"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thank you LadynStFreknBed for mentioning my latest poem in the reviews and to Safe_Bet, KOLKORE and ladydaley for their comments

For the love of censorship...

I've been reading stories on this website since I was in high school, right around 2001, and the poems here for the last couple years. Not until today have I ever wished someone's work was censored, just removed from the website.

Ramonathompson just did it for me this morning. She's posted a ton of poems the last few years so most of you probably have an idea who I'm talking about. They're supposed to be shocking/satire but they're inane, harmless, and written so poorly that I wonder if I'm the only one that feels insulted that her/his work is in the same place as ours.

There used to be this metal band called AnalC*nt that it looks like she's emulating. Accept they were actually insulting, racist, homophobic, etc. in an original way and twinged that sociopathic glint in all of us. If anyone has an idea what her/his program is, I'd wished they'd share. Her/his bio is long and seemingly ridiculous in its self-promotion of probably nonexistant magazines.
I've been reading stories on this website since I was in high school, right around 2001, and the poems here for the last couple years. Not until today have I ever wished someone's work was censored, just removed from the website. <snip>.
Your only recourse is to use the "report" feature found on each page of published pieces. I, too, have taken offence and simply do not read this poet anymore.
I've been reading stories on this website since I was in high school, right around 2001, and the poems here for the last couple years. Not until today have I ever wished someone's work was censored, just removed from the website.

Ramonathompson just did it for me this morning. She's posted a ton of poems the last few years so most of you probably have an idea who I'm talking about. They're supposed to be shocking/satire but they're inane, harmless, and written so poorly that I wonder if I'm the only one that feels insulted that her/his work is in the same place as ours.

There used to be this metal band called AnalC*nt that it looks like she's emulating. Accept they were actually insulting, racist, homophobic, etc. in an original way and twinged that sociopathic glint in all of us. If anyone has an idea what her/his program is, I'd wished they'd share. Her/his bio is long and seemingly ridiculous in its self-promotion of probably nonexistant magazines.

Those magazines are real. If you don't like me then do not read me. It is as simple as that. I do not know this so called band you are talking about nor am I here to try to offend anyone.

I am simply making art the same as any other poet on this site.

If you have something to say about that then you say it to me and not behind my back.

I will gladly talk to you about it. I hope I have made myself clear.

I just read your comment on my poem-Daddy Drinks Because You Cry.

The idea did not come from any news story. The idea came from a e-mail I got with titles of fake children's books that failed.

The list is below.

Little Golden Books That Never Made It:

1. You Are Different and That's Bad
2. The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables
3. Dad's New Wife Robert
4. Fun Four Letter Words to Know and Share
5. Hammers, Screwdrivers, and Scissors: An I-Can-Do-It Book
6. The Kid's Guide to Hitchhiking
7. Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her
8. Curios George and the High Voltage Fence
9. All Cats Go To Hell
10. The Little Sissy Who Snitched
11. Some Kittens Can Fly
12. That's It, I'm Putting You Up For Adoption
13. Grandpa Gets A Casket
14. The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator
15. Garfield Gets Feline Leukemia
16. The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy
17. Strangers Have the Best Candy
18. You Were An Accident
19. Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
20. Pop! Goes the Hamster.and Other Great Microwave Games
21. The Man in the Moon is Actually Satan
22. Your Nightmares are Real
23. Where would You Like To Be Buried?
24. Eggs, Toilet Paper, and Your School
25. Why Can't Mr. Fork and Ms. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?
26. Places Where Mommy and Daddy Hide Neat Things
27. Daddy Drinks Because You Cry


The title alone inspired the tale. Nothing else.
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Thanks annaswirls for the mention in today's review thread. It was my first ever Haiku, so I appreciate the support.
Thankyou to Anna and Darkmaas for their kind mentions. No it's not a real word lol but there's a term with a name that escapes me for the moment that's allowed to be fitted into that form
Ramona, dear or sir, I've sent you a P Message. I've no interest in arguing, especially over a messageboard, unless that's your program, and I might indulge you.
Thank you, Eve for your mention in today's review-- timely review, I might add! Especially since my reviews have seen evening hours as of late.

I was curious about what you said about "Resolute in thrall of flesh yielding heat" having one too many syllables. I read it as 10 syllables. I was trying to figure out where the extra syllable might be.

We were having an interesting conversation here recently about how accents can affect syllable count and rhymes. I find that very interesting. I'm from PA, where I say we have no accent. LOL Funny how different people can read the same poem and see vast differences, not only in meaning, but also in mechanics.

SB, I still say "hell" does not rhyme with "fail"!
just pickin' on ya!
Thank you, Eve for your mention in today's review-- timely review, I might add! Especially since my reviews have seen evening hours as of late.

I was curious about what you said about "Resolute in thrall of flesh yielding heat" having one too many syllables. I read it as 10 syllables. I was trying to figure out where the extra syllable might be.

We were having an interesting conversation here recently about how accents can affect syllable count and rhymes. I find that very interesting. I'm from PA, where I say we have no accent. LOL Funny how different people can read the same poem and see vast differences, not only in meaning, but also in mechanics.

SB, I still say "hell" does not rhyme with "fail"!
just pickin' on ya!

I didn't count the syllables, but to my ears it sounds like one too many. I will, of course, read it again. But I really did stumble on that line.

Oh, yeah, accents certainly do! I have a small southern town tendency to add syllables to words. lol For instance, instead of hill, I'll say something like "hee-uhl." :D
I didn't count the syllables, but to my ears it sounds like one too many. I will, of course, read it again. But I really did stumble on that line.

Oh, yeah, accents certainly do! I have a small southern town tendency to add syllables to words. lol For instance, instead of hill, I'll say something like "hee-uhl." :D

I would think that some accents would make it more difficult for some poets to write forms than others. Do you think so?

What does a accentual poet do? Bow to the English standard?

I suppose one must if they are to fit a particular form.
Thank you, Eve for your mention in today's review-- timely review, I might add! Especially since my reviews have seen evening hours as of late.

I was curious about what you said about "Resolute in thrall of flesh yielding heat" having one too many syllables. I read it as 10 syllables. I was trying to figure out where the extra syllable might be.

We were having an interesting conversation here recently about how accents can affect syllable count and rhymes. I find that very interesting. I'm from PA, where I say we have no accent. LOL Funny how different people can read the same poem and see vast differences, not only in meaning, but also in mechanics.

SB, I still say "hell" does not rhyme with "fail"!
just pickin' on ya!

Hmmmm... Now I need to figure out what rhymes with "Bite me!" :D

Do you think it's a coincidence that haiku rhymes with "fuck you"?
Thank you Eve for recommending my poem Flowers and Corpses. I'd love to take credit for the title, but it came straight from Lauren's list of triggers for the Survivor Challenge. And it's a somber, morbid kind of poem, but hey when you have to say "There's flowers and corpses" over and over, it's kinda hard to write about a parade--though maybe one could do a Day of the Dead parade poem.

But I digress. I know what you mean about the syllables in that one line. I was being iambic, but if I try to publish it elsewhere, I think I'll redo that line!

And much thanks Swirly for your comment. Here, have a tissue. ;)

I would think that some accents would make it more difficult for some poets to write forms than others. Do you think so?

Probably not. If you're not sure about a word, just look it up. Some dictionaries let you hear the word. And usually I don't write the way I speak.

Remmy popped his New Poem Review cherry (again?)!

In Cal Y pygia's "Barbequed Spaniels and Other Poems" there's a poem called "Bearded Ladies" that is excellent. I usually can't read all the different poems she submits at a time, and I actually only read the first and skimmed the rest, but Bearded Ladies is gold, and i wished she'd submitted it by itself. makes me think I'm missing some others of hers cuz of her propensity to post reams of lines at a time.
In Cal Y pygia's "Barbequed Spaniels and Other Poems" there's a poem called "Bearded Ladies" that is excellent. I usually can't read all the different poems she submits at a time, and I actually only read the first and skimmed the rest, but Bearded Ladies is gold, and i wished she'd submitted it by itself. makes me think I'm missing some others of hers cuz of her propensity to post reams of lines at a time.

Dude, you should post your recommendations up in the Reviewers thread. They are open to anyone who has an opinion, one way or the other, about any poem posted here on Lit. (Just no "chatting" or "thank yous" = that for what this thread was intended).

P.S. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thank you LadynStFreknBed and Darkmaas for your kind words -- and for those who are leaving comments on any of the new poems. This is difficult -- the nods and smiles are really really encouraging.

I posted my Valentine's Day poem on my own review day to save anyone else from being compelled to read it! I am still twitching from writing it.

The day after our new president was sworn in, we were speaking about the inaguaration poem, how we might be challenged to write one, and all I could think about was writing to him about breakfast cereal.... just an image I had in my mind, every morning, waking up as President, with a silver spoon and white bowl.... at any rate, I am going to break my own rules and write a poet's choice free form poem about it. Breakfast cereal....

It might seem like such a banal topic. But think about it-- Who in society shops for breakfast cereal? Who doesn't? is an even more interesting question.
Rushing in to say thank you LadynStFreknBed and Darkmaas and to say that not a lot is going through my head concerning breakfast cereals or tin foil covered windows! If those references go over anybodys heads well get yourselves down to the Survivor thread and suffer with the rest of us (oops I mean have a jolly good time!)
Thank you sweet anna and Unmasked Poet for your kind remarks on my poems in the review thread today and thank you too, to Angeline and bflagsst for comments left with the poems.
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New Poems!​
Get them while there are fresh!

The illustrated ones are up! Yeah for me! Except mine did not make it across the transom for some reason.

Holy Crow a lot of new poems. I started reviewing thinking there were not so many, might as well do em all..... sorry this is such a long review!

Here goes:

A The Blue Book - 1902
by Tristesse2©
is just perfect, run down of the working girls in Tom Anderson's Blue Book.
Unmasked poet does a good job reviewing this one and I agree with his assertation.


A Illustrated Clerihew
by Angeline©
The mistress of jazz illustrations never disappoints. "sung a tango" brilliant


A Pre-Fix
by hmmnmm©
is rockin' cool-- I can see this stapled to the wall of cool coffee shops and on telephone poles. Compliment.


A Dione
by LadynStFreknBed©

oooh beautiful, click this one quick! A NASA photo with a lovely haiku.


Another Cal collection under the title of:
A Cold Train
by Cal Y. Pygia©

This one was more direct than some of her others, it made a whole lot of sense to me. I like how she twists genders like blue and pink playdough, then rolls them between her hands until it is just a mushy lovely purpleish Yes.

If Cal has not fallen in love with the Magnetic Fields, I bet she might.

Some honorable mentions:

Another collection by Cal Y. Pygia©

A Willing Accomplice

MAGIC ANTELOPE was my favorite

go see what these three have in common...


T Dali's Key
by Tristesse2© wins best title of the day


Number 3 by Tristesse2©
Not my favorite of hers today, but a nice tribute: And how nice to be able to be picky with a Tess showing!


Valentine Memory
he makes it look easy! We know it is not. Nicely done.
by Middleagepoet©


Colour of Love
by wife2hotblk©
I love this illustration. Poem is okay-- like the ending-- it fits with the picture.


Here are some that might tickle your fancy

Two short and sweet ones:
River and Freedom by DecadentAngel©


The Big Bang
by quixotic14you©
This one did not really work for me. I liked this line:
but bubbling and gurgling, growls and groans is not how I envision the big bang and it did not seem to fit the picture, which was more static and the poem felt very fluid and moving. Maybe I am missing something, of course, it is very possible, go check it out yourself.


by DecadentAngel©
Don't let this one bite you.


riter723 has a whole bunch up today. Here is a little taste of this young writer's words. She really puts her heart into her writing.

Shelter From The Storm

In The Raw
by riter723© was my favorite of her offerings today:


A naughty little sexy thing!
by uneven©


I think most of us have been here with icey_hearted


by icey_hearted©

Another one:
A Second Chance
by icey_hearted©

I liked this one the best, had a twist in the middle I enjoyed. I would recommend this writer putting their work through a spell checker-- surely spelling is not what matters most, but it does...matter.

Under The Moon
by icey_hearted©


Bottled Inside
by LdyNPhx© has gotten one comment so far on her poem-- why not go add another?


Imagine-A Breast Cancer Tribute
by ramonathompson©

Rewrite of the John Lennon classic
It was hard for me to get an angle on this one. It seemed very serene, serious, and then used the word "boobies" and just made me giggle a little and I thought WAIT this is about breast cancer, stop giggling!

I'm Pregnant
by ramonathompson©
A moving note to the "father"


You like Jack off Poems?
Here are two for the price of one

Dear Movie Star
by Jdk44©

Just Jack Me Off
by Jdk44©


Two sweet and sexy offerings by madelinemadly© Liquid

by madelinemadly©


Remec© tackles two challenging survivor poems, go cheer him on:


by Remec©


That is all for me! What a fine day for Poetry in LitLand!

Remember, it is just me, little ol me. Not to be taken so seriously. Please read, give encouragement, vote, comment, do an interpretive dance, cook oatmeal, come back read more and then well, you know what to do, don't need Mama Anna to tell you.

Have a super duper week y'all.



Thanks for the mentions.
Thanks Swirly for recommending my silly clerihew, and thank you PoeTess for the comment. As I'll bet Tess knows, the only recording of Prez singing is Two to Tango, with the Oscar Peterson Trio. He sounds pretty tanked as he sings it and since a) his singing voice is nothing to write home about and b) his improv on it includes lines like "drop your drawers, drop your drawers, drop your drawers," he was probably better off sticking with the tenor sax. :D

Anna, you did yeoman's work today and what a delightful shock to see the Unmasked Poet show up after all these years!
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