The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

What's it got to do with Demon's feet? Or did someone get their toes burnt?
Re: Some help for new author's

americandemon said:
If you don't have a huge following forget trying to win this contest. Also plan on having other author's who are in the contest and their fans against you. They will vote your story down even if it is good. I found this out a while ago. All the contest did was make me feel I wasn't good enough to be here. I'll never do it again. So this was just for the new author's for the rest of you.....have fun with your voting war. LOL

Me thinks the Americandemon needs a hug. Any volunteers?

Hey, AD, don't sweat the small stuff. Feel free to jump in and slug it out for last place with the rest of us AH irregulars. RF



"Lovely name (house ape) for it. I have to tip M about it; she always get weird looks from people when she refers to her kid as "hey, you, little shit!""

While not meaning to sound judgemental, I've gotta admit that while "little shit" may have the virtue of deeply felt emotion, it is a tad lacking in the originality department. At least she's not referring to her off-spring as "bastards" or if it's a male child, "you little son-of-a-bitch." Of course, both monikers tend to reflect on the mother unit.

An alternative name, which is especially fitting when they start crawling, is, "rug rat," although the cartoon series of the same name has taken away some of its penuche'.

I think AD has a point but misses the advantages.

Any exposure on Literotica attracts the voting problems. The only way to avoid them is not to allow voting.

Entering any competition gets your stories looked at. For most of us that is reward in itself. If the entry is liked, your other stories get looked at as well.

More views and more feedback. That is enough for me. Who cares about the voting statistics? I'm never likely to win because my stories aren't aimed at a popular audience. Non-consent incest might win every competition. Romance won't win any.

Coming last with a genuine story might be a consolation.

Re: Some help for new author's

americandemon said:
If you don't have a huge following forget trying to win this contest. Also plan on having other author's who are in the contest and their fans against you. They will vote your story down even if it is good. I found this out a while ago. All the contest did was make me feel I wasn't good enough to be here. I'll never do it again. So this was just for the new author's for the rest of you.....have fun with your voting war. LOL


The first contest I got 18 votes...the last I got have to keep plugging along. I developed a small fan base slowly. We were all new authors here once...:)
Re: Some help for new author's

americandemon said:
If you don't have a huge following forget trying to win this contest. Also plan on having other author's who are in the contest and their fans against you. They will vote your story down even if it is good. I found this out a while ago. All the contest did was make me feel I wasn't good enough to be here. I'll never do it again. So this was just for the new author's for the rest of you.....have fun with your voting war. LOL


If the sole objective is to win, then you have already lost, no matter where you finish. This is my first competition entry, it's doubtful I will even collect enough votes to have a meaningful score since none of my previous works have accrued more than 200 votes and some have been up for a year or more. So what?

I'll have fun in the looser's cafe with Rf and Gauche. Maybe I will make some friends, get to know people better who are now just Av's and comments on the boards, Maybe I'll attract a single reader who will have a meaningful comment that helps me better myself as an author, if so then I have won, despite what the score indicates.

If you write for pink H's, Green E's, prizes, acclaim or winning, I pity you. Writing, for the pure sake of creation is an almost mystical experience for me. Good votes or bad, praise or no, story I am happy with or frustrated with, it matters little. I walk away from the keyboard after each session feeling renewed and less down.

I write for myself and for the joy of creating. I will enter the contest, not for the prize offered for winning, but for the greater prize of making freinds and getting to know folks, should that occur I have already won. If I carry away a feedback that helps me improve my craft I am doubly a winner. If I finish in the running, thats just iceing on an already incredibly rich cake.

I can't believe I finished already!

...erotic should stir more than the imagination ~ dancing on the edge makes one feel more alive...
This is my first posting on the Discussion Board, so hello to everyone who reads/joins it. I have entered the last two contests, and today I wrote a new story especially for this year's Halloween contest. Actually, since I am currently working full time and in college full time (refraining from adding the multitude of other recent events that presented obstacles to erotic writing), it's amazing that I was able to create anything at all... fortunately, I have some inspiration - I write with certain "Others" in mind. And, of course, my husband "the sultan" reads each one - critically, I might add - before I submit! :heart:
Please feel free to read my other tales while waiting for the new one to get published... I submitted it tonight. Last, thanks for reading my stories, and for voting.
okay, my first post on the Board looks like a novice!

I obviously had no clue how to format the text! It was supposed to be this color...
I had attempted to link my "Literotica Home Page", but I see that can be accessed below. *smiles*... So I will add my most recent story (other than the Halloween one!) Last, I tried to insert an image, obviously unsuccessfully... *smiles*... so let me try that again.

Okay, so I will have to figure out the image thing... :kiss: Until next time, happy Saturday night!
Real life stole my Halloween story

WENTZVILLE, Mo. - Organizers of a haunted house that includes scenes of same sex kissing and a whipping dominatrix said they're just trying to promote adult fun.

But community officials say the haunted house is so adult, it can't open unless it gets an adult entertainment permit from the city.

"The Mall of the Dead," a haunted house with 16 different scenes, has been planned for 200,000 square feet of The Mall at Wentzville Crossing, about 40 miles outside of St. Louis.

The haunted house's spokesman Dean Kemper, 44, said community officials are engaging in censorship. He said workers aren't simulating sex or engaging in inappropriate touching.

One scene shows two women touching each other's arms and legs and then kissing on the shoulders and neck. The scene ends with the simulated cutting of a man's genitals.

Another shows people shackled to a wall. A dominatrix whips a man attached to a leash.

Damn, back to the drawing board .....


P.S. Scheherazade, you can format my posts anytime. Welcome to the Authors' Hangout.
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After you mentioned your story "White Scut" over on the Complaint thread, I just had to check it out. Anyone who reads it will immediately realize you have a sick, twisted mind. I respect that. It's obvious why the Erotic Horror folks haven't taken to the story. IMHO, you should re-submit it in Humor/Satire. Good work.

By the way, I've come across one of your kind. There's an incest story in the New list called "Soul Belongings" by a first-time writer named AngeloMichael. It has two distinctions: it's gotten an "E" (not bad for a first-timer) and it's eight (8) (VIII) Lit pages long. Best I can figure, that works out to about 30,000 words, so maybe the "E" is for extensive effort. Of course, that's a brief synopsis in comparison to your entire "Bridesmaid" series. But for a single post, I thought it was impressive.

My short (900 word) Halloween story, "Waiting for Melinda," was also on the new list along with about five or six others that appeared to be contest stories. The competition for the wooden spoon is heating up. However, you should be aware that I have an unfair advantage. My story is the 13th one I've submitted.

Rumple Foreskin
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Rumple Foreskin said:

After you mentioned your story "White Scut" over on the Complaint thread, I just had to check it out. Anyone who reads it will immediately realize you have a sick, twisted mind. I respect that. It's obvious why the Erotic Horror folks haven't taken to the story. IMHO, you should re-submit it in Humor/Satire. Good work.

Rumple Foreskin

CURSES! He's found out. Who made me sick and twisted? Who can I blame?

Many of my stories are really satire. The Vinyl Dress is too obvious. If I categorised them as Humor/Satire the people I'm satirising wouldn't read them. Perhaps a consistent 2.00 voting means that "White Scut" hit the raw nerve.

I'll check out the stories you mention.


I've copied a few stories into word from the contest and will try to read them tonight. :)

Well, I'm sure I'll get the last place this year. Mine was put in Erotic Horror and after comments in the Feedback forum I've realised it shouldn't have been there, so I changed some details and resubmitted into Erotic Couplings. Laurel hasn't changed it yet though.

So far my score is 3.44 with 36 votes and 4097views. Hasn't received that much feedback though, but I'm used to that. haha
Really want to submit another story, but probably won't finish it in time... ;) Perhaps for next year?

Good luck to everyone!
Rumple Foreskin said:
There's an incest story in the New list called "Soul Belongings" by a first-time writer named AngeloMichael. It has two distinctions: it's gotten an "E" (not bad for a first-timer) and it's eight (8) (VIII) Lit pages long.

My short (900 word) Halloween story, "Waiting for Melinda," was also on the new list along with about five or six others that appeared to be contest stories. The competition for the wooden spoon is heating up. However, you should be aware that I have an unfair advantage. My story is the 13th one I've submitted.

Rumple Foreskin

I've read "Soul Beginnings". Incest isn't my thing but it is a good story. I would recommend it to others.

One line reminded me of my early work:

"They were both pulchritudinous paradigms of women."

That jarred and isn't typical of the story. Most of the language is accessible and well done.

In enjoyed "Waiting for Melinda" but I couldn't see it in the contest entries.

pulchritudinous paradigms of women
That might make a great location: "Looking for a pulchritudinous paradigm of womanhood." Now that I think about it, you could re-arrange it to read, "Looking for a paradigm of pulchritudinous womanhood."

The mind boggles. Where is Mamie Van Doren when we need her?

By the way Og, I haven't forgotten that vile act you confessed to by PM of dropping a five on my story. Your nefarious deed is a call to arms. The battle for the bottom of the barrel has begun (My name is Rumple, and I'm an alliterator). Look for a big 5.0 to be heading your way. :)

Rumple Foreskin

I've submitted my story and the only way it can get more than a one vote is because the readers are too annoyed at having pissed themselves laughing.


Edited to add: I deliberately made it more than 2 pages long and a school/reading/text thingy of 5.6
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I submitted a story but I'm not sure it will make the Halloween category....BTW...the av? Suffice it to say I lost a bet and must wear this 24 hours....woof!
cookiejar said:
I submitted a story but I'm not sure it will make the Halloween category....BTW...the av? Suffice it to say I lost a bet and must wear this 24 hours....woof!

It should make the Halloween category if you put:

HALLOWEEN STORY CONTEST 2003 in the Notes box.

If you didn't, it won't.

oggbashan said:
It should make the Halloween category if you put:

HALLOWEEN STORY CONTEST 2003 in the Notes box.

If you didn't, it won't.


I did Og...I'm just not sure it was "Halloweeny" enough...:)
I was innocently reading this thread yesterday, enjoying the banter, quietly determined that as I had absolutely no inkling of a possibility of an idea for a suggestion of a story, I wasn't going to enter.

Then a line popped into my head. Actually, when I say a line, I'm lying. Three words, that's what it was, three lousy words.

Three hours later I had another two and a half thousand words to go before the three. Realising they added nothing, I cut the first thousand and looked at my efforts again. This morning, I looked at it again and thought "why not?". My submission went in this afternoon, GMT. Apart from my Snippettsville pieces, the shortest I've submitted, 1452 words (by Rough Draft count).

I confidently expect a low mark. Lacking the skill of Og, Gauche and Rumple, I ask myself, "will it be low enough?" Only time will tell.

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I confidently expect a low mark. Lacking the skill of Og, Gauche and Rumple, I ask myself, "will it be low enough?" Only time will tell. Alek De Kok
It is hard to get any lower than the three unworthies you listed. But take my word for it ADK, you've got potential, :) especially if Cookiejar gets hold of you for not including her in that group.

For whatever it's worth, a lot of the stories I've looked at are one pagers. If that continues, it may give Gauche, and especially Og, a crucial dis-advantage in the days to come.

Rumple Foreskin
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Rumple Foreskin said:
For whatever it's worth, a lot of the stories I've looked at are one pagers. If that continues, it may give Gauche, and especially Og, a crucial dis-advantage in the days to come.

Rumple Foreskin

Long? Hannah and Kay is only 5 Lit pages. Its score is dropping like a stone but the next story is waiting approval. The third entry, in preparation now, is designed to sink to the bottom and stay there.


PS. The view numbers on my other stories are creeping up and even a few votes have been registered. I have had feedback such as "I gave it a 1"on stories that were posted ages ago. Success is close.
Rumple Foreskin said:
It is hard to get any lower than the three unworthies you listed. But take my word for it ADK, you've got potential, :) especially if Cookiejar gets hold of you for not including her in that group.

For whatever it's worth, a lot of the stories I've looked at are one pagers. If that continues, it may give Gauche, and especially Og, a crucial dis-advantage in the days to come.

Rumple Foreskin

With this dumb av I will just bite his
cookiejar said:
With this dumb av I will just bite his
Iron undershorts will be donned! Forgive me, I would never knowingly offend a lady - I do it too easily un-knowingly!

Rumple Foreskin said:
It is hard to get any lower than the three unworthies you listed. But take my word for it ADK, you've got potential, :) especially if Cookiejar gets hold of you for not including her in that group.

For whatever it's worth, a lot of the stories I've looked at are one pagers. If that continues, it may give Gauche, and especially Og, a crucial dis-advantage in the days to come.

Rumple Foreskin

Can I join you guys in the cellar? Or do i first ned to porve I am worthy? :)

New Story NOT placed in contest!!!! *why?*

Yes, I did put the "2003 Halloween Contest" in the Notes line - in fact, I copied that text from Laurel's post...
I am completely confuse why my story - which was accepted this morning at Lit - is NOT in the Halloween Contest. First of all, I wrote it specifically for the contest. In fact, I spent two days thinking of a storyline that wasn't an over-used theme - something original. So, I am going to post the link here... maybe someone can explain why it wasn't placed in the contest? :confused:
I sent an email asking why it wasn't placed in the contest, and am awaiting a reply. Please read and vote! Thanks!