"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Tristesse2 said:
My heartfelt thanks to Ange and 1201 for taking the time to read and comment on my latest poem even if 1201 found it lacking.

I tend to agree with him. :)

Lacking only in the fact it wasn't up to your best, no big deal. I consider most of mine either disposable and/or lacking. Reading you can be a real treat. :rose:
unpredictablebijou said:

Specific details aside, isn't all of this just common sense for anyone in any new social situation? (Ok, not the PM bit.) Smell the decorum, do a round of handshaking, and assess the more prolific characters so you know who'll punch you in the gonads for what reasons. Then you can raise da roof to your heart's content.
Liar said:

Specific details aside, isn't all of this just common sense for anyone in any new social situation? (Ok, not the PM bit.) Smell the decorum, do a round of handshaking, and assess the more prolific characters so you know who'll punch you in the gonads for what reasons. Then you can raise da roof to your heart's content.

But exactly. Excellent point. I'm not sure what it is about on line forum communities that makes this less obvious. I think part of it is the anonymity; there are things folks are willing to do behind a screen that they'd never do in actual public, obviously, so I think sometimes people just forget the basics.

In my case, there was a lot of over-excitement that clouded my judgment. One feels such a sense of homecoming in a special-interest community like this. I think people just forget everything and try to jump in too quickly because they feel like they already know everyone.

Just my theory, because yeah, one shouldn't have to be reminded of those extremely basic rules, and yet sometimes we do... or at least I do.

unpredictablebijou said:
Fifth: There will be people occasionally who have issues with you for no good reason at all. Perhaps you remind them of an ex-husband, or their drug dealer, or that trick that left without paying. Who knows. Stay chill. Ignore it. I'll say that again. Stay chill. Ignore it. Repeat as necessary.

Damn, and I was looking to score.

Empson, my dear, Empson.
I still havent completely figured out who is male and who is female so I am in constant peril of sticking my foot in it but I do that anyway and no-one can see you blush in space ...
UnderYourSpell said:
I still havent completely figured out who is male and who is female so I am in constant peril of sticking my foot in it but I do that anyway and no-one can see you blush in space ...

Yeah, that was another mistake I made early on. I think I've made virtually every mistake there is to be made on this board.

If not, well, there's still time. (rueful, resigned smiley thing)

I don't think anyone gets too upset about that, dearie, so don't worry too much. Although blushing is invariably attractive...
I did figure out early on I was quite mistakenly making flirty comments to a woman ... I don't know which was worse that I actually did or that they didnt seem to notice ...
UnderYourSpell said:
I did figure out early on I was quite mistakenly making flirty comments to a woman ... I don't know which was worse that I actually did or that they didnt seem to notice ...

Good Lord. NOT THAT!

wait. is that a bad thing to do?


UnderYourSpell said:
Eh? did I miss something? and if so where?

Angeline said:
DeepAsleep has offered to start doing Monday reviews. Yay DA!

So here's the current rotation:

Sun ~ OPEN
Mon ~ DeepAsleep
Tue ~ Angeline
Wed ~ LeBroz
Thu ~ Wicked Eve
Fri ~ champagne1982
Sat ~ My Erotic Trail

.....? I had thought this was the rotatination. It's not a big deal, I'd just set aside some time to do it. Not a big deal if Lorencino wants it.
DeepAsleep said:
Am I not doing the monday reviews, anymore? Thanks, I guess, to Lorencino.

Yeah, you still are. We've always said that anyone who wants to recommend poems should feel free, but we ask for volunteers to do a regular daily review to assure that someone checks out those new poems each day. I'm assuming Lorencino just felt like making some recommendations today. If you want to do your own, have at em. On the other hand if you want a day off, I guess you got one. :)
Angeline said:
Yeah, you still are. We've always said that anyone who wants to recommend poems should feel free, but we ask for volunteers to do a regular daily review to assure that someone checks out those new poems each day. I'm assuming Lorencino just felt like making some recommendations today. If you want to do your own, have at em. On the other hand if you want a day off, I guess you got one. :)

Fair enough. I agree with enough of his assessments that it doesn't matter, today.

'Til next week, then!
Angeline said:
Yeah, you still are. We've always said that anyone who wants to recommend poems should feel free, but we ask for volunteers to do a regular daily review to assure that someone checks out those new poems each day. I'm assuming Lorencino just felt like making some recommendations today. If you want to do your own, have at em. On the other hand if you want a day off, I guess you got one. :)

:) Angeline is quite correct. It was on a whim that I set out on this morning's adventure, intending to review the sonnet by sensualquills, Kissing You, after checking at the beginning of the thread that it was OK for people other than the appointed person of the day to post reviews to this thread.

I never intended to give DeepAsleep a holiday, but as the morning wore on and as there were merely five new poems I progressed to three for a while and then a forth. So for a long time I mused on four of the five poems until the fifth impressed itself upon me sufficiently for me to let down my defences completely. Thus was I trapped in the enchantment of every single poem posted this morning, and ended up having an orgy. I was just lucky with what was available today and promise to leave Mondays alone for the foreseeable future.

So please don't go away DeepAsleep, as I absolutely cannot be relied on to do anything regularly. (Now that I know Sunday is open I might just sneakin there at the dead of night one weekend.)
lorencino said:
:) Angeline is quite correct. It was on a whim that I set out on this morning's adventure, intending to review the sonnet by sensualquills, Kissing You, after checking at the beginning of the thread that it was OK for people other than the appointed person of the day to post reviews to this thread.

I never intended to give DeepAsleep a holiday, but as the morning wore on and as there were merely five new poems I progressed to three for a while and then a forth. So for a long time I mused on four of the five poems until the fifth impressed itself upon me sufficiently for me to let down my defences completely. Thus was I trapped in the enchantment of every single poem posted this morning, and ended up having an orgy. I was just lucky with what was available today and promise to leave Mondays alone for the foreseeable future.

So please don't go away DeepAsleep, as I absolutely cannot be relied on to do anything regularly. (Now that I know Sunday is open I might just sneakin there at the dead of night one weekend.)

LOL, I'm not mad, I was just a little confused - thought maybe I'd screwed up, or lost a day, or missed some info... Don't be afraid, I just didn't know what was going on. It's all cool.
Every rant counts

Angeline said:
There are nine new poems posted today. Nine poems and, sadly, a lot of mediocrity and platitude: I love you forever; My Master's so strong; Be kind to others, etc., etc. None of these (which I've paraphrased) are bad sentiments, in and of themselves. They're just not poetic; they're informational, descriptive, they explain. Explaining isn't bad; it's just not poetry.

When I read a poem I want transcendence. I want to suspend my disbelief in the reality of me and your words on the screen, so I can be in the experience of your poem. I want to touch it, taste it, smell it, hear it. I need images and metaphors so that can happen; I want the words to move in unexpected directions. Cause that's what transcendence is: Going beyond.

And it's not that hard to do, effect transcendence, but we need to think of writing differently from the way we've all been taught. We need to approach writing more like visual art, I think. We need to work with impression and suggestion.

Ok. Rant off.

Not a rant at all, even if it was delivered with the passionate pounding of your fingers on the keyboard. It is valuable information that those who don't know need to be told. It is what the aspiring poets come here for and as far as I'm concerned, it is your generosity that shines through these words.

It is also wonderful to have a reviewer who is widely read and can pass the reader on to other interesting poems, books, websites that are pertinent to whatever it is we are dealing with. We Real Cool is a perfect companion to Whitewave's poem--not strictly about the same topic but with the same matured cynicism. This comparison enhances the experience we have here of exploring poetry and life through poetry.
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lorencino said:
Not a rant at all, even if it was delivered with the passionate pounding of your fingers on the keyboard. It is valuable information that those who don't know need to be told. It is what the aspiring poets come here for and as far as I'm concerned, it is your generosity that shines through these words.

It is also wonderful to have a reviewer who is widely read and can pass the reader on to other interesting poems, books, websites that are pertinent to whatever it is we are dealing with. We Real Cool is a perfect companion to Whitewave's poem--not strictly about the same topic but with the same matured cynicism. This comparison enhances the experience we have here of exploring poetry and life through poetry.

Thank you. I'm glad you read it in the spirit it is intended. It's just my opinion after all and others are certainly welcome to their own, and encouraged to share them. Growth (for all of us) comes from that, I think.

And I'm a pretty reserved typist (albeit a lousy one), although there's certainly passion in my ideas. But the day I start working the keyboard like Glenn Gould playing a Bach Partita is the day I go back to legal pads and bics. :D
hmmnmm said:

I didn't say there was anything wrong with them lol.

I have this problem. I'm left-handed and my hand drags across the page and smears the pencil or ink when I write. Subsequently, I print which takes way too long. My hand can't kep up with my thoughts. So I type. :)
Angeline said:
I didn't say there was anything wrong with them lol.

I have this problem. I'm left-handed and my hand drags across the page and smears the pencil or ink when I write. Subsequently, I print which takes way too long. My hand can't kep up with my thoughts. So I type. :)

Another lefty here, well acquainted with the smears. Those ink smears on the hand? Yep.

It was the significant poetry potential of 'note pads and bics' that struck me particularly.

It teems with potential.
hmmnmm said:
Another lefty here, well acquainted with the smears. Those ink smears on the hand? Yep.

It was the significant poetry potential of 'note pads and bics' that struck me particularly.

It teems with potential.

It's definitely a clear image for me. I spent my school years with pencil and then ink smears on the side of my hand. :)
Angeline said:
It's definitely a clear image for me. I spent my school years with pencil and then ink smears on the side of my hand. :)

then came the manual typewriter.
I think both are a pain: writing with the hand and typing.
On the other hand, there's something, a charm, about the typewriter - the manual. pain that they are.
Um..just stopping in

Just stopping in to say hello, and to thank those who have taken the time to read and comment on my poems. It has been mentioned that I do not comment myself, it is not a selfish thing I assure you. I am very much on the edges reading and yes, occasionally commenting (often under anonymous because I am a wuss) and have enjoyed so many submissions here at Lit. I however, know next to nothing about poetry, which I figure is painfully apparent in my writing, so I often hold my silence in regards to commenting, as I feel I do not possess the language and knowledge to give clear, concise and most importantly..useful, comments. There is only so many times one can say, "I liked this very much.. yadda yadda" before they begin to feel foolish. Also having poked around the forum a bit, you people intimidate the bejeepers out of me. That being said, thank you again for the comments and just for reading my poems at all. And yes, I am skulking about reading, enjoying and mumbling things to myself as well. :)
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