Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Maria2394 said:
...The "others" are something I cant identify ( yet), they look like dragonfly larvae, but ah hell, who knows, as long as they dont eat the frogs, I dont care :rose:

It's probably the other way around. The frogs bet mighty huuuungry...


neonurotic said:

ange, Neo can be my Frog King any day, if he doesnt mind sitting maked and eating flies as my muse :)

and fool, be careful, I might make you into Jester Frog :D

theres rooom in th e pond for all you guys ( well, not actual room, but room in my heart of a pond), wouldnt that be fun?? :rose:
Maria2394 said:
ange, Neo can be my Frog King any day, if he doesnt mind sitting maked and eating flies as my muse :)

and fool, be careful, I might make you into Jester Frog :D

theres rooom in th e pond for all you guys ( well, not actual room, but room in my heart of a pond), wouldnt that be fun?? :rose:

Jester Frogs have longer tongues.....:devil:
Tathagata said:
Squat box truck
with art deco lettering
and a bell that's as bent and twisted
as the driver

old rosie
he's been around since christ was a choir boy
horse leather face
creased like a dry river bed
and one eye squeezed shut
" he got lime in it"
that's the rumor
and we are all careful when playing on the football field
don't want to end up like Rosie

a dense monkey of a man
ears jut out like mug handles
under a sweat stained grey cap
no ones ever seen him without it
and there's something obscene
about the way he jingles his hands in his apron
while making change

sometimes we hand him slugs
and grab the ice cream and run
knowing he can't catch us
the older boys hop on his truck
he never goes fast
and hitch a ride all over Saugus

but what always amazed me
is that no matter what you asked for
he'd open the door
stick his arm in
and pull it out
first try every time
like a wizard

italian ice, strawberry shortcake
push ups and hoodsies
chocolate éclairs and frozen charleston chews
ice cream sandwiches and root beer popsicles
so much happiness
and joy
by the unsmiling troll
with the squinty eye

Beauty! And you're still on the playground? :D
Angeline said:
Cadwalader Park
green swath pouring
unruly through the gray city
smells like grass

Childhood smells like grass
sweat, strawberry ice cream
dribbles stuck to dirt-grimed fingers
that touch the chill silver
of the safety bar
separating little girls
from metal mesh
and clown sad faces
of the pungent monkey house

In the pit the ancient ageless
bear ignores taunts thrown
in reedy voices but sniffs
licks orange popsicle wrappers
eats the sticks

I rode the swamp angel
I danced small red Ked steps
to big music in me

You're just egging me on aren't ya??

very Nice
: )
Tathagata said:
You're just egging me on aren't ya??

very Nice
: )


YOUR poem gave ME the idea, lol.

I think that ice cream man was in my neighborhood, too.

Maria2394 said:
child poet., poet child

why cant i seem to grow up
and write profound verse
tributes to poets
i ve never heard of
memories of yellow, and buttercups
dancing with jazzmen
and gawking at clownish strangers
better them than me
better even, you than me

I like being perpetual
i like being me
until someone like you comes along
intent to remind
that while it gets me by, it gets me through

why cant i grow up
and away from the pond
towards a bigger me-
one that can see tomorrow

Pure poetry to which I relate.

Thanks for this, girl.

Syn :kiss:
Angeline said:
Cadwalader Park
green swath pouring
unruly through the gray city
smells like grass

Childhood smells like grass
sweat, strawberry ice cream
dribbles stuck to dirt-grimed fingers
that touch the chill silver
of the safety bar
separating little girls
from metal mesh
and clown sad faces
of the pungent monkey house

In the pit the ancient ageless
bear ignores taunts thrown
in reedy voices but sniffs
licks orange popsicle wrappers
eats the sticks

I rode the swamp angel
I danced small red Ked steps
to big music in me
You know, it's all good, but you could condense this down to only the last two lines. They have a life of their own in all their simplicity.

That's worth a :rose:

Liar said:
You know, it's all good, but you could condense this down to only the last two lines. They have a life of their own in all their simplicity.

That's worth a :rose:


Thank you, dear L. There is an open-air theater in that park with an open concert shell. I used to sneak in there when I was a kid and sing and dance alone on that stage. Unlike the great Hollywood actresses, I was never *discovered* though.

But what a heady experience for a little kid alone in a park. Sometimes I wish I could give my children those experiences. No malls, but big empty concert shells in a park. :)

:rose:s back


originally posted by Maria2394

rain came down
in whoops and hollers
half the day
washing all the grit away
from my swollen eyes
but you arent here
bandana in hand to save me
from my flood-

I built dams and levees
I gathered up, buckets and pails
empty bottles and mountain goat horns
already filled
but I miss you, and the flood of tears
just keeps coming
and going
just like you
and I still need you, like rain
on a dusty august day
without you I'm just a pumpkin
without a stem, and by the way?
what'd ya do with my heart when you carved
this elegant and lonely


:heart: :heart: Do it, girl !!!
Hey Darkmaas? Be very afraid...

Angeline said:

Waitin on Darkmaas Blues

oh darkmaas baby
where the hell are you
poetboy pride and joy
where the hell are you
I'm sitting here waitin
writin a poem nothin
else to do

well you just showed
now you gotta go
I settled in to yahoo
and now you gotta go
better get back soon baby
you're movin way too slow

oh the tongues may wag
as the minutes lag
but you know I really don't care
you're my best true friend
till our lifetimes end
always in my soul bag

Oh here you are
no more poem
bout time baby
I'm sick of this poem
we gotta talk poetry
stop fixin to roam

eagleyez just wrote music to this. sounds pretty darn good, too (when I stop laughing). Now all we need is a pedal steel git. Got any laying around? :D
Angeline said:
En la canción de la noche,
cierra sus ojos y suspiro,

pero dormido uniforme
siempre sonriente,
su boca curva sonrisas.

Mi hombre hermoso
dígame otra vez--

Miraremos algún día detrás y risa.
Miraremos detrás y que sonreiremos.

Mi hombre hermoso,
quién sonríe
incluso cuando usted duerme,
el futuro ahora está.

Río y sonrío
hoy y siempre
para usted.

aye carumba
Angeline said:
En la canción de la noche,
cierra sus ojos y suspiro,

pero dormido uniforme
siempre sonriente,
su boca curva sonrisas.

Mi hombre hermoso
dígame otra vez--

Miraremos algún día detrás y risa.
Miraremos detrás y que sonreiremos.

Mi hombre hermoso,
quién sonríe
incluso cuando usted duerme,
el futuro ahora está.

Río y sonrío
hoy y siempre
para usted.

Show off.


I bet it's lovely.
Angeline said:
En la canción de la noche,
cierra sus ojos y suspiro,

pero dormido uniforme
siempre sonriente,
su boca curva sonrisas.

Mi hombre hermoso
dígame otra vez--

Miraremos algún día detrás y risa.
Miraremos detrás y que sonreiremos.

Mi hombre hermoso,
quién sonríe
incluso cuando usted duerme,
el futuro ahora está.

Río y sonrío
hoy y siempre
para usted.

ya know the words I can make out.........
its all about anal sex with an irish man
my spanish is a tad rusty
; )
Angeline said:
ok wise guys!

en Ingles, loosely translated

(and Lauren will be here any time to tell me my Espanol blows, lol)

In the song of night,
you close your eyes,

but even asleep,
always you smile.
always your mouth
curves smiles.

M beautiful man,
who tells me--

Someday we'll look back and laugh
Someday we'll look back and smile.

My beautiful man,
who smiles even when he sleeps,
the future is now.

I laugh and smile
today and always
for you.

Now I'm embarrassed, lol. It sounded better in Spanish--but you get the idea.

See, I knew i would be lovely. Don't be embarrassed. :heart: