Okay, guys, here's a thread to air your views on voting

I care if someone like Ange or Tess or Chippy (other names may and do apply!) get an H I know for certain they deserved it
And who determines whether they deserve it, if not the voters?

occasionally strange names pop up just to give a high vote for them then disappear into the murky depths again and never bother to vote for anyone else ...... really odd that don't you think?
occasionally strange names pop up just to give a high vote for them then disappear into the murky depths again and never bother to vote for anyone else ...... really odd that don't you think?

Let me look to see who popped up on that poem. Be right back.
occasionally strange names pop up just to give a high vote for them then disappear into the murky depths again and never bother to vote for anyone else ...... really odd that don't you think?

Esperanza, Angeline, UnderYourSpell (oops), twelveoone (oops), PepperPace, Koba, and soular, all left comments on the poem I got the 'H' for. Strange doings there, I suppose.
hang on I'll have to go and find it again amongst all the rest it wasn't memorable enough for me to comment
oh thought were talking about the two liner that was bombed but anyway one stanza would have to be out of this world to deserve an H and this wasn't
And who determines whether they deserve it, if not the voters?
BINGO! And guess what I am!!! And I gave you the chance to possibly explain what I missed. What I got was evasion.
What I am chiefly concerned about is the poetry. As an example, I've seen two things which I really liked, techniques. Since November. Some stuff which was amusing. I've had the pleasure of seeing people grow.
My view on the H's may be quite not what you think, ordinarily, it looks like you got lucky, so what. So somebody one bombed you, do you know how often that happened to me, once when I was pulling my poems, one crept up, and countered. Ha,Ha,Ha.
What bothers me is you wrote two lines, and you're upset to the point of vindictiveness. Well, I can understand it, we are human, and this is a viscous business.
What bothers me is the expectation of reward for no work. Because even if you do work, you stand a real chance of not getting rewarded.
And what bothers me, and I am a rare bird in admitting that I could be wrong, is I've given you ample opportunity to point out what I should look for, you haven't. "It's there, It's there" I don't buy that shit.
oh thought were talking about the two liner that was bombed but anyway one stanza would have to be out of this world to deserve an H and this wasn't

Well, the majority of voters obviously gave it fives, and that's not my fault.
BINGO! And guess what I am!!! And I gave you the chance to possibly explain what I missed. What I got was evasion.
What I am chiefly concerned about is the poetry. As an example, I've seen two things which I really liked, techniques. Since November. Some stuff which was amusing. I've had the pleasure of seeing people grow.
My view on the H's may be quite not what you think, ordinarily, it looks like you got lucky, so what. So somebody one bombed you, do you know how often that happened to me, once when I was pulling my poems, one crept up, and countered. Ha,Ha,Ha.
What bothers me is you wrote two lines, and you're upset to the point of vindictiveness. Well, I can understand it, we are human, and this is a viscous business.
What bothers me is the expectation of reward for no work. Because even if you do work, you stand a real chance of not getting rewarded.
And what bothers me, and I am a rare bird in admitting that I could be wrong, is I've given you ample opportunity to point out what I should look for, you haven't. "It's there, It's there" I don't buy that shit.

I suppose you've forgotten you gave me a five on the poem I got the 'H' for. And it's funny that you accuse me of being vindictive.
Well, the majority of voters obviously gave it fives, and that's not my fault.

going on and on about it ad nauseum is though, which is partly my fault but I did think I might get through to you eventually but you're not listening nor are you prepared to consider anything anyone on this thread is telling you, so apart from pissing off the regulars (and giving veiled threats to more thsn a few) this is going nowhere fast
going on and on about it ad nauseum is though, which is partly my fault but I did think I might get through to you eventually but you're not listening nor are you prepared to consider anything anyone on this thread is telling you, so apart from pissing off the regulars (and giving veiled threats to more thsn a few) this is going nowhere fast

There have been no veiled threats to anyone. If I wanted to make a threat, it wouldn't be veiled.

It's become very clear to me I'm not on the approved list here, and any success I've achieved has caused incredible resentment in some quarters. Nothing would please me more, at this point, than if people here would simply stop contributing to this thread, at least as far as I'm concerned. You can be assured I will never submit another poem here.
There have been no veiled threats to anyone. If I wanted to make a threat, it wouldn't be veiled.

It's become very clear to me I'm not on the approved list here, and any success I've achieved has caused incredible resentment in some quarters. Nothing would please me more, at this point, than if people here would simply stop contributing to this thread, at least as far as I'm concerned. You can be assured I will never submit another poem here.

any success you may or may not have had hasn't caused resentment it's your public whinging about it, get over yourself and strive to do better
Esperanza, Angeline, UnderYourSpell (oops), twelveoone (oops), PepperPace, Koba, and soular, all left comments on the poem I got the 'H' for. Strange doings there, I suppose.
And I said in another thread, I regretted one 75 I left, regretted some of the hundreds more.
Don't start these wars. I would rather go back to blithely handing out 100's.
I was a loser in one of them, because of a 50. So who lost, besides me, everybody here that was trying to write good poetry lost.
Fridayam is a damn good poet. I probably lost what was close to the only fan I had here, because of a previous defense of his writing.
A long time ago I kissed off the top list dream, I can kiss off the H's. I can go back to writing for three people. None of it matters, except a sort of vibrant community of free exchange.
any success you may or may not have had hasn't caused resentment it's your public whinging about it, get over yourself and strive to do better

You are wrong. It was resentment of my success in getting the 'H' that caused all of this. I'll let it go at that, unless you wish to continue.