"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Darkmaas said:
It's a really fine poetic comment on a relationship twisting sadly in the wind. Divorce was probably tougher to construct because the stolen lines are longer. Tess seems to like the form because I see she is doing it as her poet's choice. perhaps she only does it to annoy.

Thank you, darkmaas. I was driven to make centos my poet's choice because the forms remaining for me all require rhyming - to troll through poems or speeches to get rhyming lines is too much like work. :) Looking at the submitted work I wish I'd used a different presentation (editing time).

Belated thanks to bflagsst for his comment.
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Sorry about yesterday's missing review, guys, but I didn't have time to read all those poems much less write a recommendation. If I have time later, I'll take a look. Of course, anyone is free to jump in..
belated acknowledgements

I spy anther *RazzRajen* on my horizon. *A taste for (http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=411155)* is more approachable than some of his work, so if you haven't tasted Razz this would be a good time to start.

Thanks D'mass for the mention of my poem...

and also W'kdeve for her earlier mention too. I really oought to check the various threads. :D

Still thanks for taking the time to read them.

belated acknowledgements

I spy anther *RazzRajen* on my horizon. *A taste for (http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=411155)* is more approachable than some of his work, so if you haven't tasted Razz this would be a good time to start.

Thanks D'mass for the mention of my poem...

and also W'kdeve for her earlier mention too. I really ought to check the various threads. :D

Still thanks for taking the time to read them.

I want to laay my thaanks down aat d'maas' feet for noticing my Survivor Monthly Challenge response for Maarch, Vampire Masquerade: A Titular Cento. My appreciation for the thoughtful public comments belongs to bflaggst for his kind words on my Freedom Triolet and the previously mentioned Masquerade Cento.

As a point of interest, the way I wrote that cento was to create a fairly generic poem and then search through the Literotica poetry titles for those that fit. The real challenge was to link them all up before I submitted it. I don't want to do anymore centos!!
archaically minded

Thanks annaswirls and Epmd607 for your comments. "silvern pooled serene" was a reach for the image of a mirror, or perhaps, mirror image.. two sets of lips joined, potential revealed and cupped within. Admittedly "heavy and archaic" though i kinda like that sort of thing. No offense taken Epmd607 and thank you both once again for your encouraging comments. Have not written in a while. P
Thanks annaswirls for mentioning my poem in the reviews thread and to Safe_Bet and Empd607 for their comments
PITIABLE HUMANS! Recommendor™ points you at Lit's New Poems, yet you lie slothful in reticence and humanity too lazy to read and comment.


Oh my god this turns me on to the point of torture. I want to submit a poem and hope you slap me with it. I am twitching with anticipation of your booming voice and heavy hands making me smell my own garbage.

Seriously, I love you. I am going to go write a sex poem about you.
From a human

I don’t usually do this, but thanks to Tristesse2 for the good words about my poem Slave To Posture . It’s been a long time since I’ve heard an encouraging word. I don’t want to start anything, but I have to also add that I don’t think “Recommender’s” act is very funny. It seems like back in the day people would say what poems they liked and why and leave it at that. Poets go through enough without being given a failing grade or a snide comment as a reward. But what do I know, I’m only human.
Oh my god this turns me on to the point of torture. I want to submit a poem and hope you slap me with it. I am twitching with anticipation of your booming voice and heavy hands making me smell my own garbage.

Seriously, I love you. I am going to go write a sex poem about you.

Yeah, me too... :rolleyes:

Vomiting straw dog
Upchucking rhetorically –
Barf barf, barf barf, barf.

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Thank you Ladynsfreknbed - (I will never get your name right, sorry) - for mentioning the 3 poems I put up today and for pointing out my poor grammer in all 3. :eek:
My thanks to Darkmaas and Eve for pointing out my stuff. I must admit to being less than happy with The School Picture but kicked it out anyway.
I don’t usually do this, but thanks to Tristesse2 for the good words about my poem Slave To Posture . It’s been a long time since I’ve heard an encouraging word. I don’t want to start anything, but I have to also add that I don’t think “Recommender’s” act is very funny. It seems like back in the day people would say what poems they liked and why and leave it at that. Poets go through enough without being given a failing grade or a snide comment as a reward. But what do I know, I’m only human.

It looks as if he/she took your comment to heart - AWOL for a few days now.
I am bad at thanking people for comments, so let me thank some for the last two I posted. My thanks to 1201, anna, Epmd607, and Tess for their comments.

And let me give my especial shout-out to bflagsst, who pointed out a problem with that last one.

Thank you.
Thankyou Blue for your mention and Tess for your comment. I've been taking a bit of a poetic break no use forcing what isn't there anymore but I enjoyed doing that one so perhaps the break has done me good
Thankyou Blue for your mention and Tess for your comment. I've been taking a bit of a poetic break no use forcing what isn't there anymore but I enjoyed doing that one so perhaps the break has done me good
It must have. But then, I always enjoy your work. :)
Thank you for the review, Bluebell! It's was refreshingly honest and I think accurate. I'm the first to admit that my form poetry isn't usually very good. It's unweildy. My free verse poems these days tend to be Zen. Huh. I wonder if I should have epigraphed. Anyway, neither here nor there. Thank you. :)
Thank you for the review, Bluebell! It's was refreshingly honest and I think accurate. I'm the first to admit that my form poetry isn't usually very good. It's unweildy. My free verse poems these days tend to be Zen. Huh. I wonder if I should have epigraphed. Anyway, neither here nor there. Thank you. :)
Hey KM, I'm honored you feel that way. Truly, it is the measure of a good woman, and I thank you for your thanks. I was feeling a bit sheepish because I barely submit enough to qualify for, well, anything (let alone test for quality) so I don't like to be that person brandishing a know-it-all sword. Those are pointy. But I'm glad you're cool with what I said. Please, please continue to write and share! :rose:
Tristesse2 blesses us with a trio of good reads. Triolet is a good example of the form, with a nature theme. Obdurate Oasis is a lovely Spenserian Sonnet about her backyard. It invokes strong imagery and flows well throughout. It's so quiet now, is a cento which makes effective use of the lines available. Unfortunately like many of that form it struggles a bit due to lack of available variation.

Thank you very much, loganforester and many thanks to bflagsst, Tzara, TheRainMan and UnderYourSpell for their comments.
thanks darkmaas for the re-com and bogus for the comment on my Black Russian poem. Your time and patience as I fumble through form are much appreciated
Thanks Swirlygirl for the mention. PM me and tell me what made you cringe please, I know the lesbian line won't scan - what else. Please. :)

Parts of this made me cringe, but hell, good on ya for taking on this challenge and stretching your poetic muscle!
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