Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

annaswirls said:
my boobs are not small
but they are a bit asymetric-- does that count?

Ms. Left is a tad bit smaller
than Miss Right

no one notices except my babies while nursing....

if it's good enough for the babes
it's good enough for me
; )
annaswirls said:
I am going to get myself into


and I almost forgot to turn this into a poem
and damn I think I even um
edited that last one

how my imperfections
let me count the ways

my left shoulder
a small bump and crack
from being a southpaw without the
(and that slip and slide accident over spring break
did not help things...)

and ring finger right hand
broken crooked powderpuff football

left eye
two scar
one summersault toddler fireplace rock
the other a blocked shot thumb in eye
first female water polo injury in an all boy league
but he missed

pride too big
nose too small

toenail on baby toe
is not a toe nail at all

and for most
just a bit too tall....



drive you fucking crazy no time flat

but we are talking beauty here

pregnant belly stretch marks
Momma playground bruises

finger nail bitten knuckle scarred
pedicure deprived
flat ass

this is more information than requested
damn we were not even talking about me

but please let me add
self centered
weak kneed
hard headed
thin skinned


well hell who could resist
; )
annaswirls said:
oh damn, not junk, nice!

I checked villanelle off my list I guess I haev to do the terrenwhatever the hell

my problem with these repeating form poems is my brain skips around and LOOKS for the repeats and I never really get to enjoy the poem. Even the greats, nothing personal.

hmm maybe this weekend
a forum for form
scars or sags and bags
how will my verse be
if not to be free?

pull in the reins
lock in the refrain

and then say it all
once again

goddamn I am a sucker for "peer" pressure
if I could be bold and presumptious enough to call present company

bleah on the peer pressure you!
{made me go look it up in the dictionary cause I thought I had the meaning wrong...whatchyu talking about???}
bold and presumptious my newly switched butt ;)
hehe, thanks Mistress Carrie :D

They say Villanelles are more obssessive and nightmares, where Terzanelles are difficult, but fun to play with because there is more open rhyming. Try it :D: :heart:

I only meant this nicely Anna, not sure if it sounds bad or not, but it isn't meant as mean.
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Linbido said:
When the commotion of simply picking up
the threads from the day before
dies down,

revealing quiet walls
and the tick tock tick,
second by second,
of that oh so quiet
kitchen wall clock
that you never quite manage
to hear

I no longer do
what I always did.

Instead of cranking up
a random flip of the cd rack
or howling MTV
to drown the vile whispers out,
I let them in.

Open the windows,
already bulging from their
venom pressure,
and let them flood my mind.

Playing the good hostess,
I bid them to sit - which they don't,
and ask them to wait there.
Of course they follow,
taunting, teasing - I don't care.

Because I'm heading
where they can not go,

a universe of

As I lay down
creep in under
with you,

face to sleeping face,
your tiny breath
on my nose,
and for a magic minute,
your unknowing hand in mine.

And somehow
they see that I'm busy,

and go bother
someone else.

Lin... I know minute by minute... day by day... exactly how this feels! Her tiny hand and sleepy smile gave me such strength and energy! And now her son fills that void!

Thank you! :rose:
Merrymaker said:
Late night tv blare
Company for tired inclinations
Lulled by memory's promised land
And that blonde with her twitching nose

The sandman stays at arms length
Eased into retro submission
Under laughtrack's jangling spell

Annoying commercial, distraction at last
Time to brew me a double salvation
Sleepytime tea to the rescue
Clean sheets are calling my name.

nice work
You should submit it
annaswirls said:
have the geese returned to your neighbors pond
and who has taken the kitten
who gets stuck in your tree
with so many ways to get down

I see no way down
no way out

you brought me places I never
thought I could go

places I will never go again

this was too soon
this is all of those things that people say
when someone is taken too soon

if I could hear your voice
one more time
what would I want to hear you say

you read that poem I wrote for you
I will always have your voice
reading my words

and you have said all of the things
I ever wanted to hear

and the phone rang and rang
and I tried to will your voice
your voice to answer

came up with reason after reason
for the silence
the silence
the silence

because anything would be better than this
betrayal, lies, infidelity

I tried to imagine all of these things to be true
when I knew that they couldn't be
they couldn't be true

I hope you forgive me for those thoughts
I had to occupy myself from what I knew

what I knew

I left you
the night you passed

you passed wondering where I was


and now it is my turn

I will be waiting all my life
and knowing, as I said
a hundred times before

You have spoiled me for all others

and I will write a real poem to you
once my fingers stop shaking
eyes stop leaking and start to focus

I do not know
what to do

I have forgotten how to do everything
except to love you

Thank you honey. They're beautiful

annaswirls said:
Angeline hugging you from here
I know
I know

I was not trying to judge the thread at all
just wanted to say

I cannot go on that thread
it feels so real
but I am ready

what I get from this

Poets wallow in love and loss

I NEED mushrooms on my pizza

everyone here is getting laid to the max (I recall that in some distant past and if I could go back I would love them better--take more time)

amazing collection of talent and beauty but how much focus?


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Re: what I get from this

Poets wallow in love and loss

I NEED mushrooms on my pizza

everyone here is getting laid to the max (I recall that in some distant past and if I could go back I would love them better--take more time)

amazing collection of talent and beauty but how much focus?

If you mean focus of subject, look at the poetry written for challenges or individual's submissions on their pages. This thread is more a catch-all for whatever poetry spills out spontaneously. :)
Re: Re: Re: what I get from this

Liar said:
spontaneous spills
dribbled from quill
stains the surface
to maybe fulfill

intention amok
a notion set free
all of a sudden
passion suddenly

Yeah. Like that.

Linbido said:
sister silly
lets wallow together
ungrown, unrefined
through the pond
and plant new lilies
as we go

unliterary me
follow with frustration
the namedropping sensation
of Wolff, Plath, Kerouac
just names on a screen
that means just as little to me
as infinity to infants
and with my silly glee
I giggle
clap my hands
and nods faux knowingly
knowing I will never see
what they see

but I am me
and here is a universe
stacked with all
that shaped these words
and I know
I'd better keep it in
than call it out
because my jazz
would sing an alien tune
rewarded by the same
faux nods, giggles, claps
and an ever so charming
blank stare

noone would know my Monk
my Bird, my Dylan, Lennon, Morrison
is not on the map
Leeson, Archer, Gold, Ramsby
any bells? no. see?

a handicap? maybe
but mine to sherish
and grow with

come, sister
play in the pond
of poet childs
with me


beautiful Lin, brought tears to my eyes, yes I will wallow and stomp with you in my lil ol pond, or yours, anytime, thank you :)
Maria2394 said:
beautiful Lin, brought tears to my eyes, yes I will wallow and stomp with you in my lil ol pond, or yours, anytime, thank you :)

You don't have gators do ya? Looking around suspiciously...
The_Fool said:
You don't have gators do ya? Looking around suspiciously...
Having gators just means you have to learn how to swim faster—Maria does have frogs in her pond as she keeps writing about them

;) I'd watch out for that Frog King if I were her...

- neo

Lin, beautiful poem :rose:
The_Fool said:
You don't have gators do ya? Looking around suspiciously...

:D no gators, dear foolio, not yet anyway, that dont mean I aint tryin' :rose:

BUT, its a small pond, a cement koi pond, which had several large koi when we bought this place, but after about 3 years, the fish disappeared and the frogs and "others" took over. The "others" are something I cant identify ( yet), they look like dragonfly larvae, but ah hell, who knows, as long as they dont eat the frogs, I dont care :rose:

and neo, the Frog King is extremely menacing, and makes a huge splash when he jumps back in, I like him, the jerk that he is...
Maria2394 said:
:D no gators, dear foolio, not yet anyway, that dont mean I aint tryin' :rose:

BUT, its a small pond, a cement koi pond, which had several large koi when we bought this place, but after about 3 years, the fish disappeared and the frogs and "others" took over. The "others" are something I cant identify ( yet), they look like dragonfly larvae, but ah hell, who knows, as long as they dont eat the frogs, I dont care :rose:

and neo, the Frog King is extremely menacing, and makes a huge splash when he jumps back in, I like him, the jerk that he is...

LOL. I misread this--I thought you were calling neo the Frog King.

sorry neo. you lost the title to a comma. :D