"To keep the review thread clean..."

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You can't move the lamp? Is it like really heavy or bolted down?
Candle? Write poetry by candlelight.
A jar of fireflies, maybe.

You could always light Ron's leg on fire. It's bad already. just saying...

Sorry. I'll go back to my corner now...
You could always light Ron's leg on fire. It's bad already. just saying...

Sorry. I'll go back to my corner now...
Good idea. She has all these options but instead she whines about losing poems in the middle of the night.
extension cord and small spotlight reading lamp = masterpieces in bed. You'll also be able to read, too.

longer cord could come in handy to :D

You can't move the lamp? Is it like really heavy or bolted down?
Candle? Write poetry by candlelight.
A jar of fireflies, maybe.

It don't reach ... where the heck do I get fireflies?

You could always light Ron's leg on fire. It's bad already. just saying...

Sorry. I'll go back to my corner now...

What are they feeding you ??!!!
a heartfelt thanks to All of the editors and reviewers who volunteer their time to review and affirm the wanderings of faceless poets.. it means A Lot.. it has meant a lot to me.

I have to apologise to all the poets I reviewed today. I inadvertently awarded you a single vote. I thought, as the reviewer I shouldn't vote so set the "thermometer" at 1. I am sorry if the number of your votes is dragged down by my stupidity.
Thank you, Darkmaas, for the mentions today - i am happy to have struck a chord or two.
LeBroz - a great big Thanks for the mentions. i've put some utter tripe in for submissions (yes, i know it) so i wonder (often) if the stuff i think is good will get any notice.

Quick question to anyone at all: comments, anonymous feedback & all sorts of things are turned ON but have been showing as off for quite some time now (well, my relative time at Lit)... If anyone knows how to correct this, i'd love to learn as the only way i might get better is to hear what others think of where i'm going, how i'm getting there and how successful i am at dragging others on my little trips. Many thanks, in advance, to anyone who might have a helpful hint or two.
<snip>Quick question to anyone at all: comments, anonymous feedback & all sorts of things are turned ON but have been showing as off for quite some time now (well, my relative time at Lit)... If anyone knows how to correct this, i'd love to learn as the only way i might get better is to hear what others think of where i'm going, how i'm getting there and how successful i am at dragging others on my little trips. Many thanks, in advance, to anyone who might have a helpful hint or two.
Hello missy.

Keep in mind there is a difference between Lit's feedback feature (email) and the Public Comments feature (with the thermometer and will show up with the piece, well, publicly).

There are 2 ways to opt out of (or into) the comments:
for feedback: In your Member Login page (at Stories and Index), you reach it when you want to submit poems, on the left sidebar menu choose Options, this is where you can choose to accept anon feedback (I've selected "no") and where you can turn off all feedback (I've selected "no") this means that in order to use the feedback feature a person should log in to do so.

for comments: When you submit pieces to literotica for publishing under your account, down near the bottom of the page, after the notes field, you select two things Allow Voting the default is Yes and Allow Public Comments the default is No. You can also revisit these options by again, on the left sidebar menu under "Submissions" choose View and then click the voting on or off and the Public Comments on or off for each submission individually.​
Hope that helps.
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Hello missy.

Keep in mind there is a difference between Lit's feedback feature (email) and the Public Comments feature (with the thermometer and will show up with the piece, well, publicly).

There are 2 ways to opt out of (or into) the comments:
for feedback: In your Member Login page (at Stories and Index), you reach it when you want to submit poems, on the left sidebar menu choose Options, this is where you can choose to accept anon feedback (I've selected "no") and where you can turn off all feedback (I've selected "no") this means that in order to use the feedback feature a person should log in to do so.

for comments: When you submit pieces to literotica for publishing under your account, down near the bottom of the page, after the notes field, you select two things Allow Voting the default is Yes and Allow Public Comments the default is No. You can also revisit these options by again, on the left sidebar menu under "Submissions" choose View and then click the voting on or off and the Public Comments on or off for each submission individually.​
Hope that helps.

:) Champ - ty for the guidance. i had gone through these settings once before, when Eve mentioned comments were off, and i've gone through them again today. i do hope it helps & that i just overlooked something last time. just have to wait and see, i suppose.
:) Champ - ty for the guidance. i had gone through these settings once before, when Eve mentioned comments were off, and i've gone through them again today. i do hope it helps & that i just overlooked something last time. just have to wait and see, i suppose.
Last time I looked, still off. After you click on Make comments public, you have to click save changes at the bottom of the page.
Last time I looked, still off. After you click on Make comments public, you have to click save changes at the bottom of the page.

argh - done & frustrated. trying again - i have to have done something wrong but this seems so extraordinarily simple.
i went through each individual submission, changed each to No, then back to Yes in order to get Comments to come back for them... like resuscitating something that really wanted to die... ugh... but, they're there! yay!

and now, i submitted two poems yesterday but neither appeared? Hope i'm the only one on the back burner (not that i really mind, just that i haven't seen anything come up for today's new poems... no spring grasses - guess it's snowing everywhere).
darkmaas said:
Just one note of disappointment in conclusion. Where's my Starrkers Limmerick?
Sorry darkmaas :D. They seem to be releasing them in pairs, rather than one a day like I thought. Ladynstfrknbed got two for the price of one!
There's a couple in the queue now.
And then I'm backlogged with really bad rhyming to fix :eek:
A Self Humour test

A Clue.. There is something "hidden" under the "mask" of an invitation to a masquerade.

Just to get you started: "strokes"? as in

writers pen strokes
readers masturbatory motions (mmmmmmm)
reviewers remarks (ouch)
flirt and flattery
musical tones
ball guests touching flesh
a sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness

The poem is an Ironical Satire about.. Literotica.. All of Us.. writers, readers and reviewers. If you are not smiling afterward.. i suggest a humor check-up.
And once again.. I Prostrate myself to kiss the feet of all the Reviewers.. well.. with the exception of Eve.. i guess i will just have to Eat her.

You do Meaningful Service.

And btw.. that "irritating" Emoticon that is chewing everyone's ass? It does bear a Striking resemblance to a porcelain theater mask don't you think? albeit a mischievous one..

Smile now
read Deep P)
Somewhere along the line of reviewers 'Dying to be together' by Tristesse2, slpped past without comment so I would like to put that right if I may. Even though I don't know the right words to explain likes and dislikes I think it is beautiful and worthy of a proper review

UYS, thanks for mentioning Dying to be together by Tristesse2. It was posted on Turkey Day and my review day. Unfortunately, I'm just now getting online -- so I completely missed the reviews. Hope everyone gets a chance to read the poem and all the poetry posted in the past few days. :rose:

:D Thank you ladies.
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