President Biden Interview Tonight: Redemption???

You're the one who said viewers of the debate have "only seen reasons to not vote Biden". If they both "talked fucking gibberish", then didn't viewers also see reasons not to vote Trump?

That ^ was EXACTLY the point I was trying to get across with my comment.

“only” is an “absolute”And within the context of that statement i it was absolute bullshit.

To tell you the truth, as disconcerting as President Biden’s lapses were, maaaaaany of the statements from Trump shocked me faaaaaar more - and the dodging of questions by Trump got farcical at a certain point: Dana Bash could literally have had a T-shirt made that said “ Okay, Mr. Trump, but now will you answer the original question???

So, no, viewers did NOT “only” see reasons not to vote for Biden.

That ^ bullshit narrative is getting old faster than Biden OR Trump.



In wake of the debate and the referenced interview of this thread, I was curious to see the reaction by all of you who are Trump haters. I’m reminded of the folktale penned by Hans Christian Andersen titled “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. In case you’re unfamiliar with this tale the link to Wikipedia provides the story: See:'s_New_Clothes

Now in referencing this tale, the rogue tailors in the story by analogy are equivalent to the Democratic Party, White House staff and MSM. The emperor’s invisible clothes are equivalent to the assertion that Biden is fit for the office, sharp as a tack and is capable of carrying on the duties of the President of the United States. The parade by the naked emperor is equivalent to the debate as well to a lesser extent the interview with George Stephanopoulos. There really is no child in our case except perhaps oddly enough the main stream media and some Democrat party members, politicians and donors who are aghast at having witnessed the debate and the deficiencies on display by President Biden.

This analogy breakdowns wherein in Andersen’s tale, the parade watchers upon hearing the child blurt out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all and seeing that the emperor is truly naked realize they have been fooled. But upon reading the various posts by you Trump haters that you seem to still think President Biden is fit for office, sharp as a tack and is capable of carrying on the duties of the President of the United States; not just now but for four more years. Maybe you didn’t watch the debate.

By the way one other similarity occurs as Andersen indicated that although startled, the emperor continued the procession, walking more proudly than ever. And we have Biden despite admitting to having had a poor debate performance vow to stay in the race and insisting that he beat Trump once before and will beat him again.
The mainstream media is loudly insisting that President Biden should step down. A few craven Democratic leaders have gone along, but they’re getting cold feet as they learn that’s not what the Democratic base wants. The “children” see exactly who doesn’t have any clothes, and it’s not the President. It’s his opponent.
There's something about you that has an insincere ring.

If you want to get informed, I encourage it. But honestly I think you are as informed as you want to be.

In any event, after the debate Biden gained ground with independents and Trump lost ground with them. Biden has had almost 20 events while continuing to run the country and meet with NATO leaders. Trump had two disastrous rallies, one embarrassing interview and nothing since. He has one event scheduled at MAL later this week.

Have a good night.
This is what I came here to say. Funny how they had nothing to say about your post. I am shocked, I tell you, shocked!
Nothing I've seen since the debate has made me change my mind that Biden should step down.

His morning joe rant reminded me of the other candidate in the race, focused entirely on ego rather than duty. I'd go as far to say that every interview and speech since the debate has made me even more solid in my belief that he needs to retire after this term.

I am not saying that somehow this makes the left candidate as bad as the right ... It simple will never be the case.... But I'm concerned that the Democratic candidate is doing shit that I can't be happy about and think more pressure needs to be applied to get Biden to realize his shelf life is at an end and that there are more important things, which he, himself, has spoken about.
the only really sour note (for me) in his interview was the 'i'm only stepping down when God tells me to' rhetoric.

while i understand his belief system, anyone citing God as a reason they must go ahead as the only person who can do it (even if that may well be true) starts sounding too egotistical. He should never have used that phrasing, imo.

I honestly believe he understands the consequences of his aging, but moving forward with VP Harris sets her up best to be in the right place at the right time if/when she is needed. There's life and wisdom in the old guy yet, and she can learn so much from him by his side.
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the only really sour note (for me) in his interview was the 'i'm only stepping down is God tells me too' rhetoric.

while i understand his belief system, anyone citing God as a reason they must go ahead as the only person who can do it (even if that may well be true) starts sounding too egotistical. He should never have used that phrasing, imo.

I honestly believe he understands the consequences of his aging, but moving forward with VP Harris sets her up best to be in the right place at the right time if/when she is needed.
I continue to believe he should step aside and endorse Harris. Part of the issue right now is that unelected officials are seemingly in charge to a large portion of voters.....that is not a good thing in terms of the election
And do real Americans recognise cognitive decline ?

It’s not what Biden has done that’s in question, nor whether he’s a stand up guy. It’s his ongoing capability.
The other guy is declining as well and wants to be a dickeater.. no wait.. true,, but a dictator

Make America Great again? Or create the 4th Reich?

Because ? ?? Tax cut?? Really ?? Has any one been tricking down on you from their tax cut?? Did buying back stock make American companies better competitors ?

Those factories ‘rump promised??

Sheep will be sheep.

Russians will keep feeding the narrative for sheep to bleat
The other guy is declining as well and wants to be a dickeater.. no wait.. true,, but a dictator

Make America Great again? Or create the 4th Reich?

Because ? ?? Tax cut?? Really ?? Has any one been tricking down on you from their tax cut?? Did buying back stock make American companies better competitors ?

Those factories ‘rump promised??

Sheep will be sheep.

Russians will keep feeding the narrative for sheep to bleat
I'll be honest - the answer to concerns about Biden being "but the other guy" is annoying.
Reality? Doc says Biden is ok!
So fuck off
Move on to some new news!
Left wing media? Owned by ‘rump supporters? Really? Fuck off! Is there any real news?
Where’s _Walter Cronkite ??

We have believe docs who said ‘rump had bone spurs and weighed 239?? Yeah? So? Biden is ok!
Reality? Doc says Biden is ok!
So fuck off
Move on to some new news!
Left wing media? Owned by ‘rump supporters? Really? Fuck off! Is there any real news?
Where’s _Walter Cronkite ??

We have believe docs who said ‘rump had bone spurs and weighed 239?? Yeah? So? Biden is ok!
Is this English?
The concerns about Biden do not change the threat of Trump. I'm not sure why you think they do.
I didn't say they did. The threat of Trump doesn't change the concerns about Biden.
The concerns about Biden do not change the threat of Trump. I'm not sure why you think they do.

I suspect there are "some people" on “the left” who see this as a golden opportunity to co-opt / take over the Democratic Party, with the first part of the plan involving the removal of President Biden as the nominee after ONE bad DEBATE performance. (Just ignore all the good he has done and continues to do.)


I also suspect that they feel Kamala Harris or some yet to be determined replacement candidate would be more malleable and compliant when it comes to implementing their left wing agenda. (Starting with abandoning Israel.)


The most farcical thing about their whole narrative when it comes to whether or not President Biden can win, in light of that ONE bad DEBATE performance, is that it was ALWAYS going to take THEIR VOTES to elect President Biden -even before the debate.


Ironically, one of the reasons President Biden is ALLEGEDLY down in the polls, is because of WEAK support from the left.


We’re right back to 2016:

President Biden isn’t perfect, so the left won’t VOTE for him, but then they will blame HIM for losing to Trump.



I suspect there are "some people" on “the left” who see this as a golden opportunity to co-opt / take over the Democratic Party, with the first part of the plan involving the removal of President Biden as the nominee after ONE bad DEBATE performance. (Just ignore all the good he has done and continues to do.)


I also suspect that they feel Kamala Harris or some yet to be determined replacement candidate would be more malleable and compliant when it comes to implementing their left wing agenda. (Starting with abandoning Israel.)


The most farcical thing about their whole narrative when it comes to whether or not President Biden can win, is that it was ALWAYS going to take THEIR VOTES to elect President Biden -even before the debate.


Ironically, one of the reasons President Biden is ALLEGEDLY down in the polls, is because of WEAK support from the left.


We’re right back to 2016:

President Biden isn’t perfect, so the left won’t VOTE for him, but then they will blame HIM for losing to Trump.



It was much more than on bad debate performance.

Unless you believe he's the first black vice president 👍

Ignoring the obvious doesn't make it disappear. I at least acknowledge it.
I didn't say they did. The threat of Trump doesn't change the concerns about Biden.

Your words were "If you ignore reality yes".

Actually I disagree. The threat of Trump pretty much blows any concerns I have about Biden right out the fucking window. I'm on the pro-democracy pro-country side. That's Biden. Trump is the pro-plutocrat and pro-autocrat with a heaping dollop of fascism side.

You're not making sense frankly.
Your words were "If you ignore reality yes".

Actually I disagree. The threat of Trump pretty much blows any concerns I have about Biden right out the fucking window. I'm on the pro-democracy pro-country side. That's Biden. Trump is the pro-plutocrat and pro-autocrat with a heaping dollop of fascism side.

You're not making sense frankly.
I am concerned about both candidates for different reasons.

I'm voting for the Democratic candidate.
I am concerned about both candidates for different reasons.

I'm voting for the Democratic candidate.

All I'm hearing from all this (literally pointless) bullshit is "buttery males!"

People need to get the fuck off it. It's Biden or Trump. That's the choice. That's the reality because of an "electorate" that won't vote, won't run, won't get involved.

If people want better choices then they need to demand them with their involvement.

If I had my way I would take Hillary over Biden. But I don't and I'm not going to sit there and pick at scabs spreading doubt so that Trump wins. I saw that in 2016.
All I'm hearing from all this (literally pointless) bullshit is "buttery males!"

People need to get the fuck off it. It's Biden or Trump. That's the choice. That's the reality because of an "electorate" that won't vote, won't run, won't get involved.

If people want better choices then they need to demand them with their involvement.

If I had my way I would take Hillary over Biden. But I don't and I'm not going to sit there and pick at scabs spreading doubt so that Trump wins. I saw that in 2016.
I'm sorry that you don't like it that I have issues with Biden or that I prefer he step aside and endorse Harris.

I'm sorry that you don't like that I'm calling out issues that I have (which are obvious) with Biden without somehow making it about Trump.

There is literally no one here that is changing their vote no matter what I say. And to be honest, there's no one I know or interact with outside of this site that are changing their vote either.
I'm sorry that you don't like it that I have issues with Biden or that I prefer he step aside and endorse Harris.

I'm sorry that you don't like that I'm calling out issues that I have (which are obvious) with Biden without somehow making it about Trump.

There is literally no one here that is changing their vote no matter what I say,

I'm not convinced you're right. In fact from what I've seen you are incorrect.

Yes Biden IS old. And yes he's not as energetic etc as he was even four years ago.

But I've been the person with a busy schedule and no rest. I've been the one who stood up and even though I had no issues with cognitive decline I came off like a damn moron in search of their brain cells. It happens.

I think everyone has a responsibility in the battle to defeat Trump to commit to the battle. Your tepidness is the same type of crap that got us Trump in 2016. I know you won't believe it. They didn't then when I pointed it out. Just like they didn't believe SCOTUS would be as fucked as it is now.
I'm not convinced you're right. In fact from what I've seen you are incorrect.
I am not alone in my opinion. Listening to Jon Stewart right now saying the exact same thing

Yes Biden IS old. And yes he's not as energetic etc as he was even four years ago.
It's not about his age. It's about how age is affecting him.

But I've been the person with a busy schedule and no rest. I've been the one who stood up and even though I had no issues with cognitive decline I came off like a damn moron in search of their brain cells. It happens.
That's not what is going on.

I think everyone has a responsibility in the battle to defeat Trump to commit to the battle. Your tepidness is the same type of crap that got us Trump in 2016. I know you won't believe it. They didn't then when I pointed it out. Just like they didn't believe SCOTUS would be as fucked as it is now.
I'm not tepid. I've already said I'm voting for the Democratic candidate. I have no issue admitting that. I just wish more people would pressure Biden to let someone else be that candidate. I dont have any confidence that he will beat Trump based on his performance and campaign
I am not alone in my opinion. Listening to Jon Stewart right now saying the exact same thing

It's not about his age. It's about how age is affecting him.

That's not what is going on.

I'm not tepid. I've already said I'm voting for the Democratic candidate.

Yes I know you're not alone. And I believe that Jon Stewart is incorrect. I also believe he is acting just like the rest of the pundit vultures.

I've actually lost a lot of respect for Jon Stewart over the past 10 years. He's doing the same shit as so many Trump supporters actually - just like you and the ones who are all aflutter. Looking for a strongman style leader without any flaws. As if it is just the one person and he must be Superman.

Again that's what you think. As a person who has been reduced to a village idiot because of schedule and lack of rest, I can guarantee you it can happen to anyone. Including presidents.

You're not enthusiastic. It's like all of Biden's abilities have been washed away by one fuck up.
I am not alone in my opinion. Listening to Jon Stewart right now saying the exact same thing

It's not about his age. It's about how age is affecting him.

That's not what is going on.

I'm not tepid. I've already said I'm voting for the Democratic candidate. I have no issue admitting that. I just wish more people would pressure Biden to let someone else be that candidate. I dont have any confidence that he will beat Trump based on his performance and campaign
That ship has sailed. You had a chance to make the case for somebody other than Biden in the primary. The party elite rejecting the choice of the Democratic base is not how we beat Trump.
Yes I know you're not alone. And I believe that Jon Stewart is incorrect. I also believe he is acting just like the rest of the pundit vultures.
He is not.

I've actually lost a lot of respect for Jon Stewart over the past 10 years. He's doing the same shit as so many Trump supporters actually - just like you and the ones who are all aflutter. Looking for a strongman style leader without any flaws. As if it is just the one person and he must be Superman.
He's losing in most every state poll by multiple points because of his performance.

Again that's what you think. As a person who has been reduced to a village idiot because of sleep and lack of rest, I can guarantee you it can happen to anyone. Including presidents.
Got it. Many people think the same.

You're not enthusiastic. It's like all of Biden's abilities have been washed away by one fuck up.
I am enthusiastic to vote for the Democratic candidate. I am not happy that he is likely to lose to the piece of shit that is Trump based on polling in most battleground states.

And again - the debate was not his only fuck up. It was just his biggest fuck up to date. And every other fuck up from now on will be added to it.