The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

Colleen Thomas said:
Og, Loved your story, I fear the length will lose you votes and thats a shame because it's a great story.

Thank you, Colly, for this and the "anonymous" feedback you signed about Hannah and Kay.

One at least of my three stories is short but ... it's aimed at coming last.

I too liked Tatelou's story.

Mine went up this morning. I was late checking because I actually had a job interview! Shock! Horror! Like with NaNoWriMo coming up I would want a job . . .

Favourable start - averaging a solid 4 after 4 votes. But then someone gave me a 5 . . .

Good (Bad?) luck to the contenders for bottom position on the totem pole.

Colly, thanks so much for your wonderful comments. Thanks to you too, Ogg. Looks like my chances of finishing at the bottom of the heap have been scuppered. ;)

I've just read Gauche's, and thought it was absolutely brilliant! Very funny, and very well written.

Off to read a few more now...

Lou :devil:
Tatelou said:
I've just read Gauche's, and thought it was absolutely brilliant! Very funny, and very well written.

Off to read a few more now...

Lou :devil:

Why thankyou Loulou. But now I've got 3 votes and an average 4, thankyouverymuch.

I'm proposing a rule change for last place in order to avoid a mass tie by default.

If there is no outright winner (last place) with the requisite number (still can't believe it's 50) of votes, then bottom place be awarded to lowest score with 25 votes, then 20 etc.

Gauche I just read your entry ... all I can say is "Well Done!" It was a great way to start my day. I loved the witches S. U. B.(almost another coffee spew.) A royal tale worth a five.:)
Laurel said:
Hi authors!

All rules for the monthly contests are in place. The only exceptions to the rules are:


- A story has only to accrue 25 votes to be eligible, rather than the 50 required for the monthly contest.


Just been thinking about the number of votes required, and decided to check. It is only 25. Phew! ;)

Ok, I've read some more. :D

Alex, Kelly's Project is great. I love the ending. ;)

Ogg, I read the Halloween Viking. Is this the one you said you wrote to obtain last place? Well, it ain't gonna happen, no way, no how. It's too good. :p

I'll be reading some longer stories later, when I've got more time.

Re: Re: The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

Tatelou said:
Just been thinking about the number of votes required, and decided to check. It is only 25. Phew! ;)

Ogg, I read the Halloween Viking. Is this the one you said you wrote to obtain last place? Well, it ain't gonna happen, no way, no how. It's too good. :p


I'm glad you liked Halloween Viking but the votes show my strategy is working. The rating starts with a 3 and the following decimal points are dropping fast. Will it get 25 votes? Don't know.

Okay, so I was wrong about the number of votes required to qualify for the Halloween contest (first place version). What else is new?

I was checking my figures a few minutes ago. The score is holding in never-never land at 4.33 with 40 votes. Unless something happens soon, I may be doomed to the realm of average, so-so, not-good, not-bad, mundane, mediocrity. That comes as no big surprise. What did surprise me was how few views my poor, pitiful prose had gotten. Maybe it's because there isn't a seperate thread (yet?) for the Halloween contest entries, or perhaps it's the large number of entries, or it could be me. But for whatever reason, my view total is just over 2000.

Best I recall, this time in the Nude Day contest, my entry had a very large number of views, especially for a Romance story. (To date, it's tallied over 15,000.) Anyone else having similar view numbers for their Halloween entry(ies) and/or a theory on why?

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Well, I can't believe this. Unless someone starts seriously bombing my story I'm going to finish up with a H instead of basement prize. Serves me right I suppose for being humourous and literate.

Alex. You don't stand a chance in the cellar contest either.

Well, I've just posted my entry off. I've never entered one of these here contest thingies before. My enthusiasm for writing tends to wane around two-thirds of the way through, so I don't usually try too hard. I tried to give it a proper go this time. Well, a more proper go anyway.

Actually, I submitted my story as erotic horror, and I was a little tentative, not having read much of this on Lit (I tend to read on Lit for relief rather than literary worth). How far is too far, and gets you condemned to extreme? Is there an official checklist or something?
As far as I know extreme contains real rape (rather than rape fantasy) animals and snuff. Oh and gratuitous violence as opposed to gratuitous sex.


Gratuitous sex with violated, dead animals is probably a no-no too.
The minimum votes are 25, not 50? Darn, that means I'm actually eligible for the contest. Last place here I come. :D

With my score on first story now being 3.65 after 37 votes, I have a feeling I'll be somwhere among the last. :) I did submit a second story though tonight, and I think it may end up being three Lit pages, which should suffice to be voted low as the reader's attention span probably is shorter. ;)
Oh, and I'm trying to keep up with reading all the submissions. It's just that I can never remember which ones I haven't read! :0 Off to read more now.
gauchecritic said:
As far as I know extreme contains real rape (rather than rape fantasy) animals and snuff. Oh and gratuitous violence as opposed to gratuitous sex.


Gratuitous sex with violated, dead animals is probably a no-no too.

I've seen real rape scenes in the non-consent category before.
gauchecritic said:
As far as I know extreme contains real rape (rather than rape fantasy) animals and snuff. Oh and gratuitous violence as opposed to gratuitous sex.


Gratuitous sex with violated, dead animals is probably a no-no too.

but the Plushie scene in my story got through....
Dear Ogg,

I had no choice, I gave 'H-ween Viking' five stars. It's a little gem among rhinestones, a lovely bit and pleasurable to read.

My favorite line was, "It would be the final straw if my Viking sword got rusty."

I truly enjoy your writing but daresay it will be some time before I've read all.

best, Perdita
Thank you, Venetian Lady, for the five stars but Halloween Viking is supposed to be my contender for last place. It has no actual act of coupling (at least not on stage).

Despite your generous 5 it is still in the 3s but climbing slowly towards a 4.

None of my stories have yet got the necessary 25 votes so I might end up with the "did not finish the course" contenders.

Og ( Who will use his imagination about the Venetian Lady on a King-size bed in a smoking allowed room with her laptop. Who knows what inspiration might visit her there?)
Sabledrake said:
Wow, that was quick -- mine's posted already! Thank you, Laurel!


Mine too! Is this category favouritism? If so I must write more for competitions.

Not that you're usually slow, of course.

Excuse me while I remove my foot from my mouth.
I submitted my story last night and it's already up! Wow! Laurel must be doing it because it's a contest.

As I'm new at submitting to a contest, how is it judged? Does Laurel go for the highest score, no matter how many voted, or is the amount of votes a facter too?

Just curious. And after reading everyone's submissions, I wish there was a scoreboard somewhere to see how we're all doing... I'm awfully curious how much better everyone else is doing.

Average vote score, I think, after Laurel has checked on possible vote rigging.

Thanks for Posting my story

It's nice to get good feedback from people. It's inspiring and makes me want to get another one done soon. I don't consider myself a good writer, but still fun to write. Thanks for posting my story in the contest.
Re: Thanks for Posting my story

Dingus Guy said:
It's nice to get good feedback from people. It's inspiring and makes me want to get another one done soon. I don't consider myself a good writer, but still fun to write. Thanks for posting my story in the contest.
You might not consider yourself a good writer - yet. Stick around the Hangout between writing spells. You'll learn without realising.
