The General Commentary Thread

Could be wrong, but it seems to be playing off my last Just Porn poem. And it is quite lovely. :)

Yes I agree with you now that I've read them together. I love when we inspire each other here!


Yeah, that was the inspiration. I may have something from the one after that as well, need to reread it and see if my voice has the right timbre. :cool:


Yeah, that was the inspiration. I may have something from the one after that as well, need to reread it and see if my voice has the right timbre. :cool:


I'm flattered, and I do hope you find that you've got the right timbre. I have a feeling that you do. ;)
GuiltyPleasure, my dear PoeTess, your Knife and Fork villanelle is absolutely delightful! It's clever, anthropomorphic, metaphorical in the best meta way. You're so darn good and I love reading you. Yeah I know I'm gushing but I really love that poem! :heart::heart::heart:
GuiltyPleasure, my dear PoeTess, your Knife and Fork villanelle is absolutely delightful! It's clever, anthropomorphic, metaphorical in the best meta way. You're so darn good and I love reading you. Yeah I know I'm gushing but I really love that poem! :heart::heart::heart:

Thank you, Ange! It still needs some tweaking but I always appreciate your encouraging words. I hope you're well and doing ok in all this weird weather, we haven't had substantial rain since April! :heart::heart::heart:
Thank you, Ange! It still needs some tweaking but I always appreciate your encouraging words. I hope you're well and doing ok in all this weird weather, we haven't had substantial rain since April! :heart::heart::heart:

I'm thrilled to read you on the pobo! :D

I'm ok, *still* waiting to have my surgery. It has been a real comedy of errors with one stupid happenstance after another requiring rescheduling. Now though with increased cases of Covid variants in my area, maybe not going to the hospital is for the best. I do hope my issues will be resolved soon though....

We also got slammed here by Hurricane Ida. I'm fine but the lightning storms were scary, and we were under a tornado watch for a few days. Two touched down just a few miles from my daughter's home. We also had a lot of flooding but things are back to normal now. I have never seen weather like that around here. Climate change...

Hope you are well. :heart: :kiss: :heart:
Moochie's latest, simply sensational...

My feverish mind misunderstood the last part for a moment as 'my bloodstream...I wish to run within your arm...', but on second glance it's as poetic as this.
After a long break of six years I decided to publish a poem here, but I am unfamiliar with the new system. Does one publish a poem as though it is a story because none of the categories mentions poetry. If one does, I assume a note to Laurel to say what it is would be necessary - slightly confused!

Thanks in advance for any help.
After a long break of six years I decided to publish a poem here, but I am unfamiliar with the new system. Does one publish a poem as though it is a story because none of the categories mentions poetry. If one does, I assume a note to Laurel to say what it is would be necessary - slightly confused!

Thanks in advance for any help.
Assuming the interface you see is the one I see:
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click on "New Story" at the top of the page.
  3. A pop-up opens with three icons on it (for story, poem, and artwork). Click on the one for poem (the middle icon of the coffee cup).
  4. That will open the dialog for submitting a poem.
After a long break of six years I decided to publish a poem here, but I am unfamiliar with the new system. Does one publish a poem as though it is a story because none of the categories mentions poetry. If one does, I assume a note to Laurel to say what it is would be necessary - slightly confused!

Thanks in advance for any help.

What Tzara sez. Good to see you here again, ish.
Thank you Tzarara and GP. I was clearly going in by the wrong route.

Sorry about your miss-spelt name but I kinda like it so am going to leave it - just this once.:)
Found a girl bad for my health
blues and sleaze and sex appeal
dripping from the tip of her waxed fingers
the small stinging burn from a
flickering flame
the same as that which mesmerises the moth
the way it would bash head first into a light globe
tink, tink, tink
futility and headaches all round
as I raise my glass to the stupid fucker

thinking about the amount of windshields I’ve run
into, and that old joke crops up

what’s the last thing to go through
a bugs mind when it hits your windshield...?
it’s ass....

smirking a little I think about how full of shit I am
and giggle at the aptness of comparison
think about the language my brain uses to
talk to itself
the ego
super ego
the Id
all at war to the point I don’t know what I want
except the drinks I have lined up to try and
muffle the sound of stupid as it echoes off of
the great cavern that is my head-space

Thought up more shit than I’ve forgot
but forgot to write it down for you
or for me
can’t figure out who I was doing it for anyway
maybe somewhere there was a both of us
probably still is
it’s just like that bug now
a smear on the windshield
right in the eye-line
of a frantic driver
desperately trying to pull the water spray lever
and wash what’s left away with
sweeping blades

Damn this is going to be in my mind for the rest of the day - maybe longer.

So much in those three pieces damn, where’s all the other male writers at

How can you not be inspired by that much sexy, sensual and wanton feminine energy?

And now I want to respond to all of them :D