Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

Angeline said:
That was shortly before sundown and I have *never* seen clouds like those before. Part of it is the incredible clarity of this northern sky, which gives the clouds a sharp definition most of the time anyway. But that night the Sun was right behind the clouds, and it outlined the bottom of each one with a line of sunlight. It really did look like nightlights or as if someone had a candle lit behind each one. It was beautiful.

And ain't no Indian summer here. It was in the 30s the past few nights, and it's slated to get colder this week. I had to buy a hat and gloves. :D

And this woolen blanket thing is just normal for your erm neck of the woods, yes?

Yes, a woolen blanket, but over a "soft" flannel sheet of fog ;)
Re: neoificould

annaswirls said:
take that gut twisting bitch
with many monograms across her sweater
take her and little friends
make them your own

of the slaves

I will hold the keys while you break for
or soft sofa sleeping

I will quiet their chains banging metal to reach your slumber
coat them in cotton flannel they will stop trying

tamed until they lie down on the carpet
by your feet
like a sleeping dog

leg twitches
an imaginary itch
you reach down and scratch it

read the news without clench
:rose: Thank you.
PatCarrington said:
The priceless gems of evening
carry riddles in their shining,
stoppage in their leading light
that glues my shoes
to high-heeled puzzles,
prizes for the night. Stars

play hide and seek
like coy and callous girls,
crackling with beauty and raising
their skirts, flirting and blinking
and winking as they feign
their sudden fear
of thunder. I walk

beneath their legs and storms,
wonder why they play with me,
why they decorate their bodies,
why they talk and turn
and wrap their backs in shawls
of mist, and strap on clouds
to hide their thighs and eyes
when my soul moves.

With girls and stars,
sometimes, I think
I’d rather toss their sugar
into morning coffee, stirred
and sipped with the sun, but
their sweet contradictions grow
in the rain, swell in high light,
and their tastes and tortures
reappear in magic cups
when their lovely lamps go on
at dusk.

perfectly balanced contractions, Pat. You do that really well.


Tathagata said:
The faithful go to mass
partake in the miracle of the resurrection
drink the blood of christ
taste of his flesh
and have their faith restored,
sins absolved
fears calmed.

I go to a bar
sit alone under the television
i stare into my pint , see your face
and dream of a life i've never had

and I still feel richer

how are ya tath?:kiss: :kiss:

been awhile monkey..
Tathagata said:
I'm good honey
Oh I've been keeping an eye on you
or rather your AV's
; )

hows things??

lol, yeah well i went and had me a moment of's over now! atleast for the moment.

things are progressing at a snails pace, but progressing, so it's all good.

:heart: :kiss:
BlueskyBeauty said:
lol, yeah well i went and had me a moment of's over now! atleast for the moment.

things are progressing at a snails pace, but progressing, so it's all good.

:heart: :kiss:

It was devine madness

:p :heart:

i'm glad to hear that, forward is always better than standing still

:kiss: :heart: :rose:
Angeline said:
My faith was left outside
the temple door, downstairs
one remove from the women's
partition that peers
at the generations below
clean-cheeked boys
in bright embroidered yarmulkes
their earnest bearded fathers,
then granpas silver with dignity
straight as fine suits, silk shawls
but the old men are dusty jewels
whispering the ancient words,
tallises rumpled, bent davining
in wonder at having again
discovered what only
the youngest know,
drowsing upstairs on mamalaps.

morning neshemoleh
:heart: :kiss:
Tathagata said:
morning provocative poetess
:kiss: :heart:

i was writing a poem about the view from my living room window at dawn. who knew? then i went back and read it again, heehee. it was pretty much unconscious.

Angeline said:
i was writing a poem about the view from my living room window at dawn. who knew? then i went back and read it again, heehee. it was pretty much unconscious.


what the hell where you looking at??
naked water nymphs rutting with satyrs on your lawn??

i'm always unconscious..
when i write
no I'm just always unconscious
Tathagata said:
what the hell where you looking at??
naked water nymphs rutting with satyrs on your lawn??

i'm always unconscious..
when i write
no I'm just always unconscious

there's a golf course and mountains in the distance (well, ee says "hills," but wtf do I know? In New Jersey they have landfills.)
Angeline said:
there's a golf course and mountains in the distance (well, ee says "hills," but wtf do I know? In New Jersey they have landfills.)

city girl
Tathagata said:
cranberries collect
a red army
murky in october morning mist
summers crimson breath
bubbles to the surface
before the onslaught
of pale winters ghost hand

who knew!! that monkey men can be so damned talented, I lOVE this Tath, wow, its really good, so colorful, so deep, can I keep it? ;)
Maria2394 said:
who knew!! that monkey men can be so damned talented, I lOVE this Tath, wow, its really good, so colorful, so deep, can I keep it? ;)

yeah I was gonna mess around with it some but you can have it if you want
Tristesse said:
I dreamed I was lost
in a strange city
there were street artists below
and I had no money
I left my wallet some where
no where
and found a $100 bill
folded tight around a pencil
I kept them both and
tried to get home
I woke up wondering
what it all meant.

Your av is scary wonderful.
