Reverse lunch

We are now on page five of a puke thread. Does anyone else wonder what that says about us?


jfinn said:
We are now on page five of a puke thread. Does anyone else wonder what that says about us?

Personally, I'd prefer not to think about it. Even the four foot BM thread didn't generate this much interest.
Pookie_grrl said:
Pointing a finger at Svenska,

"Sh She was the one that said you were being ... err ... nice. I would never ... EVER say such a nasty thing to you! Honest, I wouldn't. You gotta believe me!"

Pookie the chicken shit :rose: ;)


I think I'm getting an unfair reputation around here. I'm going to be nice and ladylike for a while.
Screams of Terror!

MathGirl said:
I think I'm getting an unfair reputation around here. I'm going to be nice and ladylike for a while.

Aarrgh! It's getting even worse - now she's going to be Ladylike, too!
Run for your lives!
Re: Re: Screams of Terror!

Svenskaflicka said:
*curled up in corner, shivering*

Temptation, temptation. <No, Diane, you're going to be quiet and ladylike for an unspecified period of time>
Svenskaflicka said:

"Oh yeah?! Well ... I'm not the one curled up shivering in the corner now, am I?" ;)

Pookie (running to hide like the chicken shit I am) :rose:
Re: Unfair!

MathGirl said:
I think I'm getting an unfair reputation around here. I'm going to be nice and ladylike for a while.

A while? What's a while? It's been two days, is it safe to come out of hiding?

Re: Re: Unfair!

jfinn said:
A while? What's a while? It's been two days, is it safe to come out of hiding? Jayne

I've turned over a new leaf. I'm going to be "Mr Nice Guy" from now on.

"Hey, little girl, would you like to see Mr Nice Guy?"

Mr. Nice Guy

Originally posted by MathGirl
I've turned over a new leaf. I'm going to be "Mr Nice Guy" from now on.

"Hey, little girl, would you like to see Mr Nice Guy?"


Gee, Jayne! You had to get her riled up again? At least now we all get a pretty good idea of what she means by "nice". For some, the line between naughty and nice is a very slim one, sometimes nonexistent -- maybe someday she'll be "nice" to me!!
MathGirl said:
I've reached the point in a story where it becomes necessary for several characters to ......... vomit. Hey, this is art, you know?

I know the usual terms used to describe the process, but I would appreciate your help with some new ones. I have quite a few people hurling, so I need different terms.

Thank you,

Ps. I already know "Speaking to Ralph on the big white phone."
I don't see how there can be so many pages in a thread searching for a different way to say vomit or thowing up. If you ask me, there are no good ways to say it. They are all describing an unpleasant body function. Just pick one, and move on, already!
Re: Re: Reverse lunch

Originally posted by DVS I They are all describing an unpleasant body function. Just pick one, and move on, already!

Dear DVS,
If you've been reading this thread, you may have noticed it has long since strayed from the original topic.
Pick one and move on?

Originally posted by DVS
I don't see how there can be so many pages in a thread searching for a different way to say vomit or thowing up. If you ask me, there are no good ways to say it. They are all describing an unpleasant body function. Just pick one, and move on, already!

We've moved WAY beyond worrying about finding an appropriate vomit term for MG, DVS. It is clear that you are woefully unskilled in the fine art of wasting time. True, our five pages of posts - full of witty anecdotes and repartee may not have advanced any societal purpose, but sometimes it's not about the destination, it's about the journey! And about giving MG grief for having started all this -- why? Because it's fun and she's such a good sport about it.
Re: Re: Re: Reverse lunch

MathGirl said:
Dear DVS,
If you've been reading this thread, you may have noticed it has long since strayed from the original topic.
Well, I threw up on page 2, and dry heaved on 3. It is no longer in me to continue reading.
Don't get me wrong. I don't want to stifle creativity. Maybe you could have them read the food chunks on the floor for their future, like some read tea leaves?
Reverse Lunch

Originally posted by DVS
I don't see how there can be so many pages in a thread searching for a different way to say vomit or thowing up. If you ask me, there are no good ways to say it. They are all describing an unpleasant body function. Just pick one, and move on, already!

Besides, I still need 57 more posts before I qualify for one of those avathingies. I'm thinking of a baby in sunglasses with a really big butt.
Girl thing

DVS said:
Well, I threw up on page 2, and dry heaved on 3. It is no longer in me to continue reading.

Dear DVS,
I have a rather simple approach to threads which do not interest me. I avoid them. I realize that's probably just taking the easy way out, but it works for me. Probably a girl thing.
Re: Girl thing

MathGirl said:
Dear DVS,
I have a rather simple approach to threads which do not interest me. I avoid them. I realize that's probably just taking the easy way out, but it works for me. Probably a girl thing.

You might be right.

Last edited:

Originally posted by MathGirl
Watch it, buster. That's my word.

Oops, sorry. I forgot I was being nice this week.


Where's Svenska when I need her? I need some pointers on that 'curled up in the corner, shivering' thing.

Hey, take it easy, everybody! I have a dry sense of humor, as does MG. I thought she knew of this by now. I was just making off the wall comments about the length of this thread and the first (I see that now) topic of discussion.

I am not bothered by this thread more than to say it is lengthy for its main topic. And, I do understand I didn't read all pages. But, after the first few...well? :confused:

Actually, I know very well that some threads change from the main or first topic, and have been part (and sometimes the cause) of several of these. But, I also feel there should be a change in font, color, or something to let someone know this. OK, just thinking out loud, here.

Again, I am only making off the wall comments, but there should be a way to let someone know there is a fork in the road, if they don't have the time to read all pages. You have to remember, the thread did start out about ways to express the act of vomiting. A common body function, for sure, but still not the most common thread topic, IMO.

I must say it was probably a quick judgment, and I never meant the topic shouldn't be discussed, or even for this length. I just found it lengthy for my tastes, at the time I wrote the post. I guess my dinner hour wasn't the best time to be reading such a thread. :eek:

And, maybe more smilies on my part would have softened the implied tone, somehow? Actually, I have never cared for the little buggers that much, in the past. There aren't enough of them to represent my facial expressions. :mad:

So, MG, have you decided on a usable word or phrase for your story?

Oh..., smilies, in case this post didn't provide enough of them. But, I don't think you will ever see me use the rose, lips or heart in a post. Just not in me, I guess. :eek: :) :D ;) :p :devil:
:cattail: :catgrin: :cathappy: :catroar:

Forgot about these. I do like cats. They do their share of throwing up, you know.

And bananas are OK, I guess. This one is on speed! :nana: :D
Well, Okay....

Originally posted by DVS
And bananas are OK, I guess. This one is on speed!

Okay, okay DVS. I guess you're all right. After all, you've got Hitchcock as your avathin...oops... I mean, ... as your picture thing over there. MG - I wasn't going to say that word again, really!!

And a guy with a dancing banana who quotes from JFK's inaugural address can't be all bad. A little weird, but not all bad.