President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

In the wake of Joe Biden’s epically awfully terribly poor debate performance against Donald Trump on June 27, it appears that his fundraising spigot has abruptly shut down. Like it or not, money plays a huge part in who wins and who loses in America’s political campaigns, and Dementia Joe is suddenly in huge trouble on the fund-raising front. Donations have fallen by almost half, according to NBC News. We are now witnessing the rats jumping ship in real-time. Somehow, Biden’s disasterous debate performance seems to have woken many donors up, even though anybody who had a functioning brain could have seen this from before the last so-called election. Or maybe (gasp) it didn't matter back then because they managed to hide him away and he could still read the teleprompter.

Anyhow, the games up on that one now, and the rats are swimming hard.

It’s kind of disgusting to watch, actually: Personally, Joe Biden and what he’s done to this country make me puke, but it’s still nauseating to see the very people who propped him up for so long turn on him like starving jackals. Now, they‘re apparently doing the most damaging thing of all to his prospects—withholding their money.

Many of them won’t be coming back, it seems: and that, by itself, spells doom for the Biden campaign. He's toast. I just hope he manages to stay in to the end and is aware enough to watch as he goes down in flames to Trump. Although as we all know, the Democrats are preparing to run a reprise of the 2020 cheating campaign. Lets see how many votes they can invent in key swing states THIS time. Let's also hope it's not enough to start CW2.
Should The Americas have Juries? Or is this an outdated idea?
Human Civilization has ben around for a while. Is it necessary to assemble The population for events like jury duty. When the logical is to spare the life of another human for the benefit of society? Some questions come back again. When you have a piece. That is valuable and can be purchased and relocated. Like we have in Arizona. Contracts are very competitive and mobile. Some Language becomes replaced. Or misinterpreted. What a good substitute for the presence of individual. When it becomes. Dope on the street. A good demographic. Intense work. Livestock. Sacrifice geez I don't know? Somewhere in common sense and material. It is not necessary for some individuals to contribute to an effort worth while. To lend any time to an accessible Directory, Data, and resource. Computation and entry. Every thing is like arguing with your self. How can we service one person, and serve the same respect to another man who has taken this occupation and dedicated effort to serve another. Free of charge. Is not what we do in America. Manifest(s) inequality. There is a race riot. Black people reproduce. Just because. This a Fact Arizona USA 2024. Why is there so much funding available for black riots and burglaries. Then none for the class.. For our people Fixing the error in Legislation. Writing the senators, The House of congress. Drafting bills and solutions for ideas with no end. Where are we supposed to put in value? Their input, their data entry, there is an effort to spread the correct information. Tell me There is a Topple of State government nation wide. There is no president. Tell me where there was an Igor ant. Then they should know our Demographic Constitution does change a lot. I tell you. There are amendments to the Bill of rights. Periodically. Where there is service. Why should there be a class of people who hate us. For doing our job being involved in their community. Being available. Is that making sense. To anyone. Rules change. All the time. Where does it fit in our lifestyle for this to be normal. Or a decision? When the Evil of Benefit. Is more Available. Than the rescue of an innocent unarmed person.
No matter the assembly or the Manifests of scripture the Questions come in?
In wake of the debate and the referenced interview of this thread, I was curious to see the reaction by all of you who are Trump haters. I’m reminded of the folktale penned by Hans Christian Andersen titled “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. In case you’re unfamiliar with this tale the link to Wikipedia provides the story: See:'s_New_Clothes

Now in referencing this tale, the rogue tailors in the story by analogy are equivalent to the Democratic Party, White House staff and MSM. The emperor’s invisible clothes are equivalent to the assertion that Biden is fit for the office, sharp as a tack and is capable of carrying on the duties of the President of the United States. The parade by the naked emperor is equivalent to the debate as well to a lesser extent the interview with George Stephanopoulos. There really is no child in our case except perhaps oddly enough the main stream media and some Democrat party members, politicians and donors who are aghast at having witnessed the debate and the deficiencies on display by President Biden.

This analogy breakdowns wherein in Andersen’s tale, the parade watchers upon hearing the child blurt out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all and seeing that the emperor is truly naked realize they have been fooled. But upon reading the various posts by you Trump haters that you seem to still think President Biden is fit for office, sharp as a tack and is capable of carrying on the duties of the President of the United States; not just now but for four more years. Maybe you didn’t watch the debate.

By the way one other similarity occurs as Andersen indicated that although startled, the emperor continued the procession, walking more proudly than ever. And we have Biden despite admitting to having had a poor debate performance vow to stay in the race and insisting that he beat Trump once before and will beat him again.
You are going to reach a point of relevance with this, right? So far, this has no merit or logical conclusion.
Should The Americas have Juries? Or is this an outdated idea?
Human Civilization has ben around for a while. Is it necessary to assemble The population for events like jury duty. When the logical is to spare the life of another human for the benefit of society? Some questions come back again. When you have a piece. That is valuable and can be purchased and relocated. Like we have in Arizona. Contracts are very competitive and mobile. Some Language becomes replaced. Or misinterpreted. What a good substitute for the presence of individual. When it becomes. Dope on the street. A good demographic. Intense work. Livestock. Sacrifice geez I don't know? Somewhere in common sense and material. It is not necessary for some individuals to contribute to an effort worth while. To lend any time to an accessible Directory, Data, and resource. Computation and entry. Every thing is like arguing with your self. How can we service one person, and serve the same respect to another man who has taken this occupation and dedicated effort to serve another. Free of charge. Is not what we do in America. Manifest(s) inequality. There is a race riot. Black people reproduce. Just because. This a Fact Arizona USA 2024. Why is there so much funding available for black riots and burglaries. Then none for the class.. For our people Fixing the error in Legislation. Writing the senators, The House of congress. Drafting bills and solutions for ideas with no end. Where are we supposed to put in value? Their input, their data entry, there is an effort to spread the correct information. Tell me There is a Topple of State government nation wide. There is no president. Tell me where there was an Igor ant. Then they should know our Demographic Constitution does change a lot. I tell you. There are amendments to the Bill of rights. Periodically. Where there is service. Why should there be a class of people who hate us. For doing our job being involved in their community. Being available. Is that making sense. To anyone. Rules change. All the time. Where does it fit in our lifestyle for this to be normal. Or a decision? When the Evil of Benefit. Is more Available. Than the rescue of an innocent unarmed person.
No matter the assembly or the Manifests of scripture the Questions come in?
Should The Americas have Juries? Or is this an outdated idea?
Human Civilization has ben around for a while. Is it necessary to assemble The population for events like jury duty. When the logical is to spare the life of another human for the benefit of society? Some questions come back again. When you have a piece. That is valuable and can be purchased and relocated. Like we have in Arizona. Contracts are very competitive and mobile. Some Language becomes replaced. Or misinterpreted. What a good substitute for the presence of individual. When it becomes. Dope on the street. A good demographic. Intense work. Livestock. Sacrifice geez I don't know? Somewhere in common sense and material. It is not necessary for some individuals to contribute to an effort worth while. To lend any time to an accessible Directory, Data, and resource. Computation and entry. Every thing is like arguing with your self. How can we service one person, and serve the same respect to another man who has taken this occupation and dedicated effort to serve another. Free of charge. Is not what we do in America. Manifest(s) inequality. There is a race riot. Black people reproduce. Just because. This a Fact Arizona USA 2024. Why is there so much funding available for black riots and burglaries. Then none for the class.. For our people Fixing the error in Legislation. Writing the senators, The House of congress. Drafting bills and solutions for ideas with no end. Where are we supposed to put in value? Their input, their data entry, there is an effort to spread the correct information. Tell me There is a Topple of State government nation wide. There is no president. Tell me where there was an Igor ant. Then they should know our Demographic Constitution does change a lot. I tell you. There are amendments to the Bill of rights. Periodically. Where there is service. Why should there be a class of people who hate us. For doing our job being involved in their community. Being available. Is that making sense. To anyone. Rules change. All the time. Where does it fit in our lifestyle for this to be normal. Or a decision? When the Evil of Benefit. Is more Available. Than the rescue of an innocent unarmed person.
No matter the assembly or the Manifests of scripture the Questions come in?

Maybe Biden should have called Nancy Pelosi Nicky Haley repeatedly and then double and triple down on it.

Biden's got a speech impediment.


Maybe Biden should have called Nancy Pelosi Nicky Haley repeatedly and then double and triple down on it.

Biden's got a speech impediment.



BabyBoobs’ pattern of posting "might" lead one to believe that BabyBoobs is a gaslighting POS who is trying to create an impossible standard for President Biden, while giving the rapey, racist, demented, corrupt orange traitor / convict a free pass on EVERYTHING.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣


BabyBoobs’ pattern of posting "might" lead one to believe that BabyBoobs is a gaslighting POS who is trying to create an impossible standard for President Biden, while giving the rapey, racist, demented, corrupt orange traitor / convict a free pass on EVERYTHING.


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣


He likes to gloat yes. But it's the press that's putting Biden under a microscope. Looking for things to criticize. Just like they did with HRC. Clickbait over country.
Biden's 2008 vice presidential debate with Palin didn't show that.

20 years ago. As a person with a stutter ages, it can come back a bit. It doesn't mean he's approaching carrot-hood.

He realized he made a mistake and corrected it. Unlike Trump and unlike those with dementia.
This is going to get worse.

And I hate that.
I bet the DNC wish that they had held proper primaries now. As the saying goes, own it. Rather than just screwing over progressives in the party, they screwed themselves over too. Can they openly admit this? And the Reaganite RINOs will disappear from Biden's camp like farts in the wind after these gaffes.
Things are only going to get worse if people vote for a person, rather than for a party, policy,and principles, and if they hold President Biden to the Hillary Clinton standard while giving the rapey, racist, demented, corrupt orange traitor / convict a free pass for far more disturbing behavior and comments.

I bet the DNC wish that they had held proper primaries now. As the saying goes, own it. Rather than just screwing over progressives in the party, they screwed themselves over too. Can they openly admit this? And the Reaganite RINOs will disappear from Biden's camp like farts in the wind after these gaffes.
The media was going to do this with whoever was the Democratic nominee.
I bet the DNC wish that they had held proper primaries now. As the saying goes, own it. Rather than just screwing over progressives in the party, they screwed themselves over too. Can they openly admit this? And the Reaganite RINOs will disappear from Biden's camp like farts in the wind after these gaffes.
The blame is on one guy. As it is with the other guy.
Things are only going to get worse if people vote for a person, rather than for a party, policy,and principles, and if they hold President Biden to the Hillary Clinton standard while giving the rapey, racist, demented, corrupt orange traitor / convict a free pass for far more disturbing behavior and comments.

JFC, this is delusional.

We don't need a President

Biden's 2008 vice presidential debate with Palin didn't show that.


Joe Biden has had a stutter since youth that has exhibited itself throughout his life. And Joe Biden has been a gaffe machine his entire political career, which could be connected to his stutter as he struggled / struggles to express his thoughts while dealing with that stutter.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 "Becky" 🤣

What kickbacks? Source that, please. You're just making that up, right?
"She" probably heard it on Fox News or Newsmax like nearly all the "facts" the deplorables toss out here.
"She" probably heard it on Fox News or Newsmax like nearly all the "facts" the deplorables toss out here.
Probably, but she's asserting to the Bidens what Trump, who she supports, has done/is doing in bulk, so I'll challenge her on the point.
Yes he's old.

Not going round this again with you.
That isn't it either (and you know it). His mental capabilities are slipping--way below the job requirements of the president of the United States. That isn't the identical issue to either slurring of words or being old, neither of which are the danger issue for the job. You just won't be honest about this.
Not going round this again with you.

That isn't it either (and you know it). His mental capabilities are slipping--way below the job requirements of the president of the United States. That isn't the identical issue to either slurring of words or being old, neither of which are the danger issue for the job. You just won't be honest about this.
Probably, but she's asserting to the Bidens what Trump, who she supports, has done/is doing in bulk, so I'll challenge her on the point.
That's what they always do, as I'm sure you know.