"To keep the review thread clean..."

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That’s it from this reader on this day. I want to add how I am constantly blown away by the caliber of the poetry being submitted these days. I can’t see why, given that Literotica has a book of selected stories published, it doesn’t do the same for the poetry it harbours.

Thanks for the mention today ;)

You know, I'd be happy to publish something like that at eXcessica. The problem comes in paying out royalties. Too hard to split it between so many authors, the way we pay out... but if the goal is just to see them e-and-print published, there's always the option of donating the proceeds... something to consider!
Thanks for the mention today ;)

You know, I'd be happy to publish something like that at eXcessica. The problem comes in paying out royalties. Too hard to split it between so many authors, the way we pay out... but if the goal is just to see them e-and-print published, there's always the option of donating the proceeds... something to consider!
The other way to satisfy the royalty division would be to send the cheque to a selected charity. That way the poets are published, the publisher has some kind of recompense for their effort and everyone has the satisfaction of knowing that their writing is contributing to a greater good.
Many Thanks

I’d like to thank the reviewers who do an under appreciated service to the forum. I’ve had the honor of being mentioned recently for drafts I've posted. Special thanks to hmmnmm for taking the time to give a second read to Slow Fall From A Shudder a struggling poem that tries to exam both sides of what makes an orgasm worth having.

Also thanks to Tristesse2 for appreciating the components and the whole of Frost Bites. While the poem is far from perfect I'm really happy with the rhythm, so it is a little victory for me. Shoveling Therapy For A Serial Killer is the roughest and most flawed but I appreciate that the essence of the poem was not lost despite some grammatical errors and an unrefined presentation.
The other way to satisfy the royalty division would be to send the cheque to a selected charity. That way the poets are published, the publisher has some kind of recompense for their effort and everyone has the satisfaction of knowing that their writing is contributing to a greater good.

Yep, that's what I meant by donating the proceeds! ;)

Someone want to pick up the organizing ball? We have amazing poets here (myself soooo not included :D ) and I'd love love love to see you all get a larger audience! :heart:
Yep, that's what I meant by donating the proceeds! ;)

Someone want to pick up the organizing ball? We have amazing poets here (myself soooo not included :D ) and I'd love love love to see you all get a larger audience! :heart:
O word... I read it but I didn't Read it, in your post. LOL. You must be an editor ;).
The other way to satisfy the royalty division would be to send the cheque to a selected charity. That way the poets are published, the publisher has some kind of recompense for their effort and everyone has the satisfaction of knowing that their writing is contributing to a greater good.

Writers work hard on putting work together. They get paid little enough for it as it. I say they should at least be paid something for their hard work. There is nothing that says you can't pay the authors and also put something towards the greater good.
Writers work hard on putting work together. They get paid little enough for it as it. I say they should at least be paid something for their hard work. There is nothing that says you can't pay the authors and also put something towards the greater good.
LOL. But poets rarely get paid. Altruism in poetica land is enforced by the need of the few to see their name in print. :D
Personally I find it a waste of time and effort to work for no money at all. Would you expect the same from a teacher or cop? I doubt it.
Then you don't need to submit anywhere you won't get paid. The idea is that an editor would not be hiring anyone to contribute poetry to a charitable cause; so therefore, if someone submits a poem for inclusion in a such a publication, they shouldn't be surprised if they don't get paid to be accepted as a contributing poet. The operative word in this instance being charitable.
Then you don't need to submit anywhere you won't get paid. The idea is that an editor would not be hiring anyone to contribute poetry to a charitable cause; so therefore, if someone submits a poem for inclusion in a such a publication, they shouldn't be surprised if they don't get paid to be accepted as a contributing poet. The operative word in this instance being charitable.

My mistake. I thought you were trying to pass a project where from now on no poets get paid for their work. I'll submit where I want by the way
My mistake. I thought you were trying to pass a project where from now on no poets get paid for their work. I'll submit where I want by the way
Submit away... in the best sense. Why are you picking everything apart that I suggest when all I did originally was reiterate what SK already said? Need and may are two very different words and all I said in the post you quoted was that you didn't NEED to submit, no one can be forced. Sheesh.

Anywho... I'm off to see a movie. Have a good evening.
Submit away... in the best sense. Why are you picking everything apart that I suggest when all I did originally was reiterate what SK already said? Need and may are two very different words and all I said in the post you quoted was that you didn't NEED to submit, no one can be forced. Sheesh.

Anywho... I'm off to see a movie. Have a good evening.

FWIW, I'd be happy to publish a paid poetry anthology, but it would have to be from one author. So if you have enough poems to fill one, submit them!

But the way eXcessica runs - profits go directly to the author via Paypal - we can't "split" profits for anthologies by many different authors. Which is why I suggested the donation/charity route, if a bunch of authors wanted to participate.
On a lighter note, a got my expected laugh from starrkers' latest limerick installment. The Date Pt 9 is very cute. Am I to assume that next year's limerick series will be called "The Pregnancy"?
HA! You'll have to wait and see, won't you :p
The rate I'm going, "The Date" will still be running at part 437 :eek:

Parts 10 and 11 will be submitted today. Part 12 as soon as I can get a better rhyme than movie and woozy :eek:. I'm hoping he'll have her home again by Part 15. Originally I thought this would be a maximum of 10 parts, but it keeps growing.
HA! You'll have to wait and see, won't you :p
The rate I'm going, "The Date" will still be running at part 437 :eek:

Parts 10 and 11 will be submitted today. Part 12 as soon as I can get a better rhyme than movie and woozy :eek:. I'm hoping he'll have her home again by Part 15. Originally I thought this would be a maximum of 10 parts, but it keeps growing.



Man! My typo sucked. I only noticed it when you quoted it. Yesteray was crazy busy. I'm afraid to look if there are any other typos in the review. :rolleyes:
Darkmaas said:
Tuesday again! Darkmaas is on the road and there are a large number of poems so I'm taking a leaf out of hmmnmm's book and doing the rewiew in small gulps. If someone gets missed in the shuffle please forgive me.

It's a red letter day in spite of the gathering economic gloom because darkmaas finally gets his Starrkers'-of-the-Day. Limericks get no respect. They are criticized for being little more than rhyme and meter wrapped around a dirty joke. However there is something primal about a well turned Limerick and today's example is no exception. You will note that the poet has played rather loosely with the meter - a cardinal sin in any other form but, the meter of a Limerick is in fact extremely forgiving. It's a pity that Tzara's thread on meter and cadence is bogged down on easy cadence and hasn't yet gotten up enough steam to tackle the Limerick. Those of us reading starrkers' extended "Date" might have better tools to handle the criticism of such a form. Perhaps it is time for a New Limerick Thread. I digress and other poems await.

Be back in a moment ...
Thank you kindly.
I play fast and loose with meter a lot ;)
That's why I rarely tackle poetry, and it's even more rare that I do it well.
Eve - many 'thank you's for the opinions. i was hoping metalsoft would read right - glad it worked for you.
hmmnmm -

No crucifixion, no stoning, no berating... you tried but it just wasn't a day for you - we may have sucked you dry on previous days but i hope that's not the case. ;)

Really and Truly appreciate the efforts of Everyone and Anyone who has the guts to try to review any of the poetry - i know i couldn't: most of it is sooo far beyond me.

So thanks for trying, we all know you read our stuff at the very least and i know it's enough for me :rose:
And you're extremely too generous, missy. Could always revisit today's selections in the Fireside as the mood allows. Hm? And sucked dry? Oh yes, a weekly spree for sure and I sure ain't a willowy wippersnapper no more. What happened to the years! And, sometimes a fella just needs to back away and get some fresh air and clear the head and bang some loud guitar chords and all that stuff. And look forward to the sweetness of beginning anew. Ain't that nice?
indeed... and the sweet newness will be there, i'm sure...

you talk as if you're older than Methuselah... me thinks not :p i say "sucked dry" because we can be a bit vampiric at times always take take taking ... well, let me limit that to me instead of we...
indeed... and the sweet newness will be there, i'm sure...

you talk as if you're older than Methuselah... me thinks not :p i say "sucked dry" because we can be a bit vampiric at times always take take taking ... well, let me limit that to me instead of we...

nah, not that old, just bitchin. and you must be one of the nice vampires, and here I was saying last week i wasn't into vampires... blood?

Ah! that's it! It's all vampires! Lit is run by vampires! And they (you among them certainly) have us under deep hypnosis so we keep coming back. Daily suck. Weekly suck. Weakened. Can't quit. Can't turn away, can't... resist. Must obey. Come to Lit. No! Must Face the light. Go into the light. Look at the light. The real.

Ha! Good try.

I think we're dirtying up this thread... sorry.

Next Friday: double good review. Cross my heart. :heart:
this isn't precisely about the Reviews but i'm not a precise person so maybe y'all will overlook :)

Thank YOU to anyone and everyone who has ever left a comment for any piece... When i first started submitting i wasn't too concerned with the ratings only because i didn't really think anyone would take the time/energy to quantify their interpretation of something i submitted. Well, now i don't not care but i don't get a ton from it so the ratings exist but aren't a deeply meaningful thing for me. What i DO get something from is the comment...

The Comment has become something that causes an intake of breath, a breath of anticipation... a breath of joy that someone has taken the time and energy to put together a thought that concerns a thought i've taken the time/energy to put out there too... The Comment is a lovely thing & i, for one, am glad that The Comment exists - such a substantive little thing that holds such joy just because it IS.

Thank you :rose:
Yeah... call it poetic license. :D

Thanks for the mention! :heart:

You are quite welcome.

and speaking of licenses... all my word operation licenses were revoked back in the early weeks of this century. But I still word around, came here, where it's safe, where you can use words in quiet corners and nooks. I'd appreciate it if this information doesn't go beyond these walls. Thanks.

Well I'd love to chew the fat with you but we have this cat we adopted (long story) and it's too cold for him to be outside, but he's also the type who really needs the wide open outdoors for all that pent up energy. He's cute. Solid black but big ol' yellow eyes. And cuddly. If there is anything to reincarnation that's what I wanna be: cute and cuddly, with big yellow eyes. You could get away with anything.

Thanks for the poetry. :heart:
Thanks for the mention in today's reviews, Safe_Bet, and for your lovely comment

Thanks for the mention, darkmaas. Was it a real haiku? Somehow, I doubt it. But it was a fun way to describe the mutt.
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