"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Maybe there will be just one poem a day from now on, and all of them by that same poet...
:caning: <---Okay, what's that all about?

I wouldn't mind it. I was happy to get a break today. I'm still in heavy baking mode. I'm making Red Sox cookies. :D
I wouldn't mind it. I was happy to get a break today. I'm still in heavy baking mode. I'm making Red Sox cookies. :D
What's with all the baking?

I can't cook. I don't cook. Well, I make what I have to make to feed the kids. I cooked pork chops, yesterday. It wasn't too creepy and humiliating. I guess I could cook more meat in the future. Would have been easier if I could have microwaved those chops.

Never microwave an egg. Shortcuts don't work with eggs.
What's with all the baking?

I can't cook. I don't cook. Well, I make what I have to make to feed the kids. I cooked pork chops, yesterday. It wasn't too creepy and humiliating. I guess I could cook more meat in the future. Would have been easier if I could have microwaved those chops.

Never microwave an egg. Shortcuts don't work with eggs.

I'm communing with my inner susie homemaker. And eagleyez's boys will be deeply impressed by Red Sox cookies. I like to cook; it's creative and it relaxes me.

Actually you can microwave eggs but you do have to beat them first. And take them out of the shells. :D
Leon's got a few poems and I've got a few minutes so, LeBroz, I'll start at the bottom and meet you at "This Pussy Is Mine" :eek: .
Leon's got a few poems and I've got a few minutes so, LeBroz, I'll start at the bottom and meet you at "This Pussy Is Mine" :eek: .

Thanks for the offer. What a meeting place. :devil:

Now if only the list would quit shuffling itself repeatedly ~ first time I looked, that pussy was third from the bottom then eighth. Ahhh, but I've still got all that cream, floating at the top. Time to get busy.

Thanks for the offer. What a meeting place. :devil:

Now if only the list would quit shuffling itself repeatedly ~ first time I looked, that pussy was third from the bottom then eighth. Ahhh, but I've still got all that cream, floating at the top. Time to get busy.
It turns out, as the list stands now, I've finished the bottom seven. :) I know you'll read them all anyway, Leon. Enjoy!
It turns out, as the list stands now, I've finished the bottom seven. :) I know you'll read them all anyway, Leon. Enjoy!

Yes, I did. But thanks for covering those that you did. By the time I got to naughtycakes, I probably would have missed those things you saw in her pieces.


Thank you Leon and everyone who commentated on my latest (posted under my alt cward2)

Good morning. I'm probably checking for new poems way too early. There are three posted and there could be more before the day is done.

Try getting a heavy finger on the F5 key and see what refresh gets ya. It's up to 20 new postings for the morning {so far}, with a pair from curious, a pair from the hummer, bj busy fuckin thrice, and a piece from chantily appearing with its own red H. When the listing is this volatile, I usually copy it to a word document so I'm not driven nuts while the list appears/disappears or shuffles itself; the word document retains links to the poems which is really convenient.

I am glad it's not just me being driven nuts .... I read one go back for the rest and not only have they shuffled they have disappeared completely!
I am glad it's not just me being driven nuts .... I read one go back for the rest and not only have they shuffled they have disappeared completely!

they were sent/scent into a masterpainting frenzy, knowing not where they are, who they are, what they do. no scent of morality or even a smidgen (modicum) of planetary decorum.

By the way: back in the summer, I found it helpful to focus on a month - june, july, august - primarily for observation, to find exercises. Then I see the December Contest (I'm not a contest type, but I was interested for the exercise factor), and think, "ah! a poetic assignment that pertains to a particular month! ah! I should be able to come up with something." But... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Wonder why this is? Assignment freeze-up?
they were sent/scent into a masterpainting frenzy, knowing not where they are, who they are, what they do. no scent of morality or even a smidgen (modicum) of planetary decorum.

By the way: back in the summer, I found it helpful to focus on a month - june, july, august - primarily for observation, to find exercises. Then I see the December Contest (I'm not a contest type, but I was interested for the exercise factor), and think, "ah! a poetic assignment that pertains to a particular month! ah! I should be able to come up with something." But... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Wonder why this is? Assignment freeze-up?

I intentionally tried to leave it as open as possible so people can write whatever they want. Don't tell anyone, but you don't really have to think about December; you just have to write a poem. Shhhh.

I intentionally tried to leave it as open as possible so people can write whatever they want. Don't tell anyone, but you don't really have to think about December; you just have to write a poem. Shhhh.


dress jan in dec?
I'm using Aria Chocolate--Liquid and have no problems with avs, text or links. FYI. :)

I'm back to default. I'll go over and check things in the User Cp to be sure I didn't miss something. Don't want to keep inserting these things manually — such a pain. If all else fails, I'll send Manu a note. Don't want him getting too complacent.


Halle fuckin lujah!!

Problem solved. I've had my system blocking all pop-ups. Never was a problem before. Reset blocker to allow pop-ups from only Literotica and now the insert functions work {links/images/email}.

Didn't have to hassle Manu either, so he can keep on playing with whatever he's playing with.

Halle fuckin lujah!!

Problem solved. I've had my system blocking all pop-ups. Never was a problem before. Reset blocker to allow pop-ups from only Literotica and now the insert functions work {links/images/email}.

Didn't have to hassle Manu either, so he can keep on playing with whatever he's playing with.


Spoke too soon. When I click on Insert Link the text box flashes only briefly, whether I've selected text or not; then the enter URL box comes up. I enter the appropriate URL, click "OK" and the box disappears and nothing happens. So I'm still stuck with manually entering data.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I need a drink.

Spoke too soon. When I click on Insert Link the text box flashes only briefly, whether I've selected text or not; then the enter URL box comes up. I enter the appropriate URL, click "OK" and the box disappears and nothing happens. So I'm still stuck with manually entering data.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I need a drink.


Last resort — trying Firefox — so far this way runs half the speed of IE.


But it works.

Leon, i wonder if you might need to clear your history/cache/cookies kind of thing?

I'll keep that in mind. But this was a first on Firefox for me, so my inexperience with FF might have something to do with it. As it was, after tweaking all day long the frustration factor was off scale. After I use Firefox more often it may get better. But I'm only planning on using it when I'm doing reviews or posting on the archive thread where I know I'm inserting links or if I want to insert an image {especially if FF continues to work so slow}.

As for the cookies/history/cache sort of thing, I scrub daily through IE & manually checking the files. I'll keep an eye on FF and see how it handles these items as well.

I'm also going to check IE again to see how it works; right now I'm running off AOL and, other than inserting links, everything works really well. I've seen the Forums in IE and they look horrid but I need to see if IE will work the insert links/images function. Just to see if I have that option in case FF speed becomes an issue.

Thanks for the suggestion.


EDITED TO ADD: IE & FF both work at about the same speed. But IE loses AV's, graphics, smilies, etc. Probably the reason using AOL causes the insert link/image to not work is that AOL uses an accelerator; its speed is about triple that of IE & FF. Win some, lose some.

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It is thankyou but how on earth did I do it in the first place lol someone has asked me how and I am completely at a loss to tell them lol
Masterpaint over it ........

Nobodys cottoned on yet you know lol and you are a bad boy

Oh they'll cotton.
Hey, I ain't forgot It. ;)
still on the simmer
and those non-cotts?
not all are ready nor are they meant
You know, the excitement comes then goes away. The Idea itself - brilliant. But the staying power? How long can it last? Will it hold up over time? But maybe it doesn't have to hold up over time. Maybe... gotta go to the store. Oh it's Decembrie out there! Hell, it's so Decembrie you'd think it was nearly Jan.
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