The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

Re: Real life stole my Halloween story

Seattle Zack said:
P.S. Scheherazade, you can format my posts anytime. Welcome to the Authors' Hangout.

Why, thank You, Zack.... I'll keep that in mind... *smiles* Perhaps You might want to take a look at my Halloween story, and give Your opinion as to why it was overlooked as a contest entry?
Halloween Flight of Fantasy
Hi Scheherazade, I did check it out after I read your earlier post ... I thought it was a cool little supernatural tale. Reminded me of that Twilight Zone episode with William Shatner. Technically it was good -- you know where the commas go and stuff, which is better than most of the Lit authors (excepting us here in the AH, of course; we all dash off masterpieces during our coffee breaks).

I don't know why it wasn't accepted for the Halloween contest, I'm not real clear on the criteria. Maybe if you made it more evident that the flight was taking place on Halloween -- some reference to cheesy pumpkin decorations in the cabin of the plane or something. Just a suggestion, I don't really know.

Seattle Zack said:
I thought it was a cool little supernatural tale. Reminded me of that Twilight Zone episode with William Shatner. ... Maybe if you made it more evident that the flight was taking place on Halloween -- some reference to cheesy pumpkin decorations in the cabin of the plane or something.
Hi, Zack... I guess I thought that putting in the proper phrase in "notes"... and the title "Halloween Flight of Fantasy"... and then, the "obvious" references to the ghostly image dressed in black... oh, and the dark night.... silly me! Thought it met the criteria.... but then, I am just another writer, hmmm? However, my English professor says I am an excellent writer (and I have the grades to represent his opinion)... and then there's those writing jobs I have held that actually paid money for my word craft.... *just another writer, what do I know?* And... *laughing*... my husband also mentioned that it had a definite "Twilight Zone" feel... well, that WAS the intent, after all. *smiles*... Thanks for reading, and for writing me back. Have a great Sunday!
I am completely confuse why my story - which was accepted this morning at Lit - is NOT in the Halloween Contest. First of all, I wrote it specifically for the contest. In fact, I spent two days thinking of a storyline that wasn't an over-used theme - something original. So, I am going to post the link here... maybe someone can explain why it wasn't placed in the contest?
Chill out, my good man. There isn't a conspiracy or vindetta, at least not one directed solely at you. The Halloween Contest stories posted today can be found at the top of the New list but NONE of them, including mine, have been placed on the Contest list.

W/o the official word from Laurel, I can only guess that she's said "Fuck it" and gone fishing or is setting up a contest story file like the one used for the Nude Day contest and will place all the entries there when she's finished. But whatever the reason, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, it ain't just you, babe.

Rumple Foreskin

Okay Ive just typed my 2000th word,which for a non-typist is a serious effort, my index finger hurts...
Its funny how things seem to get to the point faster when one is reading and milking the muppet. I reckon its gonna take another 2000 to get to a decent climax, hoo boy... My respect for the writing talents of the Literotica contributors, grows apace.

Still to make up for the fact that I still have a way to go perhaps a little pic drawn by yours truley will suffice for the time being...
quick question please...

Here in NZ, witches and vampires are included in the dressing up outfits of the children trick and treating. Is this the case in the USA as well?

Thanks in advance for your answers. :)

Just curious, is there a cap how many stories you're allowed to submit to contests? Haven't seen that anywhere. (Not that I'd ever get passed one story!)
Re: quick question please...

wildsweetone said:
Here in NZ, witches and vampires are included in the dressing up outfits of the children trick and treating. Is this the case in the USA as well?

Thanks in advance for your answers. :)


When I was younger witches, vampires, Ghosts, Werewolves and Frankenstien monsters predominated. Now Halloween costumes range from the old stanbys to pop stars, fantasy creatures, and even athletes. I imagine that witch and vampire are still on the top lists, but they don't hold as much appeal as they once did.

Rumple Foreskin said:
Scheherazade Chill out, my good man. There isn't a conspiracy or vindetta, at least not one directed solely at you. The Halloween Contest stories posted today can be found at the top of the New list but NONE of them, including mine, have been placed on the Contest list.

W/o the official word from Laurel, I can only guess that she's said "Fuck it" and gone fishing or is setting up a contest story file like the one used for the Nude Day contest and will place all the entries there when she's finished. But whatever the reason, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, it ain't just you, babe.

Rumple Foreskin

Actually, they are posted, but not on the story categories board. you have to go to the front page and click on the link. This link, actually:

Lit. Halloween 2003
It posted, thanks... but... one thing, Sir...

Rumple Foreskin said:
Scheherazade Chill out, my good man.
Rumple Foreskin
I am very much a "woman", Sir... *can provide witnesses to the fact*... *smiles*... anyway, my story posted to the contest earlier this evening, so my thanks to Laurel! *smiles* Happy October! :kiss:
Quiet_Cool said:
Actually, they are posted, but not on the story categories board. you have to go to the front page and click on the link. This link, actually:

Lit. Halloween 2003

Thanks for the heads-up and the link. The problem was there was a fairly long lag between the stories first showing up on the New list early this morning (Central Daylight Texas Time) and their finally appearing on the contest page sometime this afternoon. I've got a hunch, some folks were concerned that Laurel had read my submission and decided to delete it and all the others scheduled today to avoid possible contamination. :)

Rumple Foreskin said:
Laurel had read my submission and decided to delete it and all the others scheduled today to avoid possible contamination. :)
Dear Rumple,
That sounds rather draconian. Could you story possibly be that bad? If so, maybe I'd better get DurtGurl working on something.
MathGirl said:
Dear Rumple,
That sounds rather draconian. Could you story possibly be that bad? If so, maybe I'd better get DurtGurl working on something.
It only sounds that way because you haven't read my story. :)

As for DurtGirl, she may have waited too long to be a serious contender for, "Last Among the Least," recognition. Og and I are already in the fray, Cookiejar is preparing her own Missive of Mass Disgustion. Colly and Scheherazade are first-timers but may have even less potential than some of the vets. And lest we forget, last year's champ, the mighty Gauche, is reportedly ready to unlease his terrible sick story.

Rear Guard Rumple
Re: It posted, thanks... but... one thing, Sir...

Scheherazade said:
I am very much a "woman", Sir... *can provide witnesses to the fact*... *smiles*... anyway, my story posted to the contest earlier this evening, so my thanks to Laurel! *smiles* Happy October! :kiss:
At least a thousand and one apologies, oh, female of females. And in atonement for my transgression, may I say you have a very sexy, sensual, even swanky web site. :)

Perdoneme, te nada. Perdita
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Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin It only sounds that way because you haven't read my story.
Dear Rumple,
I read your story and liked it very much. Sorry to inform you that my vote probably blew your chances of finishing last in the H'ween competition.
Speaking of halloween:

My first feedback on my entry:

Intersesting pile of hypocrisy ya got goin' here. Is Tim cheating on her? Maybe, at best. Has she cheated on him. Yes. Not only that, but though her act was real and deliberate, the asshole actually feels justified. She's not. She is a liar and a cheater. This is a FACT.

Too bad there aren't negative ratings. Such self righteous shit as this deserves it.

Watchout gauchie, your place at the bottom of the heap is in jeapardy. People want to give me NEGATIVE ratings!

Colleen Thomas said:
Speaking of halloween:

My first feedback on my entry:

Intersesting pile of hypocrisy ya got goin' here. Is Tim cheating on her? Maybe, at best. Has she cheated on him. Yes. Not only that, but though her act was real and deliberate, the asshole actually feels justified. She's not. She is a liar and a cheater. This is a FACT.

Too bad there aren't negative ratings. Such self righteous shit as this deserves it.

Watchout gauchie, your place at the bottom of the heap is in jeapardy. People want to give me NEGATIVE ratings!


Has anyone figured out why people read stories in categories they gotta know will upset them? Granted, maybe the feedback guy loves lesbian stories as long as they're not married lesbians....
Rumple Foreskin said:
It only sounds that way because you haven't read my story. :)

As for DurtGirl, she may have waited too long to be a serious contender for, "Last Among the Least," recognition. Og and I are already in the fray, Cookiejar is preparing her own Missive of Mass Disgustion. Colly and Scheherazade are first-timers but may have even less potential than some of the vets. And lest we forget, last year's champ, the mighty Gauche, is reportedly ready to unlease his terrible sick story.

Rear Guard Rumple

RF, a 5 from me too...I'm a sucker for that stuff. I spend a lot of time reading "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine" and "Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine." I fear I may be one sick puppy...too much murder and mayhem...:eek:
sirhugs said:
Has anyone figured out why people read stories in categories they gotta know will upset them? Granted, maybe the feedback guy loves lesbian stories as long as they're not married lesbians....

Whenever I use married women in my stories the fangs come out. I'm used to it. I have a set of regular detractors, who will always find something wrong with my works. What these guys refuse to understand is that there has to be some setup if you intend to write a story involving infidelity. Happily married housewives don't just jump in bed with the first woman who asks them too (reguardless of what these bozo's see in porn flicks).

I expected my own personal boo-birds to come out. Their slings and arrows ceased to hurt a long time ago when a reader pointed out that they never attack the work for anything other than it being against their own personal tastes. One has to wonder if this fellow didn't get caught messing around and loose his gf, possibly to her gf? In any case at least he didn't give me a 4 page missive on the evils of lesbianism. That still ranks as the most rediculous feedback I ever got.

Why do people read stuff they know they aren't going to like? I think because they are hurting inside and wish to inflict some of that pain on someone else. They can hide behind the annonimity of a feedback and spew vitriol with no chance of having to endure a reprisal. Granted that the story may deserve some vitriol, I am by no mean polished yet as an author, but most of these people seem more intent on wounding than on anything else.

Colleen Thomas said:
Whenever I use married women in my stories the fangs come out. I'm used to it. I have a set of regular detractors, who will always find something wrong with my works. What these guys refuse to understand is that there has to be some setup if you intend to write a story involving infidelity. Happily married housewives don't just jump in bed with the first woman who asks them too (reguardless of what these bozo's see in porn flicks).

I expected my own personal boo-birds to come out. Their slings and arrows ceased to hurt a long time ago when a reader pointed out that they never attack the work for anything other than it being against their own personal tastes. One has to wonder if this fellow didn't get caught messing around and loose his gf, possibly to her gf? In any case at least he didn't give me a 4 page missive on the evils of lesbianism. That still ranks as the most rediculous feedback I ever got.

Why do people read stuff they know they aren't going to like? I think because they are hurting inside and wish to inflict some of that pain on someone else. They can hide behind the annonimity of a feedback and spew vitriol with no chance of having to endure a reprisal. Granted that the story may deserve some vitriol, I am by no mean polished yet as an author, but most of these people seem more intent on wounding than on anything else.


for what its worth, I liked the story. but then, I started out writing ' Loving Wives'. And must admit, I wonder about the political correctness of a guy getting hot off Lesbian fictuon, so it has lost some of its shine. Still, yours was just divine.