Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

tarablackwood22 said:
:heart: :heart: If this was written in a sudden burst of passion, then there is a light shining on you from places foreign!!!

The light comes from my grandpa. He was a very special man. I'm here because he walked across a country and a half to be free. :)

And he was only 14 at the time...
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Angeline said:
The light comes from my grandpa. He was a very special man. I'm here because he walked across a country and a half to be free. :)

And he was only 14 at the time...

oh honey
you are a cutie pie
Angeline said:
The light comes from my grandpa. He was a very special man. I'm here because he walked across a country and a half to be free. :)

And he was only 14 at the time...

beautiful, Ang.....both the sentiments and your faces. :heart:
Tathagata said:
I remeber these words
harking back to Mayflower roots
and the smell of boiled dandilion greens
on Sunday

Plum pudding
and taking the bus " downtown"
and i'd always go with you
because I knew I'd get a prize
and the bus driver would pinch my ears
and knew my name

you went to the foot doctor
you went to the eye doctor
and then we sit at Woolworths
and have hamburgers and fries
and I'd pop a baloon
to see if my banana split would be a penny

Spicy gumdrops
molasses cookies
and blackberry brandy
hidden under the sink
for your nerves

and years later i found out
i used to rub my head at 4 and say
" my nervous hurts"
because you'd suffer and rub your head and say
"I'm so nervous"
living with my folks

electric shock
we didn't know
and when you'd come home we'd be normal kids
ruunning ,shouting, being a pain in ass
only later did i know
after you were gone

Nana I got my mind from you
I worry
I think too much
Your husband dead before I was born
Who would take care of you?

You told me tales of vaudville and death
milkmen and ice boxes
the depression and immigration
and no matter what
you always
had a cookie
or a dollar
or candy
for me and all my brothers

and since time has passed i see
you weren't crazy
as they branded you
you were compassionate
caring, overprotective
but you were selfless
and sometimes I think
that's what throws them all off

they just can't understand that

:rose: two are giving me the sniffles.
Angeline said:
Pop a balloon
for a banana split
49 cents
29 cents

I picked red.
It was good
siiting ladylike with mama
on the red vinyl stool
sitting like a grownup
no elbows on the formica counter
that my chin just cleared

spoon the goods away
not toward you

just as a ship sails out to sea,
i spoon my spoon away from me

and always left with one
chocolate or strawberry dribble
kidhood evidence belies
my attempted manners
childhood like a badge
on a pink dress

It was so good then.
The bus trip with one transfer
two ladies window shopping
then the red balloon ice cream
grand finale
so good then but
never free.


you'd understand
tarablackwood22 said:
:rose: two are giving me the sniffles.

I'm convinced that T and I have been moving in parallel universes, lol. And yes, Chi-town please. How about about a poem about those chocolate-covered mints from Marshall Fields? Everyone I know who grew up there loves those things. :D
Angeline said:
I'm convinced that T and I have been moving in parallel universes, lol. And yes, Chi-town please. How about about a poem about those chocolate-covered mints from Marshall Fields? Everyone I know who grew up there loves those things. :D

I'm a New York City girl......East coaster like yourselves......came here to be educated, the results of which are debatable.

I miss New York.

I do do chocolates, though......right Tath?
tarablackwood22 said:
I'm a New York City girl......East coaster like yourselves......came here to be educated, the results of which are debatable.

I miss New York.

I do do chocolates, though......right Tath?

oh baby
you do chocolates...................gooooooooooooooood
Angeline said:
Hah! I went to grad school in the upper midwest. Two years of Madison winter damn near killed me, lol. (And I get weird if I'm not an ocean's drive or less from an ocean.)

(and T, don't you say a darn word about why are you in such a cold place now, lol. I'm working on that.)

i agree about the ocean
i couldnt live more that an hours drive away
even though i dont go there much...i need to know its near and smell it on foggy sea breeze mornings
Tathagata said:
i agree about the ocean
i couldnt live more that an hours drive away
even though i dont go there much...i need to know its near and smell it on foggy sea breeze mornings

....foggy sea breeze mornings.....!

if that doesn't force you to stop the chit chat and write a poem, nothing will....

..........unless it's chocolates. :devil:

come on, or the other.
Tathagata said:
windows open
grey and dank
but warm.....

I can smell the ocean
5 miles away
smell Ahab and pilgrims

that salt is in my blood
my forefather smelt it
riding away from famine

and you beside me
salty hairblown cut
and coppertone

sunday morning chocolates
placed on your stomach
can I wait for them to melt?

senses afire with memories
salt and sweet
smooth and turgid

and i taste salt
and it is you
and it is me

Oh yes!
Tathagata said:
windows open
grey and dank
but warm.....

I can smell the ocean
5 miles away
smell Ahab and pilgrims

that salt is in my blood
my forefather smelt it
riding away from famine

and you beside me
salty hairblown cut
and coppertone

sunday morning chocolates
placed on your stomach
can I wait for them to melt?

senses afire with memories
salt and sweet
smooth and turgid

and i taste salt
and it is you
and it is me I said yesterday, you knock me out! ;)
Re: Grandma is a Goddess

Syndra Lynn said:
Grandma wore dresses
never pants (till she was over 60!)
the blue polka dot one
was for special occasions
when she wore it with her
grandmother pin
we went to Derby
greatest food on earth

Saturday morning pancakes
Sunday dinner fried chicken
lilacs blossomed everywhere
rose scented perfume
ben gay and dippity doo

"It was darker than a stack a black cats"
the night her grandma died
I remember her story

she was brave
stole cole to heat their home
started work at 12
to feed 11 younger siblings
worked hard all her life
helped organize the union
widowed far to young

when my father left
she picked up the slack
always made sure we had
everything we needed
and more
walked down the tracks
to our side of town to babysit
while Mom worked

sturdy, stubborn.
funny, friendly
matriarch, Goddess

very nice Sis
grandmothers are a rare breed
"ben gay and dippity doo"
oh yeah
and they called it " Rheumatism"
Re: Grandma is a Goddess

Syndra Lynn said:
Grandma wore dresses
never pants (till she was over 60!)
the blue polka dot one
was for special occasions
when she wore it with her
grandmother pin
we went to Derby
greatest food on earth

Saturday morning pancakes
Sunday dinner fried chicken
lilacs blossomed everywhere
rose scented perfume
ben gay and dippity doo

"It was darker than a stack a black cats"
the night her grandma died
I remember her story

she was brave
stole cole to heat their home
started work at 12
to feed 11 younger siblings
worked hard all her life
helped organize the union
widowed far to young

when my father left
she picked up the slack
always made sure we had
everything we needed
and more
walked down the tracks
to our side of town to babysit
while Mom worked

sturdy, stubborn.
funny, friendly
matriarch, Goddess

:heart: :heart: :heart: One heart for Ange, one for Tath, and one for you Syn......for the beauty of knowing what is important.
Re: Re: Grandma is a Goddess

tarablackwood22 said:
:heart: :heart: :heart: One heart for Ange, one for Tath, and one for you Syn......for the beauty of knowing what is important.

write baby write
Re: Re: Grandma is a Goddess

tarablackwood22 said:
:heart: :heart: :heart: One heart for Ange, one for Tath, and one for you Syn......for the beauty of knowing what is important.

Grandma was and is my heart and soul. I could never read these Grandma poems and not throw out my own. I wrote Lilac Dreams for her. That is a very special poem to me

Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Grandma is a Goddess

Syndra Lynn said:
Grandma was and is my heart and soul. I could never read these Grandma poems and not throw out my own. I wrote Lilac Dreams for her. That is a very special poem to me

Syn :kiss:

thick as cheesecake
Nice line
she lives on...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Grandma is a Goddess

tarablackwood22 said:
tell me about the moon
old man,
how its light
off the sea at night.
tell me
how dewdrops
kiss their leaves.

show me.

make me look at the water
and see its salt,
see the reshaping
of the sand.

each time I see the moon
or tell my daughter
about the importance
of water,
or swim on a beach
at sunset,
I will remember you.

give me memories.

now see......
thats beautiful
: )

I love your words and images
Liar said:
playing toneless symphony
a myriad of micro collisions
as water wears down rock

lazily, you let the glitter
of of a sun soaked surface
bounce from sky to sea
to you to me

playing hide and seek
below, out there
with gulls and rays
trying as they might
to hide behind the other krell

some forget, and hide in front
gulls rejoice and sweep
their greedy snappers satisfied

lazily, you watch the frenzy
a cloud of white feathers
yellow beaks and black eyes

playing daring drama
setting driftwood stage
and oyster shell props
to act, as good as for real
a life less ordinary

lazily, you stretch your neck
and lift those sunglasses
to watch their spree

playing with the idea
to walk boldly over
to your sunwarm blanket

and ask you for a dance
to the shimmering symphony
of the ocean

you an east coast boy??
Liar said:
playing toneless symphony
a myriad of micro collisions
as water wears down rock

lazily, you let the glitter
of of a sun soaked surface
bounce from sky to sea
to you to me

playing hide and seek
below, out there
with gulls and rays
trying as they might
to hide behind the other krell

some forget, and hide in front
gulls rejoice and sweep
their greedy snappers satisfied

lazily, you watch the frenzy
a cloud of white feathers
yellow beaks and black eyes

playing daring drama
setting driftwood stage
and oyster shell props
to act, as good as for real
a life less ordinary

lazily, you stretch your neck
and lift those sunglasses
to watch their spree

playing with the idea
to walk boldly over
to your sunwarm blanket

and ask you for a dance
to the shimmering symphony
of the ocean is one good afternoon!! :heart: