"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Don't you hold it up yourself ? Isnt that the first rule of masterpainting? Now dont let the idea droop or you will never get the A to Z of masterpainting off the ground. I don't want any masterpainting discussion groups next week tho cos I won't be here and will miss you demonstrating your masterpainting technique
Just figures that the moment I pick to actually submit poetry for the first time in months is the day the whole system goes into a freakout...

Thanks, lovely and genuine thanks to all who have left comments. I haven't been over to look at the stuff for quite a while and I am grateful for all the notes y'all have left.

Don't you hold it up yourself ? Isnt that the first rule of masterpainting? Now dont let the idea droop or you will never get the A to Z of masterpainting off the ground. I don't want any masterpainting discussion groups next week tho cos I won't be here and will miss you demonstrating your masterpainting technique

I'll hold off, delay it, think of something else, until you are back. the Holidays, december, the new year: not the best masterpainting time... all the bustle about, all the peeps...
I'm glad that some of you like Route 35. Thank you for saying something.
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There are 18 new poems posted today. Lots of good stuff there that is definitely worth your reading time. I'm off to read them all and will be back with reviews shortly. :)

There is a treasure trove of good reading in the new poems section at Lit today. I'll just mention my favorites, but I strongly encourage you to read them all, then vote and comment. There's a lot out there well worth your time today.

Damn Ange — you hit the motherlode today. I'm through about a third of them so far and there's a smorgasboard of styles to satisfy most tastes. It's like we've been getting lumps of coal for too long and suddenly today our stockings are stuffed with some real weighty gems.

Damn Ange — you hit the motherlode today. I'm through about a third of them so far and there's a smorgasboard of styles to satisfy most tastes. It's like we've been getting lumps of coal for too long and suddenly today our stockings are stuffed with some real weighty gems.


Just like the old days. :)

There's been such a drought of really good new poems for so long that when we hit a day like today I see myself ignoring poems I know I would have recommended if there weren't such strong competition. Guess that's why it's a good idea for folks to at least skim through them all. Definitely something for everyone today.

lebroz, ty for your suggestion. there is considerable merit in it, although i dislike your suggested word. "filly" seems cliched to me and is in any case a word i dislike as slang for "woman." your point is taken, though. my first thought is to replace "the woman" with a simple "she" but that may not be neutral enough. "mare" would be wrong. perhaps a simple "not a thoroughbred"? i am just thinking, babbling. perhaps toss and redo is best. ty for the comment, very helpful. as always, oats for thought.

"She's not thoroughbred," or perhaps, "Though not thoroughbred." It feels like thoroughbred is a keeper though.

Thank you, Angeline and LeBroz, for your helpful review. Honestly, I struggled with whether or not to even post the Ascetics poem, because it really is sort of a rant, and quite wordy. Someday I'll figure out how to pare it down to the valuable bits. In the meantime, the validation for the poem as a whole was very appreciated.

thanks! :):rose:
It is an honor to get reviews from the people on this board. I apreciate the kind mention in the reviews section and the comments that have been left. Thank you.
It is an honor to get reviews from the people on this board. I apreciate the kind mention in the reviews section and the comments that have been left. Thank you.

You write really well. I'm looking forward to reading more of your poetry. :)
I would like to thank LeBroz and foehn2 for supplying the reviews yesterday. I knew there were some brightly coloured poems offered but my black curtains were pulled too tightly closed to let the light show off how lovely they are.

Merry Season and Happy Greeting, Everyone.
Once upon a time I said offhanded, a casual remark, “I could go for watermelon about now.” My companion nodded, agreed and we returned to a television show, perhaps a Hawaii Five-O rerun. It wasn’t five minutes later the doorbell rang. Two youngsters were selling homegrown watermelons. We took one and dug in, completely stunned at how something said in passing, turned true.

A recent piece I poorly titled ‘evidence’ was about waking in the morning and seeing deer tracks right near the house, and how the snow reveals evidence of who or what passed through or came around. At the time of the writing, there were no real deer tracks in the snow, around the house. But the next day, I stepped outside and there going right around the house, were fresh deer tracks.

Another? Back in October I traded messages with someone who lives towards the eastern US. I currently live in the West. I related to this person that though the scenery here is spectacular and I love it here, I sometimes missed the hardwoods of the east. I mentioned oaks, specifically. The Very Next Day, I went out in the yard, breathed the rich autumn air, happened to look down, and I said, “that looks like an oak leaf. Strange. But oaks don’t grow around here. I must be mistaken.” I picked up the leaf and couldn’t identify it as anything other than an oak leaf. Subsequent strolls around town, I spotted at least two oak trees I'd never noticed.

So, sometimes we think we speak or write in jest or fiction, but we never know what we create, what craziness we can cause, when we are careless what we speak or write. Because sometimes, words said in jest may create total pandemonium in a dimension invisible to us.

The above examples are the more happy kind, but more than once I've found that I hurt people I didn't intend to hurt, because of what I said or wrote, often intended as harmless jest; so I do hold back a lot, which may also be an unconscious cause of some unintended obscurity.
I don't hold back what you see is what you get ... oh sure I put my foot in it quite a lot but I like to make people laugh (I learnt a long time ago that generally when they are laughing they aren't hitting you) but I don't let people get too close not to the reall inner me. Does that sound like a contradiction? Perhaps I am just shallow no depth but I once let someone in and they hurt me. I guess we are all different inside from what we let other people see of us, the outside facade that fits into society .. afraid to let too many people inside just incase they don't like what they see. My outside facade has a very dry sense of humour that can waffle for England but on the other hand will hold your hand if it needs holding ... what does yours show?
I don't hold back what you see is what you get ... oh sure I put my foot in it quite a lot but I like to make people laugh (I learnt a long time ago that generally when they are laughing they aren't hitting you) but I don't let people get too close not to the reall inner me. Does that sound like a contradiction? Perhaps I am just shallow no depth but I once let someone in and they hurt me. I guess we are all different inside from what we let other people see of us, the outside facade that fits into society .. afraid to let too many people inside just incase they don't like what they see. My outside facade has a very dry sense of humour that can waffle for England but on the other hand will hold your hand if it needs holding ... what does yours show?

Ah! You're home! :heart:

I was mainly trying to hint at the source of influence for a posted piece that didn't successfully get its meaning across. Which is coincidental in itself, because for the last month or so I've pondered starting a thread that asks whether or not to explain meanings or to leave them as they are. I didn't do thread but do side with the leave them as they are, and move on to the next, try to do better.

And the facades... that's a good one. A good acquaintance said to me several years ago that he felt I put a distance, a barrier between myself and others. Which took me completely by surprise, and which I still examine, wonder about.

Also - this has been said before- with the internet you really lose out on that crucial person to person feel.

If two people were sitting at a bar, a couple pints in front of them, a couple more inside them, a few sheets of stained pages of poetry scattered about, and one picks up a piece and between puffs of a lucky strike, says "what the fuck does this mean? This is complete nonsense" you have benefit of seeing if there is a smile behind their frown, or if they are shaking their head in perverted amusement, or whatever. The two know each other.

In the 'originality' thread I related a couple instances where a couple phrases were spoken by two different people - people I've known personally but haven't seen in many years - yet I can hear their voices, I can see them saying those phrases. This luxury is missing on the internet, which is understood from the outset but easily forgotten.

Glad to see you again (I am smiling).
(I always want to stroke my beard when I think of your name, and then I remember I don't have one.)

That's a very fine thread idea. I often think about that myself - there are times when going into "what one meant to say or accomplish" is helpful, and there may be times when it's pointless.

Perhaps it could be combined with posting actual work - one could choose a piece that no one has ever "gotten" and get some opinions here as to whether or not that's a problem and what to do about it... that sort of thing.

If you build it, they will come.

(I always want to stroke my beard when I think of your name, and then I remember I don't have one.)

That's a very fine thread idea. I often think about that myself - there are times when going into "what one meant to say or accomplish" is helpful, and there may be times when it's pointless.

Perhaps it could be combined with posting actual work - one could choose a piece that no one has ever "gotten" and get some opinions here as to whether or not that's a problem and what to do about it... that sort of thing.

If you build it, they will come.


I don't think too many will come if I build it :D
They'll just stroll by and shake their heads.
But it'd be good for the exercise and it could be an endless topic.
Or, I'll build it, and you can run it. Decorate however you want.

(this post went through a mighty strenuous edit)
Thank you

Thanks for the mention in the New Poems Review Thread it is quite appreciated.
thank you, mz. wicked for picking my cut-up poem. i'm glad you liked it.
thank you, 30/30 thread for making me write it.

Looky Looky !!!


In case you've missed it, the Feedback Portal has a new look. Portends the new look coming to Lit perhaps??!! Give it a peek.

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