Screw You, Republicans, and Your Stupid, Useless Prayers

But you guys guns being devices specifically designed for killing people don't kill people...our friends on the right say so. After all the killer could've used a device not specifically designed to kill people like a hammer to kill them too. I mean he didn't but he coulda.

Also the problem isn't the ease of access for nutjobs to get their hands on a gun, no, it's violent video games and movies. Or how about...there's not enough prayer in school. That's the answer.

But you guys guns being devices specifically designed for killing people don't kill people...our friends on the right say so. After all the killer could've used a device not specifically designed to kill people like a hammer to kill them too. I mean he didn't but he coulda.

Also the problem isn't the ease of access for nutjobs to get their hands on a gun, no, it's violent video games and movies. Or how about...there's not enough prayer in school. That's the answer.


The problem here, besides you barely being on this side of unintellligible, is that you don't understand the universe of the 2nd Amendment. Not the culture, the actual universe in which we live and which guarantees that the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed.

That guarantee exists. You can talk all you want to about how it's bad/wrong/evil/etc but you must do so in the context that the guarantee prohibits nearly everything that you advocate.

The guarantee exists because the founders of this nation weighed the costs and benefits and found that the benefits outweigh the costs. They then enshrined that finding into the Constitution.

You and the rest of the anti-gun Left don't get to come along and insert your personal beliefs in place of that and then call those who adhere to the principles in the Constitution, and the rights which predate it, nasty names and try to make them social pariahs.

There's a process to Amend the Constitution. If the 11 coastal states believe that they have the Constitutional chutzpah to get an Amendment ratified, then they should do so. Until then STFU about how you think that more gun control laws which do absolutely nothing will somehow magically solve everything.
I n s u r a n c e

Then make a law so citizens get rewards for turning in those who don’t get the insurance just like the abortion laws !
Make them pay more for some of their other insurance like smokers have to

Post on premises that there is a gun, like an aggressive dog.

I refuse to have my tax money go to any gun activities just like the anti abortionists. Hmmm? Hunting??
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RPG’s qualify as “arms”, do they not?

Yes and no.

The SCOTUS has stated that the 2nd Amendment covers "bearable arms" which are "in common use for lawful purposes."

RPG's may be "bearable" but they are not "in common use" and their use in peacetime by the civilian population would not be for "lawful purposes."

As in everything, you must go beyond the headlines and published talking points. If that's all you have, then your argument is easily defeated because it has no depth of understanding.
I want one of these Ikea tanks LOL that sounds like a good idea. I'd probably try and follow the instruction, only to find out at the end I accidently bought an armored sofa.
I n s u r a n c e

Then ? Citizens get rewards for turning in those who don’t get it just like the abortion laws !

Post on premises that there is a gun, like an aggressive dog.

I refuse to have my tax money go to any gun activities just like the anti abortionists. Hmmm? Hunting??

1. Do you also want to impose a requirement for insurance before speaking in case you hurt someone's feelings? And a warning sign?

2. Did you know that there's already an excise tax on guns and ammo and other gun products and activities which go to help fund wildlife conservation and management? Did you know that this is in addition to the general taxes we pay and which are appropriated by Congress for those things? And did you know that because of these taxes many species which were on the brink of either extinction or were almost on the endangered species list here in the US are doing well?

And yet here you are advocating for an end to those programs.
Trust in government for safety, security, or anything else has been disappearing for a while. There's not much of it left now outside a partisan slice of the population. Later, trust may also be gone inside that slice, and that wraps up the last support for only the government should have guns.

Without religious faith, many may not even have prayers to offer.
The problem here, besides you barely being on this side of unintellligible, is that you don't understand the universe of the 2nd Amendment. Not the culture, the actual universe in which we live and which guarantees that the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed.

That guarantee exists. You can talk all you want to about how it's bad/wrong/evil/etc but you must do so in the context that the guarantee prohibits nearly everything that you advocate.

The guarantee exists because the founders of this nation weighed the costs and benefits and found that the benefits outweigh the costs. They then enshrined that finding into the Constitution.

You and the rest of the anti-gun Left don't get to come along and insert your personal beliefs in place of that and then call those who adhere to the principles in the Constitution, and the rights which predate it, nasty names and try to make them social pariahs.

There's a process to Amend the Constitution. If the 11 coastal states believe that they have the Constitutional chutzpah to get an Amendment ratified, then they should do so. Until then STFU about how you think that more gun control laws which do absolutely nothing will somehow magically solve everything.
The problem with you 2A Zealots is that you simply shrug your shoulders, murmur the usual "thoughts and prayers" nonsense, and turn away each time there is a mass shooting in America, which is by far the mass shooting capital of the world.

America is the greatest country in the world DESPITE gun fetish amongst White Men With A Grudge and a Gun, not BECAUSE of it.

.....and your support of 2A absolutism makes you and your "elk" complicit in every single mass murder where guns are involved.
I n s u r a n c e

Then make a law so citizens get rewards for turning in those who don’t get the insurance just like the abortion laws !
Make them pay more for some of their other insurance like smokers have to

Post on premises that there is a gun, like an aggressive dog.

I refuse to have my tax money go to any gun activities just like the anti abortionists. Hmmm? Hunting??
The City of San Jose, CA tried that. It’s been about two years since the ordinance passed. They’ve quietly realized it and have informally abandoned implementation.
Yes and no.

The SCOTUS has stated that the 2nd Amendment covers "bearable arms" which are "in common use for lawful purposes."

RPG's may be "bearable" but they are not "in common use" and their use in peacetime by the civilian population would not be for "lawful purposes."

As in everything, you must go beyond the headlines and published talking points. If that's all you have, then your argument is easily defeated because it has no depth of understanding.

Not yes and no. It even means we broke our own oath by going into Iraq for any reason and all the shit we've done to North Korea. This is not a wishy washy thing.

Nothing in the 2A says a fucking thing about "common use". Why wouldn't it be for lawful use? if I live in a neighborhood were violence is common and see a bunch people who have a clear green like but they drop forty to just five and possible either get out of the vehicle according to the Founding Fathers who claim to revere but only do because I can't argue with dead men the rest of the time you don't give fucking shit what wrote. And grenades did exist and maybe not "common" but they were certainly aware of it where its plausible none them about the Pucklegun that your team always brings up about how full auto existed in their day and they knew. How do you know? There was no TV, Radio and something that's happening on a separate continent or even a separate territory might not reach me.

So if you're gonna pull this bullshit of what the Constitution SAYS stick to it. Because you guys always do this its a living document is a reason I can't put land mines in my lawn because Castle Law. Then turn around and pretend not only what part of "shall not be infringed" when that works in your favor. I fully admit we should really just rewrite the Constitution for a modern world.

The reality is people only talk about the Constitution when they can't win an argument on the merits of the case. Hell a strong argument could made that a someone who came her and gained citizenhood could run for president. I'd love someone to take that to court and cus at best after the the SCOTUS shot it down you could just go on youtube and prove that even those who've sworn oaths to uphold the constitution don't give a shit or at least certainly aren't "originalist."

Besides the biggest reasons for MUCH of our laws stems from many things. Some of the founding fathers thought having a standing army is by definition tyrannical. After WW1 we realized disbanding most of the military as soon as the war was over was just not strategically wise. That was a terrible, terrible policy. I'm not new year. at least Vetteman and Ishmael could sometimes be reasoned with.

One of the other reasons (and why the South then which would evolve into the Democrats into the Confederacy then back again) knew many probably not a majority but enough that people who weren't slave owners were only gonna be so but hurt about slaves. This was never about being able to fight our government no matter flowery words some of them used. It was about having a ready to go military. Hence 'Well Regulated' The phrase has meant a lot of things over the years but many (I won't say most cus I've seen a poll) believe it means well trained. Basically every able bodied male would be a reservist. You show up on some sort of schedule prove you could march, shoot, yadda yadda. You'd probably even know who you were supposed to report to if the the say Paul Revere or Sybil but. . .that was a black woman. its almost like you've spent 250 years erasing the contributions of of my people and now that we want history taught accurately not like in this case copied from a fucking poem. If those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it ask yourself who benefits from making sure you don't know your history.

Anyhow even by the time we founded the nation the north was largely abolitionist. The South knew good and damn well that if they could take peoples guns then the numbers game was not in their favor. Though I'm not 100% certain why they would give a shit, their primary exports in the north were textiles and maybe I got it twisted but I thought those were mostly made of wool or cotton at the time.

Sybil the unspoken rider. one woman,William Dawes, and Sybil Ludington.
1. Do you also want to impose a requirement for insurance before speaking in case you hurt someone's feelings? And a warning sign?

2. Did you know that there's already an excise tax on guns and ammo and other gun products and activities which go to help fund wildlife conservation and management? Did you know that this is in addition to the general taxes we pay and which are appropriated by Congress for those things? And did you know that because of these taxes many species which were on the brink of either extinction or were almost on the endangered species list here in the US are doing well?

And yet here you are advocating for an end to those programs.
Can we get some funding to conserve the classrooms full of kids that are being used for target practice? How about the bowling alleys? (Again more kids)

Is this why the right is opposed to abortion? You know you need more stock since your coveted guns keep killing kids like fish in a barrel.
Can we get some funding to conserve the classrooms full of kids that are being used for target practice? How about the bowling alleys? (Again more kids)

Is this why the right is opposed to abortion? You know you need more stock since your coveted guns keep killing kids like fish in a barrel.
I post something very similar to HisArpy a while ago, but he has me on ignore, so it's nice he will finally see that comment.
I post something very similar to HisArpy a while ago, but he has me on ignore, so it's nice he will finally see that comment.
Derp doesn’t actually process anything that isn’t spoon fed from the right wing emails he gets. Keep forwarding those links!
Yes and no.

The SCOTUS has stated that the 2nd Amendment covers "bearable arms" which are "in common use for lawful purposes."

RPG's may be "bearable" but they are not "in common use" and their use in peacetime by the civilian population would not be for "lawful purposes."

As in everything, you must go beyond the headlines and published talking points. If that's all you have, then your argument is easily defeated because it has no depth of understanding.
Assault rifles weren’t in ”common use” either, until they they were.