Screw You, Republicans, and Your Stupid, Useless Prayers

Assault rifles weren’t in ”common use” either, until they they were.

Lol. You and Gretchen Carlson both need to learn math and history.

AR-15's have been purchased and owned/used by civilians since 1959. Statistics prove that ~20% of all new rifles produced since 1991 have been AR-15's.

I'm not sure if those stats include home manufactured AR's or not. If not, then I'd guesstimate that there's an additional 15% of the AR rifle market not being accounted for.

Either way, it's estimated that nearly 20 million AR-15's are owned in America. See: US has estimated 19.8 million AR-15's

That's a WHOLE LOTTA AR-15's in civilian hands. Which absolutely defeats your "not in common use" narrative.
Lol. You and Gretchen Carlson both need to learn math and history.

AR-15's have been purchased and owned/used by civilians since 1959. Statistics prove that ~20% of all new rifles produced since 1991 have been AR-15's.

I'm not sure if those stats include home manufactured AR's or not. If not, then I'd guesstimate that there's an additional 15% of the AR rifle market not being accounted for.

Either way, it's estimated that nearly 20 million AR-15's are owned in America. See: US has estimated 19.8 million AR-15's

That's a WHOLE LOTTA AR-15's in civilian hands. Which absolutely defeats your "not in common use" narrative.
So they’re about as popular as menstrual cups.
Lol. You and Gretchen Carlson both need to learn math and history.

AR-15's have been purchased and owned/used by civilians since 1959. Statistics prove that ~20% of all new rifles produced since 1991 have been AR-15's.

I'm not sure if those stats include home manufactured AR's or not. If not, then I'd guesstimate that there's an additional 15% of the AR rifle market not being accounted for.

Either way, it's estimated that nearly 20 million AR-15's are owned in America. See: US has estimated 19.8 million AR-15's

That's a WHOLE LOTTA AR-15's in civilian hands. Which absolutely defeats your "not in common use" narrative.
Except between 1994-2004 when purchases of Assault Weapons were banned.
Lol. You and Gretchen Carlson both need to learn math and history.

AR-15's have been purchased and owned/used by civilians since 1959.
Colt AR-15 was first available to the general public in 1964. Maybe your thinking when Colt purchased Armalite, back in 1959? You need to learn your history!
Lol. You and Gretchen Carlson both need to learn math and history.

AR-15's have been purchased and owned/used by civilians since 1959. Statistics prove that ~20% of all new rifles produced since 1991 have been AR-15's.

I'm not sure if those stats include home manufactured AR's or not. If not, then I'd guesstimate that there's an additional 15% of the AR rifle market not being accounted for.

Either way, it's estimated that nearly 20 million AR-15's are owned in America. See: US has estimated 19.8 million AR-15's

That's a WHOLE LOTTA AR-15's in civilian hands. Which absolutely defeats your "not in common use" narrative.
Gosh, I feel like such a moron. Here I was thinking the 2nd amendment was drafted prior to 1959. 🙄

Bless your heart.
Gosh, I feel like such a moron. Here I was thinking the 2nd amendment was drafted prior to 1959. 🙄

Bless your heart.

Well, your feelings are correct in this particular instance.
No, I'm merely pointing out an inaccuracy in your comment.

I made no comment other than posting about how someone fucked up in their thinking about how common AR's are based on the estimated numbers of ownership by Americans as well as the statistical percent of AR's manufactured each year.

You pointing out that 10 years of a ban on sales of AR's, then opining that the ban somehow means that the remaining 50+ years of legal ownership and purchasing of AR's somehow is negated to mean that AR's aren't common or popular, is yet another data point on the total-failure-in-thinking-on-your-part graph.

Not that it was unexpected. I just didn't realize how fervent you are about looking like a total lunatic asshole in public.
I made no comment other than posting about how someone fucked up in their thinking about how common AR's are based on the estimated numbers of ownership by Americans as well as the statistical percent of AR's manufactured each year.

You pointing out that 10 years of a ban on sales of AR's, then opining that the ban somehow means that the remaining 50+ years of legal ownership and purchasing of AR's somehow is negated to mean that AR's aren't common or popular, is yet another data point on the total-failure-in-thinking-on-your-part graph.

Not that it was unexpected. I just didn't realize how fervent you are about looking like a total lunatic asshole in public.
You said that people had been buying AR-15s for the period since 1959. They haven't. Get a grip.
You said that people had been buying AR-15s for the period since 1959. They haven't. Get a grip.

Which they did. You see, the US assault weapons ban didn't stop people not in the US from buying the rifles because, unlike Machine Guns, it wasn't a ban on manufacturing new rifles.

Or don't you understand how things work in the real world?
Just curious

When a crazed criminal shoots people

What can ANYONE do about it before, during and after




Screw You, Republicans, and Your Stupid, Useless Prayers

Two deadly mass shootings in Maine—and Republicans are doing nothing but recycling their old “thoughts and prayers.”​

Thoughts and prayers don't mean shit. Especially when all of them are recipients of massive donations from those who benefit from monetizing the death of Americans.
what are DUMZ n LIBZ m PROGZ doing about the shootings on Baltimore, Chicago ETC?
13 3D Button Icon Images - Push Button Icon, Big Red Button and Round ...

Push this button to make BB's computer emit a burst of fart gas.
Which they did. You see, the US assault weapons ban didn't stop people not in the US from buying the rifles because, unlike Machine Guns, it wasn't a ban on manufacturing new rifles.

Or don't you understand how things work in the real world?
Ah, so when you said that people had been buying AR-15s since 1959 you were deliberately including the period when the US was marketing mass shootings to the rest of the world. Then people like you won the right to have those events back in the good 'ol US of A because you felt left out of the fun.

Yemen and Guatemala seemed so attractive with the ready availability of assault weapons, there was only one way to make Alabama meet their standard.
Ah, so when you said that people had been buying AR-15s since 1959 you were deliberately including the period when the US was marketing mass shootings to the rest of the world. Then people like you won the right to have those events back in the good 'ol US of A because you felt left out of the fun.

Yemen and Guatemala seemed so attractive with the ready availability of assault weapons, there was only one way to make Alabama meet their standard.

Nice attempt to move the goalposts.

It doesn't matter where the arms were going, only that they were still being produced and sold during the AW ban decade. Something which you asserted wasn't happening because:

A) You're a fucking liar;
B) You're a moron;
C) You're a fucking lying moron who couldn't tell the truth even if those were the only words left in the entire dictionary.