Screw You, Republicans, and Your Stupid, Useless Prayers

13 3D Button Icon Images - Push Button Icon, Big Red Button and Round ...

Push this button to make BB's computer emit a burst of fart gas.

I did but the resulting odor and green noxious cloud seems to be coming from your direction.

Why is that?
Tell it to Israel.

I'll gladly tell it to Israel. The reality is we know good and damn well that gun laws do in fact work. That no matter what dumbasses like TrialerHitch like to claim criminals do in fact obey most laws most of the time. Real life isn't like Gotham City where the the bad guys jaywalk, speed, blow through red light, litter, streak and that's just on the way to steal all the fries, burgers and make sure the ice cream machine at McDonalds is actually busted.
Nice attempt to move the goalposts.

It doesn't matter where the arms were going, only that they were still being produced and sold during the AW ban decade. Something which you asserted wasn't happening because:

A) You're a fucking liar;
B) You're a moron;
C) You're a fucking lying moron who couldn't tell the truth even if those were the only words left in the entire dictionary.
Wow so you really do understand all of the things your spout off about over and over here.

You are D, all of the above.
Nice attempt to move the goalposts.

It doesn't matter where the arms were going, only that they were still being produced and sold during the AW ban decade. Something which you asserted wasn't happening because:

A) You're a fucking liar;
B) You're a moron;
C) You're a fucking lying moron who couldn't tell the truth even if those were the only words left in the entire dictionary.
Damn, you're not too bright.
Damn, you're not too bright.

It literally isn't my fault you're a blooming asshole without a clue.

Get a life of your own and stop trying to clutter up ours with your make believe fantasy world.
He's struggling, give him a break. He can't work out that this chart shows that gun deaths are higher in the US than in other similar countries. It's too confusing for him.

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Folks you are so Brainwashed that guns are Evil, no People are evil. Look guns don't kill its people. Ok take awat guns.
Does Cain and Abel ring a bell. Since like day one people we The Human Race has been killing each other only improving on the method. look below at these numbers

Yes, according to 2021 data there were approximately 48,000 gun deaths which, but look at these stats

All firearm deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 48,830 (I believe approx 22,000 are suicide)
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 14.7

All poisoning deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 111,830
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 33.7

Motor vehicle traffic deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 45,404 (Guess we ban all cars right)
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.7
  • Unintentional fall deaths​

    • Number of deaths: 44,686 (My favotite, the step ladder) you see
    • Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.5
    • One and all killers
  • In truth, most killings to me are not LEGAL LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Most are criminal or have a mental condition.
  • I don't have the answer, except I know I have to defend myself. Its up to you, but that cop you called is at least
  • 5 minutes out.

Screw You, Republicans, and Your Stupid, Useless Prayers

Two deadly mass shootings in Maine—and Republicans are doing nothing but recycling their old “thoughts and prayers.”​

Thoughts and prayers don't mean shit. Especially when all of them are recipients of massive donations from those who benefit from monetizing the death of Americans.
It must be hard being a Dem these days, I mean we or those not a Dem can plainly see ur total hatred of something you can't change. You understand what I'm saying. You folks absolutly foamed at the mouth when Trump was elected, no you folks went bat shit nuts. We just chuckled. He lost "Oh well" see that's the difference. Ever heard "The more things change, the more they stay the same"?
I n s u r a n c e

Then make a law so citizens get rewards for turning in those who don’t get the insurance just like the abortion laws !
Make them pay more for some of their other insurance like smokers have to

Post on premises that there is a gun, like an aggressive dog.

I refuse to have my tax money go to any gun activities just like the anti abortionists. Hmmm? Hunting??
The City of San Jose, CA tried that. It’s been about two years since the ordinance passed. They’ve quietly realized it and have informally abandoned implementation.

Around ten 15 years ago in NY, they tried to get people to register their Rifles Just rifles. They estimated there were probably 8-12 million you know hunters what not. They said FELONY. Well, guess how many registered?
15,000 LOL That's right FIFTEEN THOUSAND Law abiding citizens out of 8-10 million said screw you That law died a slow dearh
Folks you are so Brainwashed that guns are Evil, no People are evil. Look guns don't kill its people. Ok take awat guns.
Does Cain and Abel ring a bell. Since like day one people we The Human Race has been killing each other only improving on the method. look below at these numbers

Yes, according to 2021 data there were approximately 48,000 gun deaths which, but look at these stats

All firearm deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 48,830 (I believe approx 22,000 are suicide)
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 14.7

All poisoning deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 111,830
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 33.7

Motor vehicle traffic deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 45,404 (Guess we ban all cars right)
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.7
  • Unintentional fall deaths​

    • Number of deaths: 44,686 (My favotite, the step ladder) you see
    • Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.5
    • One and all killers
  • In truth, most killings to me are not LEGAL LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Most are criminal or have a mental condition.
  • I don't have the answer, except I know I have to defend myself. Its up to you, but that cop you called is at least
  • 5 minutes out.

^ A big word salad with extra dressing.


Thanks for posting though, I had missed the worthwhile post before yours.


Folks you are so Brainwashed that guns are Evil, no People are evil. Look guns don't kill its people. Ok take awat guns.
Does Cain and Abel ring a bell. Since like day one people we The Human Race has been killing each other only improving on the method. look below at these numbers

Yes, according to 2021 data there were approximately 48,000 gun deaths which, but look at these stats

All firearm deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 48,830 (I believe approx 22,000 are suicide)
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 14.7

All poisoning deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 111,830
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 33.7

Motor vehicle traffic deaths​

  • Number of deaths: 45,404 (Guess we ban all cars right)
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.7
  • Unintentional fall deaths​

    • Number of deaths: 44,686 (My favotite, the step ladder) you see
    • Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.5
    • One and all killers
  • In truth, most killings to me are not LEGAL LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Most are criminal or have a mental condition.
  • I don't have the answer, except I know I have to defend myself. Its up to you, but that cop you called is at least
  • 5 minutes out.
The left wants you to believe that rather than defend yourself against someone with a firearm with your own firearm you should instead take a bullet for posterity, or, willingly turn in your firearm so that only criminals have them.
The left wants you to believe that rather than defend yourself against someone with a firearm with your own firearm you should instead take a bullet for posterity, or, willingly turn in your firearm so that only criminals have them.
They also believe (LOL) that the Police are there to protect them. Silly gooses. Nope I tell them they take reports after
they have become a "Victim" of a Crime" or a "Statistic" Think Chalk outline
It must be hard being a Dem these days, I mean we or those not a Dem can plainly see ur total hatred of something you can't change. You understand what I'm saying. You folks absolutly foamed at the mouth when Trump was elected, no you folks went bat shit nuts. We just chuckled. He lost "Oh well" see that's the difference. Ever heard "The more things change, the more they stay the same"?

Around ten 15 years ago in NY, they tried to get people to register their Rifles Just rifles. They estimated there were probably 8-12 million you know hunters what not. They said FELONY. Well, guess how many registered?
15,000 LOL That's right FIFTEEN THOUSAND Law abiding citizens out of 8-10 million said screw you That law died a slow dearh

Are you saying that people kill people?
That the more things change, the more they stay the same? Very insightful. Please, tell me more.

Are you saying that people kill people?
That the more things change, the more they stay the same? Very insightful. Please, tell me more.
If people kill people there's only one thing to do.

Give all those people guns.

Are you saying that people kill people?
That the more things change, the more they stay the same? Very insightful. Please, tell me more.
Ok, so you can read. That's a good start. Yes People/cars/poison/slip and falls/lightening etc all ways people die, but as for guns they don't just go BOOM someone inserts their finger, and aims in your general direction
(Oh they must first load it, rack it, and put one in the pipe) then purposely aim at you and pull the trigger to make big Boom and you
fall down and die of Hydrostatic shock.
The old saying "The more things change the more they stay the same " You have not heard that?
It means who gives a crap who's POTUS as the wheels keep churning it will not effect my or your life one iota.
Got it?
Ok, so you can read. That's a good start. Yes People/cars/poison/slip and falls/lightening etc all ways people die, but as for guns they don't just go BOOM someone inserts their finger, and aims in your general direction
(Oh they must first load it, rack it, and put one in the pipe) then purposely aim at you and pull the trigger to make big Boom and you
fall down and die of Hydrostatic shock.
The old saying "The more things change the more they stay the same " You have not heard that?
It means who gives a crap who's POTUS as the wheels keep churning it will not effect my or your life one iota.
Got it?
You’re new. Welcome! Love your passion. But I got to tell you that you’re not saying anything that we’ve not heard before. But seeing as how you like guns and think that potus doesn’t matter. Could you tell me your opinion on this?

Before you answer, I must warn you that the other gun advocates here refused to touch this. But… Let’s See if you play along.
Geez, well, whadayaknow. Yet another “responsible” gun advocate telling us words drives him nuts.
So you think the police are protecting you? Are you married. have hildren? So whats your plan when Pysco comes at ur kids?
You’re new. Welcome! Love your passion. But I got to tell you that you’re not saying anything that we’ve not heard before. But seeing as how you like guns and think that potus doesn’t matter. Could you tell me your opinion on this?

I never said I was a Trumper so what does that have to do with "Things stay the same" ? I always have said I believe most cases these shootings lead back to wack jobs. I'd say 95 % of legal gun owners are never involved, Mostly some idiot in mommas basement. OK whats the diff between your life when Trump was in and now when Biiden now?
I never said I was a Trumper so what does that have to do with "Things stay the same" ? I always have said I believe most cases these shootings lead back to wack jobs. I'd say 95 % of legal gun owners are never involved, Mostly some idiot in mommas basement. OK whats the diff between your life when Trump was in and now when Biiden now?
Oh man… how much time ya got????
3 hack, lying, unqualified Supreme Court justices.
A vaccinated populace.
An economy running better, with less inflation than other post covid democracies.
Foreign policy respectability.
Infrastructure bill.
A president who backs labor unions.
And blaming others for an obviously personal problem.

And what would they be? You know I worked for approx 15 years as a Professional/Personal Bodyguard in NY to the top
movie industry people. I am not bragging and it's 15 years ago, but I know guns/security. You go through life in what I call the condition "DUH" and you will end up a Victim or Statistic. I never said Guns were the be-all to end all. But be prepared as anything is a weapon. Your best weapon is "Situational Awareness" which since cell phones 98% of us don't have it. Goof on me/despise me because of the gun thing, so be it. U want good advice on staying alive I can help.