The Gender Genie

Lauren.Hynde said:
I'm wondering if any of us can produce an enjoyable, coherent story of say 750 words without using the, a, some, it, with, 's, for, not, *n't, numbers or possessive pronouns...

Do I need to take off my gloves and slap anyone?

Okay my ass is kicked. The longest 756 words I've written in a long time. Thanks to Perdita for the gut check and spell check at 500. I've used "find" to look for affending parts in the story. Lauren, now its up to you to answer the enjoyable, coherent part.


Heat waves rise from roads and rooftops. Traffic dies in stagnant heat as all seek shelter at siesta time. Barking dogs utter muted growls from shaded caves at hardy souls tempting tropical heat. Those that travel do so quickly, suffering no more than necessary.

Snow white sheers filter tropical glare yielding muted sunlight. Stately ceiling fans move stagnant air, low-pitched drone lends comforting background. Simple furniture, tastefully placed, speak of simplistic style. Cut various hued tropical flowers offer up fragrant hints and colorful highlights, offsetting austerity and stasis.

Where sandals flung carelessly meets vacant corner lends relieving disorder. House, otherwise empty, populated by muted voices, pitched low and quiet, coming from another room. Voyeur eyes see twined light and dark, blonde strands twined in brown curls fan out together. Mocha skin melds into sun-touched gold. Light colored sundresses puddle together, contrasting blue and white. Ivory sheets shroud feminine bodies, accentuating curves and lines. Brown eyes meet blue sharing sleepy, sultry affection.

Slowly moving hands play across cotton covered bodies in languorous, loving strokes. Conversation ebbs and flows in lazy motion through afternoon heat. Ruby lips whisper gently, trailing across tanned brown cheek. Both smile tenderly.

Lips meet sharing gentleness, whispering softly in each others voices. Eyes, once sleepy, start to smolder. Bodies, once sedate, press more tightly together, gradually increasing in muscular tension. Delicate hands disappear beneath ivory shroud, which both hides and signals gentle caresses.

Lips saver each gentle touch. Tongues dance in passion and desire. Dominance is slowly established as brunette shades out blonde. Sheets billow down floor-bound, as passions rise. Curves, once shrouded from view, reveal beauty and grace. Intertwined bodies offer more contrast of dusky dark and golden light. Burnished bronze melds in bright gold moving and molten. Eyes meet sharing passionate light. Chocolate kisses touch bright strawberries as breasts flatten and mold through each endearing embrace.

Lips separate to sighs from bronze and gold. Welcoming smiles signal deep affection. Red lips seek out hidden golden curves. Nibbling neck and earlobe, inflicting pain and pleasure. Slowly working down her frame, brown curls hide from view soft lips molding hard nipples. Answered in part, by slow moans and deep gasp. Answering groans sound out need. Bodies move in subtle rhythm. Cry sounds out, part pleasure part pain. Arched back reveals white teeth biting strawberries. Wicked eyes answer soft cries as tension continues to rise. Soft lips and wet tongue trail long golden curves. Skin velvet to touch. Long fingers twined in hair, give hints of guidance, but lie, as blonde beauty yields to bronze. Completely in control.

Golden limbs open fully to gentlest of touches. Revealing hidden charms, revealing secret desires. Voyeurs eyes can tell, when blonde completely surrenders to bronze. Even though screened by brown curled curtain. Tensed muscles and low moans signal rising needs and desires. Nipples rise in heated state. Heavy breathing punctuated by languorous moans. Neck muscles tighten and tension glows. Golden body takes on rosy hue. Knuckles white, showing drawn out tension. Sensing approach to Nirvana cause haste in Bronze efforts to lay waste to Blonde composure. Moment of rapture is punctuated by screams followed by long drawn out sigh, savored by both.

Moments of triumph and moments of ecstasy are most meaningful when shared. Twisted limbs bond limp bodies inseparable. Smile kisses punctuate long moments of silence shared fully. Relaxation and languor are topics of conversation. Neither giving nor taking matters at all. Pinnacle is sharing without holding back. But these moments in time are no denouements to stories told, but interludes in life.

Rising to passion, blonde drapes over bronze. Administering kisses in appropriate places. Tasting lips, dancing tongues, caressing hands no there places. Cues remain silent but obviously practiced. Practiced, in fact showing delicacy and tact. But fervent and passionate. As bronze breath quickens and kisses become more urgent, more needing, more desired. Bronze neck is offered up to bright white teeth. Wordless sounds break out when offer is eagerly accepted. Bronze hands brush blonde tresses in softest caress. Speaking love, speaking caring, speaking need. Chocolate kisses are tasted. Sounds arise linked closely to purring. Loud gasps interrupt purring, as bronze becomes statue. Gold presses against bronze in most intimate ways. Spreading thighs offer entry to persistence and pleasure. Gold fingers trace lines, explore curves and enter darkened places. Bronze movement in time to rhythmic gold fingers, keeping time in measure to beating of hearts.
Movement and motion ebb and flow in time. Shadows creep across every window. Heat passes on once hottest part peaks.
Interestingly, in the absence of markers, the 'genie' says female.
The text reads rather impersonally, however, though it needn't have. I presume proper names are not a marker, so they could have been included. "Robert caressing breasts roughly, wants to enter inner softness."

The absence of 'the' esp. creates a kind of dreamy quality, since it's not specified whose breast etc it is. In that sense, maybe 'feminine'; not like the guy who says, "the wrench is applied to the nut."

I presume you are male. Why not try to write with no male markers only? I think these ways of 'fucking with' the genie, using it, have some writerly uses besides forcing Lauren to bear GWB's love child.

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Fool, good job! That must've been flippin' difficult to write.
It was quite strange to read, the prose read almost like a poem. The descriptions were very rich, probably as a result of the lack of markers. I enjoyed reading that. :)

On an aside: everyone can now decide for themselves whether or not I write in a masculine way. My first story has been accepted and posted. Here's a link to it: Living The Fantasy Ch 01: A Welcome Distraction
I've already had a couple of emails providing feedback, all good stuff.
Now to get more submitted. :D

Hi Lou,

I had a quick read and it's *very well written and pretty hot.
A splendid little 'quickie sex' story.

(Pure 'women's' writing, too, according to the algorithm, as applied to one of your sex scenes. Lots of 'with', for some reason.)

Pure said:
On "Idiocy":

My goodness Lauren, such an ax to grind.

Did Koppel seduce and abandon your sister or something?

It's not a handbook for enslaving women, and using it won't make you bear an unwanted child.
Pure said:
I think these ways of 'fucking with' the genie, using it, have some writerly uses besides forcing Lauren to bear GWB's love child.
Pure, you fucking idiot*--

What do you think gives you the right to make this sort of asinine comments? Is your capacity to maintain a rational discussion so low as to make you feel entitled to distract others from it by any means available?

When were my arguments anything less that totally logical? When did I even hint that my judgment could be blinded by any personal conviction?

I really couldn't care less about Koppel's study, and the only reason I continue to reply to you on this subject is because you seem to always want to have the last word on everything, and I simply cannot allow the last word on anything be one of complete imbecility. There is only one thing that offends me, and if you still haven't figured it out, it's not male oppression: it's stupidity.

Do you think I give a fuck about the enslavement of women more than the enslavement of anyone else? Do you think I really consider this or any study a threat to my individuality as a woman? I'll restate my position for the hundredth time, without any hope you'll get it this time: Koppel's study proves nothing except that there is a general trend (not even that definite) in a very restricted group of published books for men to write in one style and women in another. What does it say about gender? Absolutely nothing. It's about predominant styles, which is a rational, conscious decision of the author (as you yourself defend), it's about stereotypes, expectations, and conformity. Not genders.

You not only embarrass yourself by continuing to defend the indefensible against all logic with arguments that completely elude the issues, you also offend me by suggesting my positions have anything to do with your (non)reasoning.

Until you start using your brain, please refrain from replying to me. That includes PMs. I have no desire to be your pen pal. :rose:

*congratulations: in a year and a half in this site, it's the first time I felt the need to be insulting.
Lauren, love, you will always have the last word in my mind, and I suspect in any other intelligent reader's re. Pure's illogic and self referencing non-arguments. If you want it public I suggest simply re-posting "Fuck you" each time with without a rose. That way your admirers will not feel you're wasting your precious time away from your creatively exciting writing. As for myself and re-acting to Pure: been there, done that, got the rips in my tee-shirt; all done.

luv, Perdita :heart:
Foolish one--

I'm impressed! It doesn't come out as very natural, here and there, sometimes it's clear that you purposely omit words, but overall it's a very good job indeed. Congratulations. :D
Tatelou said:
On an aside: everyone can now decide for themselves whether or not I write in a masculine way. My first story has been accepted and posted. Here's a link to it: Living The Fantasy Ch 01: A Welcome Distraction
I've already had a couple of emails providing feedback, all good stuff.
Now to get more submitted. :D

Congratulations, Lou. Hot! Can't wait to read more of your submissions, you big butch you... :D
perdita said:
If you want it public I suggest simply re-posting "Fuck you" each time with without a rose. That way your admirers will not feel you're wasting your precious time away from your creatively exciting writing.
Thanks, Perd. That's a sound advice. :kiss:
//As for myself and re-acting to Pure: been there, done that, got the rips in my tee-shirt; all done.//

When you're done the jilling over my old letters, please return them. But sweet dove, don't hurry your fluffin.

Still, one of the admirers of your tempestuous ways. Never did I come so hard as when you were screaming Derrida, Foucault, Almodovar, Kurasawa!

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Lauren, sweetie,

When were my arguments anything less that totally logical?

Never, my dear.

When did I even hint that my judgment could be blinded by any personal conviction?

Never, my sweet.

Always totally logical. You yell and scream in syllojisms and come in logical identities: "I'm I! I'm I! (in your native tongue, of course)

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Lauren.Hynde said:
Congratulations, Lou. Hot! Can't wait to read more of your submissions, you big butch you... :D

Thanks Lauren, I take that as high praise coming from you.
I submitted my second story last night, btw.

Also, Pure, thank you for your great comments, also high praise.

Butch with a feminine side,
Lou :rose: