"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thankyou to Hmmnmm for giving me a mention in your review and to Tess, Eve and Bflagsst for your lovely comments
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And the pleasure is mine. A giver of new monikers and a masterpainting partner on the same day. All is well and life is good.
Hey, anyone know if Wildsweetone is still around? She used to do the reviews and give people a 3 and say that it wouldn't affect the scoring. hehe. I liked her poems, I hope she's still around.

Unsolved Mysteries Update: I looked at her submissions and she posted a couple of strong poems last november, so she probably is still around. I guess this counts as a review. Check out her "11/08 When the last one returns"
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Do you remember that when Senna first came here, he wrote a prose poem about monkeys in kindergarten smearing shit?
Angeline, you are unfair to and too harsh on monkeys! Check the text again :) :

It was a slur on the poetry he was reading here at the time (he can deny, but I wouldn't believe him lol), and it really pissed off a lot of poets.

I don't see any comments under this piece, so I assume that it is not controversial. (Does it qualify for the "social statement" anthology?)

Best regards,

Senna Jawa​
Thank you Lady, Darkmaas, and annaswirls for mentioning my poems, none of which would exist but for the Survivor challenges. Thank you, Anna for commenting also. :rose::rose::rose:
Would I could cast a sail on the water,
Where many a king has gone,
And many a king's daughter

Thanks for the mention, Angeline. Yeats is my George Michael Father Figure and Dylan Thomas is my mom(Under Milk Wood is very motherly.) I don't want to tell you what Dorothy Parker is to me, cuz I don't want to go to jail.
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Thanks, Ange for picking out my two feeble Survivor efforts in the reviews thread, and thanks to Annie and bflagsst for their comments,
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I really appreciate and am deeply moved by the praise of Hmmnmm and Bluebell for the Terzanelle (you are both beyond lovely). I think the final stanza might use a tweak, but I was happy with it too then thought, "nah. That's a field fulla corny right there." Your comments and one from some of the people I workshop with on Saturdays made me put the poem immediately into the "for further consideration" folder. The Terz thanks you. :rose::kiss::rose:
Thank you safe_bet (I PMed) :) for the mention of my stuff in Sunday's reviews and especially for saying such nice things about the ghazal .


Thank you, D'maas, for today's review of my stuff, much appreciated. Believe me, if the rules hadn't specified a clerihew be non-naughty (".....but it is hardy ever satirical, abusive, or obscene'") I wouldn't have written such a pristine one.

Thank you, D'maas, for today's review of my stuff, much appreciated. Believe me, if the rules hadn't specified a clerihew be non-naughty (".....but it is hardy ever satirical, abusive, or obscene'") I wouldn't have written such a pristine one.


Well in that case we expect a naughty clerihew. Perhaps you would enjoy joining the challenge to "bless" Hmmnmm with "happy twat" poems this Friday. We could call the result a clerihmmnmm.
dear darkm's,

Your missionary-like enthusiasm in seeking Twat poetry by/for Friday raises the bar of charitable community outreaches. Indeed, should there appear a passel of twat poems, especially happy twat poems, twat poems who light up rooms and thrill downtrodden hearts, this will be wonderful, wonderful for this community, wonderful for all our neighbors, and all neighbors in all parts of the earth.

However, one small detail: you said I said twat is my favo(u)rite word. That is not exactly true. It is a favorite word. Because it is an oft-neglected word? Maybe. A wallflower word. Always there, as we walk by, and one day someone points it out and... well we practically fall in love with it. But I love other words too. None are the absolute #1 favorite.

Oh, and I checked out the purple panties poem. Not bad. She used 'cooch'. That's another oft-neglected, wallflower word.


Twat is happier and almost cartoony. Twats frolic and rub against legs and purr. Cooch is bluesy. Cooch is sweaty. A little stinky, in a good way.

Hm. Cooch & Twat.

something should be done that brings the two together.
Thank you kindly Mr. bflagsst and those who commented here and/or voted on my cento. There's some real good poets here. :)
Thankyou to bflagsst for your comment on my very first audio I was amazed and over the moon that it posted first try
Thankyou Tz for including me in your preview and to Anna too for your comments .... you probably heard me squealing with delight right across the pond!
Was about to venture into New Poetry, but at the last minute an angelic presence appeared from the mists and was standing before me, virtually; heavenly hand stretched out, which I interpreted as a bid to halt my intent to complete the venture into New Poetry.

So I did so: did as I was bid by the being.

The being then performed a sort of blurry curve motion with its hand, until its holy index finger was pointed at its head, the temple specifically, and said, as it swiveled that finger so it pointed towards me, "think."

I began to think, thinking the being did not mean in a generality, so I inquired, "can you give me some general direction of where I should turn these thoughts towards, once their engines begin to warm up?"

The being then said, "recall, when you first appeared in this virtual place and you offered your first sample. Where on a continuum of acceptance or non-acceptance did the first response fall?"

"Wow, that was back in December 2004. Yeah I remember. Said they wasted their time. That I had absolutely zero reason to even begin to suppose that I should ever fancy myself as having anything worthy to present to anyone in written form. Those were not the precise words but it was the sentiment."

"So, the short answer would be, at the bottom."

"Yes. About as..."

"We're on the internet. A simple Yes of agreement will do."


"Recall now, less than a week ago: a member whom even the Great Zoot has openly declared to be among the most coolest souls in all of this virtual land of erotic literature, visited your Fireside threadcast. Correct?"


"And this, the extraordinarily cool soul came into that place for a reason. Correct?"

"Yes. To say something."

"Ah! And what did this member reveal?"

"That the last New Poems review went in like a scrumptious gooey brownie and proceeded to cause multiple braingasms. Something like that."

"Very good. Now, whereabouts on the continuum does that place you?"

"Hm. Wow, hadn't thought of that."

"Well try. Try to think, of that."

"Hm. Guess it would be at about the top."

"Very good. Now, if you proceed into the realm of New Poems and then continue to the Seat of Reviews, can you continue to go up or will you begin to enter decline?"


"And the New Poems. Since the New Poems Review is not about you but about the poems: will they receive equally braingasmic treatment, can they get it, at anytime henceforth?"

"Wow. I see your point. Probably not."

"So. Will the overall greater good be better served if you continued into the Realm of New Poems or if you offered a gracious thanks to the community for allowing you the opportunity to serve and so relinquish that Seat of Review to host a member with a fresher perspective?"

"See what you mean."

And then the angelic being disappeared.

So... really, sorry for this last-minute news. But it came at the last minute. I think now is a good time to back away for a bit. So, the Review seat is available.

It's been a fabulous hoot and that I was asked to perform this honorable duty, well, makes a strong man sniffle emotively for sure.
Thank you to Eve for including me in your review both my illustrateds finally made it (with a great deal of help from Lauren!)
It's been a fabulous hoot and that I was asked to perform this honorable duty, well, makes a strong man sniffle emotively for sure.

um, interesting read. Just a bit of straightforward clarification.

Does this mean you are not doing reviews today? or on any more Fridays?

Rats, I wish I had read this earlier. It is almost time for the gang to get home from school. If no one does it by nightfall when the angels are in bed, I will do it, especially as I too skipped this week. BUT if someone else wants to PLEASE PLEASE do.
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