Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Tristesse said:
Well......okay, if you must but make sure you wash your hands afterwards.

Yes ma'am. Nice av, btw. Do you do additions? I have a bob that may need a few repairs.

Tristesse said:

blowing pretty chunks with a technicolour yawn.
Back-up chip special and colouring the dawn
Recycled brown bag involuntary spill.
Organ recital, personally feeling ill
Do the Jersey yodel or the liquid laugh.
Heave, hawk, spew, honk, sprout or barf.
kiss the can or yawn for the hearing impaired
Get a refund on your lunch or a waste good beer
call the moose and spew snacks then make a visible burp
taste lunch twice , drive the porcelain bus with wyatt erp
make an offer to The Porcelain God or psychadelic spit
whistling beef projectile style or pop a gastric zit

:kiss: my hmm-hmm! :D

Left Ralph a message
on the great white telephone,
Nobody's at home.
this resonates

with particular vividness

how dewdrops
kiss their leaves

it is whole and perfect in its nature and cannot be improved upon--it has reached its highest state - at the very pinnacle - the diamond tip

the four-line stanza which follows (after "show me") is another tour de force - slightly less compressed and concentrated but more informative

Re: this resonates

with particular vividness

how dewdrops
kiss their leaves

it is whole and perfect in its nature and cannot be improved upon--it has reached its highest state - at the very pinnacle - the diamond tip

the four-line stanza which follows (after "show me") is another tour de force - slightly less compressed and concentrated but more informative


Will you post the poem and poet or link to the poem if you can when you recommend it? I'd like to read this one, but I don't know where to find it.

If you need help on how to post a link, I'll send you the info. :)

Re: Re: Re: Re: Grandma is a Goddess

tarablackwood22 said:
tell me about the moon
old man,
how its light
off the sea at night.
tell me
how dewdrops
kiss their leaves.

show me.

make me look at the water
and see its salt,
see the reshaping
of the sand.

each time I see the moon
or tell my daughter
about the importance
of water,
or swim on a beach
at sunset,
I will remember you.

give me memories.

it was tara's ange
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Grandma is a Goddess

Tathagata said:
it was tara's ange

Thank you, T! And I read it about three times already, lol. Well, it happens when one reads a lot of poetry. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Grandma is a Goddess

Angeline said:
Thank you, T! And I read it about three times already, lol. Well, it happens when one reads a lot of poetry. :)

Now That's an AV
; )
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Grandma is a Goddess

Tathagata said:
Now That's an AV
; )

I liked her bob better - now I feel vulnerable........

But I can't find it lol

step up to the plate Tatha

Will you post the poem and poet or link to the poem if you can when you recommend it? I'd like to read this one, but I don't know where to find it.
Last edited by a moderator:

But I can't find it lol

step up to the plate Tatha

Will you post the poem and poet or link to the poem if you can when you recommend it? I'd like to read this one, but I don't know where to find it.

I don't know what the PHP tags are, Carl, but you're screwing with the width of the threads!! :D :D
well Minsue

it said click here to insert a quote - I am struggling with this powerful new technology - just glad not to be a Phalanx chain-gun operator

but now that I'm here - I suddenly see QUOTE - so you've taken me to the next level Sue--you debbil woman you


are getting more macho by the day--you now look
positively dangerous, I can

see you as a club manager, in
a very dangerous part of town
minsue said:
Insane? Yes
Human, too,
but not always real.

Or, more likely,
more real here
than anywhere

out in the world,
we are false

Behind the screen
with the safety of anonymity
truth can breathe

And so can I

:kiss: :heart: :D to you also...
minsue said:

You always make me grin, echoes. :rose:

I love making people smile, it's when I can't that I disappear for the obvious reasons...I get really dark sometimes it even scares meh.

I started calling myself medusa, well, because my hair is nothing but ringlets unless I brush them out, just don't look at me in the morning...
aaahhh, tousled morning bush fire! Thank god its not fiery red !

I even bought a medusa icon. My daughter has started calling me this also in the morning, but sometimes I swear anything I touch, truly turns to stone, then crumbles.:confused: :rolleyes:
put glasses on quick! :cool: :rose:

I should put a picture up in my AV...aahahaha:D
Re: and here I

neonurotic said:
thought I had a block and had poet's envy.. ;) Thank U 2

a writers block?

I have had that this a lot lately, but more because of not wanting to write "black" poems. I have written so many and hate them, but it has to come out somehow and this is the only way I can.

You have written some really awesome poetry lately Neo! :heart:

what exactly is poets envy?

Sorry, I have to ask these.

I think, myself, poets envy is when you say...darn, wish I could write like that, but from what I read, everyone seems to have this, so it can't be a bad thing right?

and I sincerely thank you
Re: Re: and here I

echoes_s said:
a writers block?

I have had that this a lot lately, but more because of not wanting to write "black" poems. I have written so many and hate them, but it has to come out somehow and this is the only way I can.

You have written some really awesome poetry lately Neo! :heart:

what exactly is poets envy?

Sorry, I have to ask these.

I think, myself, poets envy is when you say...darn, wish I could write like that, but from what I read, everyone seems to have this, so it can't be a bad thing right?

and I sincerely thank you

Poet's envy, unable to make words mesh--that's what I find most frustrating. I envy those who seem to have endless words and lines, phrases like they've upchucked alphabet soup. ;) Nice visual eh?

I've been writing those black ones myself. It's hard to slip into something light and smooth when your thoughts are ugly and best suited to stay in the dark

Then you read others and feel better :)

- neo
Re: Re: Re: and here I

neonurotic said:
Poet's envy, unable to make words mesh--that's what I find most frustrating. I envy those who seem to have endless words and lines, phrases like they've upchucked alphabet soup. ;) Nice visual eh?

follow vomit thread a couple pages back and yeah, yours was a much better visual. I saw one girl throw up tomato soup once and thought she was bleeding and dying, scared me half to death (I was only 14 or 15 at the time :confused: )

I've been writing those black ones myself. It's hard to slip into something light and smooth when your thoughts are ugly and best suited to stay in the dark

Then you read others and feel better :)

- neo

yeah yeah, I know what you are telling me...brat ;) :heart:
Angeline, this poem has a different feel to it than your usual poetry. I like this--a lot. I think you're like me in that you perfect (you do; I try) your poetry before offering it to the world, and other times, like this, you just let your poetry sit down and talk to your readers. This poem is very real.
WickedEve said:
Angeline, this poem has a different feel to it than your usual poetry. I like this--a lot. I think you're like me in that you perfect (you do; I try) your poetry before offering it to the world, and other times, like this, you just let your poetry sit down and talk to your readers. This poem is very real.

Well, I think your poems--at least what I see--are pretty perfected, lol, but I have this theory that we never see our own writing realistically. And yes, I usually try to obscure a lot of what I'm feeling in a veil of words, but this one slipped out pretty fast.

You hear that Doug? In your thread. Unedited.

Angeline said:
Your voice sounds the same
and different. Everyone's anger
and regret mixes in a human soup
that's bitter but nourishing. We need

to talk. We need to remember the lives
hidden in the masks. I get so sick
of once upon a time, of actions, years
made palatable in fairy tales, parables,

as if anyone learns anything beyond
getting older. Truth is no more helpful
than lies; pretty ones or those screamed
in pain because there is no other way

to justify rage save screaming like a child
cries, inconsolable when no one answers.
I'm hungry. I'm cold. I need to be held.
What do you do when everyone is gone,

when no mothers are left to hear the crying?
What do you do when even your own arms
are too weak to hold yourself together?
You just live. You just blink and move

forward. There are animals who know this
is nature's way, but they don't read books
or try to breathe the world in poetry. Maybe
that discognition is the greatest gift of all.

I agree with Eve. Like I said earlier (somewhere) I rarely comment, but I will now! I FELT this. I have been there. To me, this is what poetry should be. I don't have time to sit down with a dictionary to read a poem. I read poems cuz they're a fast Wow! That felt good!

It's not that I don't like the other wordier poetry- I do. I write the way I talk. I like to read the way I write.

I love you, ya know... *gum popping You're kinda cute!
Tristesse said:
Oh Lhasa! Sing!
my feet will follow
my fingers snap
like yours.

Ah! Lhasa! Play!
my heart will swell
my hands clasp
like yours.

Oh! Lhasa! Sway!
sinuous as a vine
voice of lust
like mine.

Ah! Lhasa! Cry!
and I willl too
breathing in your song
of life and love.
We will sing together
eyes closed in
Oh! Lhasa! Sing!

I really Like this Tris
Tristesse said:
Oh Lhasa! Sing!
my feet will follow
my fingers snap
like yours.

Ah! Lhasa! Play!
my heart will swell
my hands clasp
like yours.

Oh! Lhasa! Sway!
sinuous as a vine
voice of lust
like mine.

Ah! Lhasa! Cry!
and I willl too
breathing in your song
of life and love.
We will sing together
eyes closed in
Oh! Lhasa! Sing!
You better be planning to submit this!
Thanks Tath and Eve - I was just listening to her first CD. May be with a bit of polish, Eve.
