Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

echoes_s said:
my words were not meant unkind
although might have been unwise
but no matter, I'll take my stink and leave
thanks for your honesty
echoes, darlin' that poem, I wrote had nothing to do with your stuff or you. I apoligise if you thought so.

You write beautifully. :rose:

I was talking about me in my poem. I have clinical depression and I get shitty with myself. Writing is how I piss those feelings out.

- neo
echos_s it is normal to feel vulnerable and exposed

it is a healthy process but scary as hell sometimes

I thought the poem was hot, damn I cant believe you did not save it

it was pure passion

I almost had a hard time sitting down after reading it


It is hard not to take thigns personally, but you just gotta give people the benefit of the doubt-- most people are just here to spill out their own "shit" and not rub our noses in our own

god what a horrible analogy

:heart: Anna
annaswirls said:
echos_s it is normal to feel vulnerable and exposed

it is a healthy process but scary as hell sometimes

I thought the poem was hot, damn I cant believe you did not save it

it was pure passion

I almost had a hard time sitting down after reading it


It is hard not to take thigns personally, but you just gotta give people the benefit of the doubt-- most people are just here to spill out their own "shit" and not rub our noses in our own

god what a horrible analogy

:heart: Anna

sometimes what is going on in our personal lives can carry over into Lit and it may seem like All the poems are in reference to us.
with all the bullshit about critics and all lately it's been eggshells in a way here and I'm sure echoes_s just kind freaked
she may not be used to expressing herself so freely with out being criticized
It's ok
: )
trust is hard
trust is fleeting but
even if there were those here who disliked your stuff
there is a greater number of those who love your stuff
annaswirls said:
echos_s it is normal to feel vulnerable and exposed

it is a healthy process but scary as hell sometimes

I thought the poem was hot, damn I cant believe you did not save it

it was pure passion

I almost had a hard time sitting down after reading it


It is hard not to take thigns personally, but you just gotta give people the benefit of the doubt-- most people are just here to spill out their own "shit" and not rub our noses in our own

god what a horrible analogy

:heart: Anna

I am learning Anna and I am truly sorry everyone.
Liar said:
Min, stop apologising for something in every other post I read. It's uncalled for, and annoying. :) :rose:

Have I been apologizing too much again? I'm sorry. ;)

Re: Re: ok, lost the other poem, maybe this one is better...

Tathagata said:
in your submission
in your acquiescence
i find my stride
and can once again walk
among the living

*stumbled in surprise* wow, thank you Tathagata...for everything.

Careful, i will start calling you Sir :heart: :devil:
Re: Re: Re: ok, lost the other poem, maybe this one is better...

echoes_s said:
*stumbled in surprise* wow, thank you Tathagata...for everything.

Careful, i will start calling you Sir :heart: :devil:

some one had to say it my dear
and i am not a sir
merely a friend
; )
i can appreciate what you offer and what you've been through
Re: Re: Re: Re: ok, lost the other poem, maybe this one is better...

Tathagata said:
some one had to say it my dear
and i am not a sir
merely a friend
; )
i can appreciate what you offer and what you've been through

it is weird that this all came about and from these memories i begin to feel humbled and the first stirrings of hope ever that He is out there somewhere...

bleah, maybe it is spring sponging my heart soft :p

It'll pass soon

good to have a friend like you :kiss: :rose:
may i also return the favor :heart:
echoes_s said:
We all exist somewhere
sometimes harpooned
in a rut neverending
sinking bubbles blown slowly
as we rise
only a reason to hang on
to our last bit of breath
until we reach the surface again
gasping afresh
thanking anything around
that steel floats
because it is there for us
and who wants to buff shoes
and spit polished hues
like everyone else
to be ground into a mold
digging like moles
melded metal is the same
poured into cast
and shaped like society
is supposed to be
but what is society
in this sea frame
of floating anchors
and broken poets
who spit words like polish
shining brighter
than any black patent leathered shoes?

where is the sun today dammit!?
hugs Seattle

well Damn, echoes, this is awesome!! I had no idea you were such a philosopher, are you a sagittarius? just curious... you outta submit this un here ;)
Kundalinguini said:
the landscape of poetry
runs downhill
its birthplace
small but high
its lines the hills
that chart its course
through pauses
where the meaning flows
rills that run down
flashing freshets
following destinies
chosen by their origins
and by the tumbled words
that sometimes block their path
and sometimes guide them
into whirlpools
winding streams
through grasses
growing like
ideas taking root
drawing life
from other streams
surged down
by other rock-strewn
flows downhill
into banks of trees
wider turns
deeper beds
together large
impressive channels
for the intercourse
that frames our days
drawn up delivered
over tended crops
nurtured by the nature
of their source
the shining sea
that draws them in
gathers them as one
then casts them skyward
meaning floating up
like clouds that coalesce
while climbing
into stormclouds
flash and volley
thundering chaotic
cutting loose in torrents
raining down on hilltops
small but high.

Bloody brilliant. This may be the prettiest thing I've ever read.

Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: i can see what isnt there

Liar said:
because most often
it is not a case
of head over heels
open arms
open face
and on
this day
when skys
once more
are gray
the core
of it all
is just
not a
raging relentless
but a brisk breeze
scatterd showers
fresh air to freeze
the flames that
eats away
on us all
and you feel
as well as I do
the insight
after all

Liar, :rose: and big hugs!! thanks

its never as bad as my silly histrionic personality sees things, its just that she jumps in first, speaks her ill-advised mind and jumps back out and it takes a few minutes for rational maria to catch up, ya know? ;)
Syndra Lynn said:
Bloody brilliant. This may be the prettiest thing I've ever read.

Syn :kiss:

Thank you, Syn.. You're too kind. (Really.) It did drag me from sleep at 3am with an opening line that just cascaded, and for all my attempts to go back to sleep finally refused not to be written right then.
Re: Cycle

Raging Whoremoans said:
Scent of powder
touch of silk
squirming away
to and fro
faster with time
watch her go.

Scent of apple
touch of silly
running now
falling down
up again
perpetual motion.

Scent of soap
touch of nerves
hugging legs
kisses goodbye
teary Mom tells
confident lie.

Scent of perfume
touch of anticipation
nervous date
pictures taken
door closes
hands shakin'

Scent of roses
touch of fear
candles lit
love professed
two hearts
truly blessed

Scent of sex
touch of need
inhibitions fade
shadows merge
sensation soars
moans converge

Scent of powder
touch of silk
squirming away
to and fro
faster with time
watch her go.

~ R W

Wow. Wonder-full. Thanks
Angeline said:
Your two faces
unfaded voices never diminished
not silenced you speak
from my mouth formless
but growing as you grew
in my body faces, organs, limbs
reaching forward to live
but backward timeless undying
for the skin of generations
covers you my schtetl children
even exiled from that ancestry
even exiled from me I labor
through this pain of separating
which goes on through years
through distance still overwhelming
me to push push you into the light
always two faces haunting me

The_Fool said:

your strident soliloquy
offered up for all to hear
and see
shared with those who know us
(and some who don’t)
an exhaustive list of my shortcomings
(in chronological order)
your measured oration
offers all a superlative assessment
of the range and texture
of your elocution.
similes and metaphors
crouch at your feet
in awe and honor
your discourse drives
home you scorn for me
and all I might be.
without repetition
and with a range of language
that leaves none in doubt
of the level of your education.

spare me

words will not change
what is you
what is me
I offer simplistic
not simple
I offer direct discourse
and do not hide my words
in shadows of innuendo
of variation
my language is terse
my message is short
take me as I am
or let us part

Damn! I wish I could tell people off with half the eloquence. :rose:
Re: Rodents are people too

OT said:
Re: double post

um, just how do you think
all the AVs stay showing?

it's their round-n-round wheels
that keep this place going !

sure they nibble some bits
and double some posts

but I wouldn't call'm stupid
or your votes might be toast

Sorry. I sorta lost my mind for a second.

Syn :kiss:
The_Fool said:
Do you really think I’m nasty
when I look at you with lust?
Indulging thoughts of how
your curves defined
with landscape
and molded thighs
that stretch those pants just right.
Noticing nipples
protruding slightly
announcing their presence
with such subtlety.
Characteristic curves
soft in vision
firm to touch.
And touch I did
last night.
Darling I love you
without question
at all times.
But certain moments
drive my desire,
whether feathering your hair
with tapered finger
or focused on one toe
with polish in hand.
In that moment
between breaths,
between heartbeats
I fight that urge to simply

It's beautiful Fool, and that's one lucky woman you have there :rose:
Maria2394 said:
well Damn, echoes, this is awesome!! I had no idea you were such a philosopher, are you a sagittarius? just curious... you outta submit this un here ;)

Thanks Maria, nope am a leo, August 10th :catroar:
will post it tonight. :heart:
Kids are gone...time to put some new music on, grab mah bath and think spanning imagination...:rose: