"To keep the review thread clean..."

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wildsweetone said:
topica lumina i think i'll need to read it many times and maybe have a little more information to understand what it's about.
it was submitted too soon - a little premature. But it was during a very still stretch of time, afternoon, not much action, just Things, a heavy wash of sunlight was all. Your 'concrete' observation is really accurate. Still, it would've benefited to set aside for a night or two.
Thank you wildsweetone for the kind review and suggestion on my poem yesterday. Thanks to Tristesse2 as well for the PC. I did intend the piece as an erotic poem, however, after some thought I decided to no longer put any of my poems in the erotic poetry category. I'm glad you both enjoyed it.
Thankyou LeBroz for your mention of my poems ... you are quite right about the question mark! When I first wrote the opening it was a question but the line was too long so I changed it and forgot to take the question mark out .. I have now sent in an editted version.
wildsweetone said:
today's treasury is the 30/30 poetry thread. some great poets are nearing the finish line, so get your fix quick!


no great words of wisdom from me today other than to check your work for errors before you submit, edit to enhance the message in your poems, use concrete imagery and poetic language... oh yes, and ENJOY WRITING!



31 new poems up today.

my favourites today chosen for one or several reasons, interesting poetic writing, concrete imagery, line breaks, stanza breaks, formats, and most importantly, an interesting read:

Kerouac a first poem submission for bwilson

Life never found by emaalr.

When I first told her about you by Under_Sun.

Spilled erotic, measure by bluerains.

spilled erotic measure by MungoParkIII.

1/4 of Life by Artificial_I.

Molly by Tristess2.

Wedding night by DarkBee.

Lullaby by swallowedscream

Waiting by beautyandwine.


those that nearly made the cut for the above are placed here because of one or two slips, for example a spelling error, or wording that did not quite make sense for me. they also might be placed here because i found them an 'okay' read. a quick proofreading for errors, or an edit to improve poetic language and they'd be bumped up a level. they're here basically because they deserve a reading and they kept my attention long enough to finish and be a little intrigued.

Similies a new submission to poetry historymajor and the second submission, To Hell with Kant.

Just a stone's throw away by robert12.

Keep on Sinning by ramonathompson. and second submission, Your Wife's A Highway.

The Last Laugh by new Lit. member Lustykitten.

Deceit: A Villanelle by LadyStFreknBed.

Thief by swallowedscream.

The Story After Goodbye by CeriesNoire.

special request on the poem Bound and Gagged by MistressDarkness for some feedback.


there are a fair few worthy of a read today which makes a nice change. go read, go comment and keep writing!



Thanks for listing my poems Keep On Sinning and Your Wife's A Highway.

I am most grateful.
Thank you for the mention of "Waiting" in today's new poem review thread. I liked where this piece was going, and would greatly appreciate feedback or suggestions for improvement.

As an aside, I have a question about the 50% temp rating. I've seen this mentioned before as a way not to effect future temp ratings - but I'm not sure I understand how this works. How does the temp rating affect the poem? Does it expose it to a larger audience?

Thanks. :)

I am contemplating joining the 30/30 thread, but admit that I am wary.
Thank you WSO for your mention of The Story After Goodbye.

I have to admit I submitted it a bit too fresh off the pen. I'd love feedback and suggestions on it from any poet who cares to offer it via PC, PM, or the feedback form.
Goody! Someone actually likes my work! :D Now I have to keep track of the discussion here.

Keep two things in mind: I've edited and re-posted the poem immediately after I posted it (the last verse and punchline weren't good enough) and English is not my first language.
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Thanks LeBronz for reviewing my two audio poems. I'm still smiling because you called Incomplete Aubade compelling. I can't think of a nicer compliment for a writer.
hey, rhymefairy...thanks so much for your comments on my last 2 subs. i'm glad you enjoyed, and also glad you could feel 'em.

curt :rose:
Yor very welcome Curt. You know, I keep my eye on you you, right? lol ... I really did enjoy them and am still trying to keep up with all the other new poems coming out these days. It's great to see such a big turn out ....


Thank you LeBroz for the mention of my latest in your poem reviews yesterday ~~

To an unknown poetess

Your poetry made me cry, tears pricking
then overflowing down my cheeks.
You ask for feedback but do you
want to know you made me cry today?
A big Thank You going out to LeBroz for the kind mention of my new poem In You Eyes. I appreciate your kindness ~

I also wanted to Thank UnBridled Passion for her commentary, when it hits the heart, that's a good thing ~ :cathappy:

:rose: :rose:
Thanks LeBroz for the very kind mention on the Poetry Review thread and thanks also to UBU, bogusbrig, Tristesse 2 and Amyfriend for your very kind comments. And a special thanks to Amyfriend for commenting on both of my new ones.
Ah! here it is.
Saw this thread title but just now realized it is place to offer gratitude (that's what the 'clean' in the thread title means, so I understand now... boing!).

I've sat here for many minutes trying to think of the best way to word how I feel but every attempt comes up short and fails to get across the degree that I am almost continually rendered speechless because of the positive reception to my poetic presentations.
Of the many aspirations over the years, none of them kindled the encouraging words that so many have expressed here.
You've helped kill the many fears that shackled and plagued me for almost all my life.
Thank you. :heart:
You have talent with a capital T ... it's your time to shine and by the way I know where you are coming from .. I have a house just round the corner!
Thank you to unapologetic for the mention and the kind words.
Also for pointing out a typo I didn't see.
Problem is sometimes these things happen at work so I'm typing as fast as I can before someone comes in or the phone rings..
The Devine/Divine one is just a glitch in my head, or maybe I'm obsessed with a dead 300 pound transvestite.

Either way thanks for the mention and to all who commented.
It will be reworked.

and Eve I have the same feeling about you..
Thanks 1201, Tristesse, LeBroz and RhymeFairy for your comments, they are appreciated. I'm just trying to get back into writing after a long absence and all moral support is welcome and needed.
bogusbrig said:
Thanks 1201, Tristesse, LeBroz and RhymeFairy for your comments, they are appreciated. I'm just trying to get back into writing after a long absence and all moral support is welcome and needed.

I can understand that my friend. I have been working and workshopping on my own poetry and it seems the more we dig into ourselves the deeper we get involved and feel a bit outta touch at the same time. Keep'm coming, I enjoy your writes and look forward to seeing, the other side ~~

A heartfelt thank you to WSO and Tristesse for the feedback on my new poems, Fried Bananas and Shards of Life. I'm always open for tips to improve.
ange, your appreciation for the ugly overjoys me.
thank you so much, and also to miz eve and mr broz. so nice to read your comments.


no, no orgasmic butterflies. i do have a nice illustrated courtney love poem though. that's close, no? :)
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