Newbie query... Nick and pen name issue

Occasionally we freak.

Just to avoid the confusion, me freak, you jane.

With MathGirl as a teacher how could they flunk? Unless that means they have to take the course over with the same teacher (it's all about the motivation). But she is trying to be easier on them (notice the top - just enough to remind us of what we're missing).

-FF (Algebra they used to tell me it meant lazy man's math - now I find out it means hand, moving very rapidly)
Thanks for the link through to the FAQ. The site is limping a bit I think as on the moderators bit there is one post not the 60 odd there should be.
Bras? do show...
Amazing place this..

hiya angus, nice to see someone new, hope to read your stories soon, whoever you are at the top of the page:D

love lorri xxx
Angusthe bull said:
Hello Icingsugar and thanks for the welcome. This is one hell of a site.
I came across the FAQ earlier but canna find it again and I am dammed if I am going to ask the how long Q..
Can you point me there please someone?
Lift thine eyes up to the top right corner of your screen.

I'm glad you didn't ask how long it takes for stories to get posted, 'cause you'd have to suffer on account of how we're weary and worn from telling folks again and again that it depends on how many stories are being submitted and how busy Laurel is since she checks 'em all before posting. So you see, it's hard to tell. Sometimes it's hours, usually it's several days. On rare occassions it's over a week.

Well, as you might imagine, we get sick and tired of giving that same lecture over and over so it's a good thing you didn't as--that's all I've got to say.

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OK, I tell ya... once... this holding the crossed legs is a one off.. hehehe
I got the link from pierced, thanks, and got the info 3 - 5 days.
And yes I fully understand the constand stream of questions too but.. it goes with the growing eh?
The more you know, the more expert you are the more you find the basic q's frustrating... I wonder why?
Might it be?
It's bloody good for you?
Just a considered thought?

Angusthe bull said:
I am considering posting some of my stories to this site. My nick here is the bull one and my pen name is different. I do not want to use the nick as my pen name as I am attempting to build a dare I say it a reputation.
What is the situation here please? Should I abandon the Angus nick and create a new one or is there not a problem?
Any help appreciated.

Welcome to the mad house Angus, take a seat and get comfy mate, Oh newbies buy the beer by the way:D

Link to your stories when they're up I'll have a read:)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What should one expect.....?

Rumple Foreskin said:
Very, very close. In fact, I might say, bullseye. However, I don't think you shed a lot of normenclature-type illumination on the subject.
Dear Rumple,
I expect Armalite and Enfield are in there somewhere. I don't know about the M16. I believe the thing was originally designed and partly patented by Colt's.
M "Annie Oakley" G
Ps. 31-18-28 (blush)
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from Perdita:
How about allegra bra? Happy, like mine.

Of course your bra is happy, it's snuggled up to you.

-FF (I like lorrilove's bra, too.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What should one expect.....?

MathGirl said:
Dear Rumple,
I expect Armalite and Enfield are in there somewhere. I don't know about the M16. I believe the thing was originally designed and partly patented by Colt's.
M "Annie Oakley" G
Ps. 31-18-28 (blush)
AR (armalite)15, M-16, model E-1 was the designation for the original M-16 rifle. A major sub-contractor was Mattel (for the plastic components). It gave you a real sense of security going into battle with your rifle yelling, "You tell tell it's swell--it's a Mattel!"

Blush not at your numbers. In this day and age, a lady who was 36-24-36 would probably be sent to Jenny Craig.

Rumple Foreskin
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What should one expect.....?

Rumple Foreskin said:
AR (armalite)15, M-16, model E-1 was the designation for the original M-16 rifle.
Dear Rumple,
Oh. I wasn't really very close, was I? I've never even seen one of those things up close. Not my type of shooter.

I wasn't trying to pull a one-up deal, I just assumed (and thereby made a ass of me-though not u) that with your knowledge of and experience with firearms, you'd have at least been around the civilian (AR-15) version of the M-16.

If you ever want/need a high-velocity rifle, it would be perfect for you. It's short (carbine-length), light (about five pounds-I think), and has virtually no recoil.

Rumple Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:
If you ever want/need a high-velocity rifle, it would be perfect for you. It's short (carbine-length), light (about five pounds-I think), and has virtually no recoil.
Dear Rumple,
My favorite rifle is a little M-1 carbine made by RockOla in 1943. Light, no recoil, accurate, and fun to shoot. Not much power, but it's death on beer cans.
My thread?
Not my gig.
Elsewhere please.
High velocity may rock your switch but for me? It's a total off.

Angusthe bull said:
My thread?
Not my gig.
Elsewhere please.
High velocity may rock your switch but for me? It's a total off.

The subject was rifles, not guns. Be careful who you try bossing around, Shen. I'm a pacifist, but a certain female-type poster might turn the old A-bull into a virgin steer.

And according to Mr. Webster, it's spelled, WHOA.

Rumple Foreskin
Angusthe bull said:
My thread?WOAH!Not my gig.Elsewhere please.
Dear AtB,
You started the thread with a question. That question was not only answered, it was hogtied, stomped, and dissected.

When that happens, the thread sort of wanders along wherever those who feel like posting steer it. It may end up in a discussion of four foot BMs, ovine romance, onanism, hairy armpits, firearms, or garderobes, to mention only a few. In other words, it AIN'T your thread, anymore than it's mine.

I forgot to mention that the AR-15 will probably remind you of the M-1 carbine. They're about the same size and weight and neither one has much recoil. Of course, the AR-15 has about ten times the muzzle velocity of the carbine, which, when you come to think of it, is pretty amazing.

During the early stages in 'Nam, the South Vietnamese army (ARVN) was issued a lot of M-1 and M-2 carbines because, while they were tough little dudes, the M-14, which was the basic US rifle at the time, was a load for the average Vietnamese soldier to tote and fire. As you mentioned, the M-1 and M-2 carbines handle great, but they don't pack much of a punch. That's why the ARVN's replaced them with M-16's as soon as possible.

Rumple Foreskin
Re: Account query then...

Angusthe bull said:
Thanks for that info Weird but when I tried to log in to start over and create another account the site recognised me from I assume a cookie and that was that idea stuffed.
Suggestions for the way around this appreciated.


You must log-out through the site side of things if logging out through the BB doesn't clear your cookies.

Some people have had to completely purge cookies, temp internet files and all offline content to get a second name to take.

If you continue to have problems, e-mail or PM Laurel for assistance.
Re: Re: Re: What should one expect.....?

Rumple Foreskin said:
AR57AN8! Oh, baby! Talk about lighting an old man's fire. :) What about AR15M16E1?


You mean I should actually shoot them? Not a bad idea! ;)
Ah, rifles.

Rumple, most heartfelt apologies for the medication comment. I've only just caught up.