September Film Challenge 🎬

Day 1:
I can't remember what my first film may have been. I was told I was taken to the theater when I was a "baby" so my folks could see Ghostbusters. But, I did the math and it actually can't be true. When I confronted my parents about this they said it was probably The Elephant Man and that makes much more sense... but I can't remember it.

So, my first film I actually remember going to see was Star Wars: Phantom Menace. I was 19. We didn't go to movies when I was a kid. Combination of religious and monetary reasons. Hence me being 19.

Oh, gods... sorry that was loooooong af. I'll put Day 2 tomorrow...


Day 5: A film you think is underrated:

I’ll just say……that was the movie that made me break up with M Night Shyamalan. Different strokes for different folks
Day 5: A film you think is underrated
A great movie, that has a high rating on IMDB (7.8 I think) and Rotten Tomatoes (95%), but not well known these days, and underappreciated. I saw it in '76 at the old Uptown theatre in Toronto, from the balcony. Connery and Caine chewing scenery...

Day 5: A film you think is underrated
I can't believe I've never seen this movie. Probably should be on my list.
Don’t know you well enough to get any implied joke, but fuck yeah this movies is fantastic. This and 9 to 5 perfectly showcase why Dolly is a goddamn star. And, honestly, my favorite Reynolds role.

Dark City
Came out around the same time as The Matrix if I remember correctly and was unfortunately overshadowed by it.
Don’t know you well enough to get any implied joke, but fuck yeah this movies is fantastic. This and 9 to 5 perfectly showcase why Dolly is a goddamn star. And, honestly, my favorite Reynolds role.
I was not kidding, but it may have come off that way because I am an absolute delight.

9 to 5 is one of my favorites. Love Dolly. πŸ’—
This movie is a fucking masterpiece. The Wachowski sisters have some of the best most interesting visual style of anyone in Hollywood and really stretch the boundaries of the medium. And the story is good fun too.
Totally agree. Love this one and hadn’t thought of it in a while. Every time I watch it I enjoy it more. The colors and visuals are fantastic!

Going to have to watch again now.