Newbie query... Nick and pen name issue

perdita said:
p.s. to MG: how long do you hold a grudge. I let 'em go like dull men.

That must explain why, in the immortal words of the Young Rascals, "I've been lonely too long."

OK, found the Altoids, and the Crest.

Thinking of starting a thread on movies remade in America from originals made in other countries, just saw Abre los ojos last night - far far better than the Vanilla Sky remake. There's an entire layer missing from the latter version. (who me, why would I change the subject?)

-FF (see if I have a fishy little snack in the morning before posting at Lit again) :eek:
Rumple Foreskin said:
That must explain why, in the immortal words of the Young Rascals, "I've been lonely too long."
No, no, no, Rumply. If you were in my grasp I'd not let go (can't say ever, but hey, time is of the essence in mid-life).

affectionately, Perdita :rose:
Perdita, thank you. I love the title Around the Day in Eighty Worlds. Looks like he is a good read.

-FF (adding to the Christmas list)
perdita said:
p.s. to MG: how long do you hold a grudge. I let 'em go like dull men.
Dear Perdita,
No grudges for you. With some, though, it's more or less indefinite.
Eff, re. 'Vanilla Sky', start the thread, I'm with you. (Your fishy line made me larf.)

your pal, Perdita
MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita, No grudges for you. With some, though, it's more or less indefinite.
Awww, now you've made me all kissy-huggy again.

Mwaah! No, don't rub it off.

ffreak said:
Perdita, thank you. I love the title Around the Day in Eighty Worlds. Looks like he is a good read.

-FF (adding to the Christmas list)

It's a good book.
:) were you just being cu te or had you never heard the title?
Originally posted by perdita Awww, now you've made me all kissy-huggy again.
Dear Perdita,
In that case, I take it back. I hate it when you go all H-K on us.
MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita, In that case, I take it back. I hate it when you go all H-K on us. MG
Not 'us' anymore, Em. You're my prime H-K target from now on. Cos you're so very cute and petite.

Perdita :kiss: :heart: :kiss:
I like football season. It's nice to be able to drive when so many of the assholes are at home on the couch.
Ps. Perdita, You meant, "cute as a button," I hope. I love that.
MathGirl said:
I like football season. It's nice to be able to drive when so many of the assholes are at home on the couch.
Ps. Perdita, You meant, "cute as a button," I hope. I love that.

you're even cuter than a button.:D
MG: "Cute as a button", yeah I know you do. So be it. And I'm a button connoisseur (via Britex on Geary).

Perdita + smooches
MathGirl said:
I like football season. It's nice to be able to drive when so many of the assholes are at home on the couch.
Ps. Perdita, You meant, "cute as a button," I hope. I love that.
Normally, I might take exception to that crack. However, in light of what happened at last night's Giants-Dodgers game and recalling that you're a Giants fan, I'll meekly refrain while looking for cover.

Reticent Rumple
Sucessful transformation

Hello again,

I have managed to get my self around the problem and as you can see have appeared in my Shenachie guise.
More, the first story is posted and hoefully will appear in the not too distant future.
Title? "Picture This" in the lesbian area.
Spelling? Well I probably do spell some words differently to most of you but then thats the English as she is spelt thing. Colour for a start. Woah I spelt wrongly because a, I was drunk and b, because I was very drunk. :devil:
Please bear with me as I get to grips with how this all works as it's a pretty steep learning curve I am going through.
Thanks to perditia and umm, sorry the mathematical nick for their kind words.
I will be off the board for three week chunks by the way as I work offshore and I dinna thing the bosses would be too pleased if I used the web to come here. In fact I doubt it would even be possible with the filtering in place now.

Hoping everyones day has been great,

Woah I spelt wrongly because a, I was drunk and b, because I was very drunk.
In that case you deserve a pat on the back for getting all the right letters into the word. I've been known to add or substract an odd letter or two even when stone-cold sober.

LOL Yeppers I think I do too. Actually as I get older I am finding that I am mixing my letters as I type much more than I did. I sometimes wonder if I have a tiny touch of dislexia. Hmm is that the way to spell that? WEll ya get the jist I'm sure.
Had a great day here and went for a forty mile cycle taking pictures as I spotted things worth stopping for.
I am drawn back to a small breasted thread but I am around.


Shenachie, we'll be happy to wait for your return so we can bombast you with our well though-out critiques and comedies.

-FF (hope you have a safe and profitable time on the sea)

ps. Mrs. D - I really hadn't heard the title before - I think it's great when a writer sees the alternate title/story - I'm going to find it and read it now, as well as his others.
Eyup Angus as Shenachie and welcome back. Bet you didnae read all posts since. Did ye?

A Scots lad drunk? Whatever next? A tight Yorkshireman? How much?

Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin Normally, I might take exception to that crack. However, in light of what happened at last night's Giants-Dodgers game and recalling that you're a Giants fan, I'll meekly refrain while looking for cover.
Dear Rumple,
It's a moot point, though. The game was played in LA. Ho hum, 13 game lead, clinched with two weeks to go.

Always a cat fight when Gs and Ds play, though. Every game is like the World Series. The woman who sits behind us has a voice like a foghorn and hates the Ds. Could give a sailor cussing lessons. It's kind of embarrassing.
Ps. I've been very good about crowing. Haven't mentioned Giants in weeks. I hope everyone appreciates that, because it was a great opportunity to be obnoxious. Why didn't I crow? Because I don't want to take the boos and razzings every time they lose.
Shen, man, so glad you returned, e'en though leavetaking already. I like the way you spell my name, one more syllable can take you a long way ;)

Perditia :rose:
MathGirl said:
Haven't mentioned Giants in weeks. I hope everyone appreciates that, because it was a great opportunity to be obnoxious.
Very much appreciated, MG, though I admit I missed it; otherwise I have no idea what sports season we're in.

unsportly, Perdita