Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Angeline said:
Hi Abs. I dig the Prufrock. :)

Why thank you A, I love that poem. I have to sneak over here now and then since I can't write poetry, I have to get my fill here.

Hey, I'm not going to get censored am I???:eek:
The_Fool said:
Since Lauren is whining...;) I moved the quote. Since I only gave it a few minutes I moved it here. Since I still hate sonnets. I'm sticking my tongue out...:p Since...oh fuck it, just post the damn thing already...

Caressing fingers linger on your lips
Where not so long ago my kiss caressed
Our passion doled out yet in tiny sips
Restraining puts temptation to the test

Her blouse falls prey a button at a time
My mouth upon her breast elicits sighs
Our hands soon move in ways much less sublime
A measured pace falls victim with our cries

With frantic need we seek to sate our lust
Where naked bodies touch, so hot it sears
That this is not the first time builds a trust
A moment’s need is stronger for the years

So what if gray got sprinkled in our hair
My need for her is great beyond compare

What's another 20 years....:mad:

And since I know I'm no Shakespeare...I'll sign it....:nana:


You've just ensured you'll live to be 100. ;)

Tathagata said:
Mi querida
my love
from the terra cotta hills of california
to the lobster traps of cape cod
you fill me
with sunsets
with freckled skin
with soft unwarranted giggles

mi maestra
my Mistress
teach me the way
things need to be
the way things need to flow
to give us peace

mi hermosa
My sister
join me in my carnal
let me suckle the breast
of freedom

mi fantasma
my ghost
come to me nightly
and bless me with
graveyard kisses
and dead embraces

mi diabla
my she devil
take my soul for your pleasure
slashed and flayed
for you only

mi salvador
my savior
accept my prayers
accept my life
accept my blood and pain
and with hips splayed
you cum
on my death

fuck yes!

damn I'm poetic

Synfully Delicious :kiss:
echoes_s said:
Up North

Where the Oak trees bow
under burdensome weight
of numbing rime
which gleamed at clouded skies
where the snow falls
and silent slides
to bite the ground below
hidden traps
teeth snapped

Where murky waters
once swirled cool
a cleansing refresh
now a quiet death
ghostly ice
heaving cracks
where it once breathed
gasp aghast

Where the mind too
numbed by frost
captured deep
within gnawing teeth
and swirling murk
unclear, unclean
a hushed slow death
madness screams
Up North

Delighted to see your words today.

You know, your AV is screaming for a poem. I bet you'd write a lovely one.

Be Blessed my friend

Syn :kiss:
The_Fool said:
Since Lauren is whining...;) I moved the quote. Since I only gave it a few minutes I moved it here. Since I still hate sonnets. I'm sticking my tongue out...:p Since...oh fuck it, just post the damn thing already...

Caressing fingers linger on your lips
Where not so long ago my kiss caressed
Our passion doled out yet in tiny sips
Restraining puts temptation to the test

Her blouse falls prey a button at a time
My mouth upon her breast elicits sighs
Our hands soon move in ways much less sublime
A measured pace falls victim with our cries

With frantic need we seek to sate our lust
Where naked bodies touch, so hot it sears
That this is not the first time builds a trust
A moment’s need is stronger for the years

So what if gray got sprinkled in our hair
My need for her is great beyond compare

What's another 20 years....:mad:

And since I know I'm no Shakespeare...I'll sign it....:nana:


This moved me in soooo many foolish ways.

Will you do me? Pretty please? I love older men and you're just so damn, SEXY!

Syndralicious :p
Re: to some 1

Liar said:
yes you are

too painstakingly perfect
to even fall tremblingly
grovelling in front of

too knowing to ask
the uttermost questions

too breathtakingly beautiful
to take my breath away

too composedly confident
to ever dare be challenged
of even feed afaint hope,
you'd even turn my way

and too, just too damn
full of yourself
for me to ever bother

Angeline said:
The kitchen door never
closed right after rain,
the second step creaked.
Is it the the same, does the world
creak still wherever you are?

What's a home, anyway?
A brace of boxes?
the collection box
for the poor children
of Palestine, photgraphs
of the Statue of Liberty,
the ticket for ship's passage?

Yes we are Americans.
You walked across Poland
to Hamburg, to freedom.
All those faded faces
of ancestry flashed, gone,
schtels in ashes, war swept,
and you, one brother
here surviving
in the goldeneh medina.
For what?

Cities swallow us
in gulps, years pass
in factories and fences
race by, chains link to the past
then crack and fade
until you can barely breathe
those mothball memories

Dance programs,
Radio City Music Hall
swirled in a snow globe
of lifetimes set on a mantle
in a house, on a street,

I slide my fingers over the
goldeneh chain
of grandmother's necklace,
wear her Mogan David
like an amulet of protection
from an uncertain future.

Who is left to scratch out
remembrance but me?
Words fail to capture
your eyes or the soft
sussaration of S or Z
fallen years ago
from your lost mouth.

Remember your eyes
warm your voice asking

Chaveleh? Is it better
to give or receive?

You never wait
for an answer, you give
me a quarter
and that smile.

:heart: :heart: If this was written in a sudden burst of passion, then there is a light shining on you from places foreign!!!
Angeline said:
The kitchen door never
closed right after rain,
the second step creaked.
Is it the the same, does the world
creak still wherever you are?

What's a home, anyway?
A brace of boxes?
the collection box
for the poor children
of Palestine, photgraphs
of the Statue of Liberty,
the ticket for ship's passage?

Yes we are Americans.
You walked across Poland
to Hamburg, to freedom.
All those faded faces
of ancestry flashed, gone,
schtels in ashes, war swept,
and you, one brother
here surviving
in the goldeneh medina.
For what?

Cities swallow us
in gulps, years pass
in factories and fences
race by, chains link to the past
then crack and fade
until you can barely breathe
those mothball memories

Dance programs,
Radio City Music Hall
swirled in a snow globe
of lifetimes set on a mantle
in a house, on a street,

I slide my fingers over the
goldeneh chain
of grandmother's necklace,
wear her Mogan David
like an amulet of protection
from an uncertain future.

Who is left to scratch out
remembrance but me?
Words fail to capture
your eyes or the soft
sussaration of S or Z
fallen years ago
from your lost mouth.

Remember your eyes
warm your voice asking

Chaveleh? Is it better
to give or receive?

You never wait
for an answer, you give
me a quarter
and that smile.

I agree
and that is a cool picture
: )

now you got me thinkin about my nana