My wife did it again!!

I've been off this site now for about a week due to some goings on my personal life that required a lot of attention. Anyone that has PMed me recently please accept my apologies for my tardiness in getting back to you. After reading this I'm sure you'll understand...

Some of you already know me and what I'm all about on this site. My wife once cheated on me with another man. Much to my surprise, soon after I started to become turned on that she had sex with another. I started fantasizing about it and desired for her to do it again.

Last week my wife returned home from a two week trip visiting relatives on the east coast. It was her second trip in as many summers, unfortunately I was unable to join her both times. Upon her return I had a variety of questions for her about her trip. She offered up very few details and was reluctant to share much. Throughout the week I kept asking her about her trip and she got more and more standoffish, I guess one would call it. I don't know if it was guilt and deep down she felt our marriage would survive her confession. While she was away she had sex with another man again!! And as it turned out not just this trip but last years as well.

She was vague with the details but for now I got enough. During her first trip she met a man who she said his name was Jeff. He is a friend of her sister's husband. My wife met him when her sister had a group of friends and other family over the evening. My wife and Jeff got to know one another and spent most of the evening together. They agreed to meet up the next afternoon for lunch and he'd accompany as she continued her sight seeing. It was then she admitted to an attraction between them. For awhile now I suspected she was getting curious of other men. I guess she saw her time away from me as an opportunity for a summer fling. They agreed to meet again the next afternoon. They met up and their day ended with a trip back to his place. Well, one thing led to another and they ended up screwing his bed!!

About six months after her first trip I discovered some new sexy panties she apparently bought on her trip. Underwear she "forgot" to tell me about at the time. I found that to be suspicious and filed it away.

Now during this years trip she met up with Jeff again. She confessed to spending a couple more afternoons in his bed. She was quite upset as she told me as much as she could. We have a history of infidelity on her part and she honestly thought this was was to seriously damage our relationship again. I told her I was upset but I forgave her. I wanted to confess all my secrets to her. Namely that inside I was thrilled that another man had fucked her. But I was afraid with all that went down this might be too much to take in. I chickened out...for now. When the time is right I'm going to talk to her further about this.

But right now I'm quietly over the moon! I'm basking in the glow (with a major hard on) of a fantasy fulfilled! My wife got fucked by another man!!!

This is such a hot topic!
Screwher, I've just cum back for thirds.

What a great week for all of us!
My favorite thread on lit! Congrats Mr. Screwher! :rose:

I'm with Kimleigh.......probably one of my favorite threads on Lit though I don't post much on here. I do love to follow your and Mrs. Screwher's adventures into her being a Hot Wife! Thank you for posting the adventures and I look forward to hearing/reading about more adventure's of Mrs. Screwher's Hot Wife experiences.
It seems as though Rodger has really taken a back seat in this affair here of late. Scewher, you really have to be waiting for that next lunch opportunity with Greg and Mrs. It seems like that is the most likely opportunity for you to express your desires to Greg. He obviously knows your OK with the situation and is likely guessing that you will be OK with ratcheting up the intensity a notch or two. I still suspect that was the agenda of the first lunch together. Maybe you should suggest dinner next time you are all at the club together??

And to think I painted this picture nearly a year ago

Mr ScrewHer, you've reached hero status IMO. This is by far my favorite thread and often the main reason I log in. I was concerned about you pushing to hard to watch but the result amazes me still. Your encouragement of her happiness is brilliant.

I'm looking forward to your next update. I hope you get lucky again this weekend.

First off once again thanks to everything who's been following us along on our adventures for their patience with this update. I also want to say "Wow!" and that I'm overwhelmed by all the responses both here and all the PMs I've gotten over the latest developments in our hotwifing lives. Even now as I get to doing this most important update ever it's quite late in my neck of the woods. Let's just say I've been having a hard time keeping my hands off her. This is a new height that definitely going to be hard to surpass. More than likel it never will. This really is a very, longtime fantasy come true.

As we prepared for our evening, I worked into the conversation what I'd like to happen tonight. We both were on the same page that sex with Greg was going to happen again. I reassured her how exciting it is that they're sex has been brought to our house and bedroom. I also worked in (as a reminder too) that it doesn't have to stop with Greg. "If you happen to meet anymore guys that you take a liking to, they're always welcome as well." She said she appreciated that. As we progressed I brought up my desire to watch them having sex. She said she knew that was coming. When she had the opportunity she was going to speak to Greg about it. Just talking about it was getting me worked up I don't mind telling you.

Greg arrived to our place as the finishing on dinner were happening. Mrs. Screwher and him sat in the living room with coffee and spoke for a bit. It was mostly just about unimportant stuff; the gym, work, sports. Then we had dinner. I was hoping that maybe during then the conversation would steer toward what was going to happen soon and we could work in my wanting to watch as they got busy. But it wasn't til a little later yet. After dinner I let them return to the living room. We don't have a particularly huge house but it's big enough to afford some privacy. I could tell my wife had brought up our idea. A few moments later she came into the kitchen and said softly "It's OK with him." I hugged and kissed her. Really fighting the urge shall we say. She returned to him and I soon followed with fresh coffees. They sat together on the couch. The closet I've ever seen them sit. We socialized but I could feel the tension. All three of us were ready to get on with it! Soon I made an excuse of having to go to the rec room leaving them alone. That was basically my cue. Soon I could hear some shuffling around upstairs. They were heading up to the bedroom!!

I gave it a few minutes then I made my way up. I was hoping to maybe see their clothes all about the area of the couch, better yet a nice trail of the clothes leading to the bedroom, but nothing. I got to the top of the stairs where I could see the bedroom door. It was closed but not shut. I took that as a sign and gently pushed it open. If eyes took have heart attacks...!!! They were naked and embraced and softly kissing. Greg's cock was fully erect. My wife had it in her small hand as best she could. This alone was amazing. Just seeing her naked with another man and touching his cock.

They never acknowledged me but obviously knew I was now there. I wanted to pull my own cock out that was now hard in my pants! But decided against it. We probably aren't at that point yet. He laid her down on our bed, kissed her some more then worked his way down. He kissed and licked her tits, his fingers found her pussy. Then he went right down on her. Another first as I watched Greg lick her pussy. From my position it was hard to make out details (our room was dimly lit) but looked like he concentrated on her clit. Her orgasm was exhilarating!!

As she caught her breath, Greg sat up and at that point gave me a glance. I gave a slight smile as if to say "No problem. This is cool". As Greg fiddled with the condom It was then my eyes caught my wife's. I gave her a bigger smile. When Greg was ready he got back into position. My wife spread her legs wide again (Oh God! That was hot!). Again from where I was (and not wanting to get too close to the bed...just yet) I didn't make out a lot but I could enough as he slid his hard cock into my wife's pussy! They paused for a second as he fully penetrated her. Then he started to fuck her. (I don't mind saying this that as I type this I'm now hard again. My cock is out and stroking). Their screwing didn't last very long as I remember it now. But this being everyone's first time in this scenario it wasn't surprising. But what I got I loved every second. Most of the grunts, groans, and sex noises came from Greg. But my wife did let out a few moans and a "Mmmmmm". One last big grunt some Greg, his body tensed, he came! It was when his body softened I slipped out of the room.

I went downstairs. Quickly fired off my update. I couldn't wait to share that!! I took off pants and released my hard cock! I started to masturbate with the sheer joy of what I just watched. But careful not to cum. I heard some more activity upstairs, the bathroom being used. Then the bedroom shut all the way. That in itself was hot! It was if they were saying "Ok this is our time now". At this point I was more than happy to give it to them. Maybe an hour and a half later they emerged from the bedroom. I quickly composed myself too. They stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Again she was just wearing an overly long Tshirt she lounges around the house in. They kissed good night and she went back up the stairs. I escorted Greg to the door. Thanked me for a great night to which I returned it, "No, thank you for everything tonight." A slight emphasis on "everything".

I joined Mrs. Screwher upstairs! More than eager to enjoy her myself. It wasn't long before I had her naked and we were getting on the bed. Normally at this point it's my wife doing most of the talking. But this time it was my turn. During our sex I kept telling her how hot it was watching her anf thanked her profusely. "Seeing you touching his cock...Him licking your pussy...Seeing you orgasm...Oh God! His cock in your cunt!!" Then I came!

She then told me they did indeed do it again. This time she went down on him. I'm not surprised she didn't suck his cock in front of me. I kind of figured our first time doing this she'd be somewhat inhibited and just let him work on her. She said they screwed again missionary then "from behind again", meaning doggy style. We then proceeded to discuss the events before going to sleep. A conversation that I'm going to leave in our bedroom.

Once again thanks to everyone for their interest in his momentous ocassion. Words can't really fully describe how I'm feeling.

Awesome update. I can’t wait till she goes down on him right in front of you.
Congratulations on your breakthrough, screwher. Please keep us up to date with all new developments.

I've been playing this pretty close to the chest. Not just for updating here but just to myself in general. Because not until just now were we 100% on if it was going to happen. But Mrs. Screwher is right now upstairs getting ready. She's stepping out soon to meet Greg for a bite to eat. And yes!! They're coming back here or "...we're gonna hang out at home here later." I knew what that meant but still I wanted to hear it. "Yes. I'm sure we're going to do it tonight."

Needless to say I'm pretty excited again! I've got that familiar feeling in my cock again right now. My sexy wifey is getting fucked in our bed tonight!! And of course I'm hoping to be in there to watch some more as well. Wish me luck!

I've been playing this pretty close to the chest. Not just for updating here but just to myself in general. Because not until just now were we 100% on if it was going to happen. But Mrs. Screwher is right now upstairs getting ready. She's stepping out soon to meet Greg for a bite to eat. And yes!! They're coming back here or "...we're gonna hang out at home here later." I knew what that meant but still I wanted to hear it. "Yes. I'm sure we're going to do it tonight."

Needless to say I'm pretty excited again! I've got that familiar feeling in my cock again right now. My sexy wifey is getting fucked in our bed tonight!! And of course I'm hoping to be in there to watch some more as well. Wish me luck!

Good luck! 😈

Moments ago Mrs. Screwher made her way out. Nobody's kidding themselves here (at least I'd like to think). Dinner and coffee are just a formality. Later on tonight in our bedroom is when it's really going to count!!

So now I've assumed my usual position during these times; bare ass naked, my cock is hard...!!

It's that time! My wife and Greg are on their way home from their "date"! So that means I got to get it together. At least for a little while. And by "get it together" I mean I got to put some pants on lol.

Again I'll update when I have something.

It's that time! My wife and Greg are on their way home from their "date"! So that means I got to get it together. At least for a little while. And by "get it together" I mean I got to put some pants on lol.

Again I'll update when I have something.

Please please PLEASE don't keep us waiting for half a week again!

It's that time! My wife and Greg are on their way home from their "date"! So that means I got to get it together. At least for a little while. And by "get it together" I mean I got to put some pants on lol.

Again I'll update when I have something.

Three hours for dinner and drinks? :) Some playtime before coming home?

I'm just as excited to know about the night as everyone here. Hope it was great for everyone.
@Srewher: Erotic sensual encounters. Enjoy your cuck time. It is a pleasure to serve. Now you reap the benefits of your willingness to share her.

Where do we sign up?
Three hours for dinner and drinks? :) Some playtime before coming home?

I'm just as excited to know about the night as everyone here. Hope it was great for everyone.

Maybe the went dancing to get warmed up?

Hope they gave up on the condoms so Screw Her had proper seconds!

Earlier tonight after finishing up dinner my wife and I started conversing. At first it was about unimportant stuff but the conversation snow balled to the elephant in our living room. Which is of course her recent affair while visiting her relatives in another city.

I admit it. I'm one of those husbands that gets aroused by the idea of wife getting laid by another man. I've desired and fantasized about this for years now right after her first tryst with another man. I wanted to tell her that I approve of her having sex with another , that it turns me on. But knowing my wife I always felt I should remain quiet about it for fear of her reaction. That's why I'm on this site. I love expressing and sharing these desires. Tonight in light of her latest affair, and with the encouragement of some Pms from a few of our fellow Litsters, I finally told her! I finally told her I approve of her extra marital activities. I told her it turns me on.

My wife was surprised but not shocked. We've actually been kind of preparing each other for this moment. At least unspoken preparation. She started showing interest in other men awhile ago. When she confessed her last affair I kept my negative reaction to a minimum and forgave her right away. I guess that made her think. Maybe planted a seed regarding my true feelings. But as expected she did go on the defensive a bit. She wanted to know why. And of course if this was just a ploy to allow me to fuck another woman. I did all I could to convince her otherwise. She said that this was bizarre. That she couldn't believe that a man would actually want his wife to cheat on him. I reassured her I did and that I wasn't interested in another woman. She responded with the "two wrongs don't make a right" argument. I quickly agreed. We pretty much ended the conversation with her telling me that she didn't know if she'd ever do it again. I'll take it - she didn't say no way.

So now it's out there. My wife knows of my secret fantasies and desires. I'm excited to see where this is going to take us next.

Id'd say the is thinking the thing over, maybe some reading material on Cuckholding would explain your position on the subject. Plus it would explain what you get out of her extramarital relationships....she might also be afraid you are setting her up for divorce or something like that. Watching some x rated Cuckhold porn together will show how interested in the subject you really are, especially when your cock get hard watching it together...don't forget to go down on her afterwards and eat your cum....and telling here you wished it was someone else. That might get the point across


I don't really have time for a more extended, detailed update. But I'm sure some of you are awaiting to hear from me. So let me just make this quick here.

It's late next morning now. Another first for us. Greg spent the night. They're upstairs screwing again!!

I don't really have time for a more extended, detailed update. But I'm sure some of you are awaiting to hear from me. So let me just make this quick here.

It's late next morning now. Another first for us. Greg spent the night. They're upstairs screwing again!!

Damn! Can’t wait to hear what your involvement was.
hot and sexy


First off once again thanks to everything who's been following us along on our adventures for their patience with this update. I also want to say "Wow!" and that I'm overwhelmed by all the responses both here and all the PMs I've gotten over the latest developments in our hotwifing lives. Even now as I get to doing this most important update ever it's quite late in my neck of the woods. Let's just say I've been having a hard time keeping my hands off her. This is a new height that definitely going to be hard to surpass. More than likel it never will. This really is a very, longtime fantasy come true.

As we prepared for our evening, I worked into the conversation what I'd like to happen tonight. We both were on the same page that sex with Greg was going to happen again. I reassured her how exciting it is that they're sex has been brought to our house and bedroom. I also worked in (as a reminder too) that it doesn't have to stop with Greg. "If you happen to meet anymore guys that you take a liking to, they're always welcome as well." She said she appreciated that. As we progressed I brought up my desire to watch them having sex. She said she knew that was coming. When she had the opportunity she was going to speak to Greg about it. Just talking about it was getting me worked up I don't mind telling you.

Greg arrived to our place as the finishing on dinner were happening. Mrs. Screwher and him sat in the living room with coffee and spoke for a bit. It was mostly just about unimportant stuff; the gym, work, sports. Then we had dinner. I was hoping that maybe during then the conversation would steer toward what was going to happen soon and we could work in my wanting to watch as they got busy. But it wasn't til a little later yet. After dinner I let them return to the living room. We don't have a particularly huge house but it's big enough to afford some privacy. I could tell my wife had brought up our idea. A few moments later she came into the kitchen and said softly "It's OK with him." I hugged and kissed her. Really fighting the urge shall we say. She returned to him and I soon followed with fresh coffees. They sat together on the couch. The closet I've ever seen them sit. We socialized but I could feel the tension. All three of us were ready to get on with it! Soon I made an excuse of having to go to the rec room leaving them alone. That was basically my cue. Soon I could hear some shuffling around upstairs. They were heading up to the bedroom!!

I gave it a few minutes then I made my way up. I was hoping to maybe see their clothes all about the area of the couch, better yet a nice trail of the clothes leading to the bedroom, but nothing. I got to the top of the stairs where I could see the bedroom door. It was closed but not shut. I took that as a sign and gently pushed it open. If eyes took have heart attacks...!!! They were naked and embraced and softly kissing. Greg's cock was fully erect. My wife had it in her small hand as best she could. This alone was amazing. Just seeing her naked with another man and touching his cock.

They never acknowledged me but obviously knew I was now there. I wanted to pull my own cock out that was now hard in my pants! But decided against it. We probably aren't at that point yet. He laid her down on our bed, kissed her some more then worked his way down. He kissed and licked her tits, his fingers found her pussy. Then he went right down on her. Another first as I watched Greg lick her pussy. From my position it was hard to make out details (our room was dimly lit) but looked like he concentrated on her clit. Her orgasm was exhilarating!!

As she caught her breath, Greg sat up and at that point gave me a glance. I gave a slight smile as if to say "No problem. This is cool". As Greg fiddled with the condom It was then my eyes caught my wife's. I gave her a bigger smile. When Greg was ready he got back into position. My wife spread her legs wide again (Oh God! That was hot!). Again from where I was (and not wanting to get too close to the bed...just yet) I didn't make out a lot but I could enough as he slid his hard cock into my wife's pussy! They paused for a second as he fully penetrated her. Then he started to fuck her. (I don't mind saying this that as I type this I'm now hard again. My cock is out and stroking). Their screwing didn't last very long as I remember it now. But this being everyone's first time in this scenario it wasn't surprising. But what I got I loved every second. Most of the grunts, groans, and sex noises came from Greg. But my wife did let out a few moans and a "Mmmmmm". One last big grunt some Greg, his body tensed, he came! It was when his body softened I slipped out of the room.

I went downstairs. Quickly fired off my update. I couldn't wait to share that!! I took off pants and released my hard cock! I started to masturbate with the sheer joy of what I just watched. But careful not to cum. I heard some more activity upstairs, the bathroom being used. Then the bedroom shut all the way. That in itself was hot! It was if they were saying "Ok this is our time now". At this point I was more than happy to give it to them. Maybe an hour and a half later they emerged from the bedroom. I quickly composed myself too. They stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Again she was just wearing an overly long Tshirt she lounges around the house in. They kissed good night and she went back up the stairs. I escorted Greg to the door. Thanked me for a great night to which I returned it, "No, thank you for everything tonight." A slight emphasis on "everything".

I joined Mrs. Screwher upstairs! More than eager to enjoy her myself. It wasn't long before I had her naked and we were getting on the bed. Normally at this point it's my wife doing most of the talking. But this time it was my turn. During our sex I kept telling her how hot it was watching her anf thanked her profusely. "Seeing you touching his cock...Him licking your pussy...Seeing you orgasm...Oh God! His cock in your cunt!!" Then I came!

She then told me they did indeed do it again. This time she went down on him. I'm not surprised she didn't suck his cock in front of me. I kind of figured our first time doing this she'd be somewhat inhibited and just let him work on her. She said they screwed again missionary then "from behind again", meaning doggy style. We then proceeded to discuss the events before going to sleep. A conversation that I'm going to leave in our bedroom.

Once again thanks to everyone for their interest in his momentous ocassion. Words can't really fully describe how I'm feeling.

I like how you put it all. If I ever did things along these lines for me, I am definitely gonna have my fun too. Everyone gets to have fun. And by fun, I think I want to be the sub (most of the time) in the MMF, following my wife's demands, which I think would be to suck his cock while she watches for starters. My biggest fantasy is the fucklicking and cleaning of her pussy. With a little (just a little) humiliation comments from her and our pal (same during the BJ). Not like in those damn videos. Anyway, thanks for posting.

I don't really have time for a more extended, detailed update. But I'm sure some of you are awaiting to hear from me. So let me just make this quick here.

It's late next morning now. Another first for us. Greg spent the night. They're upstairs screwing again!!

Wow....! Can’t wait for the details.

I don't really have time for a more extended, detailed update. But I'm sure some of you are awaiting to hear from me. So let me just make this quick here.

It's late next morning now. Another first for us. Greg spent the night. They're upstairs screwing again!!

A very nice next step in the development of the situation.
Where did you spend the night though?
Since they were screwing while you posted this - did you prepare them some breakfast?