Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Tathagata said:
the poetry excited you that much??

Oh you mean to Ireland
well yes good
bring money
my thirst casts a shadow
:p :D

You can sing to sate your thirst, 'cause Cat's cash will be for books, paintings, pictures and bailing you outta jail if need be.:p
*Catbabe* said:
You can sing to sate your thirst, 'cause Cat's cash will be for books, paintings, pictures and bailing you outta jail if need be.:p

all equally noble causes
ya tight fisted wench
but i mean that
in the nicest possible way
: )
Tathagata said:
all equally noble causes
ya tight fisted wench
but i mean that
in the nicest possible way
: )

I will buy ya a round. I just won't buy them till the room is going 'round and 'round.:p You will have to spin on your dime.;)

*deleting all the names I just called the monkey to leave the thread rated G*:devil:
Tathagata said:
all equally noble causes
ya tight fisted wench
but i mean that
in the nicest possible way
: )

I'm falling out of my chair. I just had the ornerierest thoughts regarding the thoughts of CatBabe, her tight fist and wench all in the same thought process.....

I think I will duck now.....
The_Fool said:
I'm falling out of my chair. I just had the ornerierest thoughts regarding the thoughts of CatBabe, her tight fist and wench all in the same thought process.....

I think I will duck now.....

yer a sick man
you best come along with us

The_Fool said:
They have good whiskey and beer over there, don't they?


never fear my friend
we'll wean you on the mothers milk and tears of angels

you know scotch is a derivative of ' water of life'

that's all ya need to know brother

The_Fool said:
I'm falling out of my chair. I just had the ornerierest thoughts regarding the thoughts of CatBabe, her tight fist and wench all in the same thought process.....

I think I will duck now.....
:eek: I woud say you both deserve a spanking for that but I know that will just get you two more excited.

Let's just say neither one of you better pass out...your safety while unconscious might be suspect.:devil: :p ;)
*Catbabe* said:
:eek: I woud say you both deserve a spanking for that but I know that will just get you two more excited.

Let's just say neither one of you better pass out...your safety while unconscious might be suspect.:devil: :p ;)

Tath, I don't know about you, but I am feeling severely understood by this post.

And Cat, just imagine the consequences if you were to become unconscious....:devil:
Re: Inconvenience or Cataclysm

tungtied2u said:
Who would you rather be?


My quiet home invaded
by sincere yet naive invitation
My life upended
Suddenly surrounded by strange bodies,
barking dogs and meowing cats
litters of puppies and kittens
spilling out of the garage
and into the house
outside the door
and under the beds
the only refuge
behind my bedroom’s closed door

Or my cousin

Her life upended
the phone call came uninvited
informing her and her husband
of three bodies found
their daughter, and my cousin’s sister
both found stabbed, the brother in law
hanging from the rafters
blood and death spilling out of the house
into their lives
haunting their hearts
no refuge
only tears and tears and tears

Words are no help.

mannn.... I really love this place and the people who inhabit it.

hugs and kisses to you both, and to you all...
Liar said:
at the tip of my tongue
hung a scandalous thought
too terrible and too tasty
to either choke back
or spit out

slick and stinky
sweet and soft
it lingered on confused buds
sending scrambled signals back
up to my super ego
unable to forego
it's own reaction
and sickening satisfaction
in all fruity forbidden fabulous
fuckitall fanfare
fnah fnah

a kickstart to my cowering libido
a trigger to my stomach turning
all at once
all the same
in a moment
just behind
my teeth

a scandalous, scavenous,
cosmic scale idea
idealism in grand golden bloom
through inversion to perversion
so disturbing, so alluring

one of those fucked up things
on a renegade streaking raid
from my subhuman supercultural

those things that we think
but can't even write
poetry about

but damn, so terribly dangerous
delectably delicious,
this delirium desperado

This is great! lol--I adored "fnah fnah..." hahaha

I saw a lip balm in a store today that on the packaging said it was for "liars." lol--I may have to send that with the cadbury eggs.

Angeline said:
This is great! lol--I adored "fnah fnah..." hahaha

I saw a lip balm in a store today that on the packaging said it was for "liars." lol--I may have to send that with the cadbury eggs.

I'm at work, at 8 on a saturday night.

My current job is to measure how fast laser printers empty their toner cartridges. This is done by putting in full toner, and print shit on them, until they are empty.

Which means aeons of doing nothing but refilling printers with paper four hours and hours. In a small room with four of them churning out prints constantly. The constant rumbling of those bloody machines...

It's good pay for a student struggling with finances though. But it causes my muse to do freaky things with me. And since I have net access, I'm spewing it out directly onto you. :D

Beware, more might come. I'm here tomorrow too.

Re: Inconvenience or Cataclysm

tungtied2u said:
Who would you rather be?


My quiet home invaded
by sincere yet naive invitation
My life upended
Suddenly surrounded by strange bodies,
barking dogs and meowing cats
litters of puppies and kittens
spilling out of the garage
and into the house
outside the door
and under the beds
the only refuge
behind my bedroom’s closed door

Or my cousin

Her life upended
the phone call came uninvited
informing her and her husband
of three bodies found
their daughter, and my cousin’s sister
both found stabbed, the brother in law
hanging from the rafters
blood and death spilling out of the house
into their lives
haunting their hearts
no refuge
only tears and tears and tears

Last edited:
Liar said:
I'm at work, at 8 on a saturday night.

My current job is to measure how fast laser printers empty their toner cartridges. This is done by putting in full toner, and print shit on them, until they are empty.

Which means aeons of doing nothing but refilling printers with paper four hours and hours. In a small room with four of them churning out prints constantly. The constant rumbling of those bloody machines...

It's good pay for a student struggling with finances though. But it causes my muse to do freaky things with me. And since I have net access, I'm spewing it out directly onto you. :D

Beware, more might come. I'm here tomorrow too.


I'm gonna submit an old poem of mine just because of yours and the way your above description of your night reminds me of my workday torments.

champagne1982 said:
as we slog through the Cape Breton marshes
we hear the cry of the poetic Angeline bird
as she calls for her Canadian
dark maas

moving on to the wooded slopes of the Gagetown hills
as the poetic Angeline bird
wings through the sky,
dark maassss

maple bush and ancient mount adorning
Quebec and the Eastern Townships
surely she's getting closer
to the comfort of a Canadian
dark maaaassss

inexplicably a magnetic quirk fluxes
the migration northward
over shield rock and giant meltwater puddles
left over from a glacial wilderness passage
dark mmmmaaaassss

a bird can fly forever through blue prairie sky
and forget that the plain comes to an end
as it washes up against the rocky shore
outlining the shape of Alberta's border
darrrrk mmmmaaaassss

glide up those mountainsides
and soar out to the coast
and orca pods migrating north
searching for Angeline bird's Canadian
daaaarrrrk mmmmaaaassss

only to realize that she's come to far
and instead of one, she's found
a nation of Angeline bird's Canadian
dark maas


He broke his wrist, damnit and can't type so well. I talked to him the other day. He's fine and should be around again soon.

And I really *do* miss him.


Re: Re: pedaling passion

Tristesse said:
My legs remember when and
my face can still smile
at the thought.
My hands hold the memory of
tiny stitches and that
little clasp at the back
of my neck, the hooks and eyes.
My feet can still dance me
fast and loose in my dreams
and my knees can still cross
It's all there in a huge
photographic album of my life.
I like to browse through it -
now and then.


:heart: :kiss: :heart:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: pedaling passion

Angeline said:
I like him a lot.


Me too - he's blushing in yahoo right now. SO cute!

I love the poem above BTW. :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: pedaling passion

Tristesse said:
Me too - he's blushing in yahoo right now. SO cute!

I love the poem above BTW. :rose:

Thank you. I know you understand.

Hi OT. :heart:

(I could come to yahoo and say it, lol)