Non Poetry Posts from the Suddenly Thread

perks said:
suede sunsets
in golden hues
cast long shadows
across the tusseled coverlet
and my ripe round skin

shadows slide
over my percale curves
playing hide and seek
with your
summer tongue
Nice one perks :)
perks said:
nothing is better than
a curvy woman
with dew drop lips
and thick hips
hardened tips
sucking my big chocolate dick
strapped between my thighs
hovering right below her eyes
I am mesmerized
as she licks
this prick
twisting around it’s bobbing head
one way then the next
thinking me sexed
as my fingers grasp
and thread
her full bodied locks
as she sucks this cock
and I wonder
if she likes the taste of her
as much as I do
and then I don’t care
because I want her
like this is my real cock
and I am every man she’s ever
dreamed of
starting with her dark daddy secret
I make her call me that
when I bend her over
this plush bed
and make her beg
for more
when I thrust
through her trust
fucking her ideals
like she’s my last meal
and I need her to live

i definitely see the DH influence in this one :D ( the last 2 really are good ones) he really affects you, doesnt he? :)
Maria2394 said:
i definitely see the DH influence in this one :D ( the last 2 really are good ones) he really affects you, doesnt he? :)

Re: Lyric

Angeline said:
There's nothing left here where once was a river
that floated with lives and secrets and dance
and skated in winter and spun in the springtime
and summertime rained lightning bugs and romance

There's nothing left here of mothers or fathers
the garden raked over and yours died with weed
and nobody talks here and nobody bothers
and only the ghosts here can still cry and bleed

Take me with you down paths of trains calling
and tracks by blue highways and starry night sky
Take me with you where once you knew freedom
and sing me its echos and teach me to fly

There's nothing left here but imagination
the lilacs all dead and the house long since sold
but when I hold your hand I feel like fresh flowers
and bloom with believing that never grows old

Take me with you down paths of trains calling
and tracks by blue highways and starry night sky
Take me with you where once you knew freedom
and sing me its echos and teach me to fly

will do

gonna need my goggles love, but im bettin on our chance.

headwind has me confident...

:heart: :heart:
Angeline said:
truly you must see you are
everything I've ever wanted
really it doesn't matter if
ego games are thrown down
now like some gauntlet no
claim can be made on me
ever not anymore you know

i feel this devotion and we speak

low-voiced late when no one
only we two hear these quiet
vines of secrets intertwining
easily from the very first time

yes we understood this is different
our special world sculpted this new
universe and the new life it supports

overflows with dreams burgeoning
now and the spring approaches O'
lover just think of it together always
you and me and nothing else is real.


Ok, who is slipping the drugs into the ladies drinks? First Angeline's Dream 1 and now Maria's dream sounding like a David Lynch revival.

And more to the point, when do the guys start getting served? :D :p

HomerPindar said:
Ok, who is slipping the drugs into the ladies drinks? First Angeline's Dream 1 and now Maria's dream sounding like a David Lynch revival.

And more to the point, when do the guys start getting served? :D :p


aaay, 'omer, ooo, da bloddy pint gloss is David Lynch, eh? me lil poemy is aboot a we lil leprachaun I was privvy ta see many a year ago, and I still be havin' da dreams of his chunky self, an his pot o gold I ne'er did manage ta see :D
Maria2394 said:
aaay, 'omer, ooo, da bloddy pint gloss is David Lynch, eh? me lil poemy is aboot a we lil leprachaun I was privvy ta see many a year ago, and I still be havin' da dreams of his chunky self, an his pot o gold I ne'er did manage ta see :D

I think HP was thinking of this......


One of The Most Disturbing films ever. David Lynch conceived it - plus some other - almost - as strange stuff.
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since edits are sorley frowned upon, I just wanted to add one thing,

Darby O'gill and the Little People is the best holiday movie Disney ever friggin made, so with St Pats day cummin up, you all outta watch it, its so hopeful and funny and lots of insight into human nature..God, I so miss movies before this revolting cartoon revolution <sigh>

sorry sp, but that was sorta passionate ;)
Tristesse said:
I think HP was thinking of this......


One of The Most Disturbing films ever. David Lynch conceived it - plus some other - almost - as strange stuff.

thank you Tess :)
that IS disturbing, looks like frankenstein on acid, sort of.. or the max headlong guy, gee Im Am old... I remember max headlong, oh help me someone, I am my grandmother....:confused:
eagleyez said:
the one by four
may crackle
with turbulence-
my friend,

senses altering
blue nights,
hourslong, the machinery groans
under Gothic arches,
grinding the stars electric sources for any power.

The cathedral
the 2 rivers.

my gosh ee, thats just freakin beautiful :)