So, you really, really, really hate Trump

No it doesn't.

Uphold the constitution... except you vote for and actively support someone who wants to suspend it.

The US is a sovereign nation. And we'd be fucked without immigration.

Rule of law. Like doxxing jurors? Threatening their lives? Or just waiving away Trump's crimes because it's Trump.

You have zero respect for anyone else. Those "I'd rather be Russian than a democrat" T's aren't something you just get to walk away from.

You fight. That is correct. Zero self control. All violence. All vitriol. For country? Nah, just for conservatives who think like you.
I agree with ALL those principles that MAGA entails. ON THE SURFACE. I suspect most Americans do. However:

1. "Uphold the Constitution for All American Citizens." Which means, the Bill of Rights, and the system of checks and balances. Trump, on the other hand, wants to suspend the constitution, trample civil liberties, ignore checks and balances, and overturn elections that he lost.

2. "The USA is a sovereign nation, to be safe from foreign invasion." I agree with this!! But let's be honest; Trump conflates immigration with military invasion. This is false logic.

3. "Uphold the Rule of Law. All citizens should be treated the same, equally." So why, then, do Trump and his followers think Trump should be above the rule of law but that it should be applied only to the opposite party? Why are his followers pushing for a renewal of Jim Crow laws against minorities?

4. Love and Respect the Country you are in. Most of us do! Which does NOT entail: flying the flag of a politician (of either party) next to an American flag, or storming the capital building when our candidate loses. And it DOES entail supporting and fighting for the freedoms and autonomy of every citizen, as opposed to taking them away.

5. "We will fight to keep what we believe in God, family and Country." Millions of soldiers died protecting from this country from authoritarian rule and dictatorship. Let's not make the mistake of fighting FOR authoritarian role and dictatorship.
And we'd be fucked without immigration.
The countries that have supplied most of the immigrants also have falling birthrates. There are some African nations that still have high birthrates, but they mostly make the shorter trek to Europe. Importing more slave labor and printing more money use the same illogic with the same result, a crash.
Personally I don't respect democracy, I respect the Republic. Democracy is 3 wolves and a lamb discussing who is for dinner..
Yes, because a Republic where the lambs choose which wolf decides what is for dinner is so much better for the lambs.

Oh, and your Republic is a democracy, btw.
Love the country that his son has now labels a Shit Hole??

For a Trumper he doesn't seem to know much about Trump.
I wasn't gonna...but then...why not... Have you not seen the CNN newscaster asking people at Trump's rallies to name one thing he did for them while President? Many of them, about twenty years younger than me, couldn't think of anything but answered that they were sure he did a lot. They just couldn't remember at the moment. Too hyped up for his rally, I suppose.

I, for the life of me, can't name one damn thing he did either that benefited me. But then, I'm not a Trumper.

But if you asked me to name something 'old what's his name did for me, I sure can! :nana: ;)
Oh my God!!! caught out by the grammar police! Let me gasp my last breath in peace...
I'm confused, now. Is that your last breathe or is that you're last breath? Grandma was never my best subject in school.

Not to worry - grammar is the least of the issues here. It's just a little needling and messing with your head. :giggle: :nana:
Not a convicted felon, but everyone knows when you remove classified documents from a SCIF and take them home that's a felony * big time *
So, how many SCIFs are set up at Bedminster, other Trump properties, and Mar-a-lago? I'm pretty sure Trump's bathroom and stage are not SCIF-protected - by that concept, does that count as another felony?
For a Trumper he doesn't seem to know much about Trump.
They rarely do. Think of how many of them cite his success in business (which doesn't exist at all in reality) as proof of his intelligence and leadership ability, or how many think he's a loyal Christian. Just for starters.
Have you not seen the CNN newscaster asking people at Trump's rallies to name one thing he did for them while President? Many of them, about twenty years younger than me, couldn't think of anything but answered that they were sure he did a lot.
Of course, we know exactly what he did do for them: he made it OK to be openly racist for the first time in two generations. But even a racist will tell you s/he's not a racist, so of course they can't actually say that.
Can you source that? Ya' know, a link? My #3 granddaughter is 14 and is 5'10", so I don't really get your point...
I mean here is a starter…

But it’s not PJs or the the other line of biased and mostly fabricated sources MAGA nation creams over as news…so who knows if you accept it or not.

The fact that you don’t know he has said ANY of those things indicates you worship the Orange Jesus and can’t see the glaring flaws.
So, how many SCIFs are set up at Bedminster, other Trump properties, and Mar-a-lago? I'm pretty sure Trump's bathroom and stage are not SCIF-protected - by that concept, does that count as another felony?
By your logic then any conviction of Donald Trump should at least be mirrored to Joe Biden. The difference is Joe didn’t have the authority to take anything out of a SCIF. Joe Didn’t have the authority to possess outside of security regulated areas. The same statutes apply to Hillary Clinton and she walked. If people are expected to be believe our government law enforcement and judiciary you have to apply the law equally and fairly.

The obstruction case is another facet of this case. Hillary committed obstruction of justice, bleach bit her equipment and destroyed all her cell phones after the house judiciary subpoenaed her E- mails.
By your logic then any conviction of Donald Trump should at least be mirrored to Joe Biden. The difference is Joe didn’t have the authority to take anything out of a SCIF. Joe Didn’t have the authority to possess outside of security regulated areas. The same statutes apply to Hillary Clinton and she walked. If people are expected to be believe our government law enforcement and judiciary you have to apply the law equally and fairly.

The obstruction case is another facet of this case. Hillary committed obstruction of justice, bleach bit her equipment and destroyed all her cell phones after the house judiciary subpoenaed her E- mails.
You serving hash browns in a SCIF now?

Was the President investigated by special counsel?

And that issue with Hillary was already investigated as well. It just didn’t reach the end result you wanted so of course it’s…

Your guy didn’t have the authority after 12:01pm on Jan 20… so let’s stop covering for your Orange Jesus.

Is that served as a beverage with the breakfast happy meal??
You serving hash browns in a SCIF now?

Was the President investigated by special counsel?

And that issue with Hillary was already investigated as well. It just didn’t reach the end result you wanted so of course it’s…

Your guy didn’t have the authority after 12:01pm on Jan 20… so let’s stop covering for your Orange Jesus.

Is that served as a beverage with the breakfast happy meal??
Move on dipshit.
Move on dipshit.
Move on to what exactly?

Please do specify.

Move on to how you constantly cover up for the criminal-in-chief while trying to blame away his criminal actions on the system around him?

Sounds like a fun debate to have, send someone who is actually capable of arguing the conservative argument, I’ll go find a random kid who can point out the obvious for the counter point.

But I will say, that same random kid would likely want the pancake happy meal with an extra hash brown, and if can come in a SCIF with a Tribble in it (that is what is on the Cheeto’s head right?) it would be perfect.

So much fun watching you have no answers, good thing you make your living slinging deep fried potato products. At least there you don’t need answers.

Have a great Saturday. Busiest morning breakfast rush is today right? Or is it tomorrow with folks your hero tries to convince he has read ANY book? We know it’s not the one he’s selling.
Move on to what exactly?

Please do specify.

Move on to how you constantly cover up for the criminal-in-chief while trying to blame away his criminal actions on the system around him?

Sounds like a fun debate to have, send someone who is actually capable of arguing the conservative argument, I’ll go find a random kid who can point out the obvious for the counter point.

But I will say, that same random kid would likely want the pancake happy meal with an extra hash brown, and if can come in a SCIF with a Tribble in it (that is what is on the Cheeto’s head right?) it would be perfect.

So much fun watching you have no answers, good thing you make your living slinging deep fried potato products. At least there you don’t need answers.

Have a great Saturday. Busiest morning breakfast rush is today right? Or is it tomorrow with folks your hero tries to convince he has read ANY book? We know it’s not the one he’s selling.
If you want to have a conversation knock off the insults and childish rhetoric otherwise move on. I'm certainly not trying to cover up for your so-called criminal in chief.
Yes, so why is it okay for Trump to do so and not Biden?
At the time those documents were removed from the White House, for whatever reason, Trump was CiC, the only elected official that can classify and de-classify at all levels and has unobstructed authority on all levels of classification with the exception of dept of energy and our nuclear secrets. Biden never had that authority till elected president. Biden's violations occurred when he was a senator and VP. It's a little more complex an issue but this is a simple overview without getting too deep into statutory legal explanations or separation of powers in accordance with constitutional law.
At the time those documents were removed from the White House, for whatever reason, Trump was CiC, the only elected official that can classify and de-classify at all levels and has unobstructed authority on all levels of classification with the exception of dept of energy and our nuclear secrets.
The president can do that, but there is a procedure that must be followed so that the relevant agencies know the documents are declassified. Trump did not do that, which is exactly what you'd expect given his decades-long track record of ignoring any law he doesn't like.

Besides, the reason why Trump is in legal hot water isn't just that he had the documents; it's his failure to cooperate when it came to light that he had them. Biden did cooperate.
The president can do that, but there is a procedure that must be followed so that the relevant agencies know the documents are declassified. Trump did not do that, which is exactly what you'd expect given his decades-long track record of ignoring any law he doesn't like.

Besides, the reason why Trump is in legal hot water isn't just that he had the documents; it's his failure to cooperate when it came to light that he had them. Biden did cooperate.
Equal application of the law. Biden had no authority PERIOD and yet Biden walks. Hillary walks!! Both violated 18 USC 1924/798. Those statutes don't state that it's not a criminal violation if you cooperate. You take! you should be charged a felony violation. The cooperation fantasy touted by the dems is a ploy to lessen the scope of a criminal violation, a ploy to run interference for Biden and Clinton. Clinton obstructed justice in it's rawest form, she destroyed evidence pertinent to a congressional oversight investigation.

The same charge aimed at Trump could have been leveled at Obama, Bush and just about every president in the last 50 years.