instead of a trash job you could get her attention, the rest is yours to lose. In LA there were tons of members and the one I dated for over a year was down the street from me, but YMMV. That's one route. In real life you gotta find a woman who shares your interests and sense of humor. It's good to make friends with a lot of women, one of them will hook you up, that worked for me. It's better to do her right so if you do break up she doesn't talk shit about you, but that's not a 100% guarantee. Still, just don't be a dick and you'll usually do okay with your friends circle. I can't over-stress how important it is to have women friends that you're not just farming for referrals.

And number one, don't just chase the hottest babes. That's 90% of the problem for most men who chronically lose out with women. Only 10% of men will get with the top 10% of women that's statistics. Also avoid Tinder, 3 out of 4 members there are dudes. THAT is why Tinder sucks for men.

I got more if you need it.
I don't care about their point. I don't have to care. I just have to never encounter a woman like that in real life. And considering I've been in the street more than I've been online and never have run into stupidity similar to "I choose bearz!", one or more things must be true:

1) Women who are this stupid, keep it to themselves; or

2) There really aren't that many women who believe in this horseshit.

Which is it?
Is the red haze of misogyny taking over? You’re not making sense.

You're clearly more intelligent than RoryN and his gang of tryhard sockies. Maybe you hang around the wrong crowd of women. I can get you past that barrier without the Andrew Tate bullshit. First of all, know your niche. I would go for older women when I was young. That got me past all the superficiality off the bat. Dunno if it's still viable but I'd hit Adultfriendfinder back in the late 90s. They're already in the mood so if you toss out a good erotica instead of a trash job you could get her attention, the rest is yours to lose. In LA there were tons of members and the one I dated for over a year was down the street from me, but YMMV. That's one route. In real life you gotta find a woman who shares your interests and sense of humor. It's good to make friends with a lot of women, one of them will hook you up, that worked for me. It's better to do her right so if you do break up she doesn't talk shit about you, but that's not a 100% guarantee. Still, just don't be a dick and you'll usually do okay with your friends circle. I can't over-stress how important it is to have women friends that you're not just farming for referrals.

And number one, don't just chase the hottest babes. That's 90% of the problem for most men who chronically lose out with women. Only 10% of men will get with the top 10% of women that's statistics. Also avoid Tinder, 3 out of 4 members there are dudes. THAT is why Tinder sucks for men.

I got more if you need it.
The typical response for this type of post is “Cool story bro.”
I don't care about their point. I don't have to care. I just have to never encounter a woman like that in real life. And considering I've been in the street more than I've been online and never have run into stupidity similar to "I choose bearz!", one or more things must be true:

1) Women who are this stupid, keep it to themselves; or

2) There really aren't that many women who believe in this horseshit.
Its literally the overwhelming majority of women who think this way. The fact that they don't express how they feel to you has nothing to do with how they feel with you. You're basically the police man who says "Oh I know plenty of black people. They trust the police and the government just fine! No, we're just smart enough to keep our fucking mouths shut more often than not. There is a difference on that front.

I appreciate the advice but honestly I've figured out I can do bad all by myself. I know the definition of insanity.
Its literally the overwhelming majority of women who think this way. The fact that they don't express how they feel to you has nothing to do with how they feel with you. You're basically the police man who says "Oh I know plenty of black people. They trust the police and the government just fine! No, we're just smart enough to keep our fucking mouths shut more often than not. There is a difference on that front.

I appreciate the advice but honestly I've figured out I can do bad all by myself. I know the definition of insanity.
Odd since I am scared of the police and gave my black kids "the talk". Women seem to be outspoken about everything nowadays, they get out and demonstrate in the streets occasionally. It seems odd af that they'd be so terrified into remaining quiet in real life about this. That doesn't seem consistent. This ain't Afghanistan.

And insanity? You gotta change the circle of women you're around. I've had those losing streaks and I had to move. Or sometimes go online.
Odd since I am scared of the police and gave my black kids "the talk". Women seem to be outspoken about everything nowadays, they get out and demonstrate in the streets occasionally. It seems odd af that they'd be so terrified into remaining quiet in real life about this. That doesn't seem consistent. This ain't Afghanistan.

And insanity? You gotta change the circle of women you're around. I've had those losing streaks and I had to move. Or sometimes go online.
We talk among ourselves about guys to avoid. If you're not hearing anything, it's probably because the women around you don't trust you enough to speak up around you.
We talk among ourselves about guys to avoid. If you're not hearing anything, it's probably because the women around you don't trust you enough to speak up around you.
The women I know talk occasionally about men to avoid. Ain't nobody so scared of me that they can't blare that to the moon and back. Nobody talks about this man vs bears thing that I've seen. Maybe in your circles but not mine and I can't spit across my living room without hitting 2 feminists much less outside. My wife's a feminist (we both voted for Clinton and Biden) and she doesn't think bears is a sane answer.

Back in the 2010s I blew a flat at night and had to get off the freeway in a bad looking part of town and had AAA coming to help me out. Some woman walked by with her iphone on and the street light wasn't even working. She wasn't dressing androgynously either. Seems at least one woman wasn't afraid to exist here. Freedom to walk in a shitty neighborhood in the dark, that's what liberty looks like. Made me proud to be an American for a fleeting moment. Then MAGA happened. Now they're online talking about choosing bears. If I'm gonna whine about anything it's going to be about how these turds want to turn America into Howdy Arabia, I can't just say "See ya!" to that.

Odd since I am scared of the police and gave my black kids "the talk". Women seem to be outspoken about everything nowadays, they get out and demonstrate in the streets occasionally. It seems odd af that they'd be so terrified into remaining quiet in real life about this. That doesn't seem consistent. This ain't Afghanistan.

And insanity? You gotta change the circle of women you're around. I've had those losing streaks and I had to move. Or sometimes go online.

Never heard of BLM or the civil rights movement? Colin Kaepernik?

Yes insanity. IF you've been a decade long losing streak maybe this is something that isn't meant for you. I don't have a circle of women I associate with. Nobody I've ever known does. That's not how reality functions. Like I said, I'm happy for you, you have a skill set I lack. Doesn't mean I should spend time and energy focusing on it any more than I should be trying to get into the WWE.
Mansplainers find it impossible to accept the statistical results of how women responded to this question.
I don't care to interpret or explain jack shit to women who feel that way. They can go with the bear as long as they stay out of my life with their nonsense. Please, I am on my knees begging of them, go to the bear, preferably in the woods and as far away from my neighborhood and city as possible. Go and join the MGTOWs who long precede them with their sad take on the "bears vs people" bullshit. MGTOW, bears, it's all the same bunch of paranoid freaks to me.
I don't care about their point. I don't have to care. I just have to never encounter a woman like that in real life. And considering I've been in the street more than I've been online and never have run into stupidity similar to "I choose bearz!", one or more things must be true:

1) Women who are this stupid, keep it to themselves; or

2) There really aren't that many women who believe in this horseshit.

Which is it?

You're clearly more intelligent than RoryN and his gang of tryhard sockies. Maybe you hang around the wrong crowd of women. I can get you past that barrier without the Andrew Tate bullshit. First of all, know your niche. I would go for older women when I was young. That got me past all the superficiality off the bat. Dunno if it's still viable but I'd hit Adultfriendfinder back in the late 90s. They're already in the mood so if you toss out a good erotica instead of a trash job you could get her attention, the rest is yours to lose. In LA there were tons of members and the one I dated for over a year was down the street from me, but YMMV. That's one route. In real life you gotta find a woman who shares your interests and sense of humor. It's good to make friends with a lot of women, one of them will hook you up, that worked for me. It's better to do her right so if you do break up she doesn't talk shit about you, but that's not a 100% guarantee. Still, just don't be a dick and you'll usually do okay with your friends circle. I can't over-stress how important it is to have women friends that you're not just farming for referrals.

And number one, don't just chase the hottest babes. That's 90% of the problem for most men who chronically lose out with women. Only 10% of men will get with the top 10% of women that's statistics. Also avoid Tinder, 3 out of 4 members there are dudes. THAT is why Tinder sucks for men.

I got more if you need it.

A man with his own philosophy!