The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

Re: Re: Someone else's feedback

raphy said:
And we let these people vote, drive and breed.
Laughed out loud, Raff. :D

My story's gone from low 2's to 3.5 now, which is quite a surprise as I didn't expect it to be liked at all per content. I'm finding this contest process more interesting than expected.

Re: Re: Re: Someone else's feedback

perdita said:
Laughed out loud, Raff. :D

My story's gone from low 2's to 3.5 now, which is quite a surprise as I didn't expect it to be liked at all per content. I'm finding this contest process more interesting than expected.


I wasn't going to enter this contest but decided I'd miss all the BS and joking(?) about finishing last. And as Og pointed out, the contest usually provides your story(ies) with many more views and feedback than they'd normally receive.

And speaking of feedback, I got this anon one today, "That was awesome. Your story made me cry." Now I've decided to interpret that as a positive response although I can see where an argument to the contrary could be made. :)

Rumple (holding at 4.04 with 53 votes & 2872 views) Foreskin
Re: Re: Re: Re: Someone else's feedback

Rumple Foreskin said:
< ... Snippety-Snip-1 ... > And as Og pointed out, the contest usually provides your story(ies) with many more views and feedback than they'd normally receive. < ... Snippety-Snip-2 ... >
What'd I do wrong? I've been stuck on 21 votes for two days now, and apart from a couple of notes from Hangout regulars, zilch feedback. Did I upset someone?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Someone else's feedback

Rumple Foreskin said:
I wasn't going to enter this contest but decided I'd miss all the BS and joking(?) about finishing last.
Yes, this is the fun part, reading these posts and rooting for my chums (which way? doesn't matter). My last story, which was under a 4 since I wrote it months ago has now gone to 4.2, so I guess that's a plus. I really don't want to be finish last here, but otherwise I don't care to win. Frankly, for the record I hope Gauche gets first place, reading his 'fairy' tale was the most fun I've had on Lit. in weeks. I'm passing it along to friends, even family (even my sons, though I won't tell them the source, haha).

P'ta :)

p.s. I hope I get over looking at votes once the contest ends, but now I have a feel for why so many authors do it. Odd.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Someone else's feedback

perdita said:

p.s. I hope I get over looking at votes once the contest ends, but now I have a feel for why so many authors do it. Odd.

I know what you mean, I've become obsessed, and I know it isn't healthy. I've seen my story rise to the heady heights of the 4.8's, then 'plummit' to the 4.4's. Oddly, this happened after a couple of 1 votes. Oh well, it is good fun, and great to be part of something like this. It's an eye-opener, that's for sure!

Lou (holding at 4.45 with 42 votes and 6829 views) lou ;)

Ps. Alex, I don't understand why you haven't had more feedback, I really liked your story, and gave it a 5, as I did Gauche's (something I don't do lightly). I also sent you feedback, and greatly appreciated yours. ;)
Alex, I'm sorry if I missed sending you feedback; I'm not that proficient at multi-tasking. But I did enjoy and appreciate your story and gave you a 4 (as I've said before I rarely give 5s).

Loulou, I've only got 19 votes so you're doing great!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Someone else's feedback

Alex De Kok said:
What'd I do wrong? I've been stuck on 21 votes for two days now, and apart from a couple of notes from Hangout regulars, zilch feedback. Did I upset someone?


*hanging my head and kicking the dirt* I'm sorry Alex, I thought I read yours...I just read it and voted...:)
Adventures with Bill

Bill's been earning views and votes at a phenomenal clip, relative to my other poetry: a rating of 3.8, which is low but not unexpected, since the reader's likely don't want a suggestion of sex, they want it done for them; a vote tally of 5 and 402 views. Yay!
I've only received three negative feedbacks for "Halloween Masquerade", and according to feedback people like it. Still, I started with great scores (highest I saw was 4.69), but in the past day it's been dropping (was 4.59 yest). Thanks Laura & Lisa. :rolleyes:

Today's scorecard:
The Wild Rose - 3.71 score 41 votes 5485views
Halloween Masquerade - 4.49 score 169 votes 22382 views

Oh well, at least the feeback is good! :D
P.S. Nobody has explained to me yet if winner is by scores + vote, or just highest score.
Lovepotion69 said:

P.S. Nobody has explained to me yet if winner is by scores + vote, or just highest score.
I answered your query when you made it! Average score (after Laurel checks for vote rigging). At least that's what it seemed to be on the Nude Day contest.

Gangster's Ball has 93 votes with over 19K views. I've had stories that have been posted for over a year and don't have half the votes or views!

Thanks Og and Rumple for convincing me to do a story for the contest :)

Alex De Kok said:
I answered your query when you made it! Average score (after Laurel checks for vote rigging). At least that's what it seemed to be on the Nude Day contest.


I'm sorry Alex, I must have missed your post. Thanks for the explanation. :) How does Laurel check for vote rigging btw?

The figures you gave for Halloween Masquerade: 4.49 score, 169 votes, 22382 views, are incredible, especially considering the story is three pages long (that sometimes cuts down on votes) and just showed up a day or two ago. All that and I haven't even had a chance to check it out. Congratulations.

Congratulations to Rumple, Lou, LP69 and Colleen.

Two of my stories haven't reached 25 votes yet. Maids-in-Waiting is on 28.

Even so, all three stories have had more votes and more feedback than threequarters of my other stories.

Holding steady at 4.06 from 31 votes and 7k views.

As an aside, the stroke piece I submitted got posted this morning. Jumped in at 4.3 and 25 votes already.
Lovepotion69 said:
I'm sorry Alex, I must have missed your post. Thanks for the explanation. :) How does Laurel check for vote rigging btw?
You're welcome. I'm afraid I have no idea how Laurel checks for vote-rigging. I doubt she'd tell us, anyway. I do know that she does check. It won't matter on my story anyway. I'll end up with the also-rans.

4.20 from 25 votes, 1219 views, if anyone cares. Thanks for the last few votes, folks. I know at least some of them are from Hangout regulars.

The voting in this contest has been even stranger than that during the Nude Day contest. In that memorable prose fest, the initial scores for both Og and I were like yo-yo's for the first couple of days-chainging from mid-4's to low 3's virtually overnight. That's why we started joking about the battle for the basement.

I've had a high precentage of votes this time getting 57 votes (and some nice feedback) out of little over 3000 views. But unlike the last time, my score has been relatively stable, opening at about 4.3 and now hovering just above four.

Og, I swear I'd already voted for all your stories, but just to be on the safe side, I voted again today. I'll let Laurel worry about tossing out the extras. :)

gauchecritic said:
4.27 with 15 votes. Looks like I'm out of the running altogether.


Gauche your story is wonderful...I'm gonna get at my friends to vote...:)
cookiejar said:
Gauche your story is wonderful...I'm gonna get at my friends to vote...:)
Great idea! I'll do the same, except it'll have to be with folks I know. Of course, with the love and respect most of them feel for me, Gauche's score would plummet past zero into negative figures. So, nevermind. :)

Realistic Rumple
Rumple Foreskin said:
Great idea! I'll do the same, except it'll have to be with folks I know. Of course, with the love and respect most of them feel for me, Gauche's score would plummet past zero into negative figures. So, nevermind. :)

Realistic Rumple

Not true RF...:kiss:
Just looked at my story and I'm a bit pee'd off that some of my line breaks have gone missing, meaning some of my characters are speaking to each other on the same lines, let alone the same paragraph!

Honestly, I do know how to lay this out, it's the gremlins been at it. Can I demand a recount?