"To keep the review thread clean..."

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bottler blossum hill zifandel i think ... i beg most folks pardon but i got gud reasons to be pished my world has crashed bout meeeee .. me ma died and i got mole gone funny so sorry to all
UnderYourSpell said:
bottler blossum hill zifandel i think ... i beg most folks pardon but i got gud reasons to be pished my world has crashed bout meeeee .. me ma died and i got mole gone funny so sorry to all

so sorry.

UnderYourSpell said:
bottler blossum hill zifandel i think ... i beg most folks pardon but i got gud reasons to be pished my world has crashed bout meeeee .. me ma died and i got mole gone funny so sorry to all

so very sorry to hear that. :rose: :rose:

UnderYourSpell said:
bottler blossum hill zifandel i think ... i beg most folks pardon but i got gud reasons to be pished my world has crashed bout meeeee .. me ma died and i got mole gone funny so sorry to all

Hope that you feel better very soon. :rose: :rose:
UnderYourSpell said:
bottler blossum hill zifandel i think ... i beg most folks pardon but i got gud reasons to be pished my world has crashed bout meeeee .. me ma died and i got mole gone funny so sorry to all

I am very sorry. I wish you peace.

UnderYourSpell said:
Ooops sober today and a trifle embarrassed .. but I do thankyou all xxxx

Please don't be embarrassed. We have all experienced loss, I imagine. I have. We cope as best we can, yes?

UnderYourSpell said:
Ooops sober today and a trifle embarrassed .. but I do thankyou all xxxx

If we eliminated all my drunk posts I'd still be a Lit Virgin

Sorry for your loss
The_Fool said:
Fuck it, lets drink more Scotch....

Here's a bottle and an honest man!
What wad ye wish for mair, man?
Wha kens, before his life may end,
What his share may be o' care, man?

Then catch the moments as they fly,
And use them as ye ought, man.
Believe me happiness is shy,
And comes not aye when sought, man!

Robert Burns

a wee dram of Laphroaig for our troubles

Ver derharget !

(as Larry would say)
There's only one new poem posted so far this morning. I'll check back later to see if there's more.
did someone say scotch?

Tathagata said:
Here's a bottle and an honest man!
What wad ye wish for mair, man?
Wha kens, before his life may end,
What his share may be o' care, man?

Then catch the moments as they fly,
And use them as ye ought, man.
Believe me happiness is shy,
And comes not aye when sought, man!

Robert Burns

a wee dram of Laphroaig for our troubles

Ver derharget !

(as Larry would say)

I will leap rudely into any conversation that involves single malt scotch. And not just for the fun of trying to navigate the Gaelic spellings, either.

Make mine a Balvenie. 20 if you have it, a 12 year old if necessary. On the other hand, it's early and I need to be bitch slapped. Change that to a Talisker, please.

unpredictablebijou said:
I will leap rudely into any conversation that involves single malt scotch. And not just for the fun of trying to navigate the Gaelic spellings, either.

Make mine a Balvenie. 20 if you have it, a 12 year old if necessary. On the other hand, it's early and I need to be bitch slapped. Change that to a Talisker, please.


Bowmore 17 or 21 I have
I'm an Islay man
For early morning bitch slapping I'd recommend a Highland Park 12
I slaps with a hint of honey
and isn't that what we all want?
Tathagata said:
Bowmore 17 or 21 I have
I'm an Islay man
For early morning bitch slapping I'd recommend a Highland Park 12
I slaps with a hint of honey
and isn't that what we all want?

You are clearly a monkey after my own heart.
I confess to a great fondness for Oban as well. Most of the time I'd rather be seduced than bitch slapped. Hence the Balvenie.

Eluard, i very much like your first review. i know how time consuming it is and you've given some very thoughtful insights. thanks for taking the time to do it.

"Afternoon Fantasy": My salute to an author and his place

Eluard said:
Poems for thursday 28th June.
B]Afternoon Fantasy[/B] by KOLKORE is a little meditation on retiring to the country to write. I hear you, sister, (or brother)! The far better poem, however, is Maine, Beach. Here there is something allusive and open-ended that makes for a richer effect. Nicely done.

“Stuart Little” the monkey ;”Charlotte’s Webb” and the stylistic guide: “The elements of Style” are all the literary creations of “Andy” White who lived and wrote his famous works in the very same village were I vacationed for few days. My fantasy was about somehow being around him and his creations.
Thank you kindly for your review.
Thank You

When Love Stops Being Returned i found the line break for stanza four, lines three and four an interesting one. i think it's incorrect, but it gave me food for thought for a few moments. for improvements i'd suggest leaving this poem to stand for a little while and then going back and enhancing the depth of emotion by using showing techniques rather than telling ones. Welcome to the Literotica Poetry Forum.

Thank you for the mention of my poem sweetone.

This was the first poem I've ever written and to be honest it really wasn't meant as a poem more as a putting down of thoughts after a devastating few days. It was supposed to be a long, long email and this is all that came out of me.

I've got no knowledge of terms or techniques for poetry writing, I'd love to learn though.

Thank you again for the mention

Thanks, Champ for mentioning my minamalist offering. ~ Since then there have been three more offerings at the top of the list worth at least a glance; one be hmmnmm, one by Curiouswife, and a very rare contribution by Senna Jawa.

Thanks for those who read and commented on "Distant Thunder".

(This also a bump to move this thread back to the first page of the forum.)


I truly appreciate the nod in your post. I haven't written alot lately and it felt good to get the words flowing again.


It is amazing how different people "get" different things out of reading poetry. I've had several comments about the lovely sentiment of the poem and in re-visiting it myself, it does seem a bit ambiguous.

She is indeed dead.

Mr Anniebug thinks I'm creepy.

wildsweetone said:
for today's delectable morsel, read the GREAT POETRY thread. more poets have joined in and each poem is like reading a novel in a day. wonderful! keep up the great writing! i know i can't get enough of reading you all.



this review contains some constructive criticism that is intended to help some poets with their writing. there is a limitation on the use of smilies in posts on Literotica and therefore i am unable to include what i would like. my intention is to encourage and help by giving suggestions to poets.

11 new poems up today.

l8bloom has submitted Love Poems from the A&P. An audio submission in which the sounds come across very clear and easy on the ears. I found it slightly distracting as the words, in my opinion, didn't seem to fit the music that has a soft romantic feel. Talk of broken bags of sugar and cake mix seemed out of place. I also don't feel there is any poetic language apart from the rhyme. Sorry, that's just my take though.

new poet Jacob_L_Reed posted his first poem today, The first... i found the presentation of this submission, interesting. something a little different. it could be reworked as a List Poem, but it seems to work well this way. i'm not understanding what happens between lines 5 and 6, i think in this case the poem errs slightly on the side of 'too little' information. i'd like to know more and to see this filled out a little. i like how her 'smile crosses the room' - nice image that one. Welcome to Literotica.

new poet Tarakin submitted Passion today. this poem seems to create so many questions in my mind that i think it also errs on the 'slightly too little information' scenario also. why was the light 'long buried'? why is the vulcan, dormant? what deed? why does the lyrical subject experience jealousy? Welcome to Literotica and thanks for making me think.

Haiku Bomber was submitted by evelyn_carroll. a haiku that isn't, in my opinion.

new poet kerker_meister submitted A wonderful man. a couple of improvements to start you off, 'Your' should be 'You are' or 'You're', and line 11 is missing 'man'. i think the rhyme works well here. Welcome to Literotica.

Goldeniangel submitted Inside today. i like this poem. i think a suggestion for improvement would be to add punctuation and perhaps stanza breaks.

first poem by ardentforce is Doubt. i found this read a bit choppy sounding. i would like to see more concrete imagery in this poem.

anniebug brings us amongst the lupins. should it be 'among'? sorry i'm not sure on that one. this poem raises many questions. for a start, is 'she' alive, or dead? the sounds and smoothness of read might be deceiving. if the poet wants clarity for this, then perhaps the title could be used to an advantage - i see no problems with the wording of the poem, except that i want to know more.

new poet, death_osito has three submissions today. And Then came the calm, Broken Heart Mended with XoX, and Dust Ash Desires. each of these three poems has problems of punctuation, spelling etc. a quick proofread, even spellcheck, would pick up many of them. i don't like the use of text speak that is sprinkled lightly through one, i find it distracting. in the third poem, i like the unusual beginning. it caught my attention. unfortunately what followed didn't keep my attention, but it was a good start. Welcome to Literotica.

Please note that these are my opinions on poems, it is up to you as a reader and/or writer to form your own. Go read, go comment and keep writing!


Thank you for the help, I am a truck driver and that came to me as I was driving one night. Thanks again I am thinking about another I might work on soon.
anniebug said:

I truly appreciate the nod in your post. I haven't written alot lately and it felt good to get the words flowing again.


It is amazing how different people "get" different things out of reading poetry. I've had several comments about the lovely sentiment of the poem and in re-visiting it myself, it does seem a bit ambiguous.

She is indeed dead.

Mr Anniebug thinks I'm creepy.

Love the comments on this poem glad I was right tho that she is dead after putting mine in!!
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