The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

H'ween in SF - no need to RSVP

San Francisco's annual Halloween night bash in the Castro will look a whole lot different this year. Stricter. Drier. Gated. Corporate-sponsored. And, organizers hope, it will be safer for the 300,000 expected to attend -- ultimately, safe enough for the locals to return to an event that they complain has become dominated by drunken auslanders. …

The organizers went to work after a chaotic 2002 celebration in which five people were stabbed, dozens went to the emergency rooms and a man with a working chain saw meandered among the throng.

… Partiers will have to pass through one of 14 gates manned by uniformed officers who will scan them for contraband liquor and weapons. That includes costume weapons, even if it means cramping the style of purists in "Gladiator" get-ups. "We've had people bringing sledgehammers,'' said Inspector Dave Falzon of the police vice crimes division. …

"Pretend you're putting on a house party and you don't know anybody who is in your house," said Sister Kitty Catalyst, a member of the activist Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence group who lives in the neighborhood and has planned Halloween events in San Francisco before. … It's full of people whose only time they come to the Castro is to look at queens looking fabulous."

I'll be home, thanks. Perdita
Alex De Kok said:
Average vote score, I think, after Laurel has checked on possible vote rigging.


Checking scores this morning, it looks like Laurel is policing the voting throughout. And condemning my story to neither one prize nor the other:(

gauchecritic said:
Checking scores this morning, it looks like Laurel is policing the voting throughout. And condemning my story to neither one prize nor the other:(

I think you're right Gauche - one of mine went! Unfortunately that means I still need seven votes to even qualify for the mediocrity stakes . . .

Well, I discovered the other day, much to my surprise, that Laurel actually did enter The Haunting Kind into the contest - Even though I'm sure I deleted the 'Hallowe'en Contest' bit out of the notes when I submitted it.

Maybe she saw so many Contest entries that she just got mine wrong, given that it's Erotic Horror with vampires and suchlike. Either way, no harm done, and right now it's sitting at 4.0 with 24 votes, so I too will be in the also-rans, I think =)
Alex De Kok said:
I think you're right Gauche - one of mine went! Unfortunately that means I still need seven votes to even qualify for the mediocrity stakes . . .


your story is too funny to be mediocre. Afraid I had to give it a 5.
It's in...

This could almost qualify as a post under Alex's thread, "Be careful what you ask for." Halloween Bill was allowed as a story contest submission. With my tongue firmly in cheek, I'm proud to announce that it has, surprisingly, warranted 2 votes for a total score of 3.5.

Sincerely, however, the best part about it is the number of views, 275+ after 2 days. Maybe someday Laurel and Manu will start poetry contests. Not for reward, specifically, but for the sake of creating your best, to run with the best.

Good Luck to you all, fellow AHers. There were a few of you who earned my 5 rating and I'd like to thank all of you for sharing. I'll be reading more of the entries another time but right now, let me go clean the ectoplasm from my fingers . . . Eeeew!:eek:
finally finished my entry...

Well, I decided this year to give it a go, but owing to a severe lack of time and having only finished The Fallen on Saturday eve, I haven't had much time to put this one together. Have been working flat-out all day to get it proof-read in time...

I only hope it makes it onto the board before the closing date.

Few, now I have some time to read some of the other entrants! Oh no, I don't - it's Saturday! Time for a pizza and a whole lotta vodla...

Hey, Ax. You'd better read mine, I'd say you owe me, eh? It's about 2% long as The Fallen. ;)

How long does it take for a new story that's entered into the contest to actually show up on the contest page?
Lovepotion69 said:
How long does it take for a new story that's entered into the contest to actually show up on the contest page?

Isn't that The Question?. Where's Maths?

Lovepotion69 said:
How long does it take for a new story that's entered into the contest to actually show up on the contest page?

Is there a contest page yet? I haven't found one. Didn't we have one by now for nude day?

Come on, Laurel, anyone would think you had thousands of things to do!*

*For anyone who is unsure, this is meant ironically.
cahab said:
Is there a contest page yet? I haven't found one. Didn't we have one by now for nude day?

Click Home at the bottom of this page. Link from there.

Alternatively click Here.

Fellow also-ran's,

I'm not gloating, honest, but I just checked the figures on my Halloween contest entry and, sad to say, the rest of you are in BIG trouble. That's right, at the rate things are going, last place honors are going to be all mine. Over the last day or so, the score of "Waiting for Melinda" has been sinking like the proverbial stone. Its current tally is 4.04 (and falling), making it my second lowest scoring story, exceeded only by the 3.96 score of my very first Lit. submission.

As we say here in the country, the rest of you might as well call in the dogs and piss on the fire 'cause this hunt's about over. :)

Rumple Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:
As we say here in the country, the rest of you might as well call in the dogs and piss on the fire 'cause this hunt's about over. Rumple Foreskin
Dear Rumple,
Better be careful. Bragging like that could earn you a "5" from someone like me.
MathGirl said:
Dear Rumple,
Better be careful. Bragging like that could earn you a "5" from someone like me.

You do remember what Old Diz said about bragging, don't you? ;)

Besides, even an MG five can only do so much when you're going down like a Bourbon Street hooker on Saturday night.

Rumple Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:
Fellow also-ran's,

I'm not gloating, honest, but I just checked the figures on my Halloween contest entry and, sad to say, the rest of you are in BIG trouble. That's right, at the rate things are going, last place honors are going to be all mine. Over the last day or so, the score of "Waiting for Melinda" has been sinking like the proverbial stone. Its current tally is 4.04 (and falling), making it my second lowest scoring story, exceeded only by the 3.96 score of my very first Lit. submission.

As we say here in the country, the rest of you might as well call in the dogs and piss on the fire 'cause this hunt's about over. :)

Rumple Foreskin

Still lower than you, Rumple..... ;)
raphy said:
Still lower than you, Rumple..... ;)

I've gotta admit the level of incompetence in this contest is truly awesome. But my monumental lack of ability will be hard for all the other talentless contestents to undercome. Besides, even if you're now behind, my score is trending downward.

Rumple Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:

I've gotta admit the level of incompetence in this contest is truly awesome. But my monumental lack of ability will be hard for all the other talentless contestents to undercome. Besides, even if you're now behind, my score is trending downward.

Rumple Foreskin

Actually, I have to admit, mine went up from 3.5 to 4.0 in the last 2 days... Which is the wrong direction to be heading, alas.
raphy said:
Actually, I have to admit, mine went up from 3.5 to 4.0 in the last 2 days... Which is the wrong direction to be heading, alas.
Competence can subvert even the worst of intentions. RF
Rumple Foreskin said:
Fellow also-ran's,

I'm not gloating, honest, but I just checked the figures on my Halloween contest entry and, sad to say, the rest of you are in BIG trouble. That's right, at the rate things are going, last place honors are going to be all mine. Over the last day or so, the score of "Waiting for Melinda" has been sinking like the proverbial stone. Its current tally is 4.04 (and falling), making it my second lowest scoring story, exceeded only by the 3.96 score of my very first Lit. submission.

As we say here in the country, the rest of you might as well call in the dogs and piss on the fire 'cause this hunt's about over. :)

Rumple Foreskin

As they say here in NY, It ain't over till the fat lady sings (and votes) :)
What's the case if we don't even get enough votes to be in the contest? And on votes, the 'one' I got yesterday helped my slide, but the fives either side of it didn't! If I get enough votes it looks like I'm headed for middle obscurity. Again.

Someone else's feedback

I received this anonymous feedback on Maids-in-Waiting.

It doesn't fit any of my stories. Anyone recognise the contest story? And if you do, do you want this feedback?

"Ghost? That's psudnim (I know I misspelled) for infrasound.

Are you an American? That red dot you get from your cute
hand gun is not infrared. It's just a red stream of light.
Some call it lazer light. But not infrared. We call it infra,
because we can't see or hear. OK?"

My contest entry went from a 4.54 to a 4.41 but another story went from a 4.31 to a 4.75 overnight! Bottom of the heap...I'm coming...:)
cookiejar said:
My contest entry went from a 4.54 to a 4.41 but another story went from a 4.31 to a 4.75 overnight! Bottom of the heap...I'm coming...:)

where are the other scores?
Re: Someone else's feedback

oggbashan said:
I received this anonymous feedback on Maids-in-Waiting.

It doesn't fit any of my stories. Anyone recognise the contest story? And if you do, do you want this feedback?

"Ghost? That's psudnim (I know I misspelled) for infrasound.

Are you an American? That red dot you get from your cute
hand gun is not infrared. It's just a red stream of light.
Some call it lazer light. But not infrared. We call it infra,
because we can't see or hear. OK?"


And we let these people vote, drive and breed.