"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thanks Swirly for recommending my silly clerihew, and thank you PoeTess for the comment. As I'll bet Tess knows, the only recording of Prez singing is Two to Tango, with the Oscar Peterson Trio. He sounds pretty tanked as he sings it and since a) his singing voice is nothing to write home about and b) his improv on it includes lines like "drop your drawers, drop your drawers, drop your drawers," he was probably better off sticking with the tenor sax. :D

Anna, you did yeoman's work today and what a delightful shock to see the Unmasked Poet show up after all these years!

You are welcome Jazz-girl.

I know! To me, Unmasked Poet was just a legend. I was pleasantly surprised to see him/her reborn! WTG Tess for bringing the legend back to life.

drop your drawers!

I can totally hear it.
You are welcome Jazz-girl.

I know! To me, Unmasked Poet was just a legend. I was pleasantly surprised to see him/her reborn! WTG Tess for bringing the legend back to life.

drop your drawers!

I can totally hear it.

I tried to find it on Youtube to link it, but it's not there. Too bad, it's really pretty funny. :)

And Unmasked Poet is one of the best reviewers I've ever read here. It's some compliment to Tess, and I only hope he comes back and gives us more!
I tried to find it on Youtube to link it, but it's not there. Too bad, it's really pretty funny. :)

And Unmasked Poet is one of the best reviewers I've ever read here. It's some compliment to Tess, and I only hope he comes back and gives us more!

Thanks Unmasked Poet for taking note of my two form poems today. I know the poems are not where they should be--and I appreciate your taking the time to notice. I am 100% new to writing in form or with boundries that set are outside of myself. It is a complete stretch and I surprise myself every time I hit "submit."

It is like the school kids who have to find ways to express their individuality while wearing uniforms. It is a lot more difficult for me to get what I am trying to say into the form.

I have to say, having you here is making me sit up a straighter and make sure I am careful. I am a little scared of you, and I like that. :cool:
Still learning my way around. Thank you, I enjoyed your poetry today. Forms are often difficult but there is so much to learn from them. The really hard part is applying all those techniques into your non-form poetry. There is no reason a line; strophe or entire free verse poem can’t be filled with elements of one form or ten. I look forward to reading more of your art and no need to sit up straight.

As for scared no one has been scared to see me coming since my first wife "God rest her soul" on our wedding night. Later I found out it wasn't my physical stature but her inner conflict on whether to fake virginity and the orgasm or just the orgasm. Back then for some dumb ass reason those things were considered important.

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thank you so much, UP, for the praise - not sure i deserve that one but i'm appreciative you saw something there - truly happy something hit people in a good place... no bruising and whatnot :)
Thanks hmmmnmm for the super nice review. "I call that mind free" was great to write because I got to read through some of my favorite sermons and quotations. Very inspiration stuff.

Thanks for the respect you give all the poets who had work put out today. You always do such a good job with them, and I appreciate the time and energy you put in each week.

And I have to honestly honestly say, these challenges really are hard for me, it is not just a routine I put on. Ask any of the old girls around here (haha) I have never ever done form challenges before. Ever. And there have been a ton. I always try and then run away and hide behind my stream of consciousness crap.

Have a super weekend!

Still learning my way around. Thank you, I enjoyed your poetry today. Forms are often difficult but there is so much to learn from them. The really hard part is applying all those techniques into your non-form poetry. There is no reason a line; strophe or entire free verse poem can’t be filled with elements of one form or ten. I look forward to reading more of your art and no need to sit up straight.

As for scared no one has been scared to see me coming since my first wife "God rest her soul" on our wedding night. Later I found out it wasn't my physical stature but her inner conflict on whether to fake virginity and the orgasm or just the orgasm. Back then for some dumb ass reason those things were considered important.


I agree whole heartedly with your assessment and am hoping to carry over some of the more grown up techniques into my juvenile verse.

Your wedding night story made me smile-- I hope you have written a poem about it somewhere.

And it is all good, I need some mysterious force to be a little scared of. Of which to be scared. I am a sloucher.

Happy weekend,
Thanks hmmmnmm for the super nice review. "I call that mind free" was great to write because I got to read through some of my favorite sermons and quotations. Very inspiration stuff.

Thanks for the respect you give all the poets who had work put out today. You always do such a good job with them, and I appreciate the time and energy you put in each week.

And I have to honestly honestly say, these challenges really are hard for me, it is not just a routine I put on. Ask any of the old girls around here (haha) I have never ever done form challenges before. Ever. And there have been a ton. I always try and then run away and hide behind my stream of consciousness crap.

Have a super weekend!


Ooh. Super's a tall order. Who knows? And you're quite welcome. Tis a pleasure. It don't matter in some cases who do the penetrating and who be the penetrated.

And woo-doggy I've sure fallen behind on public nods of gratitude for so many who have given encouraging words on things I been a long time interested in but very nervous in trying. Like the variety. You know. Buffet. That's what life should be: buffet. Sleazy sex in cheap motels and high class romance in five-star suites. City girls, country girls, domestic girls, foreign girls... fast cars, old jalopies, loud music, easy music. Oh yes. Should be. And I'm going to bed. Night. Thanks.
more Cal Y. Pygia inquiry

Cal Y. Pygia, I'd like to send an electronic transmission to you but there's no contact. Do you have a chapbook/book with your work? It seems like you'd have plenty to go on with what you've submitted here to do a solid transgender themed manuscript.

I usually scan your work because there's so many lines in your submissions. It's like doing work to find the excellent poems. I think other people have said the same thing. If you submitted one or two at a time the poems would be read instead of passed over or scanned. Usually when there's multiple submissions I don't read that person. But you're very good, so I don't understand why you feel you have to submit everything you've ever written within a couple months? Maybe you suffer from hypergraphia? I've always wanted to talk to someone with hypergraphia. Contact me if you wanna talk about your hypergraphia or the chapbooks I've imagined that you have.

Message to everyone else. JDK44 only submits his wonderful satire in februarys, I think. Most of them are excellent and insulting and funny, so keep yer eye out for him.
hmmnmm - thank you sooooo much for the mention in your review yesterday :D:D:D my ego is feeling warm & fuzzy atm :D
your ego?

oh oh oh oh... right.
ego ;)
twas a pleasure
a pleasure
fulsome pleasure
pleasure ever always
oh yes.
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Unmasked Poet you don't seem to have said a lot in your 8 years here (unlike some of us who can't stop talking!) but I thank you for your review today it certainly helps me keep on trying in this Survivor thing!
Unmasked Poet you don't seem to have said a lot in your 8 years here (unlike some of us who can't stop talking!) but I thank you for your review today it certainly helps me keep on trying in this Survivor thing!

I tend to talk and post mostly about poems and poets. I find it keeps me out of trouble for the most part:rolleyes:

I read your catalog and there are some promising poems, the good ones, the mundane all struggle with the hesitancy I see in your writing. Be bold when writing you are a colossus straddling the earth. Channel you power, your sexuality more than your tenderness. Now I will return to my cave.

An October poem is wistful and enjoyable I have an issue with the word profundity oh it’s a good word and all but it is completely out of place, it lacks the clarity and simplicity of the words around it. This just clunks up the poem and disrupts the flow. It is so jarring that it even stops the imagery in its tracks. The poem really doesn’t get its groove back until the wonderful line: “no sun skin thumbprint” maybe this works better if you don’t read it aloud, but you should always read it aloud its poetry.

profundity ink-flowed
like a fun ditty,
did not thud
until poet read it aloud.

now poet is editing,
feeling her lack,
and without a knack,
and less profound.
Wicked Eve tops my list of worthy reads today, her two poems java and an October poem are sparse and have her trademark mirthful melancholy. These poems work not because of what they say but because of the space between words. Java is the sparsest of the two and not about coffee. The poem doesn’t show us the best parts of the day, just the dots that connect them. It’s mellow, barely sweet with a pleasant after taste.

Would it take away from the poem if I told you that I took an inspirational pee in a cave before I wrote the poem?
bluebell7 - thank you for the thoughts on Dreams In Water and where my head meanders at times - means a lot :)
ha, speaking of meandering
my most favorite way of going through life is without too many destinations, so it would make sense that preference comes through in written expression. If I was with a group of travelers and we all arrived in X City, got off the plane, got settled in the hotels, and as they regrouped and set off on their touring itinerary, I'm the one who sneaks off, throws away the map, and just wanders down this street and that street, maybe looking, gawking, and maybe or maybe not caring about the significance of any of it. Maybe carry a camera and a notepaper stuck in my pocket. Find a place to get a coffee or a beer, settle in and... and now wanderlust entices... been so long.

E T A: on the rare occasion that I really want to get somewhere specific and someone else is in charge of the getting us there, and if they become like me and dawdle and doodle and wander and such... so I can understand the frustration.
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Would it take away from the poem if I told you that I took an inspirational pee in a cave before I wrote the poem?

You were inspired by peeing? Peeing in a cave? Peeing doesn't usually (ok ever) inspire me, but maybe I need to nurture new kinks. I don't think I want to spelunk to do it though. Some call it nature; I call it dirt and bugs. I'm pretty sure I could get inspired from peeing in a bathroom in a Plaza suite. Have I beaten this horse to death? I think I have to pee now.

What are you holding up with your tongue in that av or shouldn't I ask? :)
You were inspired by peeing? Peeing in a cave? Peeing doesn't usually (ok ever) inspire me, but maybe I need to nurture new kinks. I don't think I want to spelunk to do it though. Some call it nature; I call it dirt and bugs. I'm pretty sure I could get inspired from peeing in a bathroom in a Plaza suite. Have I beaten this horse to death? I think I have to pee now.

What are you holding up with your tongue in that av or shouldn't I ask? :)

I drank too much coffee and had to pee. I was squatting there, feeling the cool air coming from the depths of the cave, water dripping down on me from the cave's ceiling, the threat of bats in the darkness. It was exciting! :D

It's the O-ring on my leather wrist cuff, silly.
I drank too much coffee and had to pee. I was squatting there, feeling the cool air coming from the depths of the cave, water dripping down on me from the cave's ceiling, the threat of bats in the darkness. It was exciting! :D

It's the O-ring on my leather wrist cuff, silly.

LOL! I thought so, but if I didn't have imagination I couldn't be a poet. :D

The threat of bats in the darkness makes me say eek and run.
You were inspired by peeing? Peeing in a cave? Peeing doesn't usually (ok ever) inspire me, but maybe I need to nurture new kinks. I don't think I want to spelunk to do it though. Some call it nature; I call it dirt and bugs. I'm pretty sure I could get inspired from peeing in a bathroom in a Plaza suite. Have I beaten this horse to death? I think I have to pee now.

What are you holding up with your tongue in that av or shouldn't I ask? :)

I am not usually inspired by peeing, but once I wrote one about peeing in the woods. I have no idea what poem it is.

Here is my favorite bathroom poem:
Mall of America Bathroom

Maybe we could get Senna Jawa to start up a pee and poop anthology. Although Rybka (rest in peace) would be appalled with all the poopy stuff.

okay break over, gotta get that damn issue finished. I mean lovely issue.
I am not usually inspired by peeing, but once I wrote one about peeing in the woods. I have no idea what poem it is.

Here is my favorite bathroom poem:
Mall of America Bathroom

Maybe we could get Senna Jawa to start up a pee and poop anthology. Although Rybka (rest in peace) would be appalled with all the poopy stuff.

okay break over, gotta get that damn issue finished. I mean lovely issue.

I remember that poem, which is great, and even when sp took the trip to MN that resulted in him writing it. I recall him bitching to me about having to go, and yet it produced good poetry from him--but then pretty much everything did.

Do you remember that when Senna first came here, he wrote a prose poem about monkeys in kindergarten smearing shit? It was a slur on the poetry he was reading here at the time (he can deny, but I wouldn't believe him lol), and it really pissed off a lot of poets. Senna has been Mr. Polarizing ever since he came here. But Rybka, he had a pretty good sense of bathroom humor, I think. The man simply adored Frank Zappa.

I look forward to seeing the new issue. I always love reading it, and you always do a great job. And now I shall stop procrastinating on the editing job staring at me. :D
I am not usually inspired by peeing, but once I wrote one about peeing in the woods. I have no idea what poem it is.

Here is my favorite bathroom poem:
Mall of America Bathroom

Maybe we could get Senna Jawa to start up a pee and poop anthology. Although Rybka (rest in peace) would be appalled with all the poopy stuff.

okay break over, gotta get that damn issue finished. I mean lovely issue.

I could deal with a pee and poop anthology. When you have kids, you hear the word poop a lot. "Momma is a poophead." "I pooped and the toilet won't flush." "I think the cat pooped on the porch." And on and on and on. Yeah, poop poetry.
I could deal with a pee and poop anthology. When you have kids, you hear the word poop a lot. "Momma is a poophead." "I pooped and the toilet won't flush." "I think the cat pooped on the porch." And on and on and on. Yeah, poop poetry.

My daughter is almost 17, and she's still calling her brother a poophead (among other choice descriptive terms). It never ends.
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